101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (2024)

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This post includes 100+ insanely cute good morning paragraphs for him to make your boyfriend smile : )

Good morning paragraphs for him to make him cry

  • “I hope you enjoyed your sleep and had a great dream or two, I cannot wait to hear all about it when we get the chance to chat again. It’s so good to see that smile on your face, I just want to spend my whole day making you happy and seeing it stay there for as long as possible.”
  • “Hey! It’s your girlfriend here who loves you madly, wishing for nothing more than to be with you after work today.”
  • “What a beautiful day it is out. Good morning baba! It looks like the sun is shining down on us just for you! I hope that this sunrise signifies something new in our lives, I know it’s going to be amazing and we will never look back again. Thank you for coming into my life and showing me what true joy feels like.”
  • “Yesterday was tough but know that no matter what happens, I’m here for you and will always be there to support you every step of the way. Have a good day!”
  • “Give me a call or text whenever needed ok? Don’t forget that we’re in this together :)”
  • “The sun is shining even though it’s too early in the morning lol simply because YOU’VE woken up! I hope you have a fantastic day today, I’m sure it will be great! Just know that I love you so so so much!”
  • “Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is your face. In my dreams, we’re together and in love. But when I wake up you’re not with me so let this good morning text be your reminder that no matter how far apart we are I love you with all my heart.”
101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (2)

Cute paragraphs for him to wake up to

  • “Let’s make today another great day together – no arguing or fighting or anything bad ok? Just a perfect day filled with laughs and snuggles :)”
  • “I hope you have a fantastic day today, I think about you on a daily basis. So this message is to let you know how much I love thinking about you. You’re a great person and worth more than anything in this world.”
  • “Good morning! Hope your day is full of sunshine and rainbows because that’s what you deserve.”
  • “Before getting out of bed this morning I was thinking about how blessed I am to have someone in my life who is so caring and kind- hearted like you 🙂 You deserve the world babe. The way you care for others is truly admirable.”
  • “Waking up this early in the morning is pure torture when all I want is to snuggle up with you in bed all day long. But of course we can’t have that haha. So instead let’s make the best of this day and make it as fun as we possibly can :)”
  • “Good morning, baby! I know you’ve been through a lot lately. But no matter what happens know that if you ever need me all you have to do is call or text me. You’re such an amazing boyfriend and I love everything about our relationship.”
  • “I hope you know that I appreciate all the hard work you’ve been putting in lately. It makes me feel good knowing that I’m not the only one who is trying to make our relationship as strong as possible. Good morning!”
101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (3)

Good morning paragraphs for your crush

  • “When I see you smile it makes me smile, and on days that I’m sad I can look at your picture and then everything feels better. You really changed my life for the better, and I can’t thank you enough.”
  • “I feel like we were put on this earth to make each other happy… if we work together we can make anything happen.”
  • “I’m shy and nervous talking to you, but our conversations always feel so natural and comfortable that I don’t even remember the fact that I was shy in the first place!”
  • “This might sound weird… but there’s something about your voice I really like. When I hear it, my heart feels warm and fuzzy. I’ve never had a connection like this with anyone before, and it’s something that I’m really grateful for.”
  • “Every day when you smile at me it makes my heart skip a beat. It makes me feel so special to be in your thoughts even if we’re just friends!”
  • “When we talk for hours I feel so comfortable and cozy, like you’re my best friend who knows me better than anybody else in the world. You’re a really special person to me, and it feels good just being able to talk to you about anything.”
  • “I never would have expected us to have such a strong connection! When we were talking the other day, I felt like you really understood me and what I was going through. It just feels so good to be able to trust someone with everything that’s inside my heart.”
  • “I didn’t use to believe in love at first sight, but now I think it actually exists because the moment I laid eyes on you my heart started beating so fast.”
101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (4)

More good morning paragraphs for him

  • “When I hang out with other people, I just feel so boring in comparison to you. You’re way more interesting than anybody else I know! It makes me feel happy that you chose to spend your time with me.”
  • “When I look at you it’s hard for me to think about anything besides how beautiful you are. There’s something about the way your eyes sparkle when you smile that makes my heart stop. You’re such a wonderful person and I’m so happy I got to meet you.”
  • “I never would have guessed that I could feel this way about somebody. It’s so crazy how much your happiness means to me! When you’re happy it makes my whole day better.”
  • “There are people who make mistakes and don’t think before they act… but then there are people like you, who always act with kindness and think about other people before themselves. You’re such a great person, and it makes me feel so special that you chose to spend your time with me.”
  • “I can’t even describe how I feel when we talk. It’s like the whole world stops for just us two. The way you look at me feels so magical whenever we’re talking, and it makes me feel like anything’s possible.”
  • “I can’t get enough of you… I think about you all the time and your best traits. They make me feel so lucky to have such a great person in my life. You should know that I appreciate everything you do for me!”
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Good morning paragraphs for him long distance

  • “It’s so difficult to be apart from you. But know that I’m always thinking about how much I love and miss you as soon as we’re not able to talk. Even though it’s hard, please know that I’ll be waiting. Hoping and dreaming of the day we can see each other again.”
  • “You mean the world to me and I want you to know that my love for you only grows stronger every day.”
  • “I’m trying to stay strong but it’s just so difficult sometimes when we’re not together. We’ve been through so much together, I know that our love can last through anything.”
  • “Hope you are doing well and that everything is okay. Please remember to stay strong even when it’s hard. Because I’ll always be waiting for the day we get to see each other again.”
  • “I miss you every second of every day. But it makes me happy knowing you’re working hard and I know you’ll achieve the amazing things that you’re destined for.”
  • “I’m so glad that we have been through everything together. It makes me feel at home when I think of our memories from the past.”
  • “It’s so hard to be apart from you but please remember that my love for you will never fade away. I can’t wait to see you again.”
  • “I hope that you are doing well and that everything is okay. Please remember that I will always be here even when it feels like I’m so far away.”
101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (6)

More cute messages for your long distance love

  • “Hey babe, I hope you had a great day. I was thinking about how we first met and we were so awkward around each other and now we can’t stop talking haha. I love you lots and miss you so much. It’s hard to not be able to just call or text whenever.”
  • “I’m keeping busy with work. I’m sorry if that means I’ve been too distracted to write as often as I want to. It’s just really hard when I can’t see your beautiful face or hear your voice! Time is going by way too fast and it makes me even more excited for when we’ll finally be back together again :)”
  • “I miss waking up next to you and seeing the way the sun shines on”
  • “Hey baby! I hope you’re doing great. Just wanted to tell you that I’m thinking about you and really excited for when we get to see each other again. I love you so much and am counting down the days until we can be together again. Sent from my heart and soul, your forever girl xxx”
  • “I miss everything about you: your voice, your touch, your hugs, everything. Can’t wait to see you again soon.”
  • “Beautiful boy, just wanted to send a quick text to say how much I miss seeing your face and hearing your laugh every day. Thinking of you always xx”
  • “I miss you so much! I can’t wait to see you again, have a wonderful day baby. Keep being as happy as you are right now, because that’s how I’ll always keep picturing you”
  • “Miss the sound of your voice, you kisses, your hugs, and I think about cuddling with you all the time.”
101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (7)

Good morning paragraphs for her

  • “Good morning to my best friend, lover, and partner in crime. I love you so freaking much it’s insane!”
  • “It’s Friday again! It feels like the week just flew by. I can’t wait to spend this weekend with you. We have so much planned- it’s going to be an awesome day!”
  • “There’s nothing better than cuddling up with you in bed after a good night of sleep. You are my favorite person in the world”
  • “I’m so grateful that you are in my life and I can’t wait for our next adventure together! Every day with you is perfect 🙂 I hope you slept well last night . I love you!”
  • “I woke up this morning with the biggest smile on my face because you are all mine. You are always right where I need you to be- next to me in bed. What else would make me happier than having you next to me? Nothing can compare to it and you make my heart melt. There is nothing better than waking up to your beautiful face.”
  • “You are the most amazing person I know and I am so blessed to have you as a part of my life . In this short amount of time, we have created such a special bond that only comes around once in a lifetime. I think we were destined to meet and fall in love. Good morning!”
  • “Hope you had a good night of sleep. I know I did because your body is pressed up against mine to keep me warm.”
  • “I miss you when you’re not around and can’t wait until we spend another day together. You are the best part of my day and I love you so much ! Good morning!”
101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (8)

More super sweet messages for her

  • “I can’t wait to see you this weekend. It’s been two days since we last saw each other and I miss you like crazy. I love the way you make me laugh and smile, I can’t get enough of you. You are so adorable and wonderful- I have no idea how I got so lucky!”
  • “You are my everything and I hope that we continue to grow stronger everyday. Good morning!”
  • “Waking up next to you is a dream come true. Every single day that I am with you is more special than the next.”
  • “I never thought that I would find someone like you, but here we are and I couldn’t be happier about it.”
  • “You mean everything to me and words can’t express how much joy you bring into my life.”
  • “Another day of our lives starts today. Every day I feel so lucky to be yours.”
  • “You are really something special and I know that our love will last through anything because it’s us against the world.
  • “The best part of waking up is seeing your face next to mine. I hope you have a wonderful day babe!”
  • “I’ll never understand how someone as amazing as you could fall for me. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and you make my life complete.”
  • “I hope that you know how much I love you, because it will never stop no matter what happens. Good morning!”
  • “I can’t wait to spend this day with you- I honestly can’t think of anything else better than doing nothing but spending time with you. You are my everything and I never want to let you go!”
101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (9)

Loving good morning paragraphs for him

  • “Your love is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wake up every morning looking forward to seeing your face and kissing you good morning.”
  • “You are my world, my everything. You make me so happy, even when I’m sad. Whenever I am with you, it’s like all of life’s problems melt away because for a little while at least, nothing can go wrong in our perfect little bubble of happiness together.”
  • “I want to do whatever it takes in order for us to be able to spend every day together until we’re old and gray because I don’t know what life would be without you by my side.”
  • “Every when I wake up next to you feels like Christmas morning… except better!”
  • “You’re so freaking hot it’s actually insane. You’re like a drug that I can’t resist, I just want more and more and more!”
  • “Every morning I wake up and think of you. You’re the first person on my mind when I open my eyes, even before coffee.”
  • “You make me smile more than anyone else ever has, and every day is better because of you.”
  • “I am so lucky to have met someone like you who makes me feel this way- happy, content, loved. And just for that alone it would be worth getting out of bed each morning to see your face again!”
  • “It’s been so nice spending time together again this week. It seems like we’ve been doing more talking than texting lately which is really nice because it makes us feel closer even when we’re not together in real life.”
  • “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me and without you my world would be so much less bright than what it is now!”
101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (10)

Freaky good morning paragraphs for him

  • “Hey, baby. How’s your day going? Just wanted to tell you that you’re hands down the hottest man on the planet.”
  • “I miss being with you, it’s been way too long and I’m not even sure why we’re apart. I was thinking about how amazing it is when we make love and about all of the other ways we enjoy each other.”
  • “You know I love hearing from you and what you want to do to me next time we meet.”
  • “I’m so turned on just thinking about you touching me.”
  • “I can’t stop thinking about how much fun we had last night.”
  • “Just woke up and already miss you. Come over and give me my morning kiss, and some other stuff too : )”
  • “I had a dream about you last night ; ) And it was absolutely amazing. I want us to recreate what we did in the dream later tonight.”
  • “Hey babe, just woke up, but still feeling sleepy. Come over here and wake me up the right way!”
  • “It’s 6 am and I’ve been awake for an hour just thinking about how much I want you in my bed tonight.”

What is a nice day paragraph for him?

  • “I love you. From the moment I first heard your name, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. You’re everything I never knew I wanted and more.” (one of my fav good morning paragraphs for him)
  • “At night, before I fall asleep, I think about how much you love me. You’re so understanding and patient with me, no matter what mood I’m in – which is often.”
  • “You always say just the right thing to make me feel better when I need it most.”
  • “You’re my best friend who cares about me every day and wants to be with me even when other things could keep us apart. When we first met, the only words that came out of my mouth were “I want you.” We’ve come so far together since then, but hearing those words can still make me blush.”
  • “I think about our future together. Honestly, I don’t want to be with anyone else but you for the rest of my life.”
  • “I’ll never ever let you go.”
  • “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and so much more than words can describe. How could I not love you? You’re perfect in every way possible – which is why I spend all day thinking about you.”
  • “I love you because you’re a man who knows what he wants, but isn’t afraid to let others take the wheel once in a while. You’re brilliant, but modest. So strong and brave, yet I’m constantly overjoyed by how deeply you care about me.”
  • “You’re the love of my life who gives me butterflies every time I see you. Every part of my body is filled with happiness when we are together – even if that means just cuddling on the couch watching a movie.”
  • “I can’t stop falling for you babe!”
101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (11)

How do you write good morning to your lover?

  • “I confess that every time I see you, all I can think about is our future together.”
  • “No matter what happens, I know that we’ll get through it because you’re the man who always makes everything better with just one smile.”
  • “You’re my forever love – my soulmate for life. You hold my hand when I’m sad and kiss away all of my tears. I am so blessed”
  • “No matter what happens in the future, always know that you have a place in my heart. No one can take your place there.”
  • “I love you. I adore you. There are not enough words in the world to describe how much I love you, but don’t worry – I’ll spend my whole life trying.”
  • “You’re the prince charming that every girl dreams about and more. So many days, I spend thinking that this was all a dream because it’s too good to be true – but it isn’t, and we get to spend each day together.” (another one of my fav good morning paragraphs for him)
  • “You know how to make me feel better when I need it most, and that’s something no one else can do for me.”
  • “I will never be able to explain how grateful I am for everything that you are. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me babe!”
  • “I love you because of your smile, the way you hold my hand, and because of how absolutely amazing you are. You’re my dream come true, and I will never be able to love anyone the way that I love you.”
  • “We have an unbreakable bond no one can break – not even us.”
  • “You taught me how to love and care about someone again, and for that I will be eternally grateful.”

What should I text my boyfriend in the morning paragraph?

Text him anything that’ll make him smile and his heart flutter!

It’s the morning. You woke up with a start, your phone near you in bed. It’s time to send that text message you promised him last night before he falls asleep. But what should it say?

What do guys like to hear when they wake up? Don’t worry! We have some good morning paragraphs for him that will get his attention and make him fall in love with you even more.

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101+ Insanely Cute Good Morning Paragraphs For Him - Just Jamila (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.