How To Make A Fraction On Ti-84 Plus Ce (2024)

Are you grappling with fractions on your TI-84 Plus CE calculator? Fret not, as I’m here to guide you through the process step by step. Dealing with fractions can be tricky, but with the right know-how, you’ll be breezing through them like a pro in no time. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Fractions on TI-84 Plus CE

First things first, let’s get familiar with how fractions work on your TI-84 Plus CE calculator. Unlike basic arithmetic operations, fractions require a slightly different approach. Your calculator is equipped to handle fractions effortlessly, but you need to know the right buttons to press.

Entering Fractions

To input a fraction into your TI-84 Plus CE, you’ll use the “Math” button followed by the “Fraction” template. This template allows you to input both the numerator and the denominator separately, just like you would write a fraction on paper. Once you’ve entered both parts, simply hit “Enter” to display the fraction on your screen.

Performing Operations

Now that you know how to input fractions, let’s talk about performing operations. Whether you’re adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing fractions, your TI-84 Plus CE has got you covered. Simply input the fractions using the method mentioned above, then use the appropriate arithmetic function (+, -, *, /) to perform the operation.

Converting Decimals to Fractions

Sometimes you might encounter decimals that you need to convert to fractions. Your TI-84 Plus CE can handle this effortlessly. Simply input the decimal number and then use the “Math” button followed by the “Frac” function to convert it to a fraction. It’s that simple!

Graphing Fractions

If you’re dealing with graphical representations of fractions, your TI-84 Plus CE can help with that too. Using the graphing capabilities of the calculator, you can plot fractions on a graph and visualize them easily. This feature comes in handy when dealing with complex fractions or when you need to see the relationship between different fractions graphically.

Tips and Tricks

  • Practice: Like any skill, mastering fractions on your TI-84 Plus CE requires practice. Spend some time experimenting with different fractions and operations to become more comfortable.
  • Use Parentheses: When entering complex fractions or equations involving fractions, make sure to use parentheses to avoid any confusion. This helps the calculator understand the order of operations correctly.
  • Explore Functions: Your TI-84 Plus CE comes packed with a variety of functions and features related to fractions. Take some time to explore the user manual or online resources to discover all the capabilities of your calculator.


Making fractions on your TI-84 Plus CE doesn’t have to be daunting. With the right knowledge and a bit of practice, you can become a fraction expert in no time. Remember to familiarize yourself with the various functions and capabilities of your calculator, and don’t hesitate to experiment and explore.


1. Can I perform mixed fraction operations on TI-84 Plus CE? Absolutely! Your calculator can handle mixed fractions with ease. Simply enter them using the appropriate format, and you’re good to go.

2. How do I input improper fractions on TI-84 Plus CE? Inputting improper fractions is just as easy as inputting regular fractions. Use the fraction template to enter both the numerator and denominator separately.

3. Can I graph fractions on TI-84 Plus CE? Yes, you can graph fractions using the graphing capabilities of your calculator. This feature comes in handy for visualizing fractions in a graphical format.

4. Is there a limit to the size of fractions TI-84 Plus CE can handle? While your calculator can handle a wide range of fractions, there may be limitations on the size of the numbers involved due to memory constraints. However, for most practical purposes, you shouldn’t encounter any issues.

5. Are there any shortcuts for performing fraction operations on TI-84 Plus CE? While there aren’t specific shortcuts per se, familiarizing yourself with the various functions and buttons related to fractions can help streamline the process and make operations faster.

How To Make A Fraction On Ti-84 Plus Ce (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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