IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (2024)

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (1)


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007






IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (2)

© 2009 Raphael Greenberg and Adi Keinan

Cover: Surveying in western Samaria, early 1970s (courtesy of Esti Yadin)

Layout: Dina Shalem

Production: Ostracon

Printed by Rahas Press, Bar-Lev Industrial Park, Israel

Distributed by Emek Shaveh (CPB), El‘azar Hamoda‘i 13, Jerusalem


ISBN 978-965-91468-0-2

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (3)




Introduction 3

Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3

Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7

Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8

Conclusion 10


A. Surveys 11

Survey Motivation and Design 12

Survey Method 12

Definition of Sites 13

Site Names 14

Dating 14

Survey Database Components 15

B. Excavations 18

Basic Data on Excavations 19

The Excavation Gazetteer 20

Excavated Site Types and Periods 21

C. GIS Linkage and Its Potential 22

Case No. 1: The Iron Age I Revisited 23

Case No. 2: Roman Neapolis 26

Case No. 3: An Inventory of Mosaic Floors 26

D. Database Limitations 28

Concluding Remarks 29

References (for Parts 1 and 2) 30






IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (4)

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (5)

The authors will be the first to concede that modern

political boundaries—the Green Line, the Separation

Wall and Barrier, or the municipal boundaries of

Jerusalem—have no archaeological significance.

Archaeology, at its best, is a challenge to commonly

held beliefs about borders and boundaries and offers a

vision of the myriad alternative ways that any landscape

can be lived in and made significant. It is, however,

an inescapable fact that the political division of the

Holy Land has created stark archaeological realities,

insofar as professional practice, administration, and

public impact are concerned.

The ongoing redrawing of boundaries in Israel/

Palestine since 1967 has had both a dividing

and a pooling effect. The existence of a military

administration in most parts of the West Bank has

severed the archaeology of this region from Israel and—

to a great extent—from the international archaeological

community. The linkage of archaeological practice

to the legal framework of military occupation has

made the conduct of archaeology in the West Bank

largely opaque; there is neither requirement for

disclosure nor any structure of accountability. While

practice ranges from the idealistic to the ideological,

the issues of legitimacy have rendered quantities

of archaeological information virtually invisible—

inaccessible to nearly all, bar those directly engaged

in its retrieval. In annexed East Jerusalem a different

reality obtains. Here, archaeological practice and

administration have seamlessly been joined to those

of Israel proper, creating a single unit comprised of

Jerusalem and points west. By the same token, the

archaeology of Jerusalem has been severed from

its immediate geographical context on the north,

east and south, and made inaccessible to many of

those living in and among the sites themselves. It has

been subsumed in a particular view of Jerusalem’s

significance in history.

This volume is therefore, first and foremost, an

attempt to fill a void. It is a first effort to create a

unified archaeological inventory of an area of vital

historical importance that is internationally defined as

occupied Palestinian territory. The attempt is perforce

schematic, limited by the availability of data, by the

shortcomings of the authors, and by the quality of the

original records. It is carried out within a particular

cultural, social and political context, but does not

attempt to evaluate the impact of that context on the

evidence presented (legal issues as well as questions

of research bias have been addressed by us in an

earlier publication). It does not and cannot provide

information on the current status of the sites, many

of which are threatened by or have succumbed to

military and domestic construction as well as illicit

excavation. We welcome all criticism, particularly

from those who would add new data to that compiled.

This study in no way absolves the relevant

authorities from a full disclosure of activities, finds,

and present status of sites. In fact, we would gladly

see this work become obsolete. It does provide a

preliminary handle on what is a vast, crucially

important inventory of thousands of years of human

history in the Levant.

The report is composed of several parts, of which

the first five are available in print and in digital media

and the sixth exists only in digital form: Part 1 includes

a brief review of the history and administrative/

legal framework of archaeological work in the

West Bank and East Jerusalem; Part 2 introduces

the database, beginning with the surveyed sites

(extent of surveys, field methodology and database

components), continuing with the excavated sites


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (6)


(database components and limitations), and ending

with a presentation, through selected case studies, of

the GIS platform linked to the database; Part 3 is the

Gazetteer of excavated sites, including distribution

maps; Part 4 is a bibliography, and Part 5 comprises

an alphabetical index of excavated sites. Part 6,

comprising the database files (excavations, surveys,

list of SOA licenses), is available in digital form only.

The database includes records of excavations and

surveys conducted to 2007; bibliographic references

were collated during 2008.


The research leading to this publication was initiated

at the behest of Lynn Swartz Dodd and Ran Boytner,

conveners of the Israeli-Palestinian Archaeology

Working Group, and was originally intended to

provide a factual foundation for the deliberations of

the group on the future of archaeology in the event

of a final status agreement. Documents relating to

the work of IPAWG can be found at: http://www.

We wish to acknowledge the following

organizations and individuals:

For their assistance in obtaining basic published

and archival information: Aryeh Rochman, Ruthy

Shem-Tov, Michal Shmuel, Gideon Avni, Jon

Seligman, Gideon Solimany and Yehuda Dagan of

the IAA; Yitzhak Magen and Yoav Zionit of the SOA.

For GIS layers and cartographic help: Hanita

Cinamon, Dan Rothem (S. Daniel Abraham Center,

Washington) and Adi Bin-Nun (Hebrew University).

For legal help: Raz Ben-Dor of the Freedom of

Information Movement.

The sponsors of our research, at various stages,

have been: the United States Institute for Peace

(USIP), the Center for Religious and Civic Culture

at USC, the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at

UCLA, the S. Daniel Abraham Centers for Middle

East Peace and Economic Cooperation (Washington

DC) and for International and Regional Studies (Tel

Aviv University), Andrea and Charles Bronfman

Philanthropies and private donors. Emek Shaveh

(CBP) supported the production and distribution of

this publication.

Parts of the manuscript were vetted by Raz Kletter

and Gideon Solimany; Zvi Gal and Dina Shalem

of Ostracon press gave it its final form. We also

thank the following for their personal support in this

long and arduous venture: the members of IPAWG

(Adel Yahya, Ghattas Sayej, Nazmi al-Ju'beh, David

Ilan, Moty Cristal, Lynn Dodd and Ran Boytner),

Raanan Rein, Sarit Paz, Mark Iserlis, Alina Getzel

and Yonathan Mizrachi. We hope we have lived up

to their expectations.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (7)


Throughout history, the country between the

Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea has been

repeatedly re-created through the inscription of

its inventory. Ancient Egyptian ‘execration texts’

defined the landscape of Egypt’s adversaries in the

early second millennium BCE, and the place-lists

of Egypt’s New Kingdom rulers defined the extent

of its imperial domination. Tribal allotments and

boundary-lists define the Biblical Promised Land and

pilgrim’s itineraries define the sacred geography of

the Christian Holy Land. In modern times, Palestine’s

(and, later, modern Israel’s) deep history has been

walked and written into existence by the surveyor-

archaeologists. This is a cultural project, no less than a

scientific (or, for that matter, political) one, and often

intensely personal. As such, its history, motivations,

and content are subjects worthy of academic study.

They are an indivisible component of the inventory

itself. We therefore begin this presentation with a brief

history and explication of the origins and nature of

the inventory, and of the editorial decisions made by

us in the process of offering it to the public.

Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank

The central highlands of the Holy Land and their

margins, encompassed by the modern political

boundaries of the West Bank and East Jerusalem,

have long attracted the interest and curiosity of

archaeologists and scholars. Starting in the late 19th

century and during the decades that followed, many

of the key pieces in the historical and archaeological

mosaic of the Holy Land began to be revealed here.

Jerusalem was, of course, the primary target for

nascent Biblical archaeologists, but by the end of

Ottoman rule, ground had been broken at the major

tells of Balatah (Shechem), Jericho, Samaria, and

Taanach. The PEF Survey of Western Palestine (Fig.

1) for its part, identified hundreds of ancient sites,

though their dating was by and large rudimentary

(Conder and Kitchener 1881-1883). Excavations of

tells and major sites continued during the decades of





Fig. 1. The PEF surveyors. After Conder 1878, frontispiece

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (8)


British and Jordanian rule, with sites such as Tell el-

Far‘ah, Tell Dothan, Tell en-Nasbeh, Tell el-Ful, el-Jib,

Beitin, Sebastiya, Herodium, Khirbet al-Mafjar and

Qumran joining the other major sites—all of which

were re-excavated as well. The sum total of identified

sites remained, however, not substantially different

from that of the beginning of the century, as field

surveys extending beyond the immediate environs

of the investigated mounds were relatively few and

often remained unpublished. The Schedule of Sites

compiled by the British Mandatory government,

containing close to a thousand locations in the

central highlands and its margins, was the operative

document for anyone who wanted to get an idea

of the archaeological inventory of the highlands

(Government of Palestine 1929; 1933; 1944).

The six-day war of June 1967 marked the

beginning of a process that was to revolutionize the

archaeological investigation of the central highland

regions, leading to the addition of thousands of

sites to its inventory, hundreds to the list of its

excavated places, and changing some of the central

paradigms of archaeological interpretation of its

history. Because of the transformational nature of

this post-1967 Israeli activity, it would be worthwhile

to cite a contemporary description of the both the

mood of leading Israeli archaeologists and of the

concrete decisions made at the time. In Israel, the

fields of archaeology and historical geography had

long been linked, and academics in both fields had

an intimate and mutual relationship with military

historians and with the IDF itself. In 1956-7, during

the brief conquest of the Sinai peninsula, limited

surveys and excavations were carried out with IDF

assistance by the pioneer of the archaeological survey

in Israel, Yohanan Aharoni, and others (Rothenberg

1958); this was to be a model for future work in Israel’s

battlegrounds. In 1967, archaeologists entered the

Palestine Archaeological Museum almost in tandem

with the troops. Immediately after the war, on the

15th of June 1967, the Archaeological Council was

convened: at the top of its agenda were the protection

of sites in the newly occupied areas and the fate of

the Museum, which had recently been nationalized

by Jordan (cf. Kletter 2006:174-192). The meeting

was described in detail in the first issue of Israel

Department of Antiquities Newsletter (Hadashot

Arkheologiyot) to be published after the war:


In These Times

It will take some time before this generation, which has been privileged to witness the expansion of Israel from the Golan Heights to the Sinai Desert, will be able to grasp the momentousness of the occasion and the scope of its complexity. This is not the place to analyze the events that will no doubt determine future patterns of the State of Israel. But even in our archaeological world changes have occurred and many problems have arisen.

The Archaeological Council, headed by Prof. Benjamin Mazar, convened in full strength on the 15th of June in the Department of Antiquities offices in Jerusalem, in order to discuss the pressing matters of the hour. The members of the Council emphasized the need to properly protect the new archaeological sites, including the museums and other cultural property. The Council decided to recommend to the government that the Department of Antiquities be empowered to take responsibility for the archaeological sites in the new territories in cooperation with the National Parks Authority. The Council also decided that the Rockefeller Museum be transferred to the care of the Department of Antiquities, as well as the other museums. The Council recommended that the Israel Museum be requested by the Department of Antiquities to prepare the Rockefeller Museum galleries for public access.

The members of the council also identified an urgent need for documentation of sites and museums in the new territories that would include registration, photography, mapping etc. Efforts are now being made to recruit means and personnel for this task. In the meantime, Department of Antiquities employees and many other colleagues have begun to devote a considerable part of their time to getting acquainted with the new territories....In the Rockefeller Museum, which served as a Jordanian Legion outpost, the building and some exhibits were damaged. Even before the cease-fire agreement the Department personnel took measures

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (9)


Indeed, shortly after the occupation of the West Bank

in 1967, the “Emergency Survey” of the West Bank

and the Golan (so called, in view of the impending

return, as it was thought, of the occupied territories

to Jordan and Syria) was put into motion. Within

a few months the surveyors were able to submit a

preliminary report, presented at a meeting in the

residence of the President of Israel:

This survey focused on sites already identified on

maps or in the Mandatory Schedule of Sites as

possible antiquities sites (the numbers noted in the

enthusiastic report cited above are rather inflated!).

It was to be followed by a long line of surveys, many

of which emerged from the crucible of Israeli survey

methodology at Tel Aviv University (see below).

These surveys, which dramatically transformed our

knowledge of the archaeological resources of the

West Bank, were initiated in 1978, after it became

clear that Israeli presence in the West Bank was not

a passing phase (as shown in Greenberg and Keinan

2007:23-25, this realization corresponded with political

changes in Israel and the invigoration of the settlement

policy in the West Bank). The surveys have recorded,

to date, a total of approximately 6000 sites—a 600%

increase in relation to the number of sites recorded

in 1967 (Fig. 2).

The directorate of the Archaeological Survey, whose members are Dr. A. Biran, Chairman, Prof. B. Mazar, Prof Y. Aharoni, Dr. M. Dothan and Mr. Z Yeivin (Secretary), entrusted the coordinating unit, based in Jerusalem, with the task of recruiting seven teams that would fan out through the countryside. ….About three thousand sites have been surveyed with lightning speed, 1000 of which were unknown. A new picture has been revealed that may change conventional ideas and raise problems that require study and resolution. Without the help of the army, the Border Guard, the police, the military governors, the volunteers and enthusiasts the survey teams could not have achieved what they achieved. But the secret of success lies in the human spirit. Without the enthusiasm, the dedication, the creative zeal of the surveyors, Stage I of the survey could not have been completed in the allotted time. Braving real physical danger, in most difficult conditions, the surveyors entered uncharted territory and have presented a new map for understanding the land and its history. Kudos to the surveyors on a job well done; we are fortunate to be able to enjoy the fruits of their labor.(HA 1968:1-2)


to secure the safety of the building and its treasures. The Department of Antiquities took over the building and all of its wings, and the exhibition galleries will be operated by the Israel Museum. Department curator L.Y. Rahmani is busy registering and examining the inventory of antiquities. Employees of the Department and of the Museum are industriously preparing the Rockefeller Museum to be opened for visits....The new territories added during the “six days’ war” require vigilance and action on the part of all parties who value the antiquities of the land. The registration and recording of these antiquities are our primary task. It is imperative that everything be done to prevent intentional or accidental destruction. The Archaeological Council calls upon the public to protect and preserve the sites. (HA 1967:1-4).

Fig. 2. All sites surveyed in the West Bank since 1967.

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (10)


In a separate development, the Israel Department of

Antiquities and Museums (IDAM)—in accordance

with Israel government policy of establishing a

civil infrastructure in occupied zones in the months

following the war—installed a Staff Officer for

Archaeology (SOA) in Judea and Samaria. The first

Staff Officers were employees of IDAM (then a part

of the Ministry of Education and Culture); thus,

while the salaries paid to the SOA and his staff were

(and to some extent, still are) paid by the Ministry of

Education, the budget of the SOA was underwritten by

the Military (later the Civil) Administration. The SOA

was nominally answerable to the military commander/

Head of Civil Administration, but apparently not

to the Department of Antiquities (later the Israel

Antiquities Authority [IAA]).1

In line with the “open bridges” policy designed

to promote maximal economic interaction between

West Bank Palestinians and the Kingdom of Jordan,

the 1966 Jordanian Antiquities Law was adopted

1 In 1990, the Israel Antiquities Authority was established as an autonomous entity, funded partly by the state, and partly through its own activities (inspection and excavation contracts, for the most part). The first Director of the IAA, Amir Drori, attempted to subject the SOA to the same regulations governing the work of the IAA, particularly those related to the licensing and publishing of excavations. At this time, the IAA initiated a stringent licensing policy, accompanied by the publication of complete lists of licensed excavation, including the license number, precise name and location of the site, the excavator, and the responsible institution. IAA informants state that the SOA resisted the attempt to reign him in, stating that he was neither budgeted by the IAA nor on its payroll, and that the Israel Antiquities Law does not apply in the occupied territories.

Three heads of the Civil Administration, Generals Gazit, Zedaka and Paz, have confirmed (in a conversation with one of the authors [RG]) that the SOA acted independently, in what they viewed as a highly professional capacity. With the SOA often in conflict with both the IDF and the Jewish settlers over damage inflicted to archaeological sites, the military commander did not consider himself in a position of authority over the SOA, and did not require any regular account of his activities. Protocols of the academic advisory board also reveal that only selected issues were brought to its attention, principally those related to the activities of external archaeological institutions (Israeli and foreign) in the West Bank. The upshot of all the above is that the SOA has become an autonomous, highly centralized unit answerable to no one. To the best of our knowledge, there does not exist—outside of the SOA computers—an account of the activities of the unit, even at the purely administrative level.


wholesale, with minor adjustments designed to invest

the SOA with the erstwhile powers of the Director

of the Jordanian Department of Antiquities. This

legal framework has remained largely intact, a new

antiquities decree of 1986 serving only to bolster the

independence and nearly absolute authority of the

SOA in all affairs archaeological (Greenberg and

Keinan 2007:16-18; Appendix II). At present, the

SOA is the sole arbiter on archaeological affairs in the

West Bank. His archaeological unit issues excavation

licenses, most of them to itself; it conducts and

oversees the excavations; it reports their results, and

it selectively publishes some of its excavations either

in its own in-house publication (Judea and Samaria

Publications) or in locally published periodicals, such

as ‘Atiqot, Hadashot Arkheologiyot, Qadmoniot, Judea

and Samaria Research Studies, The Frontier and the Desert

in the Land of Israel or Liber Annuus.

During the first decade of its existence the SOA

unit was concerned for the most part with salvage

work (conducted almost exclusively by Palestinian

employees of the SOA) and with the facilitation of the

work of overseas institutions at sites such as Balatah

and ‘Ai. Gradually, Israeli academics began to initiate

research-oriented excavations, often merging with

survey work. This trend reached its apex during the

second decade of occupation, from 1978-1987, when

funding for work in the West Bank became available

due to the promotion of Jewish settlement activity

by the Israel government. At this time, about 15%

of Israeli research-oriented excavations were being

conducted in the territories, and up to a third of Israel’s

Ph.D. candidates were engaged in research based on

material from the occupied territories (Greenberg and

Keinan 2007:26). This impacted the work of the SOA

as well, who began to support research initiatives and

to take such initiatives of his own.

The involvement of Israeli academics in West Bank

archaeology was severely curtailed, however, in 1987,

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (11)


when the outbreak of the first intifada made fieldwork

a dangerous proposition. The signing of the Oslo

accords in 1993 introduced a new phase of activity:

Because the Oslo accords, as negotiated in bilateral

interim agreements, called for “[the transfer of] powers

and responsibilities in the sphere of archaeology

in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip… from the

military government and its Civil Administration

to the Palestinian side” (The Israeli-Palestinian

Interim Agreement on the West Bank and The Gaza

Strip, Annex III, Protocol Concerning Civil Affairs,

Appendix I, Article 2;

intanx3.htm), a sense of urgency arose regarding

areas scheduled for withdrawal. The most visible of

these pre-implementation activities was “Operation

Scroll”, an SOA-IAA collaborative effort conducted

in late 1993-early 1994 in order to pre-empt possible

looting (according to the initiators) or retrieval by

Palestinian archaeologists (according to critics) of

epigraphic material from Judean Desert caves in

the area of Jericho and the northern Dead Sea shore

(Wexler 2002).

After implementation, when parts of the West Bank

were transferred to the authority of the Palestinian

National Authority and its Department of Antiquities

(the PDA), pressure on the archaeological sites within

areas still controlled by the SOA did not abate. This

was caused, on the one hand, by the closure policy

that led to increasing economic hardship in the West

Bank and the concomitant rise of subsistence looting

(Yahya 2008). On the other hand, the construction of

the Separation Barrier in the first decade of the new

millennium threw dozens of archaeological sites in

the way of destructive development, necessitating

dozens of new salvage excavations. In April 2008, at

the 34th Archaeological Congress in Jerusalem, the

SOA characterized the members of his unit as the

“last archaeologists” in the West Bank, signifying

that—in his perception—few antiquities of significance

would survive the disorder that would reign after

the dissolution of the unit (presumably, in the event

of Israeli withdrawal and the establishment of a

Palestinian state), and that there was no significant

Palestinian professional infrastructure that could take

over the SOA’s responsibilities.

As can be seen in the accompanying chart (Fig.

3), the SOA has remained very active in the last

decade of recorded work, carrying out more than

270 excavations at 190 sites. The total number of SOA

licenses for excavation and survey issued between

1967 and 2007 was 1148, of which at least 820 were

carried out by the unit.

Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West


A few words may be in order regarding archaeology

in the Palestinian National Authority, although

work carried out by its Department of Antiquities

is outside the purview of this report. In a review of

the emergence of a Palestinian school of archaeology,

Ziadeh-Seely (2007) describes the ideological and

institutional background to the creation (and

subsequent temporary demise) of the Institute of

Archaeology at Birzeit University, emphasizing the

attempt to create a multi-cultural approach to the past.

Al-Houdalieh (2009) has recently complemented this

description with a thorough assessment of the present

state of archaeological studies in the occupied West

Bank. These publications establish the existence of

an independent Palestinian approach to archaeology,

initiated in the late 1970s and surviving, if not thriving,

at the present. Palestinian academic institutions have

excavated at several sites and carried out regional


The existence of a professional infrastructure

allowed the creation of a Palestinian Department of

Antiquities and Cultural Heritage in the Ministry of

Tourism and Antiquities following the Oslo accords.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (12)


From its inception, the work of this organization

was hampered by the territorial fragmentation of

the PNA and by the retention of Israeli oversight of

archaeological sites situated within areas of Palestinian

habitation. The department has nonetheless carried

out, among its other activities, a series of collaborations

with overseas institutions at sites such as Jericho, Kh.

al-Mafjar, and Kh. Bal‘ameh in the West Bank, and

Tel el-Ajjul, Tell es-Sakkan and Gaza in the Gaza

Strip. Alongside the PDA, several non-governmental

organizations have taken on projects in the realm of

cultural heritage management and conservation (see

esp. Riwaq 2006).

The widespread violence during the first half of the

present decade and the accompanying military closures,

roadblocks and construction of the Separation Barrier

and Wall posed a formidable challenge to all of the

heritage organizations, governmental and otherwise,

working in the West Bank. Unlicensed construction

and subsistence looting became widespread while

the power of the central authorities was consistently

undermined (Yahya 2008). It has become increasingly

clear that the best hope for antiquities lies in the

establishment of a stable government able to take

responsibility of the archaeological inventory as a

whole. This hope is thus inextricably linked to the

resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in some

kind of long-term or final status agreement.

Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem

The 70 sq km of greater East Jerusalem, as defined by

Israel, include some of the densest concentrations of

archaeological sites anywhere. The area was annexed

by Israel immediately following the 1967 war and the

administration of its archaeology placed under the

jurisdiction of IDAM (now the IAA). The concept of

East and West Jerusalem as a single “united” entity

was further strengthened by Knesset legislation of 1980

and 2001 (

eng/basic10_eng.htm). Large-scale archaeological

excavations were initiated in 1968 in the area adjacent

to the Temple Mount (1968-1978) and in the Jewish

Fig. 3. The relation between Staff Officer and other excavations in five-year increments between 1968 and 2007.

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (13)


Quarter (1969-1982), and before long many locations

in and around the Old City were being excavated,

mostly in conjunction with rapid changes effected

by the unification of Jerusalem and short-term

adjustments of its infrastructure. Beginning in the

1970s, extensive Jewish neighborhoods began to be

built in previously unoccupied tracts located in the

no-man’s land of the 1949 armistice lines and just

over the old border (e.g., Ramat Eshkol and French

Hill in the 1970s, Giloh, Neve Yaacov, East Talpiyot

and Ramot in the 1970s-80s, and Pisgat Zeev and

Har Homa in the 1990s). The construction required

massive salvage work, revealing scores of settlement

sites and thousands of tombs, the majority belonging

to the Roman era necropolis of Jerusalem. The last

major research excavation in East Jerusalem was the

City of David Project (1978-1985), conducted on the

southeast ridge of ancient Jerusalem, below the Temple

Mount. Since that time, nearly all work conducted

in the city, including in its historic center, has been

related either to construction and infrastructure

development in both Jewish and Arab neighborhoods,

or to tourist development in the Old City and its

environs, in a large measure initiated by religious

and nationalist non-governmental organizations

(Greenberg, forthcoming). As can be seen in Fig.

4, recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the

number of salvage excavations initiated in Jerusalem;

many of these excavations – and especially the largest

of them (e.g., in the “City of David” and the Western

Wall area) – are, in fact the product of political and

religious initiative (Greenberg 2009; forthcoming).

In contrast to the work of the SOA, the extent of

IDAM, IAA and academic activity in East Jerusalem

is fully recorded and accessible. However, because

of the redrawing of Jerusalem’s boundaries, no

distinction is made between work conducted east or

west of the Green Line. While this may not be an

issue to Israelis, it is an issue for the international

community, which has not recognized the annexation

of East Jerusalem (UN Security Council Resolution


Fig. 4. The relation between Israel Antiquities Authority and other excavations in five-year increments between 1968 and 2007.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (14)


scres80.htm). Our task in this publication has been,

therefore, to reinstate the old division, and reunite

greater East Jerusalem with the West Bank, in order

to create a single inventory of the contested area. In

this manner, about 600 excavations at 335 sites have

been added to the SOA excavations in the Gazetteer

presented below.


To sum up this historical review, while the bulk of

archaeological work in the West Bank and Jerusalem

has been carried out by “the Israelis”, it is very diverse

in its motivations, methods, priorities, legal frameworks

and presentation. Its administrative division and its

linkage—in the SOA aspect—to the often arcane

workings of the military administration make access

to basic information a difficult, if not impossible, task.

Indeed, the initial impetus for the creation of this

database was the need to provide a point of departure

for a discussion of the future of West Bank antiquities

within the framework of a two-state solution. What

at first seemed to be a technical issue—the creation

of a simple map of antiquities sites, soon proved to

be a complex research task, involving the collation of

hundreds of published descriptions, the re-instatement

of the Green Line on data sources that had ‘forgotten’

it, the mining of data stored in unlikely formats in the

IAA digital records, and the obtaining of unpublished

basic information—sometimes by recourse to legal

action—from the SOA. All of this was required in

order to establish a baseline for the discussion of the

future by representatives of the Israeli and Palestinian

archaeological community. As agreed by all parties,

the future of a unified archaeology for the Holy Land

must begin with a clear division of responsibilities

between legitimate authorities. This database is a step

towards an accurate description and characterization

of the Israeli archaeological project in the contested

territories, a source of information on the cultural

inventory of the Central Highlands, and a contribution

to the ongoing project of recording and mapping the

deep history of the Near East.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (15)

A. Surveys

As noted in the introduction, the implementation

of extensive field surveys has revolutionized the

quality and sheer quantity of information on the

archaeological inventory of the West Bank. The survey

database included in this report contains information

on nearly 6000 locations covered in these surveys (as

will be explained below, many of these locations are

not “sites” in the usual sense).2 While published “full

coverage” surveys (see below) cover over 70% of the

region, the Staff Officer has noted (in a conversation

with the authors) that the entire area of the West Bank

(with the possible exception of extensive army firing

zones in the Judean Desert, southeast of Hebron)

has, in fact, been covered. Published surveys (Fig.

5) include the Emergency Survey (Kochavi 1972),

Zertal’s survey of the Manassite hill-country, 1978-98

(Zertal 1992, 1996, 2005; Zertal and Mirkam 2000);

Finkelstein and others’ Land of Ephraim survey, 1980-

87 (Finkelstein, Lederman and Bunimovitz 1997),

Ofer’s Survey of Judah, 1982-88 (Ofer 1993), and

Dagan’s survey of the Shephelah (Dagan 2000), which

only slightly impinged on the southwest part of the

region in question. These topical surveys, all of which

served as foundations for PhD research at Tel Aviv

University and for interpretive studies of Bronze and

Iron Age settlement, were complemented by arbitrary

100 sq km “map” surveys, based on the Archaeological

Survey of Israel system, carried out either by Hebrew

2 In principle, all the survey data is either published in the sources enumerated in our bibliography, or extant in publicly accessible archives. One unpublished source is Dagan’s survey of several maps located west of Hebron, which included many sites previously visited by Kochavi and by Ofer. Dagan’s survey, graciously provided by its author, is referred to as Dagan n.d.

University researchers or by employees of the Staff

Officer for Archaeology. These include the “Land of

Benjamin” maps, studied by various SOA surveyors

in 1982-1986 (Finkelstein and Magen 1993), the maps

of Herodium (surveyed 1981-1982; Hirschfeld 1985)

and Deir Mar Saba (surveyed 1981-1982; Patrich

1994), as well as maps belonging in a large part to

Israel proper, but which cover small areas of the

West Bank: Amazia (east) (Dagan 2006a, b), Nes

Harim (Weiss, Zissu and Solimany 2004), Rosh Ha-

'Ayin (Kochavi and Beit-Arieh 1994), Lod (Gophna



Fig. 5. Coverage and progress of published surveys, with indication of institutional auspices (TAU = Tel Aviv University; HAI = Haifa University; HUJ = Hebrew University, Jerusalem; SOA = Staff Officer for Archaeology; IAA = Israel Antiquities Authority).

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (16)


and Beit-Arieh 1997) and Ma'anit (Ne'eman 1990).

Other West Bank maps have seen only preliminary

publication: Wadi Qelt (Sion 1994), Qalya (Sion 1997),

el-Maghar (Spanier 1995), Bidya (Eitam 1981) and

Talpiyot (Hirschfeld 1984; this map partly overlaps

with Kloner’s Jerusalem survey – see below). Finally,

there are some detailed descriptions of problem-

oriented surveys, such as farmsteads in Samaria

(Dar 1986), Byzantine settlement in Samaria (Sion

2001), Roman roads (Fischer, Isaac and Roll 1996),

Jewish settlement in the Hebron hills (Amit 2003)

or “Operation Scroll” (Wexler 2002), and scattered

references to others (e.g., Hirschfeld 1979; Hovers and

Bar-Yosef 1987; Barouch 1997; Batz 2008).

In greater East Jerusalem a monumental survey

sponsored by IDAM and begun by Kloner in 1981

recorded nearly a thousand sites, many of which

have since succumbed to the massive development

projects (Kloner 2000-2003).

Survey Motivation and Design

Few surveys have been designated as exercises in

pure data-retrieval, and only some approach this ideal

type. The Emergency Survey of 1968, the survey of

Jerusalem, as well as most of the surveys sponsored

by the Staff Officer, state as their aim the recording

of maximal data on sites (in areas of “historical

importance”; Finkelstein and Magen 1993:5*) in

advance of encroaching development and looting.

Other surveys, especially the series that runs along

the spine of the central hills, were sponsored by the

Institute of Archaeology at Tel Aviv University with

the express intent of providing spatial data on Bronze

and Iron Age settlement in the hill-country (Zertal

1992, 1996, 2005; Ofer 1993; Finkelstein, Lederman

and Bunimovitz 1997). The biblical framework

of this effort is clearly implied by the geographic

designations: Mannaseh, Ephraim (the original name

of the Southern Samaria survey; Finkelstein 1993a:1),

Benjamin, and Judah. In practice, however, these

surveys were inclusive, recording sites that lay outside

the immediate interest (and often, the expertise) of

the surveyors. A hybrid type of survey motivation

is evidenced in several “map” surveys: these were

ostensibly arbitrary data-collection surveys, but their

location was closely related to their authors’ interest

in materials specific to the region. Thus, for example,

Hirschfeld’s (1985) map of Herodium overlaps to a

great extent with the Byzantine monastic phenomena

that formed the topic of his Ph.D. research (Hirschfeld

1987). Lastly, we should point out that very few surveys

were initiated and conducted by archaeologists with

a proficiency in lithics (exceptions being Gopher

1985; Hovers and Bar-Yosef 1987; Barkai, Gopher,

and Friedmann 1997; Winter 2005). Indeed, several

surveyors noted the dearth of prehistoric sites as an

a priori weakness of their data set (e.g., Finkelstein

and Magen 1993). The same may be said of the latest

periods—late Medieval and Ottoman—as well, for

which only the Southern Samaria survey was equipped

to provide specialist analysis (J.C. Finkelstein 1997).

Survey Method

Israeli archaeology has by and large steered clear

of the lively debate over survey methodology that

characterizes Mediterranean fieldwork in recent

decades (e.g., Ammerman 1995; Davis and Sutton

1995; Given 1999; Van de Velde 2001; Bintliff et al.

2002; Caraher 2006). Only a few of the West Bank

surveys have detailed methodological introductions;

the rest manifest—and usually clearly state—their

allegiance to the “Archaeological Survey of Israel

[ASI] method”. Put simply, this method entails

pedestrian survey, usually in teams of 2–7 persons

spaced 50–200 m apart. The teams scour ridges,

hilltops, slopes, caves and springs, with wadi-beds

and especially rocky or overgrown terrain often

receiving only cursory study (e.g., Finkelstein and


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (17)


Magen 1993:17). Sites are defined by architectural

and artifactual parameters (see Site Definition, below).

Structural remains are plotted, a central grid-point

is usually established (all surveys use the Old Israel

Grid, sometimes adding UTM or New Israel Grid

references as well; also, most published surveys predate

the use of GPS), and size is estimated intuitively,

or on the basis of step-counts. Once defined, sites

are combed for diagnostic pottery, which is usually

kept for further typological study, quantification etc.

In most cases, surveyors note that they returned to

sites that were deemed important in order to enlarge

the artifact sample. An important element noted in

nearly all the surveys is the reliance on earlier work:

previous surveys (beginning with the PEF survey of the

1870s and 1880s) and excavations are acknowledged

and used as an aid in control of the new results (e.g.,

through comparison of artifact assemblages). Most

surveyors place considerable stress on acquaintance

with environmental data: geology and geomorphology,

hydrology, vegetation and climate.

The ASI method is generally termed “intensive” or

“full” by the surveyors. Only Finkelstein (Finkelstein,

Lederman and Bunimovitz 1997:12) states explicitly

that the “full” ASI survey is not the same as the “full

coverage” or “siteless” survey espoused by several

Mediterranean specialists (Given 1999; Caraher 2006).

Indeed, only the survey of Jerusalem includes data

(although not systematically collected) on off-site

agricultural terraces, whereas field-installations in

most surveys are, at best, attached to the nearest site

or mentioned in passing. Two of the surveys—the

Emergency Survey of 1968 and Operation Scroll—

expressly state that they are not “full” surveys: the

former was intended to cover only known sites and

places indicated on maps, the latter to study only caves.

For the purposes of this study, therefore, “full

coverage” refers to the ASI method and “partial

coverage” to site-oriented surveys.

Full Partial coverage coverage

Northern Samaria 90% 10%Southern Samaria 70% 30%

Benjamin (Finkelstein) 92% 8%

Benjamin (Goldfus) 100%

Benjamin (others) not recorded

Operation Scroll 100%

Mar Saba 100% (?)

Herodium 100%

Judah 33% 66%

Amazia 100%

Jerusalem 100% in non-urbanized


Definition of Sites

The ASI method recognizes only “sites”. These

may range from lithic or ceramic scatters to extant

monuments and even old village cores. Significantly,

most surveyors do not observe the 1700 CE legal cutoff

date for “antiquities”, so that almost any feature that

is not obviously modern may be recorded. Some

surveys list a set of site-types: the northern Samaria

survey notes 19 site-types (Zertal 1992:24), many of

them interpretive, e.g., the type designated as ‘fort:

a site used as a permanent defensive installation’, or

‘farm: site used for permanent residence of a family

of farmers, including appropriate installations’ (Zertal

1992:24); the southern Samaria survey notes 17 site-

types, sometimes of a more descriptive nature, e.g.,

‘unclassified single building’ (Finkelstein, Lederman

and Bunimovitz 1997:16). Despite the various

designations favored by different surveyors, all sites

have the same value on the survey maps; i.e., the maps

are not weighted in any way (for example, major vs.

minor sites; fortresses vs. farms, etc.). In multi-period

sites, the specific extent and type of site cannot be

established for each period, except in rare cases. Thus,

the information on the periods and on the structure


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (18)


and extent of the sites is not correlated. ASI-type

maps represent therefore only a very preliminary

form of spatial analysis.

Isolated structures, caves, and agricultural/

industrial installations are a vexed issue: some

surveyors list them as independent sites, others attach

them to the nearest major site, many use both of these

options, and still others list them separately, outside the

main site-list (such lists, e.g. those in Finkelstein and

Magen 1993, have not been incorporated in the surveys

database). The Jerusalem survey notes 28 different

types of ‘elements’, most of which are attached to

the ‘main’ site description (Kloner 2003:16*-18*).

The outcome of the different survey methods

(sometimes within the same survey!) and different

ways of defining sites is perhaps nowhere more evident

than in the southwestern Judea survey areas, where

stark differences appear in the density of “sites” in

adjacent “maps” studied by Ofer on the one hand, and

Dagan, on the other (Fig. 6; see Database Limitations).

Site Names

For the most part, PEF and British Mandate maps

were consulted by the surveyors in the ascription of

names to sites (the names on the two sets of maps

do not always match, and the use of one source or

the other by surveyors is not systematic). Exceptions

to this rule include the Land of Judah and northern

Samaria surveys, where names supplied by local

Palestinian informants were preferred over map names,

and the Jerusalem survey, where post-1967 Israeli

maps and Hebrew names were the default value,

with older (usually Arabic) names noted as well.

Where no names exist, the Land of Judah survey

used either locally-supplied names or the name of the

nearest major site; most other surveys left such sites

unnamed. Occasionally, sites are noted according

to triangulation values or spot-heights. A further

complication is the use of un-pointed Hebrew place

names in some publications.

The divergent value ascribed by different surveyors

to the sources used to name sites illustrates one of

the potentially most problematic aspects of the

database. In our work, primary value is given to

the grid reference (not that this datum is universally

accurate!); site names must always be taken with a

grain of salt.


Most of the surveyors—or, to be precise, most of those

motivated to study the biblical settlement context of

the central hills—exhibit considerable sensitivity to

issues of chronological attribution and these occupy a

significant proportion of their explicit methodology.

Published surveys provide either combined typologies

or unsystematic samples of diagnostics from the more

“important” sites.

Differences emerge between the surveys with

respect to the quantification of the ceramics and

the size of the sample deemed appropriate. Large or

complex sites were usually subject to several visits by

the survey teams. Ultimately, however, the different

teams rely on the obtaining of diagnostic ceramics Fig. 6. Different site densities in south-western Judea.

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (19)


as the main—often the only—means for dating sites,

especially of pre-classical age. Ofer (1993:154-159)

presents at length a methodology for teasing out the

relative extent of sites with multi-period occupation.

Finkelstein is skeptical of Ofer’s system, and also

points out that reexamination of the 1968 Emergency

Survey collections revealed discrepancies with

the published results (Finkelstein, Lederman and

Bunimovitz 1997:19, 21). The problems associated

with both the accuracy of the published data-sets

and the ceramic proficiency of the archaeologists

concerned are underlined in the exchange between

Finkelstein and Mazar over the “Bull Site” in northern

Samaria (Finkelstein 1998; Mazar 1999). Short of

reexamining all the survey artifact boxes, there is no

simple remedy for such uncertainties.

The excavation of sites as part of the survey or

subsequent to the survey is often used to confirm

chronological attributions made during the survey;

that is, the results of excavations in a small sample

of sites of a certain character are extrapolated to

support the dates assigned to the group as a whole.

Studying such excavation reports (e.g., Zertal 1986-

87 [Mt Ebal]; Finkelstein 1993b [Shiloh]; Ofer 1993

[Hebron]) can help understand the ceramic dating

criteria used by the respective surveyors.

Lastly, the issue of terminology needs to be

disposed of: Most surveys adhere to the standard

Israeli chronologies, as outlined in the Encyclopedia of

Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Avi-Yonah

1975-1978). Where diagnostics are rare, very broad

divisions are employed, such as Early Bronze Age, or

Roman-Byzantine. The latter type of designation is

also used for ‘transitional’ types, i.e., types that show

continuity between two periods. Some researchers

have used their own chronological divisions for some

periods, such as Iron Age IId, or Roman 3. In our

transcription of the data, we have tried to collate the

terminology under easily recognizable terms (see

below). Clearly, however, there is a great deal of

variation in precision and choice of terminology

between and even within surveys.

Note on the Inclusion of Excavated Sites in Survey Maps

We have noted above that excavation of sites both small

and large by the survey teams was often considered

as a methodological complement to the survey itself.

Also, surveyors usually carefully recorded earlier work

on sites within the survey area. There are, however,

several cases in which excavated sites did not receive

specific mention in the published survey maps. These

include the following:

1. Sites discovered during development and

construction that postdated the survey;

2. Sub-sites or special structures within larger sites;

3. Sites from areas not covered in surveys or not

visited by the surveyors;

4. Errors in name compounded with variations

in grid references: these preclude the certain

identification of the excavation with a surveyed


5. Prehistoric sites in general;

6. Excavated sites for which there is no grid reference.

We have remedied these problems to a great extent;

nonetheless, there remain a number of sites, known

only by name, in which excavations have been recorded

but which could not be matched with a site in the

survey database.

Survey Database Components

Aside from a limited number of sites in Judea, the

data has been compiled from completely or partially

published surveys, as enumerated above. Since

the Emergency Survey of 1968 overlaps with all

subsequent surveys, the material from that survey

was entered in tandem with each of the regional

surveys, in order both to corroborate information

and to avoid double entries.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (20)


The survey spreadsheet includes the following

fields: grid reference, site name, other names, survey

site-number, survey reference, main periods, additional

periods, site components, comments, excavated (yes/

no), IAA site no., excavator, institution, license no.,

bibliography. Details on these fields follow:

Grid Reference. All published surveys to date use the

Old Israel Grid for site location, and we have chosen

to maintain this reference as a common denominator,

although newer surveys add the UTM and New Israel

Grid references. References range from 6 to 12 digits,

and usually denote a central point in the site. We

have used 12 digits in order to minimize any loss of

information. Where grid references indicate a range

(especially for extensive sites such as aqueducts), a

central point is indicated and the range is mentioned in

the Comments. Where there are discrepancies between

publications of the same site, we either corroborated

the reference through additional sources or used

the more detailed reference. If the discrepancy is

marked or if an error is suspected, this is noted in

the Comments.

Site Name. Site names noted in surveys or obtained

from other sources are entered in this field. Where

there is more than one name, only the first is entered

in this field. Where there is no name, the field remains

empty. Names are often repeated in the surveys and in

the database; this occurs when sites take the names of

an adjacent geographical feature (e.g., Nahal Gillo),

or when sites are divided into independent features,

each with its own grid reference (e.g., Kh. Rabud).

Also, different sites at distant locations may have the

same name, especially when it is of a vague nature

(such as el-Qasr, or Kh. ed-Deir). Many surveys use

descriptive or technical terms as names (e.g., Cave,

Spot Height 614). In each case, the published term

is reproduced in the database.

Other Names. This field is used often. Care has been

taken to include additional names or variant spellings

(including incorrect ones used in published sources)

in order to allow for a wide range of search options.

Where special characters occur in the site name,

these are noted in this field in the following manner:

Bethlehem (site name), Bet Lehem (other name; h

denotes special character for ‘het’). If further names

are mentioned in other surveys, excavation reports,

or any other source, they are noted here. Also, new

Hebrew names are entered in this field, as well as

variant spellings. Thus, Zakariya (Site name) has

the following ‘other names’: Sakariyye; Sakariya;

Sikariya; H. Bet Zekhariya; Rosh Zurim.

Survey Site Number. The ASI uses a system that

counts site per square km: each site (e.g., grid ref.

176400/133800) receives a prefix denoting the map

square, e.g., 17-13, the grid reference for the 1 km

square within the map, e.g., 63 , and then a serial

number, e.g., 1 (the entire no. is thus 17-13/63/1).

Obviously, different surveys of the same territory

will generate different site numbers, and these are

duly noted in the database. At publication, sites are

generally designated with an arbitrary ordinal number

as well. Special surveys have their own numeration;

for example, Operation Scroll divided the survey

region into 15 units (marked I – XV), to which the

cave no. was appended. Thus, the Cave of the Crosses

is numbered VIII/2.

Survey Reference. This denotes the survey publication/s

and published site no., from which the information

was retrieved. If the published survey incorporates

earlier surveys (post-1967) or if the information is

retrieved from a very preliminary or unpublished

survey, this is indicated in the Comments.

Major Periods, Other Periods. These fields denote the

periods represented at the site according to the survey.

Division into “major” and “other” periods was based

on the following:

• textual reference (e.g., “An Iron Age mound

existed at the site, with limited reoccupation in


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (21)


the Ottoman period”)

• pottery frequencies cited in the survey

• where a single artifact was assigned to a period

lacking ceramic representation, that period is

entered as “other”.

Where we were unable to distinguish between the

relative representation of different periods, all were

entered as major periods.

Occasionally there are discrepancies between

the dates assigned in different surveys of the same

site. In such cases, all periods are entered. In case

of doubt, the period is bracketed or marked with a

query. Transitional periods are marked with a hyphen

(e.g., Rom-Byz); where consecutive periods could

not be distinguished they are marked with slashes

(e.g., Rom/Byz).

The following terminological adjustments have

been made: Canaanite Period => Bronze Age; Israelite

Period => Iron Age; Hasmonean => Hellenistic;

Herodian => Early Roman. In addition, designations

have been revised as follows: EB IV or MB I =>

Intermediate Bronze; Middle Bronze II => Middle

Bronze Age (unless a specific sub-period is noted);

Iron Age III => Iron Age II. Maximal detail has been

preserved: if the survey distinguishes Umayyad and

Abbasid, or early and late Roman, these are noted,

and not collated as Early Islamic or Roman. Where

no date is cited in the source, we have provided none.

Where excavations subsequent to the survey added

new information, the appropriate field was updated.

The following abbreviations are used:

Pal Paleolithic

LP Lower Paleolithic

MP Middle Paleolithic

UP Upper Paleolithic

EP Epipaleolithic

Nat Natufian

Keb Kebaran

EKeb Early Kebaran

Geo Keb Geometric Kebaran

PPN Pre-Pottery Neolithic

PPNA/B/C Pre-Pottery Neolithic A/B/C

PN Pottery Neolithic

WR Wadi Rabah

Chal Chalcolithic

EB Early Bronze Age

EB 1/2/3 Early Bronze I/II/III

IB Intermediate Bronze Age

MB Middle Bronze Age

MB2a/b/c Middle Bronze Age IIa/b/c

LB Late Bronze Age

LB1/2/3 Late Bronze I/II/III

IA Iron Age

IA1a/b/c Iron Age Ia/b/c

IA2a/b/c Iron Age IIa/b/c

Per Persian Period

Hel Hellenistic Period

Rom Roman Period

Rom1 Early Roman Period

Rom2 Late Roman Period

Byz Byzantine Period

Isl Islamic Period

EIs Early Islamic Period

Late Isl Late Islamic Period

Uma Umayyad Period

Abb Abbasid Period

Med Medieval Period

Cru Crusader Period

Ayy Ayyubid Period

Mam Mameluke Period

Ott Ottoman Period

EOtt Early Ottoman Period

Mod Modern Period

Site Components. This field briefly notes the principal

discoveries at the site. Although usually based on the

survey, in those cases where sites have excavated and


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (22)


published, the field has been updated accordingly.

Finds include architectural remains, installations,

tombs, special artifacts (including coins, stamped

handles) and any other characteristics of (ancient)

human activity.

Comments. The various contents of this field have

been noted above, where relevant. This field may

also include additional information regarding the site,

such as excavation, site status, discrepancies between

different surveys and other sources of information,

past archaeological activities at the site, etc.

Excavated. This field, which notes the presence or

absence of excavation, represents our cross-referencing

with the excavation spreadsheet.

IAA Site Number. This serves to link our data-set with

that of the IAA, where possible.

Excavator, Institute, License. These all refer to

administrative details relevant to excavated sites.

Publication Bibliography. This field contains abbreviated

references to publications of excavations. For further

details, see Section B, below.

B. Excavations

In contrast to the survey data, which is concentrated

in several major publications and a handful of

additional published and archived sources (absent

the unpublished and unreported SOA survey maps),

information on excavations is widely scattered in

hundreds of publications and in archives. A list of

excavation licenses obtained from the SOA provided

a starting point for the Excavations Gazetteer in Part

3.3 Clearly, however, this list is not exhaustive, as

there are several recorded instances of excavations

conducted under survey permits or with no permit

3 Legal action taken after the publication of our preliminary report (Greenbeg and Keinan 2007) resulted in the addition of 458 licenses and site names, most of them post-dating 1997, to the 690 known license numbers at the time of that publication. Despite this important addition, we still lack basic data on many of the SOA excavations. We thank Adv. Raz Ben Dor and the Freedom of Information Movement for their assistance.

at all. Also, there are some cases of one permit being

granted for several excavations, and for permit numbers

being assigned to excavations ex post facto.

As for IAA excavations in Jerusalem, while a much

more robust procedure of accountability is in place, the

organization of the data in the IAA archives is such

that identifying the precise location of each excavation

carried out since 1967 and matching up surveyed

sites, excavation reports, and permit nos. (especially

as regards multiple permits for contiguous sites and

the myriad tomb-caves in the Roman-period necropolis

of Jerusalem) is a rather complex task. This having

been said, by dint of careful crosschecking of archive

lists, comparison with published compendia (such as

Kloner’s [2000-2003] survey or the Tübinger Atlas

Gazetteer for Jerusalem [Bieberstein and Bloedhorn

1994]), and scanning of relevant publications, we have

succeeded in preparing a Gazetteer of excavated sites

with which we are relatively comfortable.

Approximately 1600 excavation licenses and

permits in the West Bank and East Jerusalem have

been awarded for the excavation of 1004 different

sites (Fig. 7). There is some information in hand

regarding excavations at 747 sites. On many of the

remaining 257 sites, for which no direct information

on the excavations is available, there is at least some

background data from field surveys. Thirty-four places

in which excavations have been licensed could not be

firmly identified with a known site or exact location.

Looking at these numbers, the problematic of site-

counts should be kept in mind: in particularly large

sites such as Nablus or Jerusalem, the subdivision

into separate excavations will always be arbitrary and

contingent. Also, licensed excavations range from

hours-long cave clearances to months-long full-scale

excavation seasons at multi-layered mounds.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (23)


Basic Data on Excavations

In contrast to surveys, where the variations in

methodology can be gauged with a fair degree

of assurance, there is absolutely no limit to the

fluctuations in quality and extent of different

excavations. These can range from a small probe in

a single-layered site, to the excavation of an isolated

structure on a multi-layered site or the large-scale

excavation of a contiguous area over several strata.

Unless a full report is available, the degree to which a

given excavation reflects the entirety of a site cannot

be simply assumed. Furthermore, as all excavations

involve systematic removal of data and, more often

than not, the dismantling of ancient structures or parts

of them, the excavation report becomes the repository

of information that can never be reproduced. For this

reason, the Excavation Gazetteer produced below

(Part 3) is different in kind from the Survey Database

(Part 6) that was described above. Where the Database

may be said to be an abbreviated compilation of

all surveys known to us, the Gazetteer serves as an

index to site reports, with a brief indication of their

content. Whether these reports are full descriptions

or only preliminary statements is something that is

generally left to the reader to discover, by recourse

to the Bibliography (Part 4).

The information released by the SOA on his

work and that of his team is spotty and often of an

extremely brief and preliminary nature. As regards

non-SOA expeditions, the SOA’s record in obtaining

final reports appears to be about on par with that of

the IAA for excavations inside Israel. The sources

of information for excavations in the West Bank are

therefore preliminary reports scattered widely in

newsletters, encyclopedias, popular or semi-popular

publications (mainly in Hebrew), and some final


Excavations in Jerusalem were all licensed by

IDAM and by its successor, the IAA. There are

hundreds of publications, preliminary and final, on the

excavations in and around Jerusalem. Our main source

of information on these publications—and indeed on

the very existence of most of the excavations—has

been the considerable bibliographic effort compiled

by Kloner in his survey of Jerusalem (Kloner 2000-

2003). We do not pretend to have scoured all the

publications on Jerusalem.

There is no straightforward way of calculating the

number of final (i.e., comprehensive) publications of

excavations in the West Bank and Jerusalem since

1967. The distinction between preliminary and

final publications is often blurred, and there may

be preliminary mentions of excavations buried in

publications that bear a different name. This said,

the rate of “final” publications (i.e., those considered

final by the excavators) may be roughly calculated

at 25% (for excavations over ten years old), which


Fig. 7. All sites excavated in the West Bank since 1967.

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (24)


is not significantly different from the typical rate in

Israel proper (Kletter and De Groot 2001). “Finally

published” sites include numerous minor sites (such

as dozens of caves cleared in Operation Scroll) with

rather sketchy reports, as well as major sites with

multi-volume publications (e.g., Shiloh’s City of David

excavation, Avigad’s Jewish Quarter excavations,

Netzer’s Herodium and Jericho excavations). Virtually

unpublished sites also include many minor and some

major excavations (Hebron, Nebi Samwil), and there

are multi-seasonal excavations that have produced

only limited topical reports (Mt Gerizim, Nablus).

As for finds, only a small portion has been

published from SOA excavations—though doubtless

this includes most of the quality objects. As a rule,

the finds themselves are registered and stored in

separate SOA facilities. These are not publicly

accessible. Artifacts excavated since 1967 in East

Jerusalem have been published in great numbers. As

these are registered as IAA artifacts, they cannot be

easily separated from the main body of antiquities

registered in the IAA stores. A study of the finds

from the excavations recorded in our database would

require an extensive research program of its own;

therefore, mention of artifacts in this database should

be understood to be preliminary and not systematic.

The Excavation Gazetteer

Information on excavations was compiled by

cross-checking the following materials: the SOA

list of licenses (this Hebrew list, which was not

comprehensive, did not include important details

such as periods represented at the site, or publication

details), the IAA archive list of scheduled sites (largely

based on the British Mandate list) which supplied

additional information on some sites (including

English transliteration), excavation lists sent by

the IAA to each major academic institution for

administrative purposes (these included a number

of sites missing from the two other lists), the regional

surveys, which generally record excavations conducted

at the relevant sites, and both preliminary and final

publications. Site names were transliterated with the

aid of the survey or excavation publications, British

Mandate maps and the earlier Survey of Western

Palestine maps. Details on finds were culled from

both surveys and publications. Where no publication

exists for an excavated site, a description based on

survey results is provided, set apart by square brackets.

Most of the data fields in the Gazetteer overlap

with those described above for the survey and include:

Grid reference: Old Israel Grid, indicating a central

point in the site.

Site name and additional names: the site's principal

name as used in publications and additional names

(leaving out different variations of the same name).

Excavator: full name, year of excavation in brackets,

if necessary.

Excavating institution: abbreviated names, listed in

the Gazetteer.

License/Permit No.: as provided by the SOA/IAA.

Major and other periods: as in the Survey database (see

above); periods represented in the surveys alone are

contained in square brackets.

Components: a brief outline of the major components

at the site: structures, installations, and artifacts;

intended only as an indication of the qualities of the

site. Where limited or no information is available on

the excavation, we have included information from

the surveys in square brackets.

Remarks: including additional information regarding

excavations at the site, such as site's location

(coordinates range, elevation point), excavations pre-

1967, whether it was a limited or salvage excavation or

conducted prior to the construction of the separation

barrier, discrepancies in license numbers or other

excavation details, or any additional data relevant

to the excavated site.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (25)


Publications: Citations here use the author/year format

and refer to the Bibliography (Part 4). In addition,

there are hundreds of references to the IAA newsletter

Hadashot Arkheologiyot/Excavations and Surveys in Israel,

without author citation.

The references are chiefly to publications of the

excavations themselves, with a preference for final

reports (that is, where a final report incorporates

earlier notices, these will generally be left out). In

addition to references noted in the published surveys,

we have combed the following publications: Hadashot

Arkheologiyot/Excavations and Surveys in Israel, Eretz-

Israel, Judea and Samaria Research Studies, Israel

Exploration Journal, Qadmoniot, ‘Atiqot, Tel Aviv, New

Studies on Jerusalem, Liber Annuus, Niqrot Zurim, Israel—

Land and People (Haaretz Museum Annual), City of David

Studies of Ancient Jerusalem, Dead Sea Discoveries, The

Frontier and the Desert in the Land of Israel, New Studies

in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region. Nearly

half of the references cited are in Hebrew, and of

those, most comprise preliminary publications. A

larger proportion of the English-language publications

are detailed reports, but taking into account several

hundred references to the IAA newsletters, a rather

grim picture emerges of a seriously inadequate

publication record.

Sites are arranged north to south and numbered

accordingly. The Gazetteer is accompanied by a series

of maps keyed by number to the sites.

Excavated Site Types and Periods

Various assumptions on the nature of the excavations

in the West Bank have been made over the years. It is

therefore instructive to view the following breakdown

of excavated sites and site components, based on the

identifications provided by the Gazetteer (always

keeping in mind the large number of excavations for

which no data is available; Fig. 8):

Multi-Layered Tells 24

Forts or Fortresses IA: 13 Per: 3 Hel: 7

Rom-Byz-EIs: 26

Farmsteads IA: 13 Hel-Rom: 16

EIs: 3

Installations 60

Towers 40

Cult Sites

(Bronze Age/Iron Age) 4

Monuments* 23

Samaritan Cult Places or

Synagogues 3

Jewish Synagogues 6

Churches or

Monasteries 78

Mosques 9

Village Sites IA: 16 Hel-Rom: 10

Byz: 5 EIs: 2

Tombs BA: 32 IA: 21

Hel-Rom: 146 Byz: 34

Roman Roads 16

Caves** 93

Other*** 152

* Monuments include freestanding structures of a monumental

nature or parts of such structures

** Caves includes sites designated as such, a priori (not as

minor components in other sites), and excludes burial caves

*** This includes isolated structures, walls, fences, or dwelling/

storage caves that are minor components of sites.

To this breakdown we may add a general consideration

of the date of the excavated components, as expressed

in the following chart (Fig. 9).

The following trends stand out:

1. Tells comprise a very small proportion of sites

excavated, reversing the trend of previous decades

in archaeological research.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (26)


2. The large number of excavated tombs and

“other” sites of undecided nature reflects the

considerable salvage component in the sum total

of archaeological work. The same is indicated

by the general trends in excavated periods, as

noted in our previous publication (Greenberg

and Keinan 2007:25).

3. Churches/Monasteries and Caves mark two very

marked excavation orientations; the former linked

to academic research agendas, the latter to the

thirst for epigraphic materials, mainly in the

Judean Desert region.

4. Within the smaller categories of village sites,

farmsteads, and fortified structures, the Iron

Age component is remarkable (42 of 109 sites,

or nearly 40%). This can be seen to represent a

second focus of academic interest.

C. GIS Linkage and Its Potential

As work on the database has progressed, we have

initiated the linkage of the tabulated information to

maps generated with GIS software (ArcView), with

an aim of eventually providing on-line user interface.4

The original tabular lists can be searched and data

easily retrieved from them. The integration of the text-

based database with the GIS ArcView-generated maps,

however, allows the visual presentation of the data

in many different configurations, all of which can be

enhanced by adding or subtracting geographic layers

upon which the archaeological data is superimposed.

In standard publications, the process of query-

building would be co-opted by those in possession

of the database to form a series of maps based on

routine data types such as major period, site type,

relation to water sources etc. The creation of such

maps involves many editorial decisions that are not

4 Basic layers consisting of a polygon of Israel and the West Bank, water course, roads and settlements were provided by Hanita Cinamon, who served as consultant in the early stages of work. Dan Rothem of the Daniel S. Abraham Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation provided more detailed political and demographic layers, including precise polygons of Palestinian and Jewish localities (including Jerusalem's neighborhoods) and a highly detailed outline of the Green Line and the Separation Barrier. Adi Bin-Nun of the GIS center at the Hebrew University provided background layers, including DTM, topography, soil types, altitudes and precipitation isohyets.


Fig. 8. Excavated sites: division according to site type.

Fig. 9. Excavated sites: division according to periods.

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (27)


normally revealed or problematized—how to deal with

multiple-period and multiple-function sites; how to

deal with interpretive issues such as site-division and

lumping, etc. Also, it is limited to those subjects that

seem relevant to the editors at the time of publication.

In the case of a digitized online publication, however,

editorial control is limited and fleeting; in such a

situation, the interface with GIS—whether ‘manually’

by end-users or as part of the future development of

this product—allows endless flexibility with the types

of questions asked, but demands more attention to

the quality of the data queried.

Making such a tool available to the scholarly

public challenges standard approaches to scientific

publication. Since its permutations are limitless and

unpredictable, it is constrained only by the quality

of the underlying information embedded in the GIS

layers. As this is work in progress, we wish to offer a

number of case studies that illustrate the value and

limitations of the GIS format, demonstrating how

the data, in its present state, can be used to follow

through new lines of inquiry, and how some pitfalls

can be avoided.

Case No. 1: The Iron Age I Revisited

Two decades have elapsed since the conclusion of

the bulk of the survey work that brought about the

decisive re-orientation of the debate regarding Iron

I settlement in the highlands, and 15 years since the

definitive overview of their results (Finkelstein and

Na’aman 1994). Can a new look at the basic evidence

reveal anything new or worthy of reconsideration

for future research?

The first action might be to select, through a

simple search of the tabulated data, all sites where

the Iron Age I is defined as a period of occupation.

This search reveals a total of 436 sites, a substantial

increase over the number recorded in 1994 (254 sites;

Finkelstein 1994:154). Part of this increase stems from

the inclusion of the Jordan Valley in our search—

an effect that could be easily remedied through the

creation of a polygon on the digital map, limiting

the search field to whatever area is desired. The final

publication of several survey maps is probably the

source of many of the additional sites (e.g., Patrich

1994; Zertal 1996, 2005; Zertal and Mirkam 2000;

Kloner 2000-3; Dagan 2006a, b).

Another simple search for excavated sites with IA

I presence offers the promising number of 42 sites

(excluding those for which no data at all is available;

Fig. 10a). However, breaking this down with the

aid of the excavation gazetteer reveals that of these,

six are valley tells such as Taanach, Balata and Tell

el-Hammeh or sites excavated before the highlands

surveys began (e.g., et-Tell, Tell el-Ful or Beitin),

21 are sites where only pre- or post-IA I remains

were excavated, four are not settlement sites (the

Bull Site, Kh. Nisieh [tomb], Abu-Musrah [cave]

and Bedhat esh-Sha‘ab [enclosure]), and five have

virtually no data available on the excavations of the

relevant strata (Tell el-Hulu, ‘Ai, City of David, Tell

el-Rumeida, Rabud). This leaves only six sites with

results relevant to the understanding of highland

settlement that have produced substantial reports

(Mt Ebal, Shiloh, Kh. Raddana, Kh. ed-Dawwara,

el-Khirbe, and Giloh). Interestingly enough, no two

of these sites are alike, each representing a different

function and, apparently, some chronological spread

(Mt. Ebal and Giloh being early, Raddanah and Shiloh

probably later, and Dawwara and el-Khirbe later still).

By dint of the very preliminary GIS-aided search

and some database mining, our hypothetical scholar

might begin to raise a number of questions, pointing

to areas that might benefit from further research:

1. Iron Age I vs MB. In a published exchange

between Finkelstein (1998) and Mazar (1999) the

possibility of confusion between MB and Iron I

pottery was raised, and with it, the question of the


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (28)


reliability of ceramic tabulations in surveys. One

way of examining this issue might be to search

for sites attributed to both the MB and the Iron I.

Using a GIS search for excavated sites featuring

those two periods of existence, we are able to

quickly create a map showing sites distribution

and a table of sites answering this simple criterion

(Fig. 10b). Since ceramic attributions in surveys

often rely on assemblages recovered in excavated

sites from the same region, we may want to know

which of the selected sites were excavated. The

search (performed directly on the survey database

or by using the GIS query option) reveals 20

such sites, but of these, several fall outside the

hill-country (Tell Ta‘anakh, Tell el-Hammah,

Cave II/3), some are unpublished (Tell Jenin, Tell

er-Rumeida), and others have publication of only

one of the periods in question (Efrat). This leaves

us with three relevant sites: Tell Balata, Shiloh,

and Jerusalem, of which only one, Shiloh, can

be said to represent both the Canaanite highland

culture and the typical Iron I settlement phase. Kh.

ed-Dawwara, where surveys reported the presence

of MB (Survey Database, Site no. 2411) but the

excavations revealed no such evidence (Gazetteer,

Site no. 339) is a particularly interesting case that

might not inspire great confidence in the certainty

of the chronological attributions in the surveys.

Thus, the MB-Iron I attribution is one that may

need further elaboration through reexamination

of sites with both phases represented.

2. Internal development in Iron Age I. Various

claims have been made regarding internal

development in the Iron I settlement of the hill

country: e.g., that the settlement begins in eastern

regions and expands westward; that the earliest


Fig. 10a. All excavated sites with an IA1 presence. Fig. 10b. Excavated and surveyed sites featuring both MB and IA1 periods.

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (29)


settlement is closer to the pastoral end of the

rural continuum and the later—to the agricultural

end; or that social inequality appears gradually in

the archaeological record (see Finkelstein 1988).

The best way to substantiate theories on the date

and social organization of the period would be

to investigate sites inhabited in the Iron Age I

alone, their extent and character un-obscured by

earlier and primarily later habitation. The map

generated by a GIS query searching for all IA1

surveyed sites, excluding any other period from

the 'Major Periods' database field (Fig. 10c), shows

these sites, which account for less than 10% of

the total number of sites of the period. They are

located in diverse geographical regions, so that

they could be taken as a representative sample (the

geographic parameters of the sites on this map

could be further refined by introducing additional

GIS layers, such as topography, precipitation

isohyets, water courses, etc.). Of these sites, only

four have been excavated: two settlement sites

(Raddana, Dawwara) and two cultic ones (Bull

Site, Mt Ebal). All four are quite different in

date and physical layout, and none represent the

presumed transition from nomadism to settled

life. It thus appears that the various hypotheses

offered on processes of settlement are in need

of further validation.

3. The Iron Age I-II transition. Can the database

help elucidate the relation between Iron I

settlement, often associated with Early Israel,

and the establishment of the monarchy in the

Iron IIa period? Searching for surveyed sites with

“Iron 2a” as a "Major" or “Other” period yields a

total of 38 sites. Nearly all of these identifications

pertain to the region of “Judah” (mainly the Ofer

[1993] survey). In the northern surveys (mainly

the Ephraim survey; Finkelstein et al. 1997), the

designation “IA 1-2” appears to refer to the same

time-frame; here we have 109 sites. The central

area offers no such subdivisions, so that there

are, obviously, variations between surveys both

in ceramic dating and proficiency. In any case, of

the 147 sites known to be occupied in these time-

frames, 88, or about 60%, had been occupied in

Iron I (to these we might add five sites designated

in the Manasseh surveys as occupied in “Iron

1c” and “Iron 2”). This probably indicates that

many of the total 436 Iron I sites were abandoned

before the transition. Continuity between “Iron

2a” or “Iron 1-2” and the next phase of the Iron

II is indicated for 118 sites, including nearly all

of those that had been occupied in Iron I. Thus,

there is a good basis to suggest a high degree

of settlement continuity in the highlands in the

passage from the pre-state village entities to the

early political entities that were to become the


Fig. 10c. Excavated and surveyed sites featuring only IA1 as a primary period at the site.

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (30)


United Monarchy and/or Kingdoms of Israel and

Judah. Unfortunately, only a small handful of Iron

1-2 or Iron 2a sites have been excavated, none to

any significant extent. The most informative site

of the period, oddly enough, is Kh. ed-Dawwara,

where only the excavations revealed its position

at the cusp between Iron I and Iron II (surveys

having recorded it as “MB, IA1, IA2”).

To sum up this case, the survey work indicates a very

extensive inventory of sites that could probably well

reward renewed investigation, fine-tuning the results

of earlier work in some instances, and doubtless

contributing new perspectives in others. It seems

that once the initial flurry of interest in the area

subsided, little excavation work was added in order

to substantiate the syntheses of the 1990s, and virtually

none of it was conducted outside the framework of

the leading research paradigms of that time.

Case No. 2: Roman Neapolis

Excavations in the center of modern Nablus have

revealed the remains of the thriving Roman city

established in the valley between Mt Gerizim and

Mt Ebal by Vespasian (Gazetteer site nos. 82-84, 89,

90). The function of the city as a regional center in

the late Roman period might be studied through the

analysis of contemporary remains in the environs of

ancient Neapolis. To this end, a series of concentric

circles may be added to the interactive GIS map,

layers of interest added (e.g., topography), and the

extant surveyed and excavated sites canvassed for

significant patterns. Fig. 11 illustrates stages in this

hypothetical study, accompanied by some preliminary


Sites within a five-km radius. These include 11 excavated

and an additional eight surveyed sites, of which five

are tombs or burials.

Sites within a ten km radius. These include an additional

seven excavated and 53 surveyed sites. These are

concentrated mainly in the NW and SE sectors.

Adding a topographical layer shows that the site

clusters noted above are located mainly along the

edges of the valleys flanking the ancient city. The

northwest cluster around the village of Sebastiya

(itself the location of earlier Roman Sebaste and

Israelite Samaria) consists mostly of unexcavated sites.

Several are beneath occupied or abandoned village

sites (e.g., Sebastiya, Nisf Jubeil, en-Naqurah, Kh. esh-

Sheikh Sha‘aleh), others are marked by agricultural

installations or terraces (e.g., el-Qibleh, Kh. Kafr Farat,

or Wadi Musa). A few sites are part of the Roman

road system. The southern cluster consists similarly

of unexcavated rural sites built at the edges of the

valley: villages (‘Einabus, Udala, Beita et-Tahta), ruins

('Atarud, Tell er-Ras, Kh. et-Tira), or agricultural

areas (Kh. Matar). In this area more burial caves are

noted in connection with the village sites.

It is therefore quite likely that many of the surveyed

sites did, in fact, belong to the rural countryside of

Roman Neapolis. However, because late Roman

Samaria has not been a primary research focus over the

past decades in Israel, few sites have been excavated.

Also, the site-centered survey methods provide very

little information on land-use in the Neapolis area.

Our brief GIS-aided glance at Roman Neapolis thus

indicates a possible field of future study.

Case No. 3: An Inventory of Mosaic Floors

Decorated mosaic floors comprise a significant

element in the cultural heritage of central Palestine.

Our database provides an initial handle on this

inventory although, as we shall see, the information

is limited in various ways.

A simple search of the survey and excavation

databases (both must be searched, as some excavated

sites were never included in published surveys), based


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (31)


Fig. 11. Roman Neapolis: surveyed and excavated sites within a five and ten km radius of the theater in Neapolis.

Fig. 12. Church, monastery or synagogue sites featuring polychrome mosaic floors.

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (32)


on the keyword “mosaic”, will produce well over

a hundred sites, whereas “polychrome mosaic”

provides only a small handful of sites. In order to

weed out industrial mosaic floors while allowing

for incomplete descriptions in the database, we

employ the GIS advanced search options to match

the following rules: “mosaic, not white, in association

with church, monastery or synagogue” (for further

search options and tips see Keinan, forthcoming).

This search provides a list of 69 sites, as seen in Fig.

12. To these we add six excavated sites that were not

surveyed, creating a primary inventory of 75 sites with

mosaic floors associated with religious structures and

therefore probably decorated.

Although this is only a starting point (the list

may miss, for example, well-known sites excavated

prior to 1967), the GIS-generated list and map does

offer some immediate insights. Thus, by viewing the

inventory in relation to modern villages, settlements

and boundaries, we find that apart from the obvious

concentration around Jerusalem, Jericho appears to

be a focus of mosaic art. A curious concentration

of excavated but unpublished mosaics in western

Samaria (Gazetteer Sites 164 [Sam‘an], 178 [Daqleh],

189 [Kh. ‘Ali]), appears to be related to SOA work

of 2005-7 occasioned—but not directly required—by

the construction of the separation barrier around the

Israeli settlements in the area of Ariel. An extension

of the query to pursue all sites with mosaics in the

path of the Separation Barrier can be readily carried


D. Database Limitations

The three cases described above illustrate the power

and flexibility of the database as a research tool.

They also highlight its limitations: First, the fact that

the data derives from Israeli sources alone leads to a

series of inherent biases:

• The nearly universal use of the ASI survey

method entails a certain selectivity, particularly

emphasizing sites and installations in a manner

avoided, for example, by the “siteless” survey

methods, which are more subtle in their

differentiation between various kinds of artifact

scatters and seek to analyze features such as

landscape modification, artifact densities, or

paths and connections between places.

• Research priorities, either explicit or implicit, are

directly linked to specific projects of the Israeli

school of archaeology, whether in the study

of biblical “ancient Israel”, Roman Judea, or

the monastic complexes of the Judean Desert.

Obviously, such priorities would be present in any

research program, and must be seen as part of the

objective circ*mstances of archaeological work.

• In its general absence of systematic interaction

with the Palestinian residents, the Israeli project

shares the limitations of many similar projects

originating in Eurocentric research traditions.

This affects the ability of the surveyors to obtain

local knowledge, including variant names, oral

histories, and the like.

• Security limitations govern certain aspects of

archaeological work, limiting entry into military

firing zones, preventing surveys in densely settled

Palestinian areas, and the like.5

Beyond these context-specific considerations, the

issue of different survey practices and skills (within

the general ASI framework) needs to be taken into

account: The database is a synthesis of many surveys,

conducted by different surveyors with different

interests and agendas, different qualifications, and at

different times. This results in different site definition

specified by different surveyors, a phenomenon very

evident when viewing the database sites on a GIS map.

5 In one case, survey was actually promoted by military activity, when Israeli surveyors were permitted by the authorities to enter and survey the town of Halhul during an extended curfew (Pers. comm.).


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (33)


A clear example can be seen in the south-western

part of Judea, surveyed by Kochavi (1972), Ofer

(1993) and Dagan (2006a, 2006b). Although both

Ofer and Dagan claim a "full coverage" survey, the

area surveyed by Dagan is by far denser in “sites” than

that surveyed by Ofer (see Fig. 6). An additional issue

of methodology is reflected in the lack of prehistoric

sites in the database, as noted above.

This brings us to another issue of survey coverage.

Some surveys included in the database are by definition

partial surveys: they either cover only known sites

indicated on older maps (e.g. Kochavi 1972), or were

meant to focus on very specific elements. A good

example would be "Operation Scroll" (Wexler 2002), a

hurried survey of caves in the Judean Desert conducted

after the Oslo Accords in 1993 in search of hidden

scrolls. Finally, some surveys were never published,

a fact that results in archaeological “dead zones”

on GIS maps of the West Bank generated from the

database. This is also the case with some excavations,

especially in recent years. Because of the contested

nature of the area, and the fact that much of the

work has been carried out in the context of a military

occupation, many details regarding archaeological

activity remain unknown or only partly published.

The quality of information is an issue not only

in published surveys, but also in administrative lists

provided by the Staff Officer, the IAA, and academic

institutions. Inaccuracies, contradictory information,

missing data and errors had to be dealt with during

the database construction, but could be coped with

only to a certain extent. Perhaps most problematic

are the most recent years, during which the Staff

Officer's unit has dedicated much of its resources to

salvage excavations associated with the construction

of the Separation Barrier. Most of these excavations

are yet to be published, and basic information such

as grid references or excavators' names was missing

in the documentation provided by the Staff Officer.

Therefore, it should be emphasized that due to gaps in

information and the above mentioned limitations, the

database is not definitive; however, it does represent

the best approximation that could be reached based

on available resources.

Concluding Remarks

Israeli and other archaeologists have been working in

the occupied territories for more than 40 years. Official

published and unpublished records of their work

exist in libraries, archives, and computer systems of

the Israel Antiquities Authority, the Staff Officer for

Archaeology in Judea and Samaria, and universities

in Israel. This publication provides the first unified

source of information on virtually all surveys and

excavations in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

It encompasses nearly 6000 archaeological features,

1600 excavations, and 1000 referenced publications

(included in the Bibliography and the HA-ESI

references in the Gazetteer), providing outlines of

administrative and archaeological data that should be

sufficient to permit researchers to identify material of

interest and find ways of following up their interest.

The database is a synthesis of information derived

from available sources; it provides as full an account as

possible, within the authors’ limitations, of the extent

of archaeological knowledge accumulated by Israeli

research since 1967 and comprises the most wide-

ranging summary available of Israeli archaeological

activity in the occupied territories.

As stated in the Introduction, the creation of

inventories and the drawing up of maps are time-

honored modes of making cultural, political and

ideological statements. This inventory is no exception.

Nonetheless, the value of most inventories lies less

in their motivations and more in the quality of their

content. If this quality can be distilled, new inventories

may be drawn up on the basis of the old, serving new

purposes. To this end we are actively pursuing the


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (34)


digitized publication of both the primary data and its

GIS interface, in a manner that will allow selection

and reorganization of data in new forms unintended

and perhaps unimagined by the original compilers.

Also, it will allow for the improvement and updating

of the database itself, as new material is published

and errors are corrected. In this sense, therefore, the

present publication is only an interim report, and

should be soon replaced. With all its drawbacks, the

existence of this research tool should be beneficial for

those who are interested in the different aspects of

archaeology in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and

will hopefully increase awareness of the importance

of archaeology and cultural heritage in this contested

area of the Middle East.



(for Parts 1 and 2)

Al-Houdalieh, S.H. 2009. Archaeology Programs at the Palestinian Universities: Reality and Challenges. Archaeologies 5/1: 161-183.

Ammerman, A.J. 1995. The Dynamics of Modern Land Use and the Acconia Survey. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 8.1: 77-92.

Avi-Yonah, M. (ed.) 1975-1978. Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Jerusalem.

Bieberstein, K. and Bloedhorn, H. 1994. Jerusalem: Grundzuge der Baugeschichte vom Chalkolithikum bis zur Fruehzeit der osmanischen Herrschaft. Wiesbaden.

Bintliff, J.L., Farinetti, E., Howard, P., Sarri, K. and Sbonias, K. 2002. Classical Farms, Hidden Prehistoric Landscapes and Greek Rural Survey: A Response and an Update. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 15: 259-265.

Caraher W. 2006. Siteless Surveys and Intensive Data Collection in an Artifact-Rich Environment: Case-Studies from the Eastern Corinthia. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 19: 7-43.

Conder, C.R. 1878. Tent work in Palestine: a record of discovery and adventure. London.

Conder, C.R. and Kitchener, H.H. 1881-1883. The Survey of Western Palestine: Memoirs of the Topography, Orography, Hydrography, and Archaeology. London.

Dagan, Y. 2000. The Settlement in the Judean Shephela in the Second and First Millennium B.C.: A Test-case of Settlement Processes in a Geographic Region, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Tel-Aviv University. Tel Aviv (Hebrew).

Dagan, Y. 2006a. Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Amazya (109), Volume 1, The Northern Sector. Jerusalem.

Dagan, Y. 2006b. Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Amazya (109), Volume 2, The Southern Sector. Jerusalem.

Dar, S. 1986. Landscape and Pattern: an Archaeological Survey of Samaria 800 B.C.E. 636 C.E. B.A.R. International Series 308. Oxford.

Davis, L. and Sutton, S.B. 1995. Response to A.J. Ammerman, ‘The Dynamics of Modern Land Use and the Acconia Survey’. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 8: 113-123.

Eitam, D. 1981. Bidiya Map. Hadashot Arkheologiyot 77: 56 (Hebrew).

Finkelstein, I. (ed.) 1993a. Archaeological Survey in the Hill Country of Benjamin. Jerusalem.

Finkelstein, I. (ed.) 1993b. Shiloh: The Archaeology of a Biblical Site. (Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University No. 10). Tel Aviv.

Finkelstein, I. 1998. Two Notes on Northern Samaria: The “Einun Pottery” and the Date of the “Bull Site”. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 130: 94-98.

Finkelstein, I., Lederman, Z. and Bunimovitz, S. 1997. Highlands of Many Cultures: The Southern Samaria Survey. Tel Aviv.

Finkelstein, I. and Magen, Y. (eds.) 1993. Archaeological Survey of the Hill Country of Benjamin. Jerusalem.

Finkelstein, J.C. 1997. The Islamic Periods. In: I. Finkelstein, Z. Lederman and S. Bunimovitz, Highlands of Many Cultures: The Southern Samaria Survey. Tel Aviv: 40-71.

Fischer, M., Isaac, B. and Roll, I. 1996. Roman Roads in Judaea, Vol. II. B.A.R. International Series 628. Oxford.

Given, M.J.M. 1999. The Sydney Cyprus Survey Project: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Long-Term Change in the North Central Troodos, Cyprus. Journal of Field Archaeology 26: 19-39.

Gophna, R. and Beit-Arieh, I. 1997. Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Lod (80). Jerusalem.

Greenberg, R. 2009. Towards an Inclusive Archaeology in Jerusalem: The Case of Silwan/The City of David. Public Archaeology 8/1:35-50.

Greenberg, R. forthcoming. Archaeology in Jerusalem 1967-2007. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites.

Greenberg, R., and Keinan, A. 2007. The Present Past of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank and East Jerusalem Since 1967. Tel Aviv.

HA 1967. Hadashot Arkheologiyot [Archaeological News] 22-23.

HA 1968. Hadashot Arkheologiyot [Archaeological News] 26. Hirschfeld, I. 1984. Judean Desert, Survey (Map 106).

Excavations and Surveys in Israel 2: 58-59.

IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (35)


Hirschfeld, Y. 1985. Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Herodium (108/2) 17-11. Jerusalem.

Keinan, A. forthcoming. The Archaeological Site Database for the West Bank. In: T.E. Levy, S.H. Savage, C. Baru and O. LaBianca (eds.), Portal Science and Archaeology–Views from the Mediterranean Lands. London.

Kletter, R. 2006. Just Past? The Making of Israeli Archaeology. London.

Kletter, R. and De Groot, A. 2001. Excavating to Excess. The Last Decade of Archaeology in Israel and its Implications. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 14: 76-86; 105-115.

Kloner, A. 2000. Survey of Jerusalem, The Southern Sector. Jerusalem.

Kloner, A. 2001. Survey of Jerusalem, The Northeastern Sector. Jerusalem.

Kloner, A. 2003. Survey of Jerusalem, The Northwestern Sector: Introduction and Indices. Jerusalem.

Kochavi, M. (ed.) 1972. Judaea Samaria and the Golan: Archaeological Survey 1967-1968. Jerusalem. (Hebrew).

Kochavi, M. and Beit-Arieh, I. 1994. Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Rosh Ha-'Ayin (78). Jerusalem.

Mazar, A. 1999. The ‘Bull Site’ and the ‘Einun Pottery’ Reconsidered. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 131:144-148.

Ne'eman, Y. 1990. Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Ma'anit (54) 15-20. Jerusalem.

Ofer, A. 1993. The Highland of Judah during the Biblical Period, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Tel-Aviv University. (Hebrew).

Patrich, J. 1994. Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Deir Mar Saba (109/7). Jerusalem.

Riwaq 2006. Riwaq’s Registry of Historic Buildings in Palestine. Ramallah (Arabic).

Rothenberg, B. 1958. Discoveries at Sinai. Tel Aviv (Hebrew). Sion, O. 1994. The Survey of Wadi Kelt. Judea and Samaria

Research Studies 3: 221-232 (Hebrew).Sion, O. 1997. Map of Qalya, Survey. Excavations and Surveys

in Israel 16: 90-91.Spanier, Y. 1995. Map of el-Mughayir. Excavations and

Surveys in Israel 101-102: 78-79.Van de Velde, P. 2001. An Extensive Alternative to Intensive

Survey: Point Sampling in the Riu Mannu Survey Project, Sardinia. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 14: 24-52.

Weiss, D., Zissu, B. and Solimany, G. 2004. Archaeological Survey of Israel: Map of Nes Harim (104). Jerusalem.

Wexler, L. (ed.) 2002. Surveys and Excavations of Caves in the Northern Judean Desert (CNJD) – 1993, Part 2. 'Atiqot 41. Jerusalem.

Winter, H. 2005. The Flint Items. In: A. Zertal, The Manasseh Hill Country Survey, Vol. IV – From Nahal Bezeq tothe Sartaba. Tel-Aviv: 565-647 (Hebrew).

Yahya, A. 2008. Looting and ‘Salvaging’: How the Wall, Illegal Digging and the Antiquities Trade are Ravaging Palestinian Cultural Heritage. The Jerusalem Quarterly 33: 39-55.

Zertal, A. 1986. The Israelite Settlement in the Hill-Country of Manasseh, unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Tel-Aviv University. Tel Aviv (Hebrew).

Zertal, A. 1992. The Manasseh Hill Country Survey, Vol. I – The Shechem Syncline. Tel-Aviv (Hebrew).

Zertal, A. 1996. The Manasseh Hill Country Survey, Vol. II – The Eastern Valleys and the Fringes of the Desert. Tel-Aviv (Hebrew).

Zertal, A. 2005. The Manasseh Hill Country Survey, Vol. IV – From Nahal Bezeq to the Sartaba. Tel-Aviv. (Hebrew).

Zertal, A. and Mirkam, N. 2000. The Manasseh Hill Country Survey, Vol. III – From Nahal 'Iron to Nahal Shechem. Tel-Aviv (Hebrew).

Ziadeh-Seely, G. 2007. An Archaeology of Palestine: Mourning a Dream. In: P.L. Kohl, M. Kozelsky and N. Ben-Yehuda (eds.), Selective Remembrances: Archaeology in the Construction, Commemoration, and Consecration of National Pasts. Chicago: 326-345.


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IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (37)

The Gazetteer comprises a numbered list of excavated

sites in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, arranged

in geographic order, from north to south. It is based

on the Excavations spreadsheet which appears on

the CD accompanying this volume. The following

abbreviations are used:

ASOR = American Schools of Oriental Research

BIU = Bar Ilan University

HAI = Haifa University

HUC = Hebrew Union College

HUJ = Hebrew University, Jerusalem

IAA = Israel Antiquities Authority

IDAM = Israel Dept of Antiquities and Museums

IES = Israel Exploration Society

NDA = no data available

SOA = Staff Officer for Archaeology, Judea and


TAU = Tel Aviv University

Bibliographic abbreviations can be found in the general

Bibliography (Part 4).

Information enclosed in square brackets denotes

data obtained from the Survey Database, and not

corroborated by excavation results (this applies mainly

to unpublished excavations); this pertains both to

periods and to components.



1Grid Ref. 170500/216700Site Name: Zubube (west)Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-974/2003-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

2 Grid Ref. 170900/214300 Site Name: Tell Ta‘anakh Excavator: Paul W. Lapp ('68)Institution: ASOR License Nos. L-2/1968-2; L-187/1978-0Major Periods: EB2, EB3, MB2b, MB2c, LB1, LB2,IA1, IA2, MedOther Periods: Per, Rom, OttComponents: Multi-period tell: EB2-3, MBfortifications; MB town, cuneiform tablets; IA 1-2 structures, cult place; Med fortified palace; Ott cemetery.Remarks: Excavated in 1902-1904, 1960s (Lapp).Publications: Rast 1978; Meehl 1995; Friend 1998; Frick 2000; HA 28-29 (1969): 41-42.

3 Grid Ref. 170800/213800 Site Name: Ti‘innik Excavator: Albert Glock ('85-'87) Institution: ASOR License Nos. L-390/1985-0; L-413/1986-0; L-430/1987-0Major Periods: OttOther Periods: Rom-ByzComponents: Small village; Ott houses; building stones; cisterns, well, rock-hewn tombs.Publications: Ziadeh 1995; Ziadeh-Seely 1995.

4 Grid Ref. 167200/213600Site Name: Kh. et-TaiybehExcavator: 'Abd el-Latif QaddumiInstitution: SOALicense No. L-41/1971-0Major Periods: Rom2, Byz, MedOther Periods: Per, EIs, OttComponents: NDA

5 Grid Ref. 166900/210700 Site Name: Farm 61

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Excavator: Shimon Dar Institution: BIU, SOA License No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1, Rom2Other Periods: Hel, ByzComponents: Small site - complete farmstead: two structures; square tower; two courtyards; terraces; round structure; glass vessel; agricultural installations; cupmarks.Remarks: Trial excavation of the farm's agricultural installations; E.P. 287.Publication: Dar 1986: 9-10.

6 Grid Ref. 162800/210400 Site Name: NoneExcavator: Shimon Dar ('80) Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: IA2, HelComponents: Farmstead.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 110-112.

7 Grid Ref. 163600/210100Site Name: NoneExcavator: Shimon DarInstitutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: RomComponents: Segments of tower roads.Publication: Dar 1986: 137-139.

8 Grid Ref. 163500/210000Site Name: Kh. Umm er-Rehan Excavators: 'Abd el-Latif Qaddumi, Ze'ev Yeivin ('69); Shimon Dar ('80); Shimon Dar, Zeev Safrai ('82); Eyal Maharian ('98) Institutions: SOA; BIU License Nos. L-13/1969-0; L-253/1980-0; L-294/1982-0; L-793/1998-0 Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: IA2, Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2Components: Large site; Byz settlement; 100 courtyard houses; streets; Rom mausolea; two limestone sarcophagi; more than 100 field towers; water cisterns; oil presses; farmsteads; winepresses; water reservoir; ancient road segments.Remarks: Fifteen towers were excavated in this area.Publications: Yeivin 1973: 147-149; Dar et al. 1986; Zertal and Mirkam 2000: 149-152; HA 30 (1969): 26; HA-ESI 112 (2000): 44*-45*.

9 Grid Ref. 166500/209800 Site Name: None

Excavator: Shimon Dar Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDA Major Periods: RomComponents: Segments of tower roads. Publication: Dar 1986: 137-139.

10 Grid Ref. 165800/209700 Site Name: NoneExcavator: Shimon Dar ('80) Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: IA2, HelComponents: Farmstead.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 110-112.

11 Grid Ref. 164400/209700 Site Name: Zaqzuq FarmExcavator: Shimon Dar ('80) Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: IA2Components: Farmstead: courtyard; rooms.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 110-112.

12 Grid Ref. 167300/209300 Site Name: Qa sr el-Lejjah Excavator: Shimon Dar ('80) Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Fortified farmstead: central courtyard; rooms; towers; water cisterns; oil press; agricultural installations; enclosure (pen) nearby. Remarks: Very limited trial excavation was conducted in 1980. Publications: Dar et al. 1986: 109-113; ESI 1 (1984): 110-112.

13 Grid Ref. 166900/209300 Site Name: Hinnanit Excavator: Shimon Dar ('80)Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1, Rom2Components: Farm complex: rooms; courtyard; tower; rock-cut agricultural installations. Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 110-112.

14Grid Ref. 167300/209200Site Name: Shaqed - Shahaq Industrial ZoneExcavator: NDA


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (39)


Institution: SOALicense No. L-864/1999-0Components: NDA

15 Grid Ref. 164500/209000 Site Name: Shaqed (west) Excavator: Eyal Maharian ('98) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-814/1998-0; L-869/1999-0Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Six field towers.Remarks: According to SOA license list, this license was issued for "Central area of the 'Iron - Re han blocs".Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 43*-44*.

16 Grid Ref. 166300/208700 Site Name: Shaqed Excavator: Shimon Dar, A. CohenInstitution: SOA License No. NDA Major Periods: Per, Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: Tower; terraces. Remarks: Salvage excavation.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 104.

17 Grid Ref. 162500/208500 Site Name: Rehan Farm Excavator: Shimon Dar Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. L-252/1980-0 Major Periods: Per, HelComponents: Farmstead: rectangular farmhouse; installations; small tower. Remarks: Trial sounding. Publications: Dar et al. 1986: 107-108; ESI 1 (1984): 110-112.

18 Grid Ref. 163000/207500 Site Name: Rehan–Towers Excavator: Eyal Maharian Institution: SOA License No. L-793/1998-0 Major Periods: Byz Components: Seven field towers.Publications: Yeivin 1973: 147-149; Dar et al. 1986; Zertal and Mirkam 2000: 149-152; HA-ESI 112 (2000): 44*-45*.

19 Grid Ref. 178400/207450 Site Name: Tell Jenin Excavators: Ze'ev Yeivin ('72); Albert Glock ('77, '80-83); Ibrahim al-Fani ('78-'79)

Institutions: SOA; Albright Institute License Nos. L-57/1971-0; L-74/1972-0; L-157/1977-0; L-186/1978-0; L-196/1978-0; L-215/1979-0; L-257/1980-0; L-278/1981-0; L-332/1983-0 Major Periods: MB, LB, IA1, IA2, Per, Byz, OttOther Periods: EB1, EB2, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, EIsComponents: Tell in modern town; EB1 apsidal building; LB rooms and installations; Philistine pottery; vaulted Rom2 tomb; mosque, built on a church.Publications: HA 45 (1973): 16; HA 65-66 (1978): 26; HA 67-68 (1978): 75.

20Grid Ref. 184500/206850Site Name: Deir Abu Da'ifExcavator: Ibrahim al-FaniInstitution: SOALicense No. L-254/1980-0Components: NDA

21 Grid Ref. 177700/205800 Site Name: Kh. Bal‘ame Additional Names: Sheikh Mansur; Yibl'amExcavator: Wajia el-Zuhdi Institution: SOA License No. L-58/1971-0 Major Periods: IA [EB1, EB2, MB2b, Per, Byz, Med (Cru)]Other Periods: [LB3, Hel, Rom1, Rom2]Components: [Fortified tell; Sheikh Mansur tomb; Cru estate (prob.): "Castellum Beleismum"]; work was conducted in ancient water system.Publications: Yeivin 1973; HA 34-35 (1970): 13; HA 41-42 (1972): 16-17.

22 Grid Ref. 158300/204400 Site Name: Qaffin Excavator: Ibrahim al-Fani ('69, '71, '78) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-19/1969-0; L-49/1971-0; L-198/1978-0 Major Periods: Rom [Hel, Byz]Other Periods: [Per, Rom1, EIs, Med, Ott]Components: [Village on Rom-Byz settlement]; Herodian burial cave, Rom tomb and Rom bath-house excavated.Remarks: L-19 - Salvage excavation of Herodian burial cave. L-49 - Excavation of Rom tomb. L-198 - Discovery of a Rom bath-house. Publications: HA 33 (1970): 6; HA 40 (1971): 22.

23Grid Ref. 160700/204300Site Name: Hermesh (north)Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOA


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (40)


License No. L-881/1999-0Components: NDA

24 Grid Ref. 160200/203500 Site Name: Kh. Firasin Excavator: Eyal Maharian Institution: SOA License No. L-815/1998-0 Major Periods: Med, OttOther Periods: Byz Components: Excavation of Med mosque, using earlier elements.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 46*-47*.

25 Grid Ref. 157500/202900 Site Name: QaffinExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-963/2002-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

26 Grid Ref. 163000/201900 Site Name: El-BirkehExcavator: Adam Zertal Institution: TAU License No. L-243/1980-0? / L-248/1980-0?Major Periods: Rom1 Other Periods: IA1b, Per, HelComponents: Part of the Rom siege-system of Narbata (surveyed site no. 195); sqaure camp, connected to the general fortification; Rom coins.Publications: Zertal 1981, 1984a, 1984b, 1995b; ESI 2 (1984): 39-41; ESI 3 (1985): 38-39.

27 Grid Ref. 162800/201700 Site Name: Kh. el-Hamam Additional Names: El-Khurab; Arubboth; NarbataExcavator: Adam Zertal ('80-'84) Institution: TAULicense Nos. L-243/1980-0; L-248/1980-0; L-277/1981-0; L-311/1982-0; L-348/1984-0Major Periods: IA1b, IA2, Per, Hel, Hel-Rom1, Rom1Other Periods: Rom2, MedComponents: IA1 and Hel-Rom1 fortification; Rom siege-wall, rampart and camps; water supply system; Hel and Rom1 dwelling quarters; public structure; large pool; Med courtyard-house; cemetery; ca. 60 Hel and Rom1 coins.Remarks: L-248 was also issued to Kh. Rabud.Publications: Zertal 1981, 1984a, 1984b, 1995b; ESI 2 (1984): 39-41; ESI 3 (1985): 38-39.

28 Grid Ref. 180700/201650Site Name: Bull Site Names: Dhahrat et-Tawileh; Trig. Point W-562; Bezeq Camp (Ibziq) Excavator: Amihai Mazar Institution: HUJ License No. L-176/1978-0 Major Periods: IA1 Other Periods: LB3 Components: Bronze figurine of bull; open cultic place: round enclosure; standing stone.Publications: A. Mazar 1982b, 1982c, 1999; Finkelstein 1998.

29 Grid Ref. 195400/199400 Site Name: Bardala Excavator: Taysir al-Hamarsha Institution: SOA License No. L-64/1972-1 Major Periods: Byz, EIs, Med, Ott, ModOther Periods: Rom2 Components: EIs bathhouse built on Byz church with mosaic floor and column bases in situ; coins.Remarks: Salvage excavation.Publications: Yeivin 1973; HA 44 (1972): 11.

30 Grid Ref. 177250/199050 Site Name: Misiliya Excavator: Ibrahim al-Fani ('76, '79)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-147/1976-0; L-230/1979-0Major Periods: [Byz, Med]Other Periods: [Rom2, EIs, Ott, Mod]Components: NDA

31Grid Ref. 197400/197700Site Name: Tell el-Hamme Excavators: David Tarler, Gary Lipovich, Jane Cahill, Egon Lass, Yonatan Nadelman ('85); David Tarler, Gary Lipovich ('87); David Tarler, Jane Cahill ('88) Institutions: HUJ, IES, Society for Mediterranean Studies, University of TorontoLicense Nos. L-393/1985-0; L-421/1987-0; L-441/1988-0 Major Periods: MB, IA1, IA2a, IA2b, PerOther Periods: (EB), LB1, LB2, LB3, (Hel, Byz, EIs, Med, Ott)Components: Multi-period tell with a series of IA2a-b destruction layers rich in finds, including numerous loom-weights, grain-filled jars, BoR pottery, iron trident, kernos, bullae, seals; MB fortification.Publications: Cahill 2006; Cahill et al. 1987, 1988; ESI 4 (1986): 41-42; ESI 6 (1988): 58-60; ESI 9 (1991): 134-135.


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32 Grid Ref. 187800/197100 Site Name: Kh. IbziqExcavator: 'Abd el-Saufta Raouf MajedInstitution: SOA License No. L-52/1971-0 Major Periods: [Rom2, Byz, Med, (Ott)]Other Periods: [IA2, Per, (Hel), EIs]Components: NDAPublication: HA 40 (1971): 22.

33 Grid Ref. 163300/197100 Site Name: Aristoboliya Excavators: Yuval Peleg, Shahar Batz ('00)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-895/2000-0; L-1078/2006-0Major Periods: EIs Components: Church with mosaic floor, built in EIs period.Publication: Peleg and Batz 2008.

34 Grid Ref. 179800/196600 Site Name: Sir Excavator: Ibrahim al-Fani Institution: SOA License No. L-161/1977-0 Major Periods: Hel, Rom [Byz, EIs, Med, Ott, Mod]Other Periods: [Per] Components: [Large fortified Med structure; Cru estate: "Casale Syrorum"]; Hel-Rom burial cave and cisterns excavated.Publication: HA 67-68 (1978): 76.

35 Grid Ref. 168575/196375 Site Name: ‘Ajja Excavator: Ibrahim al-Fani Institution: SOA License No. L-124/1975-0Major Periods: [IA2, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, EIs, Med, Ott, Mod]Other Periods: [(EB), MB2b, IA1, Per, Hel]Components: [Multi period tell, two mosques]; NDA on excavation.

36 Grid Ref. 170900/196200 Site Name: ‘Anza Excavator: Khaled Rabiy'a Institution: SOA License No. L-681/1994-0 Major Periods: [Byz, Med, Ott]Other Periods: [EIs] Components: NDA

37 Grid Ref. 176400/195400 Site Name: Kh. KheibarAdditional Names: Tell Kheibar; MethilonExcavator: 'Abd el Rahim Hamran (Awad) ('85)Institution: SOA License No. L-547/1992-0 Major Periods: Byz Components: Byz burial cave, 11 lamps, at edge of fortified Bronze-Iron Age mound.Remarks: The cave was excavated in Nov. 1985 by Hamran. Publication: ESI 14 (1995): 74.

38 Grid Ref. 168000/195000 Site Name: Wadi es-SumeilyExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-686/1994-0Components: NDA

39 Grid Ref. 197450/194550 Site Name: Muntar esh-Shaqq Additional Name: Kh. esh-Saqqe (north)Excavator: Nadav Hameiri/Yuval Peleg Institution: SOA License No. L-575/1993-0 Major Periods: IA1b-c, IA2Other Periods: PPN/PNComponents: IA2 building remains; fortress; casemate wall (prob.); additional structures; caves; nine Neolithic flint tools.Publication: HA-ESI 113 (2001): 42*.

40 Grid Ref. 199500/194500 Site Name: Rotem Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1014/2004-0Components: NDA

41 Grid Ref. 153300/194300 Site Name: Kh. Shuweikat er-RasExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-970/2003-0 Major Periods: [MB2b, LB1, LB1-2, IA1]Other Periods: [IA2, Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, (Med)]Components: [Large tell; city wall; ramparts; acropolis]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Separation Barrier. License was given to "Shuweika-North sites (Separation Barrier)".


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42 Grid Ref. 152000/194000 Site Name: Kh. Sib Road Additional Name: Dhahrat el-HawwajaExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-958/2002-0Major Periods: [Rom, Cru]Components: [Rom road steps and junction; tomb of commander Sheikh Jamal a-Din]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Separation Barrier.

43 Grid Ref. 197700/192600 Site Name: Kh. Tell el-Hulu Additional Names: Tell Abu Sifry; Tel Sheikh Sifry; Karm el-Hilu; 'Ein el-HiluExcavator: Adam Zertal ('88-'89) Institution: HAI License Nos. L-446/1988-0; L-453/1989-0; L-1068/2005-0 Major Periods: Chal, LB3, IA1b-c, IA2, Per, (Hel, Rom-Byz)Other Periods: EB2, (IB), MB2b, LB1, LB2, (Med)Components: Tell; Cypriot imported pottery; burials; fortification wall; four structures; structure 6x12 m: prob. a fortress; four Chal dwelling units.

44 Grid Ref. 171200/192300 Site Name: Jaba‘ Excavators: Ibrahim al-Fani ('69); Yitzhak Magen ('77)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-15/1969-0; L-165/1977-0 Major Periods: [IA1, IA2, Hel]Other Periods: [MB2b, Per, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, EIs, Med, Ott]Components: [Village; Med and Ott structures with firing slits; fortified tell]; NDA on excavations.

45 Grid Ref. 184900/192200 Site Name: TubasExcavator: 'Abd el-Saufta Raouf Majed ('71)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-10/1968-1; L-42/1971-0Major Periods: IA2, Byz, MedOther Periods: Rom2, EIs, Ott, ModComponents: [Caves; rock-cut tombs]; rock-cut tomb, five loculi, with 22 intact IA2 vessels.Publication: HA 38 (1971): 13-14.

46 Grid Ref. 178900/191600 Site Name: El-Qa‘adehExcavator: Adam Zertal Institution: HAI

License Nos. L-350/1984-0 Major Periods: IA2, PerOther Periods: HelComponents: Ancient military camp (?): square camp; fortified; casemate?; towers?; rooms; installations; iron arrow; a lot of pottery.Remarks: Lederman sectioned the site in 1984.

47 Grid Ref. 197300/191300 Site Name: MaskiyotExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1084/2006-0 Components: NDA

48 Grid Ref. 152800/190900 Site Name: TulkarmExcavators: Ibrahim al-Fani ('71, '79); 'Abd el-Latif Qaddumi ('75); Shimon Dar ('76)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-46/1971-0; L-108/1975-0; L-138/1976-0; L-227/1979-0; L-730/1995-0; L-731/1995-0Major Periods: MB, Hel, Rom, ByzOther Periods: EB2 Components: Building; underground spaces; EB2 tomb; Rom and Byz caves in Tulkarm - Manshiyeh Hill.Remarks: L-108 – salvage excavation. L-138 - caves excavated by Dar.Publications: HA 40 (1971): 23; HA 74-75 (1980): 18-19; ESI 5 (1987): 119.

49 Grid Ref. 168500/189700 Site Name: Burqa Excavator: 'Abd el-Rahim Hamran Institution: SOA License No. L-465/1990-0Major Periods: [Rom2, Byz, Med, Ott, Mod]Other Periods: [EIs]Components: NDA

50 Grid Ref. 198300/189100 Site Name: Oil PressExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1079/2006-0Components: NDA

51 Grid Ref. 202700/189000Site Name: El-MadrajExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1017/2004-0


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (43)


Components: NDA

52 Grid Ref. 151800/188900 Site Name: Kh. IrtahExcavator: Ibrahim al-Fani ('77) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-160/1977-0; L-705/1995-0Major Periods: [Byz, Med, Ott]Components: NDA

53 Grid Ref. 199700/188700 Site Name: Kh. es-Suwede Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-890/2000-0; L-917/2001-0Major Periods: [Rom1, Rom2, Byz]Other Periods: [MB2b, IA1a-c, IA2, Hel]Components: [Large permanent military camp (Rom, Byz): central enclosure, with many rooms and streets; structures outside the enlosure; water system: dam, pool, cisterns; ancient path; cemetery]; NDA on excavation.

54 Grid Ref. 168450/188150 Site Name: Wadi es-Sumeily Excavator: Ofer Sion Institution: SOA License Nos. L-497/1991-0 Major Periods: Rom [IA, Hel, Byz]Components: [Thirty-five burial caves; "Samaritan" sarcophagi]; four Rom burial caves excavated.Publication: ESI 12 (1994): 37-38.

55Grid Ref. 157100/188100 Site Name: Wadi el-Nimr Additional Name: Avnei Hefetz Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-505/1991-0Components: NDA

56 Grid Ref. 162000/188000 Site Name: ‘Enav (east) Excavator: Eyal Maharian Institution: SOA License No. L-766/1997-1 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Fieldtower; ritual bath; winepress.Remarks: According to SOA license list, this license for 'Enav is supposed to be L-766/1997-0.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 54*.

57 Grid Ref. 161400/187200 Site Name: Ras el-Lubbeid Additional Names: Kh. Samara; Tulkarm bypass roadExcavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-508/1991-0 Major Periods: Rom-ByzComponents: Five burial caves.Remarks: Coordinates in ESI: 16140/18720. According to IAA database this license was issued for Lubbeid, but according to ESI it is for Kh. Samara, which is very close. Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 43.

58 Grid Ref. 160950/187200 Site Name: Kh. Samara Additional Name: Deir Surur Excavator: Yitzhak Magen Institution: SOA License No. L-504/1991-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Samaritan synagogue; polychrome mosaics.Publications: Magen 1993b; ESI 12 (1993): 34-37.

59 Grid Ref. 168500/187100 Site Name: Sabastiya Additional Names: Samaria; ShomronExcavators: Ibrahim al-Fani ('68-'69, '76); Ibrahim el-Ghassuli ('68); Hafzi Hadad ('69); Wajia el-As'ad ('71); Ofer Sion, Shimon Riklin ('91); Ofer Sion, 'Abd el-Rahim Hamran ('93)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-4/1968-0; L-4/1968-2; L-5/1968-0; L-5/1968-1; L-12/1969-0; L-14/1969-0; L-17/1969-0; L-22/1969-0; L-50/1971-0; L-126/1975-0; L-148/1976-0; L-194/1978-1; L-497/1991-0; L-562/1993-0Major Periods: IA2, Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, ByzOther Periods: EB1, Med (Mam), OttComponents: Minor excavations in and near site of IA Samaria and Rom Sebastiya; Rom1 monumental stairway; Rom2 and Byz burial caves.Remarks: L-194 – aqueduct excavations; L-497 – tomb and nearby Byz cave excavations.Publications: Yeivin 1973; HA 27 (1968): 20; HA 28-29 (1969): 40; HA 30 (1969): 27; HA 34-35 (1970): 13; ESI 12 (1994): 37-38; ESI 15 (1996): 55.

60 Grid Ref. 166380/186710 Site Name: Kh. el-Babariyye Additional Name: Kh. Kerum Excavator: Naftali Aizik Institution: SOA


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License No. L-860/1999-0 Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2 [(IA1), IA2, Per]Other Periods: [Hel, Byz, (Med)]Components: Large ruin; Rom1 and Rom2 burial cave excavated.Remarks: Salvage excavation in the Rom burial cave.Publication: Aizik and Peleg 2007.

61 Grid Ref. 155600/186700 Site Name: Bustane Hefez Industrial ZoneExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-901/2000-0Components: NDA

62 Grid Ref. 177900/186500 Site Name: Talluze Excavators: 'Abd el-Rahim Hamran ('85); Hanania HizmiInstitution: SOA License No. L-381/1985-0 Major Periods: IA2, Rom, Byz, MedOthrt Periods: EIs, Ott, ModComponents: Third-fourth cent. C.E. burial cave (1779/1865) with inscribed sarcophagi excavated.Publications: Hizmi 1997b; ESI 9 (1991): 43-44.

63 Grid Ref. 167020/185450 Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-894/2000-0; L-971/2003-0; L-1088/2006-0Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2Components: Water cistern; walls; caves; two ritual baths.Remarks: Site is referred as "Near Shave Shomron". L-971- trial excavation. Publication: Peleg and Greenfeld 2007: 296.

64 Grid Ref. 163600/184800 Site Name: NoneExcavator: Shimon Dar ('78)Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1Other Periods: Rom2, ByzComponents: Rom road; two structures – watchtowers?Remarks: Trial excavation. Publication: Dar 1986: 140-141.

65 Grid Ref. 167100/184700

Site Name: El-KhirbeAdditional Names: Kh. Umm Ghanmeh; Deir SharafExcavator: Yitzhak Magen ('91-'93)Institution: SOA License No. L-503/1991-0 Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, ByzOther Periods: (Med) Components: Samaritan synagogue with mosaic floor (fourth cent. C.E.); 49 coins; Rom mausoleum.Remarks: Synagogue first found in salvage excavation (1990, no license).Publications: Magen 1992a, 1993b; ESI 10 (1992): 16.

66 Grid Ref. 199500/184500 Site Name: HemdatExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-914/2001-0Major Periods: [IA2, Byz]Other Periods: [Ott] Components: [Small site: small structure 5x6 m]; NDA on excavation.

67 Grid Ref. 168910/184410 Site Name: ‘Ein Qibliya Additional Names: Road to Mt. Ebal; 'Ein Nequra (southwest) Excavator: Eyal Maharian Institution: SOA License No. L-747/1996-0 Major Periods: Hel, RomOther Periods: Byz, EIsComponents: Dwelling cave.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 49*-50*.

68 Grid Ref. 155000/184000 Site Name: The er-Ras Area Excavator: Shimon Dar Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDA Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Field towers, one excavated.Publication: Dar 1986: 92.

69 Grid Ref. 199050/183950 Site Name: Muntar Mufye Additional Names: E.P. 189; Kh. Mufiya Excavators: Nadav Hameiri, Yuval Peleg ('94)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-666/1994-0; L-1001/2004-0Major Periods: Hel?, Rom1, Rom2, ByzComponents: Tower; courtyard.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (45)


70 Grid Ref. 192800/183700 Site Name: Kh. Muqeisime Additional Name: Kh. Umm KeismehExcavator: Taysir al-Hamarsha Institution: SOA License No. L-61/1972-0 Major Periods: Byz, EIs, MedOther Periods: IA2, OttComponents: Byz-EIs fortified structure with adjacent units.Remarks: Salvage excavation. Publications: Yeivin 1973; HA 43 (1972): 11-12.

71 Grid Ref. 171550/183550 Site Name: Zawata Excavators: Ibrahim al-Fani ('68, '79); Zur Abeles, 'Abd el-Rahim Hamran ('95)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-3/1968-0; L-210/1979-0; L-659/1994-0 Major Periods: MB, LB1, LB2, [Rom2, Byz, EIs, Med, Ott, Mod]Other Periods: [EB1]Components: LB burial cave with many intact pottery vessels, flint tools, metal objects, excavated 1995.Publication: Eisenstadt et al. 2004.

72 Grid Ref. 186200/183200 Site Name: Kh. el-‘AqrabaniyaExcavator: Avraham Eitan Institution: SOA License No. L-271/1981-0Components: NDA

73 Grid Ref. 156000/183000 Site Name: The Kefr Sur AreaExcavator: Shimon DarInstitutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1, Rom2Components: Field towers.Remarks: Two towers in this area were excavated.Publication: Dar 1986: 92.

74 Grid Ref. 177300/182900 Site Name: Mt. Ebal Additional Name: El-Burnat Excavator: Adam Zertal ('82-'89) Institutions: TAU; HAI License Nos. L-312/1982-0; L-327/1983-0; L-347/1984-0; L-389/1985-0; L-410/1986-0; L-425/1987-0; L-454/1989-0Major Periods: IA1 Other Periods: LB

Components: IA enclosure surrounded by a stone wall; inner enclosure; structures; central massive structure with courtyards ("altar"); scarabs; seal impression; gold earring.Remarks: L-312 – salvage excavation. Publications: Zertal 1986-1987; Machlin 1991; ESI 2 (1984): 72; ESI 3 (1985): 82-86; ESI 5 (1987): 77-78; ESI 6 (1988): 82-84; ESI 9 (1991): 45.

75 Grid Ref. 190000/182600 Site Name: Wadi el-‘Aris Additional Names: 'Ein Shibli, LB Tomb; Tell Naqb el-'ArayisExcavators: Heftsiba Cohen, Shmuel TsfaniaInstitution: SOA License No. L-303/1982-0 Major Periods: IB Other Periods: MB2b, LBComponents: Large cemetery: ca. 30 shaft tombs.

76 Grid Ref. 165500/182500 Site Name: Qedumim Additional Name: Qedumim, Bar-On Industrial ZoneExcavator: Eyal Maharian Institution: SOALicense No. L-791/1998-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Sixteen square fieldtowers; three cisterns; four winepresses; cave dwelling.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 50*-52*.

77 Grid Ref. 169850/182350 Site Name: Beit Iba Excavator: Ibrahim al-Fani Institution: SOA License Nos. L-214/1979-0; L-228/1979-0Major Periods: [Byz, Ott]Components: NDA

78 Grid Ref. 178200/182300 Site Name: Kh. el-Kuz A Additional Name: Kefr Kus Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. NDA Major Periods: Byz, EIsOther Periods: Rom2, MedComponents: [Dozens of structures; three complexes of water cisterns; agricultural installations; burial caves]; structure was excavated. Remarks: Trial excavation.


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79 Grid Ref. 164900/181900Site Name: Har HemedExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-840/1999-0Components: NDA

80 Grid Ref. 173200/181700 Site Name: Tell Sufan Additional Name: Tell es-SufariExcavators: Ze'ev Yeivin ('73); Ibrahim al-Fani ('75, '77)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-84/1973-0; L-112/1975-0; L-169/1977-0 Major Periods: [EB2, LB2, IA1, IA2, Per, Hel, Rom, Byz, Isl]Components: [Fortified tell; rock-cut caves]; NDA on excavation.

81 Grid Ref. 178100/181300 Site Name: 'Askar Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-704/1995-0Components: NDA

82 Grid Ref. 172250/181180 Site Name: Rafidiyye Excavator: ‘Abd el-Rahim Hamran ('84, '91)Institution: SOA License No. L-502/1991-0 Major Periods: Rom2, (Cru?)Components: Late Rom burial caves, glass vessels.Remarks: Today a part of Nablus; modern church.Publication: Hizmi 1997c.

83 Grid Ref. 174675/181100Site Name: Nablus, HippodromeExcavator: Yitzhak Magen ('82, '84)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-305/1982-0; L-340/1984-0Major Periods: Rom Components: Hippodrome with arena and nave; many coins.Publication: Magen 2005.

84 Grid Ref. 174850/180975 Site Name: Nablus, AmphitheaterExcavator: Yitzhak Magen ('82, '84)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-306/1982-0; L-341/1984-0

Major Periods: RomComponents: Amphitheater with cells for animals; cavea; arena; coins. Publication: Magen 2005.

85 Grid Ref. 174750/180650 Site Name: Nablus Additional Names: Shechem (Town); 'Ein Qaryun; Neapolis; Amman St.; Tell Biyyud; Ayan NeighborhoodExcavators: Ibrahim al-Fani ('68-'72, '74-'79, '81); William G. Dever ('72-'73); Taysir al-Hamarsha ('74); Yitzhak Magen ('80); 'Abd el-Rahim Hamran ('84)Institutions: SOA; Albright Institute License Nos. L-4/1968-1; L-18/1969-1; L-51/1971-0; L-56/1971-0; L-76/1972-0; L-98/1974-0; L-103/1974-0; L-129/1975-0; L-188/1978-0; L-194/1978-0; L-213/1979-0; L-231/1979-0; L-261/1980-0; L-283/1981-0; L-284/1981-0; L-285/1981-0; L-371/1984-0Major Periods: Rom Other Periods: Hel, ByzComponents: Rom structures; street; public buildings; soldiers' tombstones; mausoleum with three burial caves; polychrome mosaic floor. Publications: Yeivin 1975; Dauphin 1979; Magen 1989a, 2005; HA 31-32 (1969): 14; HA 40 (1971): 23; HA 45 (1973) 18; HA 69-71 (1979): 82-83.

86 Grid Ref. 161350/180550 Site Name: Kh. Abu ‘UbeidaExcavator: ‘Abd el-Latif Qaddumi Institution: SOA License No. L-55/1971-0 Major Periods: Hel? Components: Tombs; one was excavated (prob. Hel).Publication: HA 40 (1971): 23.

87 Grid Ref. 177500/180500 Site Name: Kh. ‘Askar Excavators: Ibrahim al-Fani ('72, '79); 'Abd el-Rahim Hamran ('84) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-60/1972-0; L-232/1979-0; L-375/1984-0 Major Periods: Per, Rom2, Byz, IslOther Periods: IA, OttComponents: Late Rom mausoleum with ten sarcophagi; Per tombs with clay sarcophagus, bronzes.Publications: Yeivin 1973; Stern 1980; Damati 1985-1986; HA 41-42 (1972): 17; HA 43 (1972): 10-11.

88 Grid Ref. 180400/180400Site Name: Deir el-Hatab


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Excavator: Ibrahim al-Fani Institution: SOA License No. L-115/1975-0 Major Periods: [IA2, Byz, Isl]Components: NDA

89 Grid Ref. 176530/180380 Site Name: Balata, Burial CavesAdditional Name: Balata – Ancient ShechemExcavator: Ibrahim al-Fani ('76)Institution: SOA License No. L-151/1976-0 Major Periods: Chal, EB1, MB2b-c, LB1, LB2Other Periods: IA, Hel, RomComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave; IA and Rom tomb with courtyard; hundreds of interments; early phase with decorated Chal ossuaries and EB1 vessels; late phase with over 2000 pottery vessels; bronze items; beads; seals; scarabs; alabaster vessels; ivory objects.Remarks: Salvage excavation in one burial cave (1976). Coordinates are approximate.Publications: Clamer 1977, 1981; HA 59-60 (1976): 23-24.

90 Grid Ref. 174950/180300Site Name: Neapolis, TheaterExcavators: Ibrahim al-Fani, Yitzhak Magen ('79, '82); Yitzhak Magen ('80, '84)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-221/1979-0; L-262/1980-0; L-304/1982-0; L-339/1984-0 Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Rom theater, 110 m in diameter, three caveae, marble capitals, columns, frieze fragments, doorposts, decorated lintels, statues, hundreds of coins, inscriptions.Publications: Magen 1989a, 2005; ESI 2 (1984): 90-92.

91 Grid Ref. 173500/180200 Site Name: Center of Nablus, block 24013, plot 51Excavator: ‘Abd el-Rahim Hamran Institution: SOA License No. L-670/1994-0 Major Periods: [Rom] Other Periods: [Hel, Byz]Components: NDARemarks: Trial excavation.

92 Grid Ref. 165050/180170 Site Name: Qedumim Additional Names: Qadum; Khallat el-Bir; Qarne Shomron Excavators: Yitzhak Magen ('79-'80); Arieh Burstein ('84)

Institution: SOA License Nos. L-206/1979-0; L-258/1980-0; L-365/1984-0; L-1075/2006-0 Major Periods: Rom, Byz, EIsOther Periods: EB1, MB, IA, Per, HelComponents: Water cisterns with Per pottery; copper needles and weights; Rom settlement; oil presses; public baths; tombs; buildings.Remarks: L-206 – salvage excavation. Publications: Magen 1982, 1983, 1985a; Stern and Magen 1984; HA 72 (1980): 24; ESI 1 (1984): 96-100; HA-ESI 112 (2000): 50*-52*.

93 Grid Ref. 176850/180000 Site Name: Balata – Ancient Shechem Excavators: G.E. Wright ('68); J.D. Seger, William G. Dever ('72); William G. Dever ('73)Institutions: Albright Institute; SOA License Nos. L-1/1968-2; L-6/1968-2; L-62/1972-0; L-90/1973-0Major Periods: Chal, MB2a, MB2b, MB2c, LB, IA1, IA2, HelComponents: Multi-period tell with massive MB fortifications, palace; migdol temple, monumental gates.Remarks: Excavated by Wright in 1956-1968, and by Seger and Dever in 1969-1973.Publications: Dever 1973a, 1973b, 1975c; Seger 1974; Cole 1984; Campbell 1991, 2002; Wright 2002; HA 27 (1968): 21-23; HA 43 (1972): 9-11; HA 45 (1973): 17-18; HA 48-49 (1974): 48-50.

94 Grid Ref. 201400/179800 Site Name: Kh. el-Ghirur Additional Name: Kh. Karur Excavator: Yizhar Hirschfeld Institution: HUJ License No. NDA Major Periods: Rom2/ByzComponents: Permanent military camp, surrounded by a wall; dam nearby; sarcophagus; three Rom2 coins; bronze handle with bird's-feet decoration.Remarks: Partially damaged by IDF.Publication: ESI 9 (1991): 138-139.

95 Grid Ref. 181400/179500 Site Name: Salim (Shechem)Excavator: Ibrahim al-FaniInstitution: SOALicense No. L-2/1968-0Major Periods: [EB1, IA2, Hel, Rom, Byz, Byz/Uma, Cru/Ayy, Mam, EOtt]Components: [Cisterns; burial caves; winepress]; NDA on excavation.


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (48)


96 Grid Ref. 176900/179500 Site Name: Tananir Excavator: Robert G. Boling Institution: ASOR License No. NDA Major Periods: MB Other Periods: Chal, Chal-EB1, LB, Rom2, ByzComponents: Two square MB cultic buildings; silos; Rom-Byz installation.Remarks: Coordinates are approximate.Publications: Boling 1975; HA 28-29 (1969): 39-40.

97 Grid Ref. 201800/179300Site Name: Kh. edh-Dhra‘Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA (Not SOA) License No. L-1112/2007-0 Major Periods: ChalComponents: Small site; Chal flint items; worked stones.

98 Grid Ref. 151700/179200 Site Name: Zufin Additional Name: Trig. Point 142Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-524/1992-0Components: NDA

99 Grid Ref. 176000/178550 Site Name: Mt. Gerizim Additional Names: Kh. esh-Sheikh Ghanim; Jebel et-Tur; Tell er-RasExcavator: Yitzhak Magen ('85-'06) Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-388/1985-0; L-431/1987-0; L-490/1991-0; L-541/1992-0; L-566/1993-0; L-692/1994-0; L-738/1996-0; L-757/1997-0; L-782/1998-0; L-844/1999-0; L-888/1999-0; L-979/2003-0; L-1039/2005-0; L-1100/2006-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom, ByzOther Periods: Per, EIsComponents: Per sacred Samaritan precinct; Hel sacred precinct and town (four residental quarters and mansion); Byz church; over 500 inscriptions (mostly Hel) in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek; 16,000 coins; thousands of pottery vessels; 400,000 burnt bones; many weapons.Publications: Magen 1986, 1990c, 1992b, 2008a; Hizmi and Shabtai 1997a; Naveh and Magen 1997; Stern and Magen 2002; Magen et al. 2004a; HA 27 (1968): 21-23.

100 Grid Ref. 152700/178100

Site Name: Jayyus – QalqilyaExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-964/2002-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

101 Grid Ref. 168000/178000 Site Name: Kh. KafrurExcavator: Michel Itah ('92-'93) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-527/1992-0; L-558/1993-0; L-707/1995-0Major Periods: [Byz, Isl, Ott]Components: NDA

102 Grid Ref. 176750/177750 Site Name: Cave in Kafr Qalil Excavators: Ofer Sion, ‘Abd el-RahimInstitution: SOA License No. L-713/1995-0 Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave; pottery; bones.Remarks: Salvage excavation. Publication: ESI 18 (1998): 110-111.

103 Grid Ref. 176200/177600 Site Name: Kafr Qallil Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-37/1970-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: NDA

104 Grid Ref. 174500/177600 Site Name: Har BerakhaExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-885/1999-0Components: NDA

105Grid Ref. 177800/177350 Site Name: RujeibExcavator: Ibrahim al-Fani Institution: SOALicense No. L-117/1975-0Major Periods: RomComponents: Rom burial cave.Publication: HA 56 (1975): 53.

106 Grid Ref. 180000/177000 Site Name: Tell Zofar


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Excavator: Ze'ev YeivinInstitution: SOA License No. NDAMajor Periods: IA1, IA2, Per-HelComponents: Per-Hel barns; walls; IA2 structures.Publication: HA 47 (1973): 12-13.

107 Grid Ref. 176900/176400 Site Name: Mahane HoronExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-967/2003-0 Components: NDA

108 Grid Ref. 158000/176000 Site Name: The Kefr Laqif AreaExcavator: Shimon DarInstitutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2Other Periods: Per, Per-Hel, Byz, OttComponents: Field towers, 11 excavated.Publication: Dar 1986: 92.

109 Grid Ref. 147700/175900 Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1095/2006-0 Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

110 Grid Ref. 157500/175700 Site Name: Qasr Haramiyyeh Excavator: Shimon DarInstitutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDA Major Periods: HelOther Periods: Med, OttComponents: Fortified farmhouse; agricultural installations - oil press, two threshing floors, winepress; cave; pen.Remarks: Limited excavation; E.P. 316.Publication: Dar 1986: 14.

111 Grid Ref. 176400/175500 Site Name: Kh. Makhna et-Tahta Additional Name: Mahane Horon Excavator: Taysir al-Hamarsha Institution: SOA License No. L-79/1973-0 Major Periods: [Med]

Components: NDA

112 Grid Ref. 159400/175500 Site Name: Qarne Shomron Additional Names: Karson; Sal'it Excavator: Shimon Dar Institution: NDA License No. L-180/1978-0Components: NDA

113 Grid Ref. 172225/175425 Site Name: Kh. HalasExcavator: Ofer Sion Institution: SOA License No. L-546/1992-0Major Periods: Byz, EIsComponents: Structure (fort?) and cistern.Publication: ESI 15 (1996): 57-58.

114 Grid Ref. 179350/175350 Site Name: Kh. Heiya Additional Names: Tell Hayim; ItamarExcavator: Hanania Hizmi Institution: SOA License No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2Components: Two burial caves excavated at edge of site.Publications: Hizmi 1997a; ESI 7-8 (1990): 79-80.

115 Grid Ref. 156800/174950 Site Name: Kh. Jamma‘in Additional Name: Ma‘ale ShomronExcavators: Ibrahim al-Fani ('78); Shimon Dar ('79-'82); 'Abd el-Rahim Hamran ('90)Institutions: BIU; SOA License Nos. L-199/1978-0; L-219/1979-0; L-267/1981-0; L-293/1982-0; L-478/1990-0Major Periods: IA2, HelComponents: IA2 village: 20 houses, oil press and winepress, boundary wall; reoccupied in Hel period.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-219 was issued for Qarne Shomron (Sal'it) – site nearby. Four buildings were excavated.Publications: Dar 1980, 1986: 78-80; HA 77 (1981): 15-16.

116 Grid Ref. 163600/174882 Site Name: Immanu'el Excavator: Shmuel Tsfania, Zion ShavitInstitution: SOA License No. L-287/1981-0Components: NDA


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117 Grid Ref. 164500/174800 Site Name: Immanu'elExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1117/2007-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

118 Grid Ref. 174350/174600 Site Name: Kh. et-Tira Additional Name: Qafr QalilExcavators: Ibrahim al-Fani ('70); Michel Itah ('92)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-34/1970-0; L-536/1992-0; L-559/1993-0Major Periods: [IA2/Per, Byz, Byz/Uma]Other Periods: [Hel, Hel-Rom, Rom, Mam]Components: [Large site; cisterns; burial caves; oil press]; NDA on excavations.

119 Grid Ref. 198800/174200 Site Name: Bedhat esh-Sha‘abExcavator: Dror Ben-Yosef ('02-'03')Institution: NDA License No. NDA Major Periods: IA1, IA2, RomOther Periods: EIs, Mam?Components: Large walled enclosure; structural remains; large inner courtyard; embankment; maybe a cultic site; IA flint items; Mam (?) bronze coin.Publication: Ben-Yosef et al. 2005; Zertal et al. 2005.

120 Grid Ref. 156100/174100Site Name: El-Ghars Additional Names: Kh. Kafr Qari'; Kh. el-'UyunExcavator: Ofer Sion Institution: SOA License No. L-479/1990-0 Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz, MedOther Periods: Ott Components: Two rock-hewn burial caves; skeletal remains; sarcophagus fragments; metal objects; Herodian lamps; winepress; oil press.Publication: ESI 10 (1992): 116-117.

121 Grid Ref. 176750/174050 Site Name: Tell er-Ras Additional Name: En-Nabi 'Uzeir Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA License Nos. L-36/1970-0; L-45/1971-0; L-67/1972-0 Major Periods: [IA2, Rom]Other Periods: [MB, IA1, IA1-2, Per, Rom/Byz, Byz,

Byz/Uma, (Isl), EOtt]Components: [Large ruin; mosque or Samaritan prayer place; Sheikh's tomb (En-Nabi 'Uzeir)]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Site located five km away from the location found in SOA license list.

122 Grid Ref. 155750/173800 Site Name: Wadi Haramiyye Additional Name: Ramalla Bypass Excavator: Yehiel Zelinger Institution: SOA License No. L-729/1995-0 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rom1 tombs.Publication: Selinger 2004: 63-66.

123Grid Ref. 159950/173200 Site Name: Nofim Additional Name: Trig. Point 426 Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-523/1992-0Components: NDA

124 Grid Ref. 158600/173150 Site Name: Kh. Shihada Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1080/2006-0 Major Periods: [Hel, Byz/Uma]Components: [Large ruin; structures; caves; installations]; NDA on excavation.

125 Grid Ref. 184000/173000Site Name: Itamar (east)Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-867/1999-0Components: NDA

126 Grid Ref. 161150/172300 Site Name: Yaqir Additional Name: Trig. Point 420 Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-521/1992-0Components: NDA

127 Grid Ref. 196000/171900 Site Name: Tell el-Mazar


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Additional Name: Tell Samada; Ghor el-Far'ah; Tell esh-Sheikh MazarExcavator: Taysir el-Hamarsha Institution: SOA License No. L-88/1973-0 Major Periods: [IA2c, Per, Rom-Byz]Other Periods: [EB, (Byz), Ott]Components: [Small tell; aqueduct; Per cemetery; sarcophagus; sarcophagi quarry; Hebrew inscription (Rom?)]; NDA on excavation.

128 Grid Ref. 161000/171800 Site Name: Yaqir (south)Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-883/1999-0Components: NDA

129 Grid Ref. 156800/171300 Site Name: Nahal Qanah CaveAdditional Names: Wadi Bidiya; Bidiya CaveExcavators: Ram Gophna, Avi Gopher, Tsvika Tsuk ('86-'87); Avi Gopher ('91)Institution: TAU License Nos. L-414/1986-0; L-423/1987-0; L-500/1991-1Major Periods: PN, Chal, EB1Components: Cult and burial cave; numerous pottery vessels (some intact); flint tools; Chal copper, stone and bone tools; ivory objects; ossuaries; eight gold and electrum rings; 20 basalt bowls; maceheads; skeletal remains.Remarks: L-500 - excavation or survey. Publications: Gopher and Tsuk 1992; Gopher 1996a; ESI 5 (1987): 18-19.

130 Grid Ref. 159550/170600 Site Name: Qarawat Bani Hasan Additional Name: Sham et-Tawil Excavators: Shimon Dar ('75); Ibrahim al-Fani ('79)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-116/1975-0; L-212/1979-0Major Periods: IA2, Byz, Byz/Uma, MamOther Periods: IA2/Per, Rom, Uma/Abb, Cru/Ayy, EOttComponents: [Large Herodian building; Rom-Byz village; domed Mam mosque; Cru tower]; Abb mosque on church remains; Rom road network excavated; Burj el-Yaqur tower; Qal'at Firdus.Remarks: Dar excavated the Abbasid mosque of Sheikh Ali el-Amanat. Site identified with Qarawa, place of Baba Rabba's Samaritan synagogue; two field tower were excavated.Publication: Dar 1986: 230-269.

131Grid Ref. 182350/170450 Site Name: 'Aqraba Additional Name: 'Aqraba el-HusnExcavator: Ibrahim al-Fani Institution: SOALicense No. L-229/1979-0Major Periods: [Byz/Uma, Cru/Ayy, Mam]Other Periods: [IA2, Hel, Rom, Byz, EOtt]Components: [Cru fort: two towers, courtyard; (Mam?) mosque founded on church remains; Greek inscriptions; burial caves]; NDA on excavation.

132 Grid Ref. 198375/170375 Site Name: El-Makhruq Excavators: Emanuel Damati ('74, '80); Ze'ev Yeivin ('74); Emanuel EisenbergInstitution: SOA License Nos. L-95/1974-0; L-97/1974-0; L-239/1980-0 Major Periods: EB1-2, EB2-3, IA2Other Periods: WR, Chal, EB1, MB2bComponents: Tell; fortified EB city-enclosure, with fortified tower, dwelling units and fortification wall; rectangular IA2 fortress, podium; dwelling caves with courtyards and installations; PN (Wadi Raba), Chal and EB flint tools.Publications: Yeivin 1974a, 1974c, 1992; Zertal 1995a, 2001; Hizmi 2004b; HA 50 (1974): 9; HA 51-52 (1974): 18-21.

133 Grid Ref. 160100/170150 Site Name: Dar ed-Darb Excavators: Ibrahim al-Fani ('72); Shimon Dar ('78)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-66/1972-0; L-177/1978-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Large Hel-Rom cemetery: rock-cut tombs with rock-cut 'courtyards'.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-66 was issued for Qarawat Bani Hasan (site nearby).Publications: Dar 1986: 234-235; HA 44 (1972): 12.

134 Grid Ref. 152000/170000 Site Name: ‘Azzun - ‘AtmaAdditional Name: Kh. 'Azzun Ibn 'Atma Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-982/2003-0 Major Periods: [IA2, Per, (Rom-Byz)]Other Periods: [Hel, Byz, Byz/Uma, Cru/Ayy, Mam, EOtt]Components: [Ott structures; winepresses; rock-cut tombs; ruined mosque]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Separation Barrier. Coordinates are


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135 Grid Ref. 150000/169900 Site Name: Western SamariaExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-200/1978-0Components: NDA

136 Grid Ref. 159800/169800 Site Name: Qasr Abu Jelaia Excavator: Shimon Dar Institution: BIU, SOALicense No. NDAComponents: [Mausoleum; stone tower]; NDA on excavation. Remarks: Rescue excavations.

137 Grid Ref. 151100/169750 Site Name: Kh. en-Najjar Additional Name: Spot Height 169 Excavators: Shimon Dar ('78); Avraham Biran ('89)Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. L-190/1978-0Major Periods: IA2, Per, Hel, Rom, ByzOther Periods: Uma/Abb, MamComponents: Rom-Byz farmhouse, with central fortified residence; oil press; agricultural installations; cemetery nearby.Publication: Dar 1986: 47-51.

138 Grid Ref. 153600/169500 Site Name: Elkana Additional Name: Kh. ‘AmirExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-852/1999-0Components: NDARemarks: L-368/1984-0 was issued to Giora Kilstein (SOA), but excavation was not carried out.

139 Grid Ref. 164900/169450 Site Name: Kifl HarithExcavator: Ibrahim al-Fani Institution: SOALicense No. L-111/1975-0 Major Periods: [Med]Other Periods: [MB, Per, Hel, Rom, Byz, Mam]Components: NDA

140 Grid Ref. 173800/169400

Site Name: TappuahAdditional Name: Er-Ras (west)Excavator: Shimon DarInstitution: SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: RomOther Periods: EB, MB, IA, Per/Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: Four towers.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 107-108.

141Grid Ref. 188500/169200 Site Name: Gitit, QuarryExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOA License No. L-846/1999-0Components: NDA

142 Grid Ref. 151350/168600 Site Name: Kh. Sirisye Additional Name: Elkana Excavator: Shimon Riklin ('92) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-537/1992-0; L-1040/2005-0Major Periods: [IA2/Per, Byz]Other Periods: [Med] Components: NDARemarks: Sirisye (south) was excavated in 2005 (exact location unknown).

143 Grid Ref. 160850/168050 Site Name: Kh. el-BurakExcavator: Shimon DarInstitution: SOA License No. L-170/1977-0Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom2, ByzOther Periods: IA1Components: Byz ruin; terraces; basilical church; mosaic floor with Greek insription, floral and faunal motifs; towers; oil press; building; Rom road; agricultural installations.Remarks: Salvage excavation; two towers in this area were excavated.Publications: Dar 1986: 51-76; HA 65-66 (1978): 27-28; ESI 1 (1984): 13-14.

144 Grid Ref. 150000/168000 Site Name: Fort 168Additional Name: ZangiriyaExcavator: Ayal AronshtamInstitution: SOA License No. L-555/1993-0Components: NDA


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145 Grid Ref. 169400/167800 Site Name: ArielExcavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOALicense No. L-489/1991-0Major Periods: Rom-ByzComponents: Two towers.Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 123.

146 Grid Ref. 195750/167350 Site Name: Rujm el-Sia‘ Additional Name: Trig. Point L-141 Excavator: Mikel Dadon Institution: SOA License No. L-557/1993-0 Components: NDA

147 Grid Ref. 193800/167000 Site Name: Qarn Sartaba Additional Name: AlexandrionExcavators: Yitzhak Magen, Yoram Tsafrir ('81-'82); Ze'ev Meshel ('85)Institutions: HUJ, SOA; TAULicense Nos. L-279/1981-0; L-313/1982-0; L-387/1985Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Other Periods: UP, Chal, IA1-2, IA2c, Byz, MedComponents: Fortress 30x35 m; water installations; Hasmonean cemetery; Herodian peristyle with mosaic floor, cistern, pool; coins; Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek ostraca.Publications: Tsafrir 1975; Tsafrir and Magen 1984; Garbrecht and Peleg 1994; Eshel 1995: 108, 112; Spanier 2000; Meshel 2003.

148 Grid Ref. 167550/166950 Site Name: Kh. esh-ShajaraExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1092/2006-0 Major Periods: IA1, IA2Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

149 Grid Ref. 157950/166750 Site Name: Qasr Zuweina Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-522/1992-0 Major Periods: Rom-ByzComponents: Rectangular two roomed structure.Publication: ESI 14 (1995): 141.

150 Grid Ref. 150000/166600 Site Name: Kaspah Additional Name: Kh. Kesfa Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1045/2005-0 Major Periods: [Byz]Components: [Structures; large mosaic-paved winepress; arcosolia tombs]; NDA on excavation. 151 Grid Ref. 161600/166500 Site Name: Kh. Kurqush Additional Name: Ariel, Industrial ZoneExcavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-509/1991-0 Major Periods: Hel, Rom, Byz [EIs, Med]Other Periods: [IA1-2, IA2]Components: [Remains of buildings, some with intact vaults; quarries; rock-cut decorated Hel/Rom tombs]; eight Rom, Byz towers, two installations excavated.Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 47-48.

152 Grid Ref. 174950/166450 Site Name: Kh. es-Sawiya Additional Name: Kh. Barqit Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-882/1999-0Major Periods: [Hel, Rom, Byz, Byz/Uma]Components: NDA

153 Grid Ref. 159650/166050 Site Name: Kh. HamadAdditional Name: Kh. FakhakhirExcavators: Ayal Aronshtam, David 'AmarInstitution: SOALicense No. L-543/1992-0Major Periods: Byz [EIs]Other Periods: [IA1, IA2, Hel, Rom]Components: [Structures; cisterns; winepress; oil presses; burial caves]; Byz church with polychrome mosaics excavated.Publication: Aronshtam 1997.

154 Grid Ref. 167000/166000 Site Name: The Hirbet Sejerah Area Excavator: Shimon Dar Institutions: BIU, SOALicense No. NDAComponents: Field towers, one excavated.Publication: Dar 1986: 92.


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155 Grid Ref. 177100/165500 Site Name: Kh. GharabnehExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOA License No. L-851/1999-0Components: NDA

156 Grid Ref. 158500/165500 Site Name: BruchinAdditional Name: 'Ale Zahav (east)Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-909/2000-0Components: NDA

157 Grid Ref. 188800/165200 Site Name: ‘Ein es-SukhunExcavator: Dani Nadel ('99) Institution: HAI License Nos. L-822/1998-0; L-858/1999-0Major Periods: PPNA-PPNBComponents: Prehistoric site; many flint items and stone tools; cupmarks; niches and caves; zigzag incision on a basalt tool.Publication: Nadel et al. 2000.

158 Grid Ref. 184000/165000Site Name: Cross-Samaria Highway (east)Excavators: Shmuel Tsfania, Zion ShavitInstitution: SOA License No. L-266/1981-0Components: NDA

159 Grid Ref. 195000/164400 Site Name: Yafit (north) Additional Name: Yafit 7 Excavator: Yitzhak Magen Institution: SOA License No. L-240/1980-0 Major Periods: IA2, Rom2Other Periods: LB, PerComponents: Enclosure remains; embankment; two tumuli (excavated).Publications: Magen 1985b, 2004a; Brandl 2004.

160 Grid Ref. 192000/164400 Site Name: E.P. -167Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA (Not SOA) License No. L-1111Major Periods: [Chal]

Components: [Large site: structures, courtyards and enclosures]; NDA on excavation.

161 Grid Ref. 191500/164300 Site Name: ‘Urqan er-Rub IIaAdditional Names: Wadi el-Ahmar; ShlomzionExcavators: Ofer Bar-Yosef ('80); Erella Hovers, Ofer Bar-Yosef ('86); Erella Hovers ('88)Institution: HUJLicense Nos. L-247/1980-0; L-397/1986-0; L-445/1988-0Major Periods: KebComponents: Epipaleolithic site: well preserved faunal remains; bone tool; marine molluscs; Kebaran lithic assemblage.Remarks: L-445 - excavation or survey. Publications: Bar-Yosef and Hovers 1987; Hovers et al. 1988; Hovers and Marder 1989, 1991.

162 Grid Ref. 190400/164000 Site Name: Ma‘ale EfrayimExcavator: Yuval PelegInstitution: SOALicense No. L-866/1999-0Components: Building; cairn.Publication: HA-ESI 114 (2002): 42*.

163 Grid Ref. 174825/163945 Site Name: Jebel edh-Dhib Additional Names: 'Eli; Jebel ed-DahawatExcavator: Hanania Hizmi Institution: SOA License No. L-530/1992-0Major Periods: IA2, Byz/Uma, MamComponents: Late seventh - early sixth cent. B.C.E. settlement; terraces; two buildings; central courtyard. Publication: ESI 18 (1998): 51-52.

164 Grid Ref. 155000/163900 Site Name: Kh. Deir Sam‘anExcavator: Yitzhak Magen ('92)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-550/1992-0; L-567/1993-0; L-1107/2007-0Major Periods: [Rom2, Byz]Other Periods: [IA2, Per-Hel, Rom1, Uma, Abb]Components: [Large farmhouse/monastery; plastered pools; agricultural installations; mosaic floor]; NDA on excavation.

165 Grid Ref. 156500/163750 Site Name: Kh. Mahalhala


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Additional Name: Kh. Deiria Excavator: Yuval Peleg ('98) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-826/1998-0; L-1076/2006-0Major Periods: Rom2, EIsComponents: Rom2 and EIs remains: three buildings, oil press; cistern.Publication: Aizik and Peleg 2005.

166 Grid Ref. 155700/163600 Site Name: Pedu'el (east)Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-821/1998-0Components: NDA

167 Grid Ref. 169950/163300 Site Name: Kh. ‘Ammuriyye Excavator: Ibrahim al-Fani Institution: SOA License No. L-28/1970-0 Major Periods: IA2, Cru/Ayy, Mam, EOttOther Periods: Hel-Rom, Rom2Components: Rom burial cave; late Rom tombs.Publications: Yeivin 1973; HA 34-35 (1970): 13.

168Grid Ref. 193900/162800Site Name: Yafit 3Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense Nos. L-1025/2005-0; L-1069/2005-0Major Periods: [IA1, IA2, Rom2]Other Periods: [Med, Mod]Components: [Sandal-shaped enclosure with inner division and structures]; NDA on excavation.

169 Grid Ref. 154350/162750 Site Name: Deir Qal‘a Excavators: Yitzhak Magen, Naftali Aizik ('04-'05)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-1000/2004-0; L-1035/2005-0; L-1074/2006-0Major Periods: [Late EP, Rom2, Byz, Byz-Uma]Components: [Large farmhouse; monastery; church; fortress; Prehistoric site]; NDA on excavation.Publications: Hirschfeld 2003; ESI 9 (1991): 46-51.

170 Grid Ref. 156500/162700 Site Name: Kh. HatslavExcavator: David EitamInstitution: NDA License No. NDA

Major Periods: Byz? Other Periods: IAComponents: Central structure; installation.Remarks: Trial excavation by Eitam (1x1 m).Publication: Eitam 1980: 15.

171 Grid Ref. 189800/162600 Site Name: Rujm Abu MuheirAdditional Name: Spot Height 111 and -74Excavator: Ze'ev Yeivin Institution: SOA License No. L-128/1975-0Major Periods: Rom-ByzComponents: Round Rom fortress 19 m diameter, built of three concentric circles; fortification remains?; structures.Publication: Yeivin 1992; HA 56 (1975): 21-22.

172 Grid Ref. 184850/162550 Site Name: DumaExcavators: Yusuf Labadi ('68); 'Abd el-Rahim Hamran; Ofer Sion ('92)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-3/1968-1; L-548/1992-0Major Periods: Rom [Byz, Mam, EOtt]Other Periods: [IA2, Cru/Ayy]Components: [Burial caves; several rock-cut installations; mosque with church remains; two towers]; Rom cave was excavated (18475/16265).Publication: ESI 14 (1995): 142.

173 Grid Ref. 177500/162550Site Name: Tell Shiloh Additional Name: Kh. Seilun Excavators: Ilan Sharon ('80); Israel Finkelstein ('81-'84); Mikel Dadon ('90) Institutions: BIU; SOALicense Nos. L-174/1978-0; L-249/1980-0; L-276/1981-0; L-295/1982-0; L-307/1982-0; L-324/1983-0; L-362/1984-0; L-470/1990-0Major Periods: MB, IA1, ByzOther Periods: LB, IA2, Per, Hel, Rom1, EIs, MedComponents: Fortified MB site with wall and glacis; LB2 cultic finds; IA1 settlement, with pillared storehouse, silos; Rom, Byz village with two churches: chancel screen, mosaic floors, cistern, inscriptions, reused as domestic structure in Med times.Publications: Finkelstein 1985; Finkelstein et al. 1993; HA 77 (1981): 20-23; ESI 2 (1984): 95-100; ESI 3 (1985): 96-97.

174 Grid Ref. 172700/162400 Site Name: Ramallah, Ma‘ale Levona


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Excavators: Wahid Zaydan, Muhammad Qasem ('80)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-259/1980-0; L-667/1994-0Major Periods: [Rom/Byz] Components: [Single building; long wall, buttresses]; NDA on excavation.

175 Grid Ref. 158450/162400 Site Name: Klia Additional Name: Kala‘ Excavator: David EitamInstitutions: IDAM, TAULicense No. NDAMajor Periods: IA1, IA1-2, IA2Components: Ruin; olive oil industry (29 installations); fortified settlement; terraces; agricultural installations; built path; structures; jars; iron tools; zoomorphic figurine; jewels; ostracon with Hebrew inscription; two winepresses. Remarks: Salvage excavation.Publication: HA 77 (1981): 16-17.

176 Grid Ref. 191400/162300 Site Name: Fasa'el – Roman Camp Excavators: Muhammad Rajabi ('74); Yosef PoratInstitution: SOA; IDAM License No. L-94/1974-0 Major Periods: Rom Other Periods: Hel Components: Enclosure: courtyard; central structure; walls; pool.Publication: HA 50 (1974): 9-10.

177 Grid Ref. 162150/162200 Site Name: Qarawat Bani ZeidExcavator: Jamil SabahInstitution: SOA License No. L-73/1972-0Major Periods: [Rom, Byz, Cru/Ayy, Mam, EOtt]Other Periods: [IA1-2, IA2, Per, Hel, Hel-Rom]Components: NDARemarks: May be Qarawa, place of Baba Rabba's synagogue.

178 Grid Ref. 152100/162150 Site Name: Kh. Deir Daqle Additional Names: Kh. 'Alla; Kh. 'Ali Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-1099/2006-0; L-1102/2006-0Major Periods: [IA2, Byz]Other Periods: [IA1, Rom, Byz/Uma, Uma/Abb, Med (Cru/Ayy)]

Components: [Building or farmhouse remains; crypt with loculi; cisterns; winepress with mosaic pavement; church?]; NDA on excavation.

179 Grid Ref. 177750/162050 Site Name: Shiloh, Jami‘ es-SittinExcavator: Ibrahim al-Fani ('71); Ze'ev Yeivin ('73-'94)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-59/1971-0; L-87/1973-0; L-146/1976-0; L-264/1981-0; L-309/1982-0; L-684/1994-0; L-818/1998-0; L-1094/2006-0; L-1123/2007-0 Major Periods: Per, Hel, Rom, Byz, EIs, MedOther Periods: IA1, IA2Components: Nineth-tenth cent. mosque with columns, capitals, lintel, possibly built over Byz synagogue.Publications: Yeivin 1973, 1993b; HA 41-42 (1972): 18; HA 77 (1981): 18-20.

180Grid Ref. 192000/162000 Site Name: Fasa'el 1 Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA (Not SOA) License No. L-1110/2007-0Components: NDA

181 Grid Ref. 188400/162000 Site Name: Fasa'el Area Excavator: Yosef PoratInstitution: IDAM License No. L-314/1982-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom, Byz, IslComponents: Installations along the water supply course.Remarks: License no. inferred according to year of publication.Publication: ESI 2 (1984): 31-32.

182 Grid Ref. 192750/161950 Site Name: Wadi Fasayil Excavator: Yosef Porat ('72-'73) Institution: IDAM License No. L-72/1972-0 Major Periods: UmaComponents: Large EIs (Uma) agricultural farmstead; aqueducts; wells;Uma coins.Remarks: Salvage excavation.Publication: HA 46 (1973): 9-12.

183 Grid Ref. 190850/161750 Site Name: Wadi Fasayil Excavator: Ofer Bar-Yosef ('74-'77)


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Institution: HUJ License Nos. L-106/1974-0; L-136/1976-0; L-153/1977-0; L-205/1979-0Major Periods: UP, NatComponents: UP and Late Natufian site.Publications: Bar-Yosef 1974; Gornig-Morris 1980; Grossman et al. 1999.

184 Grid Ref. 191500/161600 Site Name: Kh. Fasayil Excavators: Yosef Porat ('72-'73, '82); Yuval Peleg, Yitzhak Magen ('97)Institutions: IDAM; SOALicense Nos. L-72/1972-0; L-314/1982-0; L-759/1997-0Major Periods: ChalComponents: Well-preserved Chal building, excavated in 1973, pottery, grinding stones, lithics; additional Chal structure, excavated in 1997, pottery, lithics.Remarks: Chal site range: 1907-1916/1614-1623.Publications: Porath 1985b (final publication); HA 46 (1973): 9-12; HA-ESI 112 (2000): 53*-54*. 185 Grid Ref. 190800/161500 Site Name: Tell esh-Sheikh Dhiab Excavators: Yosef Porat ('72); Muhammad Rajabi ('76)Institutions: IDAM; SOALicense Nos. L-72/1972-0; L-140/1976-0; L-1108/2007-0Major Periods: Chal, EB1, EB2, MB, IA, Rom, Byz, IslComponents: Structure 45x45 m; aqueducts.Remarks: Modern cemetery.Publication: HA 46 (1973): 9-12.

186 Grid Ref. 194350/161400 Site Name: Fasa'el (east) Additional Name: Trig. Point 275Excavator: Yuval PelegInstitution: SOA License No. L-803/1998-0 Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Round tumulus, cist tomb inside; pottery; arrowhead; dagger; shells; bones.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 53*.

187 Grid Ref. 191400/161300 Site Name: Wadi Fasayil Excavator: Yosef Porat Institution: IDAM License No. L-72/1972-0 Major Periods: RomComponents: Ancient road segments at 1922/1608, 1912/1615, 1908/1617.Remarks: Salvage excavation 1972-1973.Publication: HA 46 (1973): 9-12.

188 Grid Ref. 179000/161000 Site Name: Shiloh Industrial Zone Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-849/1999-0Components: NDA

189 Grid Ref. 153250/160950 Site Name: Kh. ‘Ali Additional Name: Kh. 'Alla Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1051/2005-0Major Periods: [IA2, (Per, Hel), Byz, Byz/Uma, (Med)]Other Periods: [IA1, IA1-2, Hel-Rom, Rom, EOtt]Components: [Building, prob. church, with columns and bases; mosaic pavement; two oil presses; rock-cut tombs and mausoleum nearby]; NDA on excavation.

190 Grid Ref. 154850/160900 Site Name: Bet Arye Excavators: Ayal Aronshtam, Shimon Riklin ('91); Shimon Riklin ('92-'93)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-485/1991-0; L-545/1992-0; L-579/1993-0 Major Periods: IA2, ByzOther Periods: IA1, PerComponents: IA2 enclosure with houses (farmhouse?).Publications: Riklin 1997a; ESI 12 (1994): 39.

191 Grid Ref. 185300/160800Site Name: ‘Ein er-RashashExcavator: Yizhar HirschfeldInstitution: HUJ License No. NDA Major Periods: ByzComponents: Hermit's cave. Publications: ESI 7-8 (1990): 95-104; ESI 9 (1991): 46-51.

192 Grid Ref. 152750/160150 Site Name: Kh. ed-Duwwar Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOA License No. L-1055/2005-0Major Periods: [IA2]Other Periods: [IA1, IA1-2, Mam]Components: [IA settlement remains: buildings; possible boundary wall]; NDA on excavation.

193 Grid Ref. 192950/159800


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Site Name: Wadi FasayilAdditional Name: Fasayil, El-FugaraExcavator: Yosef Porat ('72, '82)Institution: IDAM License Nos. L-72/1972-0; L-314/1982-0Major Periods: UmaOther Periods: Hel, Rom, Byz, IslComponents: Large EIs (Uma) agricultural farmstead; aqueducts; wells; Uma coins; installations along the water channels at 19180/16000 and 19110/16090. Remarks: Salvage excavation 1972-1973; license L-314 inferred according to year of publication.Publications: HA 46 (1973): 9-12; ESI 2 (1984): 31-32.

194 Grid Ref. 184600/ 159800Site Name: Kh. Jib‘it Additional Name: Horvat Giv‘itExcavators: Zvi Ilan, Uri DinurInstitution: SOA License No. L-300/1982-0 Major Periods: Byz [IA2]Other Periods: [(EB2), IB, MB, IA1, IA1-2, Per, Hel, Hel-Rom, Rom, Byz, Byz/Uma, (EIs), Cru/Ayy, Mam, EOtt]Components: [Very large ruin; structures; installations; burials; fortification wall with towers]; Byz church with mosaic floor excavated.Remarks: Salvage excavation. Publications: Ilan and Dinur 1987; ESI 1 (1984): 43-44.

195 Grid Ref. 191900/159500 Site Name: Kh. Fasayil Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-1067/2005-0; L-1129/2007-0Major Periods: [Chal, Hel, Rom, Byz, Isl]Components: [Wall remains; water supply system; aqueducts; pool; bathhouse; channels; kiln; plastered enclosure with rooms; tower; ossuary fragment]; NDA on excavations.Publications: HA 46 (1973): 9-12; ESI 2 (1984): 31-32.

196 Grid Ref. 193350/159200 Site Name: Trig. Point S-330 Additional Names: El-Yarka Excavator: Yosef Porat Institution: SOA License No. L-178/1978-0 Major Periods: EIsComponents: Structure; courtyard; EIs farmstead fence; tesserae; bronze jewlery.Remarks: Salvage excavation.Publication: HA 67-68 (1978): 36-37.

197 Grid Ref. 155600/159200 Site Name: Bet Arye – OfarimExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1098/2006-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

198 Grid Ref. 184000/159000 Site Name: Mevo ShilohExcavator: Zion Shavit Institution: SOA License No. L-269/1981-0Components: NDA

199 Grid Ref. 192400/158200 Site Name: Wadi Fasayil Excavator: Yosef Porat ('72-'73) Institution: IDAM License No. L-72/1972-0 Major Periods: IA2Components: IA2 structure. Remarks: Salvage excavation.Publication: HA 46 (1973): 9-12.

200 Grid Ref. 190600/158200Site Name: Tomer Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-853/1999-0 Components: NDA

201 Grid Ref. 154600/157600 Site Name: ‘Ofarim Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-507/1991-0 Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Square building with courtyard.Publications: Riklin 1997b; ESI 13 (1995): 53-54.

202 Grid Ref. 151625/157600 Site Name: Kh. Deir el-‘Arabi Excavator: Michel Itah Institution: SOA License No. L-554/1992-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Byz monastery; church remains.Publication: HA-ESI 113 (2001): 64*-65*.


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203 Grid Ref. 153500/157500 Site Name: ‘Ofarim Additional Name: Trig. Point J-274, SSEExcavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-506/1991-0Major Periods: IA2, HelComponents: Farmstead.Publications: Riklin 1997b; ESI 13 (1995): 53-54.

204 Grid Ref. 160350/157250Site Name: Kh. Tibne Excavator: Yitzhak Magen Institution: SOA License No. L-163/1977-0Major Periods: [IA2, Byz]Other Periods: [EB, MB, IA1, IA1-2, Per, Hel, Hel-Rom, Rom, Byz/Uma, Cru/Ayy, Mam]Components: [Med structures; rock-cut IA oil presses; buildings; decorated rock-cut tombs nearby; plain mosaic floor]; NDA on excavation.

205 Grid Ref. 162100/157150 Site Name: Kh. Hablata Additional Names: Neve Zuf; HallamishExcavator: Ofer Sion ('85, '91)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-384/1985-0; L-483/1991-0; L-843/1999-0 Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: Per, Hel, Rom, Cru/Ayy, MamComponents: Remains of buildings; rock-cut tombs; nine round installations, each has a rock-cut reservoir; square installations with remains of mosaics; all are prob. winepresses.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-384 was also issued to Kh. Nisieh.Publication: Sion and 'Amar 1997.

206 Grid Ref. 162000/157000Site Name: Halamish Additional Name: Neve Zuf Excavators: Yuval Amir, Khaled ArabasInstitution: SOA License No. L-761/1997-0Components: NDA

207Grid Ref. 193300/156900 Site Name: El-YarkaExcavators: Shmuel Tamari ('78); Yosef Porat ('78)Institutions: BIU; SOA License Nos. L-175/1978-0; L-178/1978-0

Major Periods: EIsComponents: Building; farm.Remarks: Sheikh's tombs survey in Judea and Samaria; L-178 - Salvage excavation.Publication: HA 67-68 (1978): 36-37.

208 Grid Ref. 191700/156000 Site Name: Salibiya IExcavator: Anna Belfer-CohenInstitution: HUJ License No. L-424/1987-0 Major Periods: NatComponents: Late Natufian site.Publications: Crabtree and Campana 1990; Belfer-Cohen and Grossman 1997.

209 Grid Ref. 181800/155950 Site Name: Dhahr MirzbanehExcavator: Israel Finkelstein ('87, '89)Institution: BIU License Nos. L-438/1987-0; L-458/1989-0Major Periods: IBComponents: IB site above large cemetery; large rectangular tumulus; cupmarks; oblong enclosure.Remarks: Previously excavated by Lapp in 1963-1964.Publications: Finkelstein 1990a, 1991; Bloch-Smith 2004.

210 Grid Ref. 158400/155950 Site Name: Kh. Rushaniye Excavator: Michel Itah Institution: SOA License No. L-520/1992-0 Major Periods: Hel-Rom, Rom, Byz, Byz/UmaOther Periods: Hel Components: Remains of buildings; winepress; two towers; Rom rectangular building.Publication: HA-ESI 113 (2001): 64*.

211 Grid Ref. 150500/155900 Site Name: Kh. Dasrah Additional Name: Kh. Kharria (Separation Barrier)Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1034/2005-0 Major Periods: [Byz, Mam, EOtt]Other Periods: [IA2, Per, Hel, Hel-Rom, Rom, Byz/Uma, Cru/Ayy]Components: NDA

212 Grid Ref. 188850/155650Site Name: Magharat Abu Shinja


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Additional Names: Wadi Daliya, Caves; Na'sanaExcavators: Emanuel Damati, Amos Frumkin ('80); Yitzhak Magen, Ofer Sion ('92)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-263/1980-0; L-512/1991-0; L-526/1992-0 Components: NDA

213 Grid Ref. 181600/155400 Site Name: Kh. Marjame Excavators: Amihai Mazar ('75, '78); Mattanyahu Zohar ('79-'80)Institutions: HUJ; SOA; IDAM License Nos. L-125/1975-0; L-179/1978-0Major Periods: EB2-3, MB, LB, IA1, IA2, ByzOther Periods: Hel, Rom, Cru/AyyComponents: Tell; EB, MB structures and possible fortifications; IA2 fortified settlement; houses; streets; Byz church with polychrome mosaic floor.Remarks: L-125 - trial Excavation.Publications: Zohar 1980; A. Mazar 1982d, 1992, 1995; Zissu 2001a, 2001b; Bloch-Smith 2004; HA 57-58 (1976): 23-24; HA 76 (1981): 19; HA 65-66 (1978): 28-29.

214 Grid Ref. 182500/155000 Site Name: Water Line – ‘Ein SamiyaExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-903/2000-0Major Periods: IBComponents: Shaft-tomb cemetery with about 60 tombs; no pottery.

215 Grid Ref. 181700/155000 Site Name: Kh. Samiyye Excavators: Baqiza Shantur ('70); Zaydan Wahid ('75); Omar Hanafsa ('79) Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-31/1970-0; L-109/1975-0; L-225/1979-0Major Periods: [Rom2, Byz, Byz/Uma, EOtt]Components: [Foundations; columns; three Rom-Byz burial caves, with fragments of ossuaries]; NDA on excavation.

216 Grid Ref. 193300/154700 Site Name: Gilgal Additional Name: Gilgal i, ii, iiiExcavators: Tamar Noy ('75-'94); L. SmithInstitutions: Israel Museum, SOALicense Nos. L-107/1975-0; L-134/1976-0; L-172/1978-0; L-299/1982-0; L-394/1985-0; L-416/1986-0; L-433/1987-0; L-671/1994-0Major Periods: Nat, PPNA

Other Periods: Chal Components: Structures - semi-oval architecture; hearths; grinding stones; limestone and basalt tools; vessels; lithics; bone tools; jewelry; human and bird figurines.Remarks: Khiamian culture site; Site dated to 7,900-7,800 B.C.E.; excavated also in 1974 and 1977, unknown license nos.Publications: Noy et al. 1980; Noy 1985, 1989, 1990, 1996; Liphschitz and Noy 1991; Groman-Yeroslavski 2003; HA 67-68 (1978): 35-36; ESI 5 (1987): 41; ESI 6 (1988): 55-56; ESI 7-8 (1990): 64; ESI 16 (1997): 86-87.

217 Grid Ref. 181700/154700 Site Name: ‘Ein Samiya Excavators: 'Azmi Halil, Yusuf Labadi ('68); Baqiza Shantur, Yusuf Labadi ('70-'71); Ze'ev Yeivin ('70)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-6/1968-1; L-31/1970-0 Major Periods: IB, MBOther Periods: EB, LB, IA1, IA1-2, Hel, Rom-ByzComponents: Large IB cemetery, largely looted; shaft tombs; pottery vessels; weapons; beads; Silver cup - the "Ain Samiya Goblet", incised with Mesopotamian scenes.Remarks: 'Ein Samiya is prob. cemetery for nearby Kh. el-Marjame. L-31 was also used for excavations of nearby cemetery. Publications: Yeivin 1971a; Dever 1972b, 1975b; Noy 1976; Elizur 1994; Zissu 2001a, 2001b; A. Mazar 1995; Bloch-Smith 2004; HA 27 (1968): 19; HA 36 (1970): 11-12; HA 37 (1971): 23.

218 Grid Ref. 191900/154400Site Name: Netiv ha-Gedud Additional Name: Wadi el-BaqarExcavators: Ofer Bar-Yosef ('77); Ofer Bar-Yosef, Avi Gopher ('80-'84); Shimon Riklin ('92)Institutions: HUJ; SOA License Nos. L-154/1977-0; L-236/1980-0; L-318/1983-0; L-344/1984-0; L-525/1992-0; L-787/1998-0 Major Periods: PPNAOther Periods: Byz, IslComponents: PPNA round and oval structures; human burials; lithics; grinding tools; obsidian; bone tools; shells; two anthropomorphic clay figurines; Isl structure; stable house; Byz church.Remarks: L-154 - salvage excavation. Publications: Tchernov 1994; Bar-Yosef and Gopher 1997; HA 61-62 (1977): 19; ESI 2 (1984): 85-86; ESI 3 (1985): 87-88; ESI 6 (1988): 88-93; ESI 14 (1995): 142.

219 Grid Ref. 154200/154350 Site Name: The Shuqba Cave


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Excavator: Ofer Bar-Yosef Institution: NDA License No. NDAMajor Periods: UP, Nat, EBComponents: Cave occupied in UP and Natufian periods; EB pottery sherds.Publications: Belfer-Cohen and Hovers 1992; Bar-Yosef 1993; Boyd and Crossland 2000; Weinstein-Evron 2003.

220 Grid Ref. 188900/154000Site Name: A Cave ComplexAdditional Name: Quruntul, Wadi el-Baqr CavesExcavators: Nadav Hameiri, Yuval PelegInstitution: SOALicense No. L-620/1993-0 Major Periods: Rom Other Periods: ChalComponents: A complex of five large caves and a few smaller ones; terrace, Rom1 storage jars and cooking pots, Chal figurine fragment.Publication: Peleg and Hameiri 2002: 3.

221 Grid Ref. 173150/153800 Site Name: Yabrud Excavator: Emanuel Damati Institution: SOA License No. L-164/1977-0Major Periods: Rom1 [(Per), Rom, Byz, (Isl), Mam, EOtt]Other Periods: [IA2, Cru/Ayy]Components: Rom1 rock-cut tomb with ossuaries and lamps.Publication: HA 67-68 (1978): 75.

222 Grid Ref. 171850/153300 Site Name: ‘Ein SiniyaExcavator: Muhammad Rajabi Institution: SOA License No. L-149/1976-0Major Periods: [Rom/Byz, Cru/Ayy, EOtt]Components: [Small village; Hebrew inscription on a nearby tomb]; NDA on excavation.

223 Grid Ref. 183000/153200 Site Name: Ba‘al Hazor (Kokhav Ha-Shakhar bypass)Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-733/1995-0 Components: NDA

224 Grid Ref. 154400/152850Site Name: Kh. Shabtin

Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1056/2005-0 Major Periods: [Byz, Byz/Uma, Uma/Abb]Other Periods: [Per, Per/Hel, (Rom-Byz)]Components: [Oil press remains; walls; three cisterns]; NDA on excavation.

225 Grid Ref. 168250/152500 Site Name: Kh. Bir Zeit Additional Name: Kh. el-'Aliyah Excavators: Muhammad Rajabi ('77); Nicola 'Antar ('78)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-163/1977-1; L-195/1978-0Major Periods: [IA2, Byz]Other Periods: [IA1, IA1-2, Hel, Rom, EIs, Med, EOtt]Components: [Khan; watch tower; tombs; cisterns; vaulted rooms]; NDA on excavation.

226 Grid Ref. 174150/152380 Site Name: Ancient Road in SamariaExcavator: Ofer SionInstitution: SOA License No. L-493/1991-0 Components: Ancient road; coordinates range: 17420/15170 to 17410/15306.Remarks: Same license as another site, excavated by Yitzhak Magen.Publication: ESI 10 (1992): 169-170.

227 Grid Ref. 178450/152300 Site Name: Dar Jerir Excavator: Muhammad Rajabi Institution: SOA License No. L-131/1975-0Major Periods: Mam, EOttComponents: NDA

228 Grid Ref. 170550/152150 Site Name: Jifna Additional Name: Gophna Excavator: Yehiel Zelinger Institution: SOA License No. L-722/1995-0 Major Periods: Hel, Rom, Byz, (Isl)Other Periods: Hel-Rom, Cru/Ayy, Mam, EOttComponents: Rom1 burial cave excavated near large Byz-Med-Ott site.Publication: Selinger 2001.

229 Grid Ref. 194000/152000 Site Name: Kh. el-Beyadat


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Additional Name: ArchelaisExcavator: Hanania Hizmi ('86-'94, '97)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-408/1986-0; L-418/1987-0; L-450/1989-0; L-662/1994-0; L-695/1994-0; L-754/1997-0; L-838/1999-0 Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz, IslComponents: Rom1 khan (way station), monumental tower, luxurious residence, aqueduct; Rom army camp; Byz church, mosaic pavement; five Greek inscriptions.Publications: Hizmi 1990, 1993b, 1993c, 2004d; Eshel 1995: 115; ESI 5 (1987): 10-12.

230Grid Ref. 190200/151600 Site Name: YitavExcavator: Hanania HizmiInstitution: SOALicense No. L-824/1998-0Major Periods: ChalComponents: Chal structure.Publication: HA-ESI 115 (2003): 41*-42*.

231 Grid Ref. 178450/151300 Site Name: Et-TaiyibaExcavator: Muhammad Rajabi Institution: SOA License No. L-152/1977-0Major Periods: [IA1, IA2]Other Periods: [IA1-2, Per, Hel, Rom, Byz, Cru/Ayy, EOtt]Components: [Large village; remains of church; Cru castle; mosaics, one of them inscribed; Byz and Cru basilica]; NDA on excavation.

232 Grid Ref. 176150/151100 Site Name: Kh. el-Mazari Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: NDA (Not SOA) License No. L-795/1998-0 Major Periods: Mam, EOttComponents: Well-preserved ruin; walls; buildings; two plastered roofed reservoirs.

233 Grid Ref. 194800/150800 Site Name: Kh. el-‘Awja et-Tahta Additional Names: Esh-Sheikh Ibrahim; Kh. el-Ayash; Kh. Umm Zaquma Excavator: Baqiza Shantur Institution: SOA License No. L-44/1971-0Other Periods: [Chal, MB, IA2, Byz, Isl]Components: NDA

234 Grid Ref. 172200/150750 Site Name: Kh. Ghureitis Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1090/2006-0 Major Periods: [Hel, Rom, Byz]Other Periods: [MB, IA1, Hel-Rom]Components: [Large structures; caves; Sheikh 'Abdallah's tomb]; NDA on excavation.

235 Grid Ref. 154700/149900 Site Name: Mattityahu (northeast) Excavator: Eyal Maharian Institution: SOA License No. L-733/1995-1 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Building; limekiln; winepress.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 57*-58*.

236 Grid Ref. 197400/149700 Site Name: Spot Height 289 mExcavator: Yizhar Hirschfeld Institution: HUJ License No. NDA Major Periods: ByzComponents: Byz monastery.Publications: ESI 7-8 (1990): 95-104; ESI 9 (1991): 46-51.

237 Grid Ref. 194900/149600 Site Name: Umm ZaqumExcavator: Baqiza Shantur ('71)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-1054/2005-0; L-1097/2006-0Major Periods: ByzComponents: Small chapel with decorated mosaic floor; structures surrounded by a fence; water supply system. Remarks: Unknown license no. for Shantur's excavation.Publication: HA 39 (1971): 23.

238 Grid Ref. 187900/149450 Site Name: Shuqfan el-‘Azvat Excavators: Nadav Hameiri, Yuval PelegInstitution: SOA License No. L-621/1993-0Major Periods: Byz, Uma, AyyComponents: Three adjacent features: two niches and a cave, used as dwelling or animal pen.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors. Used in modern times as animal pens, with stone fences.Publication: Peleg and Hameiri 2002: 3.


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239 Grid Ref. 153600/149350 Site Name: Mattityahu (north) Excavator: Eyal Maharian ('95) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-733/1995-0; L-773/1997-0Major Periods: HelComponents: Four fieldtowers.Remarks: E.P. 369; According to SOA license list, L-733 was issued to Ba'al Hazor (Kokhav Ha-Shakhar bypass).Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 58*.

240 Grid Ref. 171550/149150 Site Name: Kh. Kafr Murr Additional Name: Kh. MurarahExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1082/2006-0Major Periods: ByzComponents: NDARemarks: Covered with modern construction; located in a military camp.

241 Grid Ref. 150550/149150 Site Name: El-MidyaExcavator: Zaydan Wahid Institution: SOALicense No. L-223/1979-0 Major Periods: Mam, EOttComponents: NDA

242 Grid Ref. 185800/149100 Site Name: Cave in Jebel Quruntul Excavators: Nadav Hameiri, Yuval PelegInstitution: SOA License No. L-622/1993-0 Components: NDA

243 Grid Ref. 183900/149050 Site Name: El-Qasr Excavator: Haim Goldfus Institution: SOA License No. L-298/1982-0 Major Periods: (Hel), Rom, Byz, Byz/Uma, (EIs)Components: Remains of building with tower and courtyard (stronghold or fort); cistern; pens.Publication: ESI 2 (1984): 87-88.

244 Grid Ref. 182650/148750 Site Name: Kh. el-Kilya Additional Name: Rimonim

Excavators: Uri Dinur, Shmuel Tsfania ('81); Ofer Sion ('92)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-280/1981-0; L-535/1992-0; L-561/1993-0; L-839/1999-0 Major Periods: Rom, Byz, Byz/Uma, EIs, Mam, EOttComponents: Rom tower or fort; Byz monastery; EIs village.Publications: Magen 1989b, 1990b; Sion 1998.

245 Grid Ref. 173750/148400 Site Name: E.P. 914Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-720/1995-0Major Periods: MB, IA2Other Periods: Byz Components: NDA

246 Grid Ref. 169550/148250Site Name: Kh. el-Burj Additional Name: Spot Height 879 Excavator: Amin Barhoum Institution: SOA License No. L-184/1978-0 Major Periods: [Rom, Byz, Byz/Uma]Other Periods: [Hel, Hel-Rom, (EIs), Cru/Ayy, Mam, EOtt]Components: [Cru tower; rectilinear structures; defensive wall]; NDA on excavation.

247 Grid Ref. 154150/148200 Site Name: Kh. Badd ‘Isa Additional Names: Qiryat Sefer; Modi'in IlitExcavator: Yitzhak Magen ('95-'97) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-717/1995-0; L-741/1996-0; L-763/1997-0; L-1022/2004-0 Major Periods: Hel, Hel-Rom, Rom, ByzOther Periods: MB, IA2Components: Traces of many buildings; architectural elements: lintels, thresholds, door jambs; concentration of pillars and bases - public building; rock-cut winepress or oil press nearby; synagogue.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-763 was issued to Kh. Kureikur. 1990s excavations are all salvage excavations.Publications: Magen et al. 1999, 2004b; Bijovsky 2004.

248 Grid Ref. 184200/148150 Site Name: Wady Dar el-Jerir Additional Name: Caves in Wadi el-WachitaExcavator: Pesach Bar-Adon Institution: NDA


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License No. NDA Major Periods: IA2, Rom, Isl, OttComponents: Cave with natural pillars and vaults; stairs.Remarks: Trial excavation (by Bar-Adon survey team).

249 Grid Ref. 172750/148150 Site Name: Bethel Additional Name: Beitin Excavators: Muhammad Rajabi ('75); Wahid Zaydan ('78)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-122/1975-0; L-197/1978-0Major Periods: Chal, EB, IB, MB, LB2, IA1, IA2, Per, Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: Fortified site in MB; two LB phases; large village in IA1; large site in IA2 and Byz: Shaft tomb excavated in 1978.Publications: Könen 2003; HA 67-68 (1978): 75.

250 Grid Ref. 153750/148050 Site Name: Kh. Abu ed-Dinein Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-1016/2004-0; L-1050/2005-0Major Periods: [Byz, Byz/Uma]Other Periods: [Hel-Rom, Rom/Byz]Components: [Ruin; scattered buildings]; NDA on excavation.

251 Grid Ref. 153550/147400Site Name: Kh. Kureikur Additional Names: Giv'at Ehud; YehuditExcavator: Hanania Hizmi ('83, '97)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-333/1983-0; L-762/1997-0; L-794/1998-0; L-989/2003-0Major Periods: LB, Hel, ByzOther Periods: (Per), Hel-Rom, Rom, Med (Cru/Ayy), Ayy, EOttComponents: Ruin; cisterns; oil press (?); caves; quarries; LB farmhouse; Byz farmhouse.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-762 was issued to Kh. Badd 'Isa.Publications: Hizmi 1992, 2004c; ESI 3 (1985): 32-33.

252 Grid Ref. 174850/147050 Site Name: ‘Ai Additional Name: Kh. et-Tell Excavator: Joseph Callaway ('68-'72) Institution: Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryLicense Nos. L-3/1968-2; L-7/1968-0; L-64/1972-0Major Periods: EB1, EB2-3, IA1Components: Large fortified EB town; large IA village; EB3 water reservoir; extension of 1933-1935

excavations.Remarks: Excavated in 1964-1972 by Callaway.Publications: Callaway 1970, 1972, 1976, 1980; HA 28-29 (1969): 38-39; HA 31-32 (1969): 15-16; HA 37 (1971): 22; HA 40 (1971): 21-22.

253 Grid Ref. 173800/146900 Site Name: Kh. el-Maqatir Excavator: Bryant Wood ('96, '98-'99)Institutions: SOA, The Associates for Biblical ResearchLicense Nos. L-719/1995-0; L-744/1996-0; L-769/1997-0; L-806/1998-0; L-842/1999-0; L-896/2000-0; L-902/2000-0Major Periods: Hel, RomOther Periods: (IA1), Hel-Rom, ByzComponents: Small ruin; traces of buildings; cisterns; stone vessels; monastery with a church. Publications: Wood 2000a, 2000b, 2001.

254 Grid Ref. 177450/146600Site Name: Kh. el-KhudriyaExcavator: Joseph CallawayInstitution: Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryLicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel-Rom, ByzMajor Periods: MB, Hel, Rom, Byz/Uma, EIsComponents: Byz church with mosaic floor and industrial complex including two oil presses; winepress; Late Hel cemetery.Remarks: Excavated by the 'Ai expedition.Publication: Callaway 1970.

255 Grid Ref. 169300/146600 Site Name: Kh. Raddana Additional Names: Kh. Ain Abu Kerzam; Kh. Ain Misbah; Rujm Abu Shumelkeh; El-BirehExcavator: Joseph Callaway ('69-'74) Institutions: SOA, Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryLicense Nos. L-18/1969-0; L-26/1970-0; L-63/1972-0; L-96/1974-0 Major Periods: IA1Other Periods: EB1, (Byz)Components: IA1 village; several pillared houses; boundary wall; EB1 remains.Publications: Callaway and Cooley 1971; Cooley 1975; Lederman 1999; HA 31-32 (1969): 14; HA 34-35 (1970): 13; HA 36 (1970): 12; HA 43 (1972): 13-14.

256 Grid Ref. 175800/146400 Site Name: Deir DibwanExcavators: Zion Shavit, Amin Barhoum ('79)Institution: SOA


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License Nos. L-220/1979-0; L-886/1999-0Major Periods: [Hel/Rom, (Rom), Byz, Med (Cru/Ayy, Mam), EOtt]Other Periods: [MB, IA2]Components: NDA

257 Grid Ref. 154000/146000 Site Name: Kh. HuriyaAdditional Names: Esh-Sheikh Huriya; Kafr LutExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Byz [Med (Cru/Ayy, Mam), Ayy, Mam, EOtt]Other Periods: [Rom, Byz/Uma, EIs]Components: [Traces of buildings; ruins of Sheikh's tomb; large rock-cut reservoir; (olive oil press)]; remains of a Byz church; columns; capitals. Publication: HA 74-75 (1981): 19 (church remains).

258Grid Ref. 170500/145850Site Name: El-BiraExcavators: 'Abd el-Rahim Hamran ('87); Yitzhak Magen ('87-'91)Institution: SOALicense No. L-432/1987-0 Major Periods: Cru/Ayy, Mam, EOttComponents: The Cru "La Grand Mahomérie" church (St. Mary); khan with vaults, Arab (Ayy) inscriptions near the mosque door; enclosure.Publications: Pringle 1985; Magen 2000, 2001b.

259 Grid Ref. 175700/145800 Site Name: Kh. Haiyan Excavator: Joseph Callaway; Amin Barhoum ('80)Institution: ASOR; SOA License No. L-241/1980-0 Major Periods: Hel, Rom, Byz, EIs?, (Med)Other Periods: MB, (IA2), OttComponents: Sheikh's tomb; Byz monastery; oil press with weights; cisterns; cemetery; winepresses.Publications: Callaway 1969; HA 31-32 (1969): 17.

260 Grid Ref. 189100/145600 Site Name: The Sickle Cave Excavators: Yuval Peleg, Nadav HameiriInstitution: SOA License Nos. L-618/1993-0; L-619/1993-0Components: Cave; modern iron sickle; no archaeological finds.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Peleg and Hameiri 2002: 1-2.

261 Grid Ref. 154550/145300 Site Name: Kh. Najmat el-Hadali Additional Names: Kh. Fa'ush; Bet Horon - Industrial ZoneExcavator: Shahar Batz ('98) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-811/1998-0; L-1008/2004-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom, ByzOther Periods: Per, Hel-RomComponents: Stone structure; cisterns; winepress; paved Rom road (Jerusalem-Lydda); secondary roads.Remarks: Separation Barrier; excavation of the Roman road.Publication: HA-ESI 114 (2002): 57*-59*.

262Grid Ref. 153950/145300Site Name: None.Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1024/2005-0 Major Periods: [Hel, Rom, Byz]Other Periods: [EIs, Med]Components: [Traces of buildings of dressed stones; vault; oil press weights; terraces; cisterns; cupmarks]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Separation Barrier.

263 Grid Ref. 180970/145100 Site Name: Cave No. II/16Excavator: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOALicense No. L-634/1994-0Components: Cave; non-diagnostic pottery.Remarks: Cave in Upper Nahal Makkuk. In SOA license list, this license is for Cave no. 7 in Upper Makkuk, 1815/1444.Publication: Barshad and Shaked 2002: 10-11.

264Grid Ref. 189250/145050 Site Name: Niche No. III/9Excavators: Dror Barshad, Idan ShakedInstitution: SOA License No. L-628/1994-0 Major Periods: HelComponents: Natural niche; Yannai coin; human skeleton; animal bones; plastered cistern.Publication: Barshad and Shaked 2002: 38.

265 Grid Ref. 189250/145050 Site Name: Niche No. III/10 Excavators: Dror Barshad, Idan ShakedInstitution: SOA


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License No. L-650/1994-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Niche; rope; textiles; tongs; Byz coin.Remarks: Cave in Lower Nahal Makkuk; coordinates are approximate. According to SOA license list, this is the cave that was excavated under license L-628/1994-0.Publication: Barshad and Shaked 2002: 38.

266 Grid Ref. 189250/145050 Site Name: Complex of Subterranean Cavities No. III/11Excavators: Dror Barshad, Idan ShakedInstitution: SOA License No. L-629/1994-0 Major Periods: Chal, IA2, Hel, RomComponents: Plastered bell-shaped cistern; coins (2 Yannai, 1 Rom, 1 Hel); weight; textiles; ropes; leather.Remarks: Cave in Lower Nahal Makkuk; coordinates are approximate. According to SOA license list, this is the cave that was excavated under license L-650/1994-0.Publication: Barshad and Shaked 2002: 38-39.

267 Grid Ref. 189250/145050 Site Name: Cave of the WarriorExcavators: Dror Barshad, Idan ShakedInstitution: SOA License No. L-607/1993-0 Major Periods: Chal Other Periods: Hel Components: Two caves. III/12: no finds. III/13 = Cave of the Warrior, Chal burial with numerous grave-goods (textiles, wooden bow, arrow shafts sandals, etc).Remarks: According to SOA license list, cave III/12 is the cave excavated under license L-629/1994-0.Publication: Schick 1998.

268 Grid Ref. 189250/145050 Site Name: Cave No. III/8 Excavators: Dror Barshad, Idan ShakedInstitution: SOA License No. L-625/1994-0Major Periods: Chal, Hel, RomComponents: Bi-level natural cave; stairs; 11 coins (nine of which are Yannai, one Rom); various metal objects; textiles; wood; beads; glass.Remarks: Cave in Lower Nahal Makkuk.Publication: Barshad and Shaked 2002: 36-38.

269 Grid Ref. 180610/144990Site Name: Anchorite Cell Excavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOA License No. L-586/1993-0Major Periods: Byz, EIs, Med

Components: Cell; plastered niches; plaster floors; Byz coin; pottery; wall.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors, under the survey permit (license L-586).Publication: Hirschfeld and Riklin 2002: 8-9.

270 Grid Ref. 180820/144970Site Name: Cave of the Long Tail BatsExcavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOALicense No. L-631/1994-0Major Periods: IA2cOther Periods: MedComponents: Two caves; rock shelter; pottery.Remarks: Cave in Upper Nahal Makkuk.Publication: Hirschfeld and Riklin 2002: 10.

271Grid Ref. 171750/144950 Site Name: Kh. NisiehExcavator: David Livingston ('81-'03) Institutions: SOA, The Associates for Biblical ResearchLicense Nos. L-275/1981-0; L-301/1982-0; L-364/1984-0; L-384/1985-0; L-404/1986-0; L-422/1987-0; L-477/1990-0; L-501/1991-0; L-574/1993-0; L-685/1994-0; L-723/1995-0; L-739/1996-0; L-796/1998-0; L-848/1999-0; L-898/2000-0; L-946/2002-0; L-977/2003-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom, Byz, EIsOther Periods: MB, IA1, IA2, PerComponents: Cisterns; walls; coins; MB burial cave; IA1 tomb.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-384 was also issued to Kh. Hablata.Publications: Bimson and Livingston 1987; Livingston 2002 (final publication), 2003.

272 Grid Ref. 182500/144800 Site Name: Makkuk Cave Excavator: Hanan Eshel Institution: Israel Cave Research Center License No. L-429/1987-0Major Periods: Chal, IB, RomComponents: Cave: finds from Chal, IB and Bar Kokhba period.Remarks: Cave in Upper Wadi Makkuk.Publication: ESI 7-8 (1990): 117.

273 Grid Ref. 190200/144700 Site Name: Na‘aran Additional Names: Ed-Duyuk; 'En Douq; Nou'eimahExcavators: Pesach Bar-Adon ('69); Hanania Hizmi ('83)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-24/1969-0; L-322/1983-0


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Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: EIs Components: Synagogue with elaborate mosaic floors; courtyard surrounded by a fence; village. Publications: HA 33 (1970): 8; HA 34-35 (1970): 12; ESI 2 (1984): 72-74.

274 Grid Ref. 180700/144700 Site Name: Khallat ed-Dinnabiya Excavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld ('87); Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon Riklin ('93)Institutions: HUJ; SOALicense Nos. L-320/1983-0; L-420/1987-0; L-595/1993-0 Major Periods: ByzOther Periods: Chal/EB, IA2, Rom, Med, OttComponents: Laura; church in large cave; mosaic pavement; caves with rock-cut windows, engraved crosses, benches and built walls; path with rock-cut stairs; conduits and collection reservoirs; burial systems; traces of additional buildings.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-420 was issued to ed-Dinnabiya, el-Qasr and el-Qelt. Another nearby site was excavated by the same excavators under L-595 (a cave and an agricultural plot, No. II/1).Publications: Goldfus 1987, 1990; Hirschfeld 1990; ESI 3 (1985): 106.

275 Grid Ref. 180650/144700 Site Name: Cave No. II/3 Excavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOALicense No. L-630/1994-0 Major Periods: MB, IA1, Rom1, IslOther Periods: Chal Components: Cave; Rom bowls and jars; stone vessel; Isl coin; IA1 hoard of jewelry and other metal objects.Remarks: Cave in Upper Nahal Makkuk.Publications: Hirschfeld and Riklin 2002: 6-7; Sass 2002.

276 Grid Ref. 158250/144650 Site Name: Beit ‘Ur et-Tahta Additional Name: Lower Bet HoronExcavators: Baqiza Shantur ('71); Yuval Peleg, Yaron Feller ('01)Institution: SOA License No. L-53/1971-0 Major Periods: Rom1 [IA2, Hel] Other Periods: [MB?, LB, IA1, Per, Byz, (EIs), Med]Components: [Palestinian village on tell; chancel screen of church; winepress; chapel; burial cave; four ossuaries]; Rom1 tomb excavated (2001).Publications: HA 31-32 (1969): 13; HA 40 (1971): 24; HA-ESI 116 (2004) (Online).

277 Grid Ref. 180750/144550Site Name: Cave of the Church Excavators: Haim Goldfus; Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon Riklin ('93)Institution: SOA License No. L-586/1993-0Major Periods: Byz, MamComponents: Cave/rock shelter, identified as a church; rock-cut platform (bema); small niche (=side chapel); white mosaic floor; crypt; pottery; natural and man-made caves; burial caves.Remarks: Served as the monastery's main church. Excavated by Goldfus, license no. unknown.Publications: Goldfus 1987, 1990; Hirschfeld 1990; ESI 3 (1985): 106.

278 Grid Ref. 180400/144510Site Name: Nizzanit CaveExcavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOALicense No. L-595/1993-0 Major Periods: Chal, IB, Rom1, ByzOther Periods: MedComponents: Cave, vertical shaft, signs of quarrying, pottery; rock shelter; agricultural plot.Remarks: Cave in Upper Wadi Makkuk; excavated by surveyors, under the same license as Khallat ed-Dinnabiya.Publication: Hirschfeld and Riklin 2002: 6.

279 Grid Ref. 180450/144500Site Name: Cave II/2Excavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOALicense No. L-586/1993-0Components: Cave; no traces of human activity.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors, under the survey permit (license L-586).Publication: Hirschfeld and Riklin 2002: 6.

280 Grid Ref. 153900/144500 Site Name: Beit SiraExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-1083/2006-0; L-1101/2006-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

281 Grid Ref. 190150/144400 Site Name: Rock Shelter IV/2Excavator: Fawzi IbrahimInstitution: SOA


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License No. L-648/1994-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Rock shelter; five coins (two Ptolemy I, three Ptolemy II); texile; decorated glass bead.Publication: Sion 2002: 45.

282 Grid Ref. 190150/144400Site Name: Cave IV/1Excavator: Mikel Dadon Institution: SOA License No. L-655/1994-0 Major Periods: HelComponents: Natural cave; two Yannai coins; one Hasmonean coin; leather fragments.Publication: Sion 2002: 44-45.

283 Grid Ref. 190250/144300Site Name: The Hasmonean Cave Additional Name: Quruntul, Niche No. 2Excavator: Ofer SionInstitution: SOA License No. L-654/1994-0 Major Periods: HelComponents: Natural cave; seven Hasmonean coins; textiles.Publication: Sion 2002: 51.

284Grid Ref. 190250/144300Site Name: Cave of the LampExcavator: Natalia Naomi May Institution: SOA License No. L-602/1993-0Major Periods: Per, HelComponents: Natural cave; bronze lamp; ten coins (five Yannai, two Ptolemy II); two cooking pots and juglet in situ; bronze arrowhead; toggle-pin.Publication: Sion 2002: 46-47.

285 Grid Ref. 190250/144300Site Name: Cave of the Drachmas Excavator: Rina Avner Institution: SOA License No. L-601/1993-0Major Periods: Per, HelComponents: Natural cave; five silver drachmas; two yehud coins; two Hel coins.Publication: Sion 2002: 47-49.

286 Grid Ref. 190250/144300 Site Name: Cave of the Crescent Excavator: Fawzi Ibrahim Institution: SOA

License No. L-649/1994-0Major Periods: Chal, EB1, Hel, Rom1Components: Natural cave; 17 coins; grinding stone; basalt bowls; flint; two beads; human and animal bones.Publication: Sion 2002: 49-51.

287 Grid Ref. 189900/144300 Site Name: Cave in Jebel Quruntul Excavators: Nadav Hameiri, Yuval PelegInstitution: SOALicense No. L-615/1993-0Components: NDA

288 Grid Ref. 161800/144250Site Name: Wadi JariyutExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-986/2003-0 Major Periods: [Hel, Rom]Other Periods: [(Per), Hel-Rom]Components: [Scattered buildings, one with columns; rock-cut burial cave]; NDA on excavation.

289 Grid Ref. 181200/144180Site Name: The Spring CaveExcavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOALicense No. L-632/1994-0Major Periods: Rom1, ByzComponents: Cave; partially a reservoir; plastered walls; hewn steps; incised cross.Remarks: Cave in Upper Nahal Makkuk; excavated by surveyors. Prob. served as a ritual bath.Publication: Hirschfeld and Riklin 2002: 13-14.

290 Grid Ref. 181050/144180 Site Name: Cave of the Lamp Excavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOA License No. L-633/1994-0Major Periods: IA, Hel, Rom1Other Periods: Mam Components: Rock-cut niche; second cent. lamp fragment; Mam coin.Remarks: Cave in Upper Nahal Makkuk; excavated by surveyors.Publication: Hirschfeld and Riklin 2002: 14.

291 Grid Ref. 190300/144150 Site Name: Cave with the Masonry WallExcavator: Mikel Dadon Institution: SOA


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License No. L-656/1994-0Major Periods: Hel, RomComponents: Natural cave; two Hel coins; three arrowheads; leather; sandals; textiles; cord.Publication: Sion 2002: 53-54.

292 Grid Ref. 190300/144150 Site Name: Cave of the Pillar Excavators: Nurit Feig; Iavan Ordentlich (Or)Institution: SOA License No. L-603/1993-0Major Periods: Chal, IA, Hel, RomComponents: Natural cave; three coins (Hel, Rom); IA jar.Publications: Sion 2002: 52; Feig 2002.

293Grid Ref. 190300/144150Site Name: Cave/Niche No. 1Excavator: Samuel R. WolffInstitution: SOALicense No. L-623/1993-0Major Periods: Hel, RomOther Periods: MB2b, IA2, Med, Mam/OttComponents: Natural cave; nine coins (Hel, Rom); textiles; metal objects; worked bone; glass; stone/flint tools and vessels; beads; spindle whorl.Publications: Sion 2002: 52-53; Wolff 2002.

294 Grid Ref. 181630/144150 Site Name: Cave of the Terrace Excavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOA License No. L-635/1994-0Major Periods: Rom1, Byz, Late IslComponents: Large rock shelter; oval rock-cut water cistern; conduits; two Byz coins.Remarks: Cave/rock shelter in Upper Nahal Makkuk; excavated by surveyors.Publication: Hirschfeld and Riklin 2002: 15.

295 Grid Ref. 180950/144140 Site Name: Cave of the StepsExcavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOALicense No. L-586/1993-0Major Periods: Rom, MamComponents: Bi-level cave; staircase; windows; semicircular niche (=chapel?); three coins (two Rom, one Mam).Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Hirschfeld and Riklin 2002: 12-13.

296 Grid Ref. 175700/144050

Site Name: Migron Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: BIULicense No. L-847/1999-0Major Periods: ByzComponents: Small building; wine- or oil press.

297 Grid Ref. 165450/143900 Site Name: Kh. Bir ed-Dawali Additional Names: Kh. 'Awaad; Spot Height 820Excavator: Zur Abeles ('96)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-727/1995-0; L-752/1996-0; L-1002/2004-0; L-1049/2005-0; L-1103/2006-0Major Periods: ByzOther Periods: IA2?, Hel, RomComponents: Terrace walls; cisterns; buildings nearby; building stones reused in terrace walls; two rough columns; cistern with a tesellated pavement.Remarks: Separation Barrier.

298 Grid Ref. 190350/143700Site Name: Cave No. V/49 Additional Name: Quruntul, Cave no. 42Excavator: Emanuel Eisenberg Institution: SOALicense No. L-604/1993-0 Major Periods: Chal, EB, HelOther Periods: Med Components: Natural cave; built wall; Chal basalt vessels; metal items; beads; mat; stone vessel; papyrus.Remarks: Looted in the past; Quruntul Cave no. 42, according to IAA database.Publications: Eisenberg 2002; Melamed 2002; Segal 2002.

299 Grid Ref. 170100/143700 Site Name: Kh. SuweikaExcavator: Uri Dinur, Zaydan WahidInstitution: NDA License No. NDA Major Periods: ByzOther Periods: Hel, Rom, EIsComponents: Ruin; terraces; traces of monumental building with columns; arcosolia burial cave; cisterns.Remarks: Trial excavation by Dinur and Wahid.

300 Grid Ref. 164950/143700 Site Name: Kh. Bir el-‘Iraq Additional Names: Kh. Bir esh-Shafa'; Spot Height 820Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-728/1995-0


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Major Periods: [Hel, Rom]Other Periods: [Byz]Components: NDA

301 Grid Ref. 162200/143650 Site Name: Kh. Meiyita Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1048/2005-0 Major Periods: [Rom, Byz]Other Periods: [Hel]Components: [Remains of monastery; traces of church]; NDA on excavation.

302 Grid Ref. 190325/143625 Site Name: Cave No. 38 Excavator: Ayal Aronshtam Institution: SOA License No. L-597/1993-0Components: Cave; cisterns; hall; rooms; passageways; courtyard.Remarks: Cave in Quruntul Ridge; excavated by surveyor, publication in preparation. Cave is within coordinate range: 19025-19040/14355-14370.Publication: Aronshtam 2002: 87.

303 Grid Ref. 190600/143500 Site Name: Cave No. 13Excavator: Ayal Aronshtam Institution: SOA License No. L-596/1993-0Major Periods: Hel, Med, MamComponents: Natural cave; tabun; charcoal; eye-beads; gold bead; textiles; leather; arrowheads; knife; Mam coins.Publication: Aronshtam 2002: 90-92.

304 Grid Ref. 166250/143450Site Name: BeituniyaExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-997/2004-0 Major Periods: [Byz, Med (Cru/Ayy, Mam), EOtt]Other Periods: [EIs]Components: [Palestinian village; remains of oil press; columns; Med buildings, columns and white mosaic floor; pillars; winepress; rock-cut reservoir; burial caves]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Separation Barrier.

305 Grid Ref. 190700/143400 Site Name: Cave No. 2

Additional Name: Jebel Quruntul, Cave no. 6Excavator: Ofer Sion Institution: SOALicense No. L-612/1993-0 Major Periods: HelComponents: Natural cave; two Hel coins; leather; textiles; bronze clasp. Remarks: Traces of illicit digging. Excavated by surveyor.Publication: Sion 2002: 58-59.

306 Grid Ref. 190450/143400 Site Name: Cave No. 20Excavator: Yuval Peleg Institution: SOA License No. L-599/1993-0Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, MedComponents: Cave; pottery; wall; two coins; bronze toggle pin; two Rom loom needles; glass; leather; textiles.Publication: Aronshtam 2002: 92-93.

307 Grid Ref. 178950/143350 Site Name: Ma‘ale MikhmashAdditional Name: Mezad MikhmashExcavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-573/1993-0 Major Periods: IA2Components: Seventh cent. B.C.E. fort; several complete vessels.Publications: Riklin 1995; ESI 18 (1998): 78.

308 Grid Ref. 193300/143250 Site Name: Suwwanet eth-Thaniya Excavator: George M. Landes ('68) Institution: ASOR License No. NDA Major Periods: Late Chal, IA2b-c, Hel, Rom1Components: Tell: Chal layers and architecture; IA2 stone hearth, floors, structures; Rom1 cistern, structures, plaster floor.Publications: Landes 1975; HA 27 (1968): 17-18.

309 Grid Ref. 163400/143250Site Name: Kh. el-MahmaAdditional Name: Spot Height 767Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1046/2005-0Major Periods: [Hel, Hel-Rom, Rom, Byz, Byz/Uma]Components: [Walls; pillars; lintels in situ; church remains]; NDA on excavation.


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310 Grid Ref. 190700/143200Site Name: Cave of the Niche Additional Name: Cave No. 20, QuruntulExcavator: Ofer SionInstitution: SOA License No. L-653/1994-0Major Periods: Rom, EIsComponents: Natural cave; terrace; two plastered cisterns; dam; textiles; leather; glass bowls; bead; nails; faience button.Remarks: Traces of illicit digging. Excavated by surveyor.Publication: Sion 2002: 62-63.

311 Grid Ref. 179100/143200 Site Name: MikhmasExcavator: Wahid ZaydanInstitution: SOA License No. L-104/1974-0Major Periods: [IB]Components: [Cemetery; 85 shaft tombs counted]; NDA on excavation.

312 Grid Ref. 160400/143150 Site Name: Kh. ez-ZeitExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-929/2001-0; L-954/2002-0Major Periods: [Rom, Byz]Other Periods: [Hel]Components: [Traces of building; many buildings nearby; oil presses; winepresses; burial caves]; NDA on excavation.

313 Grid Ref. 171050/143100 Site Name: Kafr 'AqabExcavator: Rafa' Abu Raya Institution: IAA Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Hel, Byz, Med, OttOther Periods: EIs? Components: Palestinian village; hewn cave.Publication: ESI 15 (1996): 129-130.

314 Grid Ref. 190900/142850 Site Name: Cave No. 8 Excavator: Ofer Sion Institution: SOA License No. L-652/1994-0 Major Periods: Chal, EB1b, EB2Other Periods: Hel, ByzComponents: Natural cave; two coins (one Hel, one

Byz); textiles (EB and Chal); courtyard; animal and fish bones.Remarks: Traces of illicit digging. Excavated by surveyor.Publication: Sion 2002: 59-60.

315 Grid Ref. 164500/142750 Site Name: Kh. Beit SilaExcavators: Shahar Batz, Ibrahim Shrukh ('97)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-776/1997-0; L-798/1998-0; L-893/2000-0; L-1052/2005-0; L-1096/2006-0Major Periods: Hel, Hel-Rom, Rom, (Byz)Components: Scattered square buildings; Church of St. Theodore, with mosaics and inscriptions.Publications: Batz 2002, 2003a, 2004.

316 Grid Ref. 190850/142450 Site Name: Tahunat el-Hawa Excavator: Ehud Netzer Institution: HUJ License No. L-291/1982-0 Components: NDA

317 Grid Ref. 193600/142400Site Name: Tell el-JurnAdditional Names: Jericho Synagogue; "Shalom Al Israel" SynagogueExcavator: Hanania HizmiInstitution: SOA License No. L-472/1990-0 Major Periods: [Late Byz, Isl]Other Periods: [Rom2] Components: [Synagogue: structure 30x30 m; structural remains; mosaic floor; Aramaic inscription]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Nearby: Rom burial cave excavated in 1972 by Shantur. Publications: Maoz 1999; Netzer 1999b, 2000; HA 43 (1972): 17.

318 Grid Ref. 190950/142400Site Name: Two CavesExcavator: Tzur Abeles Institution: SOA License No. L-588/1993-3Components: Two caves; modern cement wall; stone slab pavement; no finds.Remarks: In use until recently by monks. Excavated by surveyor.Publication: Abeles 2002: 114.


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319 Grid Ref. 190900/142400 Site Name: Cave No. 20 Excavators: Maha Darawsheh, Yosef SolomonInstitution: SOA License No. L-646/1994-0Components: NDA

320 Grid Ref. 176300/142400 Site Name: Kh. el-Hara el-Fauqa Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOA License No. L-573/1993-0Major Periods: [IA1, IA2, Hel, Byz, (Isl)]Other Periods: [MB, Per, Med, Ott]Components: [Structures; terraces; cisterns]; NDA on excavation. Publications: Riklin 1995; ESI 18 (1998): 78.

321 Grid Ref. 191130/142200 Site Name: CavityExcavators: Hanan Eshel, Boas ZissuInstitution: SOA License No. L-594/1993-0Components: Irregularly-shaped cavity; two natural fissures; no finds.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Eshel and Zissu 2002a: 117.

322 Grid Ref. 190990/142200Site Name: CaveExcavators: Hanan Eshel, Boas ZissuInstitution: SOALicense No. L-594/1993-0 Components: Natural oval cave; no finds.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Eshel and Zissu 2002a: 118.

323 Grid Ref. 190800/142150Site Name: El-Mefjer, Cave No. 1Excavator: Tzur Abeles Institution: SOA License No. L-611/1993-0Major Periods: Chal, MB, IA, Hel, RomComponents: Cave; glass, ring with gem; scarab; nail; key; fibula; spatulae; weaving needles; eight Hel and Per coins; one Mam coin; textiles.Remarks: Disturbed in Recent times. Excavated by surveyor.Publication: Abeles 2002: 109-112.

324 Grid Ref. 190750/142150

Site Name: Cave of the Sack Additional Name: Moses' Cave Excavator: Tzur Abeles Institution: SOA License No. L-624/1994-0Major Periods: RomComponents: Cave; wood; pottery; glass; metal objects; two Rom coins; basket.Remarks: Excavated by surveyor.Publication: Abeles 2002: 112-113.

325 Grid Ref. 190920/142090Site Name: Cave of the ChimneysExcavators: Hanan Eshel, Boas ZissuInstitution: SOA License No. L-594/1993-0Major Periods: Chal, Hel, Rom1Components: Cave; fieldstone wall; pottery; textile; mats; two Hel and Rom coins; human bones.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Eshel and Zissu 2002a: 121-122.

326 Grid Ref. 190940/142080 Site Name: Spies' Cave Additional Name: The Large Caves ComplexExcavators: Hanan Eshel, Boas ZissuInstitution: SOALicense No. L-594/1993-0 Major Periods: Chal, EB1, Hel, Rom1, Byz, Med, MamComponents: Cave; papyrus documents; human bones; bead; bone object; textiles; ropes; mats; five coins (Hel, Rom, Byz, Mam); bone and bronze rings; bracelet; flint spheres; glass.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publications: Eshel and Zissu 2002b; Khalaily 2002.

327 Grid Ref. 190940/142080 Site Name: Avi'or Cave Excavators: Hanan Eshel ('86); Hanan Eshel, Boas Zissu ('93)Institutions: Israel Cave Research Center; SOALicense Nos. L-402/1986-0; L-594/1993-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom, Byz, MamComponents: Bar Kokhba Revolt papyri (9 Aramaic, 6 Greek, 4 Hebrew); five coins (1 Hel, 2 Rom, 1 Byz, 1 Mam); 38 skeletons; wooden comb; pottery; glass; textiles.Remarks: Other caves were excavated under this permit.Publications: Eshel 1988; Eshel and Misgav 1988a, 1988b; Frumkin 1988a, 1988b; Rasowsky 1988; Eshel and Zissu 1998: 116-117; 2000: 4-6; ESI 5 (1987): 58-59.

328 Grid Ref. 192150/142050


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Site Name: Tell es-Sultan Additional Name: Tell Jericho Excavators: Amin Barhoum ('71); Shimon Riklin ('92)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-40/1971-0; L-403/1986-0; L-549/1992-0; L-583/1993-0 Major Periods: EBComponents: Limited excavations of the multi-period mound (1992) exposed a section of the EBA fortifications. Publication: ESI 15 (1996): 68-70.

329 Grid Ref. 191090/142050 Site Name: Cave of the Pruta Excavators: Hanan Eshel, Boas ZissuInstitution: SOALicense No. L-594/1993-0Major Periods: EB, Rom1Components: Cave; pottery; pruta coin of the Great Revolt.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors, under survey permit.Publication: Eshel and Zissu 2002a: 122.

330 Grid Ref. 191060/142030 Site Name: The Terrace of the Cave of the SandalExcavators: Hanan Eshel, Boas ZissuInstitution: SOALicense No. L-609/1993-0Major Periods: Chal, EB1, MB, RomComponents: Cave and terrace; 17 Chal, EB and Rom burials; three copper tools; pottery; flint and stone tools; glass; toggle pins; curette; silver spoon; two gold rings; gold earring; human bones; rope; iron arrowhead; coin.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publications: Eshel and Zissu 1998: 119-122; 2000: 6-11; 2002a: 119; Khalaily 2002; Gorin-Rosen 2002; Ladizhinskaya 2002; Segal and Kamenski 2002; Nagar 2002.

331 Grid Ref. 163200/141950Site Name: Rujm Abu Khashaba Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1041/2005-0Major Periods: [(Per), Rom, Rom/Byz, (Byz), EOtt]Components: [Small tower stronghold/fort; pen]; NDA on excavation.

332 Grid Ref. 169800/141900 Site Name: ‘Atarot Additional Names: Jerusalem Airport; QalandiyaExcavator: Yitzhak Magen ('78, '80)Institution: SOA

License Nos. L-191/1978-0; L-260/1980-0Major Periods: MB, Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: Large Rom farmstead with structures, winepresses, tombs, quarries; Byz bath; plastered ritual baths; oil press; hundreds of coins; grinding installations; metal objects; bronze vessels and jewelry; warehouse; MB burial caves.Remarks: L-191 - salvage excavation.Publications: Magen 1984b, 2004b; Ariel 2004; HA 67-68 (1978): 47-48.

333 Grid Ref. 193600/141800Site Name: Tell Abu KhursAdditional Name: Jericho ChurchExcavator: Hanania Hizmi ('90-'91) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-473/1990-0; L-498/1991-0Major Periods: Byz, IslComponents: Tell, structures, coins; Coptic church.

334 Grid Ref. 166000/141750 Site Name: Kh. el-Latatin Excavators: Amin Barhoum ('70); Michel Itah ('93); Yehiel Zelinger ('95)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-29/1970-0; L-570/1993-0; L-706/1995-0; L-1119/2007-0Major Periods: [(Per, Rom), Rom/Byz, Byz, Byz/Uma]Other Periods: [EIs?, Med (Cru/Ayy)]Components: [Large building around courtyard with a cistern; pottery; long wall; another building; rock-cut reservoir; burial cave with ossuary fragments; ritual bath]; NDA on excavation.

335 Grid Ref. 158850/141600 Site Name: Kh. Judeida Excavator: Michel ItahInstitution: SOALicense No. L-553/1992-0Major Periods: Rom, ByzOther Periods: Per?, Hel, EIsComponents: Ritual bath and possible church remains.Publication: HA-ESI 113 (2001): 72*.

336 Grid Ref. 191775/141525 Site Name: Tell es-Samarat Excavator: Ehud NetzerInstitution: HUJ License No. L-113/1975-0 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Herodian hippodrome; Rom villa with mosaic floor; frescoes.Publications: Netzer 1996a; HA 54-55 (1975): 23.


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337 Grid Ref. 190880/141510Site Name: Cave Y-10Excavator: Eliot BraunInstitution: SOALicense No. L-600/1993-0 Components: Natural cave; pottery; cloth; bones; plaited hair; rope; straw.Publication: Eshel and Zissu 2002a: 120, 122.

338 Grid Ref. 190840/141500Site Name: Cave Y-11Excavator: Eliot BraunInstitution: SOA License No. L-600/1993-0 Components: Natural cave; textiles; non-diagnostic pottery; bones.Publication: Eshel and Zissu 2002a: 120, 122.

339 Grid Ref. 177800/141500 Site Name: Kh. ed-Dawwara Excavator: Israel Finkelstein ('84-'85)Institution: BIULicense Nos. L-361/1984-0; L-395/1985-0 Major Periods: IA1Components: IA1 village with four-room houses, surrounded by a fortification wall.Publications: Finkelstein 1988, 1990b; ESI 4 (1986): 20; ESI 6 (1988): 48.

340 Grid Ref. 192200/141200Site Name: Jericho, Jordan DistrictExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-617/1993-0 Components: NDA

341 Grid Ref. 171482/141164 Site Name: ‘Atarot Airport (east) Excavator: Ya'acov Billig Institution: IAAPermit No. A-3867/2003Major Periods: IBComponents: IB shaft tombs.Remarks: Spot Height 759.

342 Grid Ref. 165300/141100 Site Name: Kh. el-Jufeir Additional Names: Giv'at Ze'ev; Spot Height 792 Excavator: Shimon Riklin ('97) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-770/1997-0; L-1106/2006-0

Major Periods: [(Per), Rom, Byz, EIs]Other Periods: [Hel] Components: [Site with possible church and bath; agricultural installations]; NDA on excavation.

343 Grid Ref. 190900/141050 Site Name: Jericho, CemeteryAdditional Name: Mughr el-MaqrabannaExcavator: Rachel Hachlili ('75-'79)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-119/1975-0; L-135/1976-0; L-173/1978-0; L-208/1979-0 Major Periods: RomComponents: Very large Second Temple period cemetery; thousands of rock-hewn burials; many inscriptions; wooden coffins; offerings; wall paintings; ossuaries.Publications: Hachlili 1983; Hachlili and Killebrew 1999.

344 Grid Ref. 181950/140900 Site Name: H. Shilha Additional Name: Wadi el-Makhamas Excavators: Zvi Ilan, David Amit, Amihai MazarInstitution: HUJ License No. L-289/1981-0 Major Periods: IA2 Other Periods: EIs Components: IA2 fortress. Remarks: Excavation carried out at 1788/1434.Publications: A. Mazar et al. 1984; ESI 2 (1984): 94-95.

345 Grid Ref. 166400/140800 Site Name: Giv‘at Ze'ev Excavators: Shmuel Tsfania, Zion ShavitInstitution: SOA License No. L-377/1985-0 Major Periods: MBComponents: Two burial caves, one with columbarium niches; MB vessels.

346 Grid Ref. 171200/140700 Site Name: Jerusalem (north)Excavator: Anette Nagar Institution: IAA Permit No. A-5197/2007 Components: NDA

347 Grid Ref. 168100/140700 Site Name: Shi‘b Siyaj Excavators: Amir Golani, Amir Feldstein,Yair Kamaisky


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Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: MB2b Components: MB2b burial cave only excavated at site with later remains.Publication: ESI 6 (1988): 112-113.

348 Grid Ref. 166500/140600 Site Name: Giv‘at Ze'ev Excavator: Mikel Dadon Institution: SOA License No. L-475/1990-0Major Periods: IBComponents: IB Burial cave. Publication: Dadon 1997c.

349 Grid Ref. 193600/140400 Site Name: Center of JerichoExcavator: Ibrahim al-FaniInstitution: SOALicense No. L-47/1971-0Components: NDA

350 Grid Ref. 156100/140400 Site Name: Kh. Dar 'Asi Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-992/2004-0; L-1026/2005-0Major Periods: [Hel, Rom, Byz, EIs]Other Periods: [EB] Components: [Traces of buildings; columns; cisterns; winepress; traces of oil press; winepresses and burial cave nearby]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Separation Barrier

351 Grid Ref. 177100/140350Site Name: Nahal Mikhmas Additional Name: Wadi Suweinit, Mughr el-'AleiliyatExcavators: Joseph Patrich, Rechav RubinInstitution: HUJLicense No. L-288/1981-0Major Periods: From end of IA1Components: Settlement, from end of IA1 onwards.Publication: Patrich and Rubin 1983.

352 Grid Ref. 172100/140200 Site Name: Er-RamExcavator: Yair KamaiskyInstitution: SOA License No. L-392/1985-0 Major Periods: Rom, Byz [IA2, Hel, Ott]Other Periods: [IA1, Per, EIs, Med (Cru?)]

Components: [Palestinian village; fortress (Cru?); church architectural elements]; Byz cemetery (partially excavated), including lead sarcophagus; Rom-Byz burial cave.Publications: Pringle 1983; ESI 4 (1986): 94-95.

353 Grid Ref. 190720/140170 Site Name: Cave No. IX/14Excavator: Daniel Weiss Institution: SOA License No. L-588/1993-1Major Periods: MB, IAComponents: Cave; niches; pottery. Publication: Weiss 2002: 168.

354 Grid Ref. 190500/140000 Site Name: Nusib ‘Uweishira Excavator: Ehud Netzer ('76)Institution: NDA License No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel, ByzComponents: Small monastery with a chapel, mosaic floor, structural remains, pool, moat; Hel fortress, maybe Hasmonean.Publication: HA 59-60 (1976): 38.

355Grid Ref. 177100/139800Site Name: Adam (east)Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense Nos. L-1020/2004-0; L-1093/2006-0Components: NDA

356 Grid Ref. 150300/139800 Site Name: Kh. HibaExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1086/2006-0Components: NDA

357 Grid Ref. 191400/139750 Site Name: Tulul Abu el-‘Alaiq Additional Names: Jericho, Winter Palaces; Herod's PalacesExcavator: Ehud Netzer ('73-'00) Institutions: SOA; HUJ License Nos. L-78/1973-0; L-93/1974-0; L-110/1975-0; L-132/1976-0; L-158/1977-0; L-171/1978-0; L-204/1979-0; L-235/1980-0; L-268/1981-0; L-290/1982-0; L-337/1983-0; L-385/1985-0; L-417/1987-0; L-581/1993-0; L-786/1998-0; L-835/1999-0; L-905/2000-0


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Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Hasmonean palaces with synagogue and three Herodian winter palaces with baths, swimming pools, gardens, frescoes, mosaic floors; aqueducts, agricultural installations (farm); workshop area.Publications: Garbrecht and Netzer 1991; Netzer 2001b; Bar-Nathan 2002; Netzer et al. 2004; HA 47 (1973): 18-19; HA 50 (1974): 11-13; HA 54-55 (1975): 21-23; HA 59-60 (1976): 37-38; HA 63-64 (1977): 50-51; HA 65-66 (1978): 41-42; ESI 1 (1984): 44-49; ESI 2 (1984): 50-51; ESI 5 (1987): 55.

358 Grid Ref. 171500/139700 Site Name: Er-Ram Additional Name: Khan er-Ram Excavators: Irina Zilberbod ('06); Anette Nagar ('07)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-4765/2006; A-5056/2007Major Periods: Rom1 [Mam, Ott]Components: [Khan, with vaults; rock-hewn cisterns; structures]; ancient E-W road; small winepress.Remarks: Excavated due to damage caused to the site during work on the separation barrier.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

359 Grid Ref. 165575/139625 Site Name: Kh. el-‘AdasAdditional Name: Kh. NadiExcavators: Amir Feldstein, Yair KamaiskyInstitution: SOA License No. L-396/1986-0Components: NDA

360 Grid Ref. 192200/139600Site Name: NoneExcavator: Avraham Eitan Institution: SOA License No. L-493/1991-0 Major Periods: IA2Components: IA2 fortress with a gate, towers, courtyard and houses.Publications: Eitan 1983; ESI 16 (1997): 90-91.

361Grid Ref. 177800/139500 Site Name: Kh. et-Tinat Additional Name: Adam Excavator: Ofer Sion ('92-'93) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-532/1992-0; L-560/1993-0Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: MB?, Rom, EIsComponents: Two farmsteads, Byz-EIs; mosaic floors, agricultural installations, pens; burial caves.

Publications: Sion 1997c; ESI 14 (1995): 86-87.

362 Grid Ref. 174300/139500 Site Name: Gibeah of BenjaminExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1038/2005-0Components: NDA

363 Grid Ref. 179050/139450 Site Name: Megharat el-Jai Additional Names: Nahal Mikhmash; El-Gih Cave; Ha-Gai CaveExcavators: Hanan Eshel, Boas ZissuInstitutions: SOA; BIU License No. L-781/1997-0 Major Periods: EB, IB, Rom, Byz, OttOther Periods: Chal, MB, IA2, EIs, MedComponents: Monastic complex; traces of buildings; chapel with mosaic pavement and inscription; anchorite cells; cisterns; Chal basalt vessels; cave.Remarks: License no. is for metal detector survey of the cave. Publications: Eshel 1999; Eshel and Zissu 1999; HA-ESI 110 (1999): 56*-57*.

364 Grid Ref. 167600/139400 Site Name: GibeonAdditional Name: El-JibExcavator: David Davis Institution: SOA License No. L-201/1978-0 Major Periods: IBComponents: Excavation of six shaft tombs in previously excavated multi-period site.Remarks: Salvage excavation of six shaft tombs NW of el-Jib.Publications: Pringle 1983; Eshel 1987; HA 69-71 (1979): 82.

365 Grid Ref. 190500/139050 Site Name: KyprosAdditional Name: 'Aqabat JabrExcavators: Ze'ev Meshel ('73); Ehud Netzer ('74) Institutions: TAU; HUJ License Nos. L-77/1973-0; L-105/1974-0Major Periods: Hel, RomOther Periods: ByzComponents: Hasmonean and Herodian fortress and palace; Rom bathhouses, with mosaics, frescoes, basin and bath; Herodian tower - columbarium; Byz monastery; aqueducts and cisterns.Remarks: L-77 - Same license number for Hyrcania.


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Publications: Netzer 1975; HA 54-55 (1975): 24-25.

366Grid Ref. 164900/138800Site Name: Kh. ed-DiabAdditional Name: Kh. en-Nada Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-999/2004-0 Major Periods: [Hel, Rom]Other Periods: [MB?, IA2, Byz]Components: [Terraces; traces of buildings; burial caves; cisterns]; NDA on excavation.

367 Grid Ref. 152500/138800 Site Name: Yalu Additional Name: Ayalon Excavator: Mordechai Gichon ('90)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-463/1990-0; L-931/2001-0Major Periods: [EB, MB, LB, IA1, IA2, Per, Hel, Rom-Byz, Med, Ott]Components: [Palestinian village on tell; structure]; NDA on excavation.

368 Grid Ref. 173000/138700 Site Name: Neve Ya‘aqov Additional Name: Kh. Deir Sallam (southeast)Excavator: Fanny Vitto Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-396/1973 Major Periods: RomComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave, part of cemetery of Kh. Deir Sallam; five ossuaries, two decorated wth rosettes; Herodian pottery and glass vessels.Publications: Vitto 2000: 114-117; HA 45 (1973): 25.

369 Grid Ref. 149450/138650 Site Name: Imwas Additional Name: Park Latrun Excavator: Yizhar HirschfeldInstitution: SOA License No. L-137/1976-0 Components: Palestinian village; water systems. Publication: Hirschfeld 1979b.

370 Grid Ref. 195100/138600Site Name: Tell Mugheifir Additional Name: Rujm el-MogheifirExcavator: Yosef Porat Institution: SOA License No. L-296/1982-0 Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz, Uma, Abb

Components: Monastery/fortress or large palace 40x60 m: ca. 30 rooms around an internal courtyard; cistern; pool; tesserae floor; marble; wall 300 m long.

371 Grid Ref. 174110/138600 Site Name: Neve Ya‘aqov (east) Excavator: Boas Zissu Institution: IAA Permit No. A-2936/1998 Components: Ancient road; rock-hewn cistern.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 73*-74*.

372 Grid Ref. 149200/138550 Site Name: esh-Sheikh ‘Ubeid Additional Name: Kh. ‘Eqed Excavators: Mordechai Gichon ('77, '81, '90, '93, '97); Mordechai Gichon, Zion Shavit ('80)Institutions: TAU; SOALicense Nos. L-168/1977-0; L-245/1980-0; L-281/1981-0; L-464/1990-0; L-571/1993-0; L-779/1997-0Major Periods: RomComponents: Rom public bath-house.

373 Grid Ref. 149150/138450 Site Name: EmmausAdditional Name: Park LatrunExcavators: Mikko Louhivuori, Michele Piccirillo ('93, '94, '96, '97, '99); Mordechai Gichon ('98)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-584/1993-0; L-678/1994-0; L-714/1995-0; L-745/1996-0; L-768/1997-0; L-807/1998-0; L-861/1999-0; L-897/2000-0; L-930/2001-0; L-945/2002-0; L-961/2002-0; L-965/2002-0; L-983/2002-0; L-1005/2004-0; L-1028/2005-0Major Periods: Rom, Byz, CruOther Periods: Mam Components: Rom villa; Byz basilica and church; Cru church; mosaic floors; baptisterium; aqueducts; public baths.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-861 was not issued to the SOA.Publications: Gichon 1979; Gichon and Linden 1984; Fleckenstein et al. 2005.

374 Grid Ref. 172600/138400Site Name: Neve Ya‘aqov (west)Excavator: Anette Nagar Institution: IAA Permit No. A-5036/2007 Components: Terrace walls.

375 Grid Ref. 150850/138300


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Site Name: ‘Eqed Additional Name: Kh. el-‘AqdExcavators: Emanuel Damati ('76); Mordechai Gichon ('79, '83)Institutions: SOA; TAULicense Nos. L-145/1976-0; L-217/1979-0; L-319/1983-0 Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Other Periods: IA2, PerComponents: Fortifications with gate and towers; coins; hiding caves; agricultural installations; many arrowheads and weaponry; dwelling cave with structural remains; plastered water cistern.Remarks: Salvage excavation in a cave (1976).Publications: Janai 1994-1999; HA 61-62 (1977): 61; HA 73 (1980): 23-24; HA 76 (1981): 28-29.

376Grid Ref. 175400/138200 Site Name: Hizma Excavators: Uri Dinur, Yitzhak Magen ('82); Yitzhak Magen ('83)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-302/1982-0; L-335/1983-0; L-716/1995-0; L-880/1999-0Major Periods: MB, IA2, Per, Hel, Rom, Byz, EIs, Med, OttComponents: [Palestinian village; burial caves; Sheikh's tomb; cisterns; caves; oil press; traces of walls]; quarries and caves relating to stone vessel industry excavated.Remarks: Also excavated in 1985, license no. is unknown.Publications: Magen 1984c, 2002; ESI 5 (1987): 53 (survey).

377 Grid Ref. 172750/138150Site Name: Maqta‘at Karkis (east)Excavator: Boas Zissu Institution: IAA Permit No. A-2935/1998 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Rock-hewn winepress; cupmarks; limekiln and ancient quarry nearby.Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 61*-62*.

378 Grid Ref. 175600/138100 Site Name: Qubur Bani IsrailExcavator: Tzur Abeles Institution: SOA License No. L-542/1992-0Components: Remains of megalithic buildings; non-diagnostic pottery.Publication: Abeles 1997.

379 Grid Ref. 159100/138100

Site Name: Kh. Abu LahmExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1036/2005-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

380 Grid Ref. 172760/137830Site Name: Pisgat Ze'ev Additional Name: Ras et-Tawil (northwest)Excavators: Shimon Gibson, Amos Kloner ('81)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: IA2 Components: IA2 limekiln. Publications: Gibson 1982b, 1984: 96; ESI 1 (1984): 59-60, 103.

381 Grid Ref. 171600/137800 Site Name: Nuseiba Neighborhood Additional Name: Beit Hanina Excavator: Irina Zilberbod Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4180/2004 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rom road remains; Rom1 pottery.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

382 Grid Ref. 167200/137800 Site Name: En-Nabi SamwilAdditional Name: Prophet Samuel's TombExcavators: Lior Alon, Mikel Dadon, Yitzhak Magen ('92); Mikel Dadon, Yitzhak Magen ('94, '97); Ibrahim Abu-Ammar, Ayal Aronshtam ('96)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-540/1992-0; L-564/1993-0; L-677/1994-0; L-746/1996-0; L-775/1997-0; L-799/1998-0; L-868/1999-0; L-928/2001-0; L-949/2002-0; L-980/2003-0; L-1104/2006-0; L-1125/2007-0; L-1126/2007-0 Major Periods: Hel, Byz, EIs, MedComponents: Hel domestic quarter; Byz monastery; EIs potters' kilns; Cru fortress and church, stables, hostel; Mam potters' kilns.Publications: Magen and Dadon 1999, 2003; Magen 2008b.

383 Grid Ref. 172670/137680 Site Name: Pisgat Ze'ev Additional Names: Ras et-Tawil (west); Neve Ya'aqovExcavator: Shimon Gibson ('81) Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA


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Major Periods: IA2, Hel, RomComponents: Two rock-hewn burial caves; Hasmonean finds; ossuary lid; gray-plastered cistern and rock-hewn shaft nearby. Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 57.

384 Grid Ref. 172950/137630Site Name: Ras et-Tawil Additional Name: Pisgat Ze'ev Excavators: Shimon Gibson, Amos Kloner ('81); Ronny Reich ('81); Shimon Gibson ('81)Institution: IDAM Permit Nos. A-1053/1981; A-1063/1981; A-1082/1981Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Byz, EIsComponents: Structures; monastic complex; Byz chapel; decorated mosaic floor; large cave; 200 coins (Uma, Abb, one Yannai); winepress; rock-hewn cistern; limekiln; agricultural terraces; Hel farmhouse.Publications: Gibson 1982a, 1984: 96; 1985-1986; Gibson and Edelstein 1985; ESI 1 (1984): 101-103.

385 Grid Ref. 148500/137600 Site Name: LatrunExcavators: ‘Azmi Halil, Mustafa Qara'inInstitution: SOA License No. L-89/1973-0 Major Periods: Cru, OttComponents: Cru fortress; khan; Ott watchtower.Publications: Benvenisti 1970; Stark 1999; Bagatti 2002.

386 Grid Ref. 170720/137580 Site Name: Beit Hanina – Quarry Additional Name: Shikune Nusseiba Excavator: Yoni Mizrachi ('04-'05) Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-4251/2004; A-4458/2005Major Periods: ByzComponents: Nineteen quarries; limekiln; two parallel walls (road?); Byz pottery and coins.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

387 Grid Ref. 180000/137550Site Name: Qal‘at Musa Additional Name: Kanat Musa Excavator: Uri Dinur Institution: SOA License No. NDA Major Periods: ByzComponents: Monastic complex, continuation of Kanat Musa (Qal'at Musa): four main buildings; structural remains; rock-cut winepress; plastered pool; terraces; aqueducts.Remarks: Survey and trial sounding.

Publication: ESI 5 (1987): 86-88.

388 Grid Ref. 174200/137550 Site Name: Kh. Ras et-Tawil (east)Excavator: Ofer Sion Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4239/2004 Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Rom2, ByzComponents: Agricultural installations; winepresses; quarries; limekiln; cistern. Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

389 Grid Ref. 162200/137500 Site Name: Har AdarExcavator: Mikel Dadon Institution: SOA License No. L-486/1991-0 Major Periods: HelComponents: Hasmonean structure; courtyard; winepress; coins. Remarks: L-456, according to ESI. This is the license no. for Khureitun excavations.Publications: Dadon 1997a; Gitler 1997; ESI 14 (1995): 87-88.

390 Grid Ref. 171220/137420 Site Name: Nahal ‘Atarot Excavator: Zubair Adawi Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4951/2006 Components: Quarry.

391 Grid Ref. 171560/137380 Site Name: Nuseiba NeighborhoodAdditional Names: Jerusalem - Ramallah Road; The Fourth Mile Excavator: Zubair Adawi Institution: IAA Permit No. A-5194/2007 Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Ancient road segment.

392 Grid Ref. 174080/137330 Site Name: Kh. Ras et-Tawil Additional Name: Wadi el-Mujali Excavator: Ofer Sion Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4326/2004 Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Large structure; ancient agricultural terraces; other structures.Publication: HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).


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393 Grid Ref. 177300/137300 Site Name: Kh. Abu Musarrah Additional Name: Spot Height 583 Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-804/1998-0; L-825/1998-0; L-959/2002-0 Major Periods: IA1, IA2 [Hel/Rom, Byz, (EIs) Ott]Components: [Walls; terraces; caves; cisterns; columbarium cave; circular reservoir; oil press; threshing-floors]; IA dwelling and burial cave excavated.Publication: Peleg and Yezerski 2004.

394 Grid Ref. 172540/137280Site Name: Wadi el-Khafi Excavators: Shimon Gibson, Amos Kloner ('81)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: RomComponents: Segment of ancient N-S road.

395 Grid Ref. 172730/137220 Site Name: Kh. ‘AdasaExcavators: Hammudi Khalaily ('94); Zubair Adawi ('06-'07); Irina Zilberbod ('07)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-2117/1994; A-4758/2006; A-5059/2007; A-5321/2007 Major Periods: Uma, Abb, MamOther Periods: Hel, RomComponents: EIs farmstead: two halls; square rooms; pillars; structures. Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 95-97.

396 Grid Ref. 173500/137200 Site Name: Pisgat Ze'ev Additional Names: Wadi Zimra; Nahal ZimriExcavator: Yitzhak Meitlis Institution: IAA Permit No. G-76/1990Major Periods: IA2, ByzComponents: Leveled rock surface; late IA rock-hewn winepress; tower foundations.Publication: ESI 10 (1992): 125-127 (Area E).

397 Grid Ref. 171500/137200 Site Name: Kh. HawanitExcavators: Deborah Alis Sklar-Parnas, Zubair AdawiInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-4115/2004 Components: NDARemarks: Continuation of 2003 excavations, see

site no. 400.

398 Grid Ref. 162500/137200 Site Name: Kh. NijmExcavator: Mikel Dadon Institution: SOA License No. L-486/1991-0 Major Periods: Per, Hel, OttComponents: Late Per and Early Hel courtyard house, Ott khan; coins; seal rings.Publications: Dadon 1997a; Gitler 1997; ESI 14 (1995): 87-88.

399 Grid Ref. 171100/137150 Site Name: Kh. Hawanit Additional Name: Jerusalem – Ramallah RoadExcavator: Zubair Adawi Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3662/2002Major Periods: Rom, Byz?Components: Large ancient quarry. Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

400 Grid Ref. 171550/137120 Site Name: Kh. Hawanit Additional Names: Bet Hanina Neighborhood; Shikune Nusseiba Excavators: Zubair Adawi, Deborah Alis Sklar-Parnas ('03); Deborah Alis Sklar-Parnas ('03)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-3922/2003; A-3922/2003-01Major Periods: Rom1, ByzComponents: Rom1 and Byz remains.Remarks: Excavation continued in 2004, see site no. 397.Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

401 Grid Ref. 199100/137100 Site Name: 'Ein Hogla Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. NDA Major Periods: IA, Byz, OttComponents: Building remains.Remarks: Site examined, not excavated.Publication: ESI 5 (1987): 118.

402 Grid Ref. 186900/137100 Site Name: Mizpeh Jericho Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-837/1999-0 Major Periods: Byz


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Components: NDARemarks: License no. was also issued to Horbat Qumran.

403 Grid Ref. 198200/137000 Site Name: Jericho Bypass RoadExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-688/1994-0Components: NDA

404 Grid Ref. 171000/137000 Site Name: Kh. HawanitExcavators: Zubair Adawi ('00); Rina Avner ('03)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-3338/2000; A-4013/2003Components: NDA

405 Grid Ref. 174170/136920 Site Name: Wadi el-MujaliAdditional Name: Pisgat Ze'ev (east) Excavators: Eli Shukrun, Alegre SavariegoInstitution: IAAPermit No. G-35/1991Major Periods: RomOther Periods: Hel, ByzComponents: Rom1 farmhouse; large winepress; oil press; ritual bath; cisterns.Remarks: Salvage excavation in 1991: 17465-85/13595-610.Publications: Gibson 1982b; Gibson and Edelstein 1985: 150, Fig. 4: B-B; ESI 12 (1994): 56-58.

406 Grid Ref. 172150/136910 Site Name: Tell el-Ful Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ul Excavators: Shimon Gibson, Deborah Alis Sklar-Parnas ('96); Shimon Gibson ('97); Rina Avner ('98)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-2506/1996; A-2611/1997; A-2892/1998 Major Periods: MB, IA1, IA2, Rom, Byz, MamComponents: MB, Herodian, late Rom, Byz and Mam settlement; ancient quarry.Remarks: Continuation of site no. 416.Publication: Gibson 1996.

407 Grid Ref. 184000/136900 Site Name: The Good SamaritanExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense Nos. L-907/2000-0; L-915/2001-0; L-969/2003-0; L-981/2003-0; L-1065/2005-0Components: NDA

408 Grid Ref. 176000/136900 Site Name: Kh. ‘AlmitExcavators: Amin Barhoum ('70); Zaydan Wahid ('73); Gary Lipovich, Z. Ehrlich, Eilat Mazar, Uri Dinur ('81); Benjamin Har-Even ('99); Emanuel Damati ('06)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-35/1970-0; L-92/1973-0; L-286/1981-0; L-857/1999-0; L-1091/2006-0Major Periods: IA2, Per [Hel/Rom, Byz, (EIs) Med, Ott]Other Periods: [MB, IA1]Components: [Traces of buildings; caves; cisterns; mosaic pavements; Sheikh's tomb; winepress; threshing floors]; Per burial caves and dwellings; IA2c tomb, rock-cut cist tombs excavated.Remarks: L-857 and L-1091 - Salvage excavations. Per burial caves and dwellings were excavated in 1973 and 1981. According to SOA license list, L-857 was issued for 'Almit, 'Anatoth.Publications: Dinur and Lipovitz 1988; ESI 5 (1987): 1; HA-ESI 115 (2003): 48*-49*.

409 Grid Ref. 174200/136900Site Name: H. ZimriAdditional Names: Deir Ghazali; Pisgat Ze'ev DExcavator: Yonatan NadelmanInstitution: IAAPermit No. G-99/1990Major Periods: IA2, Per, Hel, Rom, Byz, EIsComponents: Large Per fortress with casemate walls and tower.Publication: ESI 12 (1994): 54-56.

410 Grid Ref. 167830/136780Site Name: Kh. el-BurjExcavator: Vassilios Tzaferis ('72)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: CruComponents: Cru structure; forecourt; two rock-hewn plastered cisterns; reservoir.Remarks: Trial excavation after damage in 1972.

411 Grid Ref. 167780/136730 Site Name: Kh. el-BurjExcavators: Gershon Edelstein ('72); Gideon Solimany ('91); Alon De Groot ('92); Alexander Onn ('92); Adrian Boas ('94)Institutions: IDAM; IAAPermit Nos. A-372/1972; A-1769/1991; A-1881/1992; A-1882/1992; A-2202/1994Major Periods: IA2, Cru, MamOther Periods: MB2b, IA1, Per, Per/Hel, Hel, Rom, (Byz)Components: Tell; terraces; cisterns; Med street and


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houses (Cru village); Mam pottery workshops; rock-hewn tomb; IA2 settlement; structures; rock-hewn installations.Publications: HA 45 (1973): 26; ESI 14 (1995): 88-90; ESI 16 (1997): 97; HA-ESI 109 (1999): 73*.

412 Grid Ref. 173540/136690Site Name: Nahal ZimriAdditional Name: Wadi Zimra Excavators: Ora Yogev ('81, '85); Yitzhak Meitlis ('90)Institutions: IDAM; IAAPermit Nos. A-1087/1981; A-1391/1985; G-76/1990Major Periods: EB/IB, MB, IA2, Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: IB settlement; IA2 and MB rural site; two-room building; quarry; four-room house; rock-cut tombs; agricultural terraces and ancient road nearby.Remarks: Excavation coordinates in 1990: 1734-9/1364-8.Publications: Gibson 1982b; Gibson and Edelstein 1985: 145; ESI 4 (1986): 80-82; ESI 10 (1992): 125-127.

413 Grid Ref. 172230/136650 Site Name: Tell el-Ful Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ul Excavator: Amit Re'em Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3160/1999Components: Cistern.Publication: HA-ESI 114 (2002): 72*-73*.

414 Grid Ref. 171850/136630 Site Name: Tell el-Ful Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ulExcavator: Rina Avner ('03, '05, '07)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-4013/2003; A-4634/2005; A-5078/2007 Major Periods: Rom Other Periods: IA2 Components: The tell's northern slope; Rom settlement remains; IA2 pottery.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

415 Grid Ref. 167950/136580Site Name: Kh. el-Kurum, RamotExcavator: Vassilios TzaferisInstitution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: IA2Components: Rock-hewn burial cave.Publication: Tzaferis 1982a.

416 Grid Ref. 172250/136550 Site Name: Tell el-Ful

Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ulExcavators: Zvi Greenhut, Shimon GibsonInstitution: IAAPermit No. NDA Major Periods: MBComponents: NDARemarks: Continuation of site no. 406.

417 Grid Ref. 172100/136550Site Name: Tell el-Ful Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ul Excavator: Eliot Braun Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4138/2004Components: NDA

418 Grid Ref. 172035/136550Site Name: Tell el-Ful Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ul Excavator: Rina Avner Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3964/2003Major Periods: MB, IA2MB and IA2 remains. Components: Excavation range: 17202-5/13654-6Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

419 Grid Ref. 167950/136550 Site Name: Kh. el-BurjExcavator: Samuel R. Wolff ('92) Institution: IAAPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: MBComponents: MB tomb.Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 97.

420 Grid Ref. 168300/136510 Site Name: Ramat Polin Additional Name: Kh. el-Kurum (east) Excavators: Amos Kloner, Rami AravInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-1114/1982Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Byz, EIsComponents: Monastery; chapel; mosaic floor with Greek inscription; three coins; two cisterns nearby.Publications: Arav et al. 1990; ESI 1 (1984): 58-59; ESI 7-8 (1990): 90-92.

421 Grid Ref. 172400/136500Site Name: Ras ‘AmarExcavator: Shimon Gibson ('87) Institution: IDAM


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Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Hel, Rom, ByzOther Periods: MB Components: Rectangular structure; agricultural terraces; nine Rom1 rock-cut tombs.Remarks: Spot Height 803.4; salvage excavation in 1997-8.Publications: Gibson 1988; ESI 7-8 (1990): 154-155.

422 Grid Ref. 172200/136500 Site Name: Tell el-Ful Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ul Excavator: Yuval BaruchInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2699/1997Major Periods: MB2b, IA2, Rom, ByzComponents: Rock-hewn burial caves (three IA2, five Byz); rock-hewn Herodian columbarium nearby; installations; quarries; ca. 60 rectangular late Rom pit tombs.Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 62*-64*.

423 Grid Ref. 171900/136500 Site Name: Tell el-Ful Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ul Excavators: Ilan Peretz, Amit Re'em ('97); Ya'acov Billig ('01-'02)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-2691/1997; A-3520/2001; A-3620/2002 Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: IA2, Hel-Rom, Rom2-ByzComponents: Two rock-hewn Byz burial caves; quarry.Publications: HA-ESI 110 (1999): 58*; HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

424 Grid Ref. 172200/136450 Site Name: Tell el-Ful Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ul Excavator: Anette Nagar Institution: IAA Permit No. A-5312/2007Major Periods: IA2Components: Winepresses, quarries.

425 Grid Ref. 171800/136420 Site Name: Tell el-Ful Additional Name: Giv'at Sha'ul Excavator: Amit Re'em Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3160/1999Components: Cistern.Publication: HA-ESI 114 (2002): 72*-73*.

426 Grid Ref. 197600/136400 Site Name: Deir Hajla Additional Name: Kalamon Monastery Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-950/2002-0; L-1043/2005-0Major Periods: Med, ByzComponents: Monastery, mostly Med: walls, Byz mosaic floors.

427 Grid Ref. 173100/136400 Site Name: Kh. Ras Abu Ma‘aruf Additional Name: Pisgat Ze'ev Excavator: Jon Seligman Institution: IAA Permit No. G-85/1990Major Periods: IB, IA2, Rom, Byz, EIsComponents: IB cemetery; possible IB settlement; IA2 farmstead; Herodian ritual baths; Byz and EIs winepresses and pool.Remarks: Spot Height 769.3, presently in Pisgat Ze'ev (east).Publications: Gorin-Rosen 1999; Rapuano 1999; Seligman 1994, 1995, 1999; ESI 12 (1994): 52-54 (East A).

428 Grid Ref. 171650/136400Site Name: Ramallah RoadAdditional Name: Shu‘fat Excavators: Deborah Alis Sklar-Parnas ('03-'05); Rachel Bar-Natan ('06-'07) Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-3955/2003; A-4402/2005; A-4827/2006; A-4965/2006 Major Periods: Rom1Other Periods: Rom2, Byz, OttComponents: Large Rom1-2 village; bathhouse; stone vessels; coins; Ott road.Remarks: Very close to Shu'fat - but in Beit Hanina; Jerusalem (north).Publications: Bar-Natan and Sklar-Parnas 2007; HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online); HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).

429 Grid Ref. 173050/136380 Site Name: Kh. Ras Abu Ma‘aruf Additional Name: Pisgat Ze'ev Excavator: Rafa' Abu Raya Institution: IAA Permit No. A-1996/1993 Major Periods: Rom Components: Herodian burial cave; iron blades; coin of Procurator Valerius Gratus.Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 98-99 (East A).


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430 Grid Ref. 173960/136370 Site Name: Deir Ghazali Additional Names: H. Zimri; Pisgat Ze'ev (east)Excavator: Rina AvnerInstitution: IAAPermit No. G-99/1990Major Periods: Byz, EIsOther Periods: MedComponents: Communal monastery: large two-storied structure, 25x35 m; rooms and agricultural installations on ground floor; chapel and refectory on second floor; reoccupied in EIs period.Publications: Gibson 1982b; Gibson and Edelstein 1985: 150, Fig. 4; Avner 2000; ESI 1 (1984): 60; ESI 10 (1992): 128-130.

431 Grid Ref. 168790/136360 Site Name: Ramat PolinAdditional Name: Ras el-Bad Excavator: Joseph Gath ('75-'76) Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: ByzComponents: Oil press in a rock-hewn cave; small irregular burial cave; rock-hewn rectangular cave; five rock-hewn bell-shaped cisterns.Remarks: First cave surveyed and examined by Gath and Kloner in 1975-1976; second cave excavated in 1976.

432 Grid Ref. 168800/136280Site Name: Ramat Polin Additional Name: Ramot Excavator: Joseph Gath Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-675/1977 Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave; six ossuaries, one ornamented.

433 Grid Ref. 173380/136220 Site Name: Wadi el-Khalaf Additional Name: Pisgat Ze'ev (east) Excavator: Ofra Shourkin Institution: IAA Permit No. G-18/1991 Major Periods: Hel, RomOther Periods: IBComponents: Hewn burial caves (nine excavated): 123 human burials; rich assemblage of pottery and glass vessels, metal objects and jewelry; eight ossuaries, two bearing Hebrew inscriptions; IB shaft tomb; rock cuttings; winepress.

Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 99.

434 Grid Ref. 191600/136200Site Name: Vered JerichoExcavator: Avraham Eitan ('82, '84, '92-'93)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-315/1982-0; L-343/1984-0; L-529/1992-0; L-585/1993-0Major Periods: IA2Components: IA2 fort; Hebrew ostracon; 1-m-long iron sword.Publication: ESI 2 (1984): 106-107.

435 Grid Ref. 184300/136000 Site Name: The Good Samaritan, FortressExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-978/2003-0 Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Fortress.

436 Grid Ref. 183900/136000 Site Name: The Good Samaritan (north)Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense Nos. L-972/2003-0; L-1081/2006-0Major Periods: Rom Components: NDA

437 Grid Ref. 168000/136000Site Name: Ramot Polin Additional Name: Ramot Neighborhood Excavator: Daniel Weiss Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3234/2000Components: No ancient remains.Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004) (Online).

438 Grid Ref. 169590/135990 Site Name: H. Teliliya Excavators: Vassilios Tzaferis ('71); Joe Zias ('78); Gershon Edelstein ('79-'80, '85); Dalit Weinblatt ('98); Anette Nagar ('06)Institutions: IDAM; HUJPermit Nos. A-316/1971; A-807/1978; A-833/1979; A-928/1980; A-1000/1980; A-1417/1985; B-156/1998; A-4943/2006Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: Large rectangular fortress, built of casemate rooms and courtyards; rock-hewn bell-shaped cistern; burial caves; cist tombs.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).


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439 Grid Ref. 165900/135950 Site Name: Kh. el-LauzaExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-406/1986-0 Major Periods: Byz, Med, OttOther Periods: Byz/EIs, EIsComponents: Fortified farm building; vaults; ashlar masonry; tower; reservoir; winepress.Publication: Ellenblum 1991: 206-209.

440 Grid Ref. 168300/135910 Site Name: Ramot AllonExcavator: Harley Stark Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-1245/1983 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave.Publications: ESI 3 (1985): 55-56; ESI 7-8 (1990): 90-92.

441 Grid Ref. 162900/135900 Site Name: Kh. el-Murran Additional Name: H. Maror Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1044/2005-0 Major Periods: [IA2/Per, Hel, Rom]Other Periods: [Byz, Byz/EIs, EIs]Components: [Remains of buildings; loculi burial cave]; NDA on excavation.

442 Grid Ref. 173800/135900 Site Name: Kh. Ka‘kulExcavator: Jon Seligman Institution: IAA Permit No. G-34/1991 Major Periods: Hel, Rom, Byz, EIs, Mam, OttOther Periods: IA2 Components: Tombs; structures; winepresses; rock-hewn cisterns; caves; cairns; limekilns; oil press remains; ovens; columbarium; ritual bath; quarries.Amitai-Preiss 2006; Boas 2006; Berman 2006; Gorin-Rosen 2006; Selgiman 2006; Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 69-70.

443 Grid Ref. 169310/135760Site Name: Nahal Ramot Excavator: Amos Kloner ('80)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Rom1 tomb; two skeletons.

Publication: HA 77 (1981): 24.

444 Grid Ref. 171550/135750 Site Name: Shu‘fat Excavator: Amos KlonerInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-391/1972 Major Periods: Rom2 Other Periods: Hel Components: Cist tomb; Rom ornamented lead coffin; Yannai coin.Publication: HA 43 (1972): 16-17.

445 Grid Ref. 173515/135735 Site Name: Kh. Ka‘kul Excavator: Ofer Sion Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4580/2005Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1Other Periods: Rom2, Mam, OttComponents: Two winepresses; water cistern; quarry; two caves; farming terrace. Remarks: Salvage excavation along the route of the separation barrier (17350–3/13571–6). Ca. 400 m west of Kh. Ka'kul.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

446 Grid Ref. 170900/135650Site Name: Shu‘fat RidgeExcavator: Yoni MizrachiInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-4381/2005Components: Irregular rock-hewn niche, used for storage or part of an installation.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

447 Grid Ref. 173700/135600 Site Name: Kh. Ka‘kul Excavator: Elena Kogan-Zehavi Institution: IAA Permit No. A-1970/1993 Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Eight Hasmonean and Herodian burial caves; winepress.Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 91-95.

448 Grid Ref. 169408/135278 Site Name: Ramot A Additional Name: Ramot Alon Excavators: Rina Avner ('04); Irina Zilberbod ('05)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-4300/2004; A-4462/2005


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Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: [Rectangular structure; rock-hewn cistern; two stone piles; walls]; excavations: farming terraces; cistern; plastered vat; walls; limekiln; burial cave surmounted by a building; columbarium cave.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

449 Grid Ref. 169320/135560Site Name: Nahal Ramot Excavator: Joe Zias ('79) Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial chamber; two Herodian pottery juglets.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 57.

450 Grid Ref. 181850/135450Site Name: Ras Makabb es-Samn Excavators: Ofer Sion, Shimon RiklinInstitution: SOALicense No. L-482/1991-0 Major Periods: Rom2, ByzOther Periods: EIs, CruComponents: Watchtower, with at least two stories; coins (3 Byz, 1 EIs, 1 Cru).Publications: Sion 1994: 225-226; ESI 14 (1995): 143-144.

451 Grid Ref. 170900/135450 Site Name: Er-Ras Excavators: Gershon Edelstein, Joseph GathInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-943/1980 Major Periods: Rom2, ByzComponents: Late Rom and Byz rural villa; oil press; winepress; fenced-in unit with winepress, cisterns and various installations.

452 Grid Ref. 170900/135400 Site Name: Shu‘fat Ridge Additional Names: Ramat Shelomo; Er-RasExcavators: Gershon Edelstein ('79); Alexander Onn ('91)Institutions: IDAM; IAA Permit Nos. A-838/1979; A-1768/1991 Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1Other Periods: Per Components: IA village and later remains: IA2 tower; winepress; defence towers; Hasmonean complex; two Hel columbaria; tomb; Rom1 agricultural plots.Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 71.

453 Grid Ref. 169980/135370

Site Name: Kh. el-Masani Additional Names: Nahal Soreq; Ramot ForestExcavators: Gabriel Mazor ('84); Dalit Weinblatt ('99)Institution: HUJ Permit Nos. A-1318/1984; B-19/1999Components: Basilical chruch, possibly part of monastery complex; lead mirror plaque; inscribed stone box; double-chambered rock-hewn burial cave.Salvage excavation.Publications: Mazor 2000; Davidovich et al. 2006.

454 Grid Ref. 168790/135370Site Name: H. Bet QiqAdditional Name: Ramot AllonExcavator: Gershon EdelsteinInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-805/1978Major Periods: [Cru/Mam, Ott]Other Periods: [IA2, Rom, Byz]Components: [Structures; ancient road; nearby: rock-hewn burial caves; plastered cisterns; agricultural installations; white mosaic floor; Corinthian capital; tiles]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Spot Height 750.

455 Grid Ref. 176200/135350 Site Name: Kh. Deir es-SiddExcavator: Avraham Biran Institution: HUC License No. L-334/1983-0Major Periods: IA2Other Periods: [Per, Hel, Rom, Byz, Med, Ott]Components: [Buildings; cisterns; caves; rock-cut installations; limekilns; columbarium cave; burial cave; terraces]; pillared IA2 building excavated.Publications: Biran 1985; Nadelman 1992, 1994.

456 Grid Ref. 175750/135250Site Name: ‘AnatothExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-823/1998-0Major Periods: IA2, Rom, ByzComponents: [Traces of agricultural structures; threshing-floors; cisterns; winepress; oil press weight; tesserae; burial caves]; NDA on excavation.

457 Grid Ref. 172580/135200 Site Name: Giv‘at Shapira Additional Name: Shu'fat (east)Excavator: Ya'acov Billig Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4842/2006


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Components: Terrace walls.

458 Grid Ref. 170800/135200Site Name: Ramot ForestExcavator: Samuel R. WolffInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-1884/1992 Major Periods: Hel, RomComponents: Burial cave; forecourt; six ossuaries (three decorated).Publication: Wolff 1996.

459 Grid Ref. 167600/134750 Site Name: Kh. ‘AlawinaAdditional Names: Kh. el-Alwan; 'AlonaExcavators: Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah ('94-'95)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-2136/1994; A-2257/1995Major Periods: MB2b, IA2, Per, Hel, Rom, ByzOther Periods: EIs, OttComponents: Two MB2b dwelling complexes; three IA2 dwelling complexes; loculus burial caves; cisterns; agricultural terraces; winepresses; agricultural installations.Publication: ESI 19 (1999): 68*-70*.

460 Grid Ref. 171400/135100 Site Name: Ramat Shlomo Additional Names: Kh. el-Mughram; Shu'fat RidgeExcavator: Irina Zilberbod Institution: IAA Permit No. A-5204/2007 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Second Temple period quarry for monumental buildings; Rom1 coins and pottery.Publication: Zilberbod 2007.

461 Grid Ref. 169750/135090Site Name: H. Teliliya (southeast) Excavator: Rina AvnerInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3433/2001Components: Limekiln.Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online). 462Grid Ref. 174560/135010 Site Name: Ras el-Kharruba Excavator: Avraham BiranInstitution: HUC License No. L-328/1983-0Major Periods: Per, Hel, RomOther Periods: IA2

Components: Rom farm; structure; cisterns and rock cuttings nearby; agricultural terraces; shallow caves.Publications: Biran 1985; ESI 2 (1984): 89.

463 Grid Ref. 171000/135000Site Name: Ramot ForestExcavator: Zubair AdawiInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3712/2002Major Periods: Rom2Components: Rom2 burial cave.

464 Grid Ref. 177650/134900Site Name: Qasr ‘AliExcavator: Yizhar HirschfeldInstitution: SOALicense No. L-358/1984-0Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Church and reservoir near Jerusalem-Jericho Rom road. Excavations: mosaic pavement, roof tiles, marble fragments, buildings.Publication: ESI 3 (1985): 80-82.

465 Grid Ref. 173530/134930Site Name: ‘IsawiyaAdditional Name: Ras ShihadaExcavator: Irina ZilberbodInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-5303/2007Components: Cisterns; rock cuttings; cupmarks; eight shaft tombs.Remarks: Spot Height 794. Separation Barrier.

466 Grid Ref. 172370/134860 Site Name: French Hill Additional Name: Giv'at Shappira Excavators: Joe Zias, Amos KlonerInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-521/1975 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn burial caves; seven ossuaries, some inscribed in Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic.Publication: HA 54-55 (1975): 20-21.

467 Grid Ref. 172350/134850 Site Name: Giv‘at Shappira Additional Name: French HillExcavators: Lilly Gershuny, Boas ZissuInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-1938/1992Major Periods: Rom1Components: Nine rock-hewn Herodian burial caves


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(three excavated); ossuaries, some ornamented or bearing inscriptions; intact pottery vessels.Publications: Gershuni and Zissu 1996; ESI 14 (1995): 90-91.

468 Grid Ref. 172100/134850 Site Name: Ramot Forest Additional Name: Shu'fat Ridge Excavators: Alexander Onn, Yehuda Rapuano ('93-'94)Institution: IDAMPermit Nos. A-2017/1993; A-2215/1994Major Periods: IA2Other Periods: Per, Hel, Rom1Components: Ca. 30 IA2 stone cairns; Per, Late Hel and Rom1 pottery; IA2 structure.Publications: Rapuano and Onn 2004; ESI 18 (1998): 88-90; ESI 20 (2000): 96*-98*.

469Grid Ref. 172430/134810Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv'at ShappiraExcavator: Amos KlonerInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-395/1973Major Periods: Hel, RomComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave; three ossuaries.Publication: HA 46 (1973): 15.

470 Grid Ref. 172930/134760Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv'at ShappiraExcavator: Amos KlonerInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-577/1975Major Periods: HelComponents: Burial complex: forecourt with three entrances.Publication: Kloner 1980c.

471 Grid Ref. 172930/134740 Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv'at ShappiraExcavators: Amos Kloner, Rene SivanInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-551/1975Major Periods: ByzComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave; 20 intact oil lamps; Byz glass bottles; cross cut into the wall.

472 Grid Ref. 172480/134730 Site Name: French Hill Additional Name: Giv'at Shappira

Excavator: Amihai MazarInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-259/1970Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; four ossuaries; iron trowel. Publication: A. Mazar 1982a: Pls. 11: 3-6, 12.

473 Grid Ref. 173320/134720 Site Name: Nahal Og Additional Name: French Hill Excavator: Gabriel Mazor Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-1171/1982 Major Periods: IA2 Other Periods: Rom1 Components: IA2 farmstead: square structure; additional structures; cistern; rock-hewn winepress?; cairn; agricultural terraces.Publication: Mazor 2006.

474 Grid Ref. 172930/134720Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv'at ShappiraExcavators: Amos Kloner, Rene SivanInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-551/1975Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Rock-hewn burial cave.Publication: HA 56 (1975): 30-31.

475 Grid Ref. 172960/134710Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv'at ShappiraExcavator: Amos KlonerInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-475/1974Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn two-chambered burial cave; two sealed ornamented ossuaries.Publication: HA 51-52 (1974): 25.

476 Grid Ref. 172940/134710 Site Name: French Hill Additional Name: Giv'at Shappira Excavator: James F. Strange Institution: IDAMPermit No. A-270/1970Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; six ossuaries; intact Herodian vessels.Publications: Arensburg and Rak 1975; Strange 1975: no. 2.


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477 Grid Ref. 172960/134700 Site Name: French Hill Additional Name: Giv'at Shappira Excavator: James F. Strange Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-270/1970Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave.Publications: Arensburg and Rak 1975; Strange 1975: no. 5.

478 Grid Ref. 172940/134700Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv'at ShappiraExcavator: James F. StrangeInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-270/1970 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave.Publications: Arensburg and Rak 1975; Strange 1975: no. 4.

479 Grid Ref. 172600/134700Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv'at ShappiraExcavator: Daniel WeissInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3802/2002Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rom1 winepress.Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

480 Grid Ref. 172470/134700Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv'at ShappiraExcavator: Eliezer Oren ('70)Institution: IDAM Permit Nos. A-237/1970 / A-254/1970 / A-259/1970 / A-271/1970Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn burial caves; mirror fragments; four ossuaries.Remarkds: Coordinates' range: 17246-17248/13467-13473.Publications: HA 36 (1970): 14-15; HA 38 (1971): 18-19.

481 Grid Ref. 172960/134690Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv'at ShappiraExcavator: James F. StrangeInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-270/1970Major Periods: Rom1

Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave.Publications: Arensburg and Rak 1975; Strange 1975: no. 3.

482 Grid Ref. 172950/134680 Site Name: Zameret Ha-Bira Excavator: James F. Strange Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-270/1970 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn Herodian burial caves; nine ossuaries.Publications: Arensburg and Rak 1975; Strange 1975: nos. 1, 6.

483 Grid Ref. 172460/134680Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv‘at ShappiraExcavator: Eliezer OrenInstitution: IDAMPermit Nos. A-237/1970 / A-254/1970 / A-259/1970/ A-271/1970Major Periods: Rom1Components: Kokh - remains of a burial cave.Publications: HA 36 (1970): 14-15; HA 38 (1971): 18-19.

484 Grid Ref. 172460/134670Site Name: French HillAdditional Name: Giv‘at ShappiraExcavator: Eliezer OrenInstitution: IDAM Permit Nos. A-237/1970 / A-254/1970 / A-259/1970 / A-271/1970Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Double-chambered cave; seven intact ossuaries and additional fragments.Publications: HA 36 (1970): 14-15; HA 38 (1971): 18-19.

485Grid Ref. 171910/134550Site Name: The "Abba" Burial CaveAdditional Names: Tomb of Abba; Giv'at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Vassilios TzaferisInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-262/1970Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave, fronted by a courtyard; Aramaic inscription; decorated ossuary.Publication: Tzaferis 1974: Pls. 18-20.

486 Grid Ref. 172690/134510Site Name: Giv‘at ShappiraExcavator: Eliezer Oren ('70)


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Institution: IDAMPermit Nos. A-237/1970 / A-254/1970 / A-259/1970 / A-271/1970Major Periods: Rom1, ByzComponents: Farmstead (part of a monastery?); oil press; winepress; stores; cistern; rock-hewn Herodian burial caves.Publications: Oren 1970; HA 34-35 (1970): 19; HA 38 (1971): 16-17.

487Grid Ref. 171970/134460Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Shlomo Gudovitch ('69)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave.Publication: HA 30 (1969): 22.

488Grid Ref. 171970/134460Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Vassilios TzaferisInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-167/1968Major Periods: HelComponents: Rock-hewn Hasmonean burial cave.Publication: Tzaferis 1970: Pls. 9-17 (No. II).

489Grid Ref. 171890/134450Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Vassilios TzaferisInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-167/1968Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave; eight ossuaries, some bearing inscriptions.Publications: Haas 1970; Tzaferis 1970: Pls. 9-17 (No. I).

490 Grid Ref. 172010/134440 Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Dan BahatInstitution: IDAMPermit Nos. A-220/1970 / A-221/1970 / A-241/1970Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; ossuaries; coins.Publication: Bahat 1982b: Pls. 9, 10, 11:1,2.

491 Grid Ref. 171940/134430Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Dan BahatInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-322/1971Major Periods: Rom1

Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave; ossuaries bearing inscriptions.Publication: Bahat 1982b: Pls. 9, 10, 11:1,2.

492 Grid Ref. 171940/134430Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Dan BahatInstitution: IDAMPermit Nos. A-220/1970 / A-221/1970 / A-241/1970Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave; three ossuaries. Publication: Bahat 1982b: Pls. 9, 10, 11:1,2.

493 Grid Ref. 172100/134420Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Dan BahatInstitution: IDAMPermit Nos. A-220/1970 / A-221/1970 / A-241/1970Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave.Publication: Bahat 1982b: Pls. 9, 10, 11:1,2.

494 Grid Ref. 174300/134400Site Name: Wadi SalimExcavator: Gershon Edelstein ('82)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Per, HelComponents: Two agricultural complexes; structures; rock-hewn plastered rectangular cistern.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 54-55.

495 Grid Ref. 172800/134400 Site Name: French HillExcavator: Natalia Naomi MayInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-1908/1992Major Periods: RomComponents: Two Rom caves.

496Grid Ref. 171980/134390Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Amos Kloner ('72)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel, RomComponents: Burial cave; sixteen ossuaries, some bearing inscriptions.Publications: Kloner 1972, 1980b.


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497Grid Ref. 171980/134390Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Fanny VittoInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-369/1972Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn Herodian burial caves; four ossuaries.Publications: Vitto 2000: 109-114; HA 44 (1972): 22-23.

498 Grid Ref. 172510/134380Site Name: Giv‘at Shappira – Bar Kochva St.Excavator: Ora NegbiInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-203/1969 Major Periods: IA2, PerComponents: Foundations of a structure; courtyard; rooms; yehud coin.Publication: HA 31-32 (1969): 18.

499 Grid Ref. 172020/134310Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Vassilios TzaferisInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-167/1968Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; forecourt; two ossuaries.Publications: Haas 1970; Tzaferis 1970: Pls. 9-17.

500 Grid Ref. 172100/134300Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavators: Ruth Peled, Orna HessInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-445/1973Major Periods: HelComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave; Yannai coinPublication: HA 48-49 (1974): 68-69.

501 Grid Ref. 171520/134270 Site Name: Ramot EshkolExcavator: Gershon EdelsteinInstitution: IDAMPermit Nos. A-294/1971 / A-309/1971Major Periods: RomComponents: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave; ossuaries. Publication: ESI 15 (1996): 134.

502Grid Ref. 172090/134200Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-Mivtar

Excavator: Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2153/1994Major Periods: IA2, Rom, Byz, UmaComponents: Oval pottery kiln; coin (Great Revolt); limestone door nearby; circular structure (kiln?). Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 100.

503 Grid Ref. 172150/134150 Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-MivtarExcavator: Gideon SolimanyInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2223/1994Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; ossuaries (one decorated); five coins (four Yannai, one Pontius Pilate).Publication: ESI 20 (2000): 98*-99*.

504Grid Ref. 189200/134100Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDA Institution: SOALicense No. NDAComponents: NDARemarks: Excavated in 2001.

505 Grid Ref. 174950/134000 Site Name: Kh. Harabat ‘AudehExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-947/2002-0 Major Periods: [IA2, Byz]Other Periods: [MB, Per, EIs?, Med]Components: [Remains of buildings; cisterns; caves; terraces; threshing-floor]; NDA on excavation.

506 Grid Ref. 171996/133958Site Name: Giv‘at Ha-Tahmoshet Excavator: Anette NagarInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-5137/2007Components: Quarries.

507 Grid Ref. 174400/133850Site Name: Mt. Scopus (east) Excavator: Ofer SionInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3697/2002 Major Periods: Byz?Components: Stone quarries; three cupmarks.Publication: HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).


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508 Grid Ref. 171450/133800Site Name: Ramot Eshkol Additional Names: Police Academy; Jebel el- MudawwaraExcavator: Shlomo GudovitchInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-185/1969 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; 18 ossuaries.Publications: HA 30 (1969): 22; ESI 12 (1994): 58-59.

509 Grid Ref. 174400/133700 Site Name: Mt. Scopus (east) Excavator: Zubair AdawiInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3096/1999Components: Limekiln.

510 Grid Ref. 171350/133550 Site Name: Ma‘alot DaphnaExcavators: Amos Kloner, Joseph Gath ('76)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: IA2Components: Rock-hewn IA2 burial cave.Publication: Kloner 1992: 241-243.

511Grid Ref. 173810/133540Site Name: Gan ShulamitAdditional Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Fanny VittoInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-341/1972Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn Herodian burial caves; four ossuaries (one with inscription).Publications: Vitto 2000: 103-109; HA 41-42 (1972): 21-22.

512 Grid Ref. 173690/133520 Site Name: Gan Shulamit Additional Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Fanny VittoInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-333/1971Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; three ossuaries, one with Hebrew inscription.Publications: Vitto 2000: 98-103; HA 41-42 (1972): 21.

513 Grid Ref. 195700/133500

Site Name: Wadi Murrar, ‘Ein Abu Mahmud CavesExcavators: Yigael Yadin, Joseph Patrich / Joseph Patrich, Benny ArubasInstitutions: HUJ, HAILicense No. L-474/1990-0Major Periods: Byz, EIsComponents: Sixth and seventh cent. caves.Remarks: IAA database: Kh. Qumran (19365/12765), HA: Wadi Murrar (1957/1335). According to SOA license list, license L-474/1990-0 was issued to "Judean Desert Caves" (Survey).

514Grid Ref. 173930/133500Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavators: Amos Kloner, Harley StarkInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-1469/1987Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; four ossuaries, one bearing Hebrew inscription.Publication: Kloner and Stark 1991-1992.

515 Grid Ref. 173770/133500 Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavators: Amos Kloner, Joseph Gath ('79)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Two adjoining rock-hewn burial caves sharing a courtyard; ossuary; two burial caves nearby.Remarks: The two nearby caves were excavated by Edelstein (1979).Publication: HA 69-71 (1979): 57.

516 Grid Ref. 173730/133500Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Amos Kloner ('75)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; bronze coin.Publication: Kloner 1980a: 161-166 (No. 2-4), Pls. 14, 31.

517 Grid Ref. 174650/133350Site Name: Wadi Abu KharrubAdditional Names: Ma'ale Adummim; Ras esh-Sheikh 'AnbarExcavator: Gabriel Mazor ('83)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Rock-hewn columbarium cave; Herodian coins.


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Remarks: Spot Height 704.Publications: Mazor 1996; ESI 3 (1985): 55.

518 Grid Ref. 171770/133330Site Name: Ma‘alot Daphna (east)Excavator: Gideon SolimanyInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-1810/1991Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave.Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 124-125.

519Grid Ref. 181900/133300Site Name: St. Euthymius MonasteryAdditional Names: Khan el-Ahmar; Khan es-Salawaina; Mishor AdummimExcavators: Yanis Meimaris ('76-'79); Rivka Birger-Calderon, Yizhar Hirschfeld ('87); Nir Tal ('96-'97)Institutions: HUJ; SOALicense Nos. L-144/1976-0; L-156/1977-0; L-185/1978-0; L-226/1979-0; L-437/1987-0; L-442/1988-0; L-457/1989-0; L-740/1996-0; L-756/1997-0; L-790/1998-0; L-887/1999-0; L-926/2001-0Major Periods: ByzOther Periods: EIs, MedComponents: Byz monastery; underground crypt, more than a hundred skeletons of monks; church; Greek inscriptions; reservoir.Publications: Meimaris 1989; Hirschfeld 1992; HA 59-60 (1976): 34-35; HA 67-68 (1978): 49; ESI 3 (1985): 80-82; ESI 7-8 (1990): 110

520 Grid Ref. 180300/133300Site Name: ‘Araq ed-DeirExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-127/1975-0Components: NDA

521 Grid Ref. 172850/133300Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Sarah Ben-Arieh ('71) Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1Components: Double-chambered Herodian burial cave with a forecourt; eight ossuaries.Publications: Ben Arieh 1982: Pls. 15:5, 6; 16, 17; HA 40 (1971): 20.

522Grid Ref. 182950/133200Site Name: Kh. Handoma

Additional Name: Mishor AdumimExcavator: Ofer SionInstitution: SOALicense No. L-487/1991-0Major Periods: ByzComponents: Monastic complex; paved courtyard; rooms; cistern; polychrome tesserae; Byz coins; human bones; church?Publications: Sion 1992a, 1997b; ESI 13 (1995): 65-66.

523Grid Ref. 173200/133200Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Amos Kloner ('75)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn double-chambered burial cave; 18 ossuaries, most of them decorated and some inscribed.Publication: Kloner 1980a: 158-161 (No. 1-21), Pls. 13.

524 Grid Ref. 173160/133200Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Amos Kloner ('74)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn adjacent burial caves, with a common forecourt; 36 ossuaries, some ornamented, one inscribed in Hebrew.Publications: Kloner 1984, 1993; HA 51-52 (1974): 24-25.

525 Grid Ref. 172970/133200Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Shlomit Weksler-BdolahInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-1828/1991Major Periods: Rom1Components: Four rock-hewn burial caves; cistern; ritual bath; 27 ossuaries.Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 72-74.

526 Grid Ref. 172500/133190 Site Name: Nahal Ha-Egoz Additional Name: Wadi Joz Excavator: Alexander Onn, Dafna Shoval ('83)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1, MamComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave.Publication: ESI 3 (1985): 59-60.


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527 Grid Ref. 173220/133150Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Fanny Vitto ('71)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; 24 ossuaries.Publications: Vitto 2000: 65-98; HA 40 (1971): 20.

528 Grid Ref. 196300/133100 Site Name: Hermits' Cells in Wadi MurrarExcavator: Pesach Bar-AdonInstitution: NDALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Byz?Components: Several rock-cut caves/cells; Greek inscription.Publication: Bar-Adon 1989: 87 (Hebrew; English summary: 8*).

529 Grid Ref. 173300/133100Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Vassilios Tzaferis ('70)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1, Rom2Components: Two rock-hewn burial caves sharing a forecourt; seven ossuaries.Publication: Tzaferis 1982b: Pl. 14: 1-5.

530 Grid Ref. 173200/133100 Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Orna Hess ('80)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn burial caves; ossuary.

531Grid Ref. 174150/133050 Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavators: David Amit, Jon Seligman, Irina ZilberbodInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3082/1999Major Periods: RomOther Periods: IA2, Per, Hel, Rom1Components: Large subterranean workshop for stone vessels: ossuaries; lamps; iron adze and wedge; Rom coins; rock-hewn winepresses; rock cuttings; Per lekythos; columbarium.Remarks: Continued by site no. 540. Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 65*-66*.

532 Grid Ref. 173050/133010Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2312/1995Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Four burial caves (three excavated); complete pottery vessels.Publication: ESI 19 (1999): 58*-59*.

533Grid Ref. 173000/133000Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Zubair AdawiInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3940/2003Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn burial caves.

534Grid Ref. 173390/132890Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Amos KlonerInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-396/1973-01Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave; five ossuaries.Publication: Kloner 1982: Pl. 15: 1-4.

535 Grid Ref. 173350/132890Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Amos Kloner ('73); Harley Stark, Joseph Gath ('88)Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-396/1973-01Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave.Publication: ESI 9 (1991): 55.

536Grid Ref. 171800/132870Site Name: Tomb of the KingsAdditional Names: Tomb of Queen Helene of Adiabene; Salah ed Din St.Excavator: Fanny VittoInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-336/1971Major Periods: RomOther Periods: ByzComponents: [Monumental rock-hewn burial complex excavated in 1863]; excavation: three Rom2-Byz rock-hewn tombs, decorated lead coffin, human skeletons.Remarks: Excavated by F. de Saulcy in 1863.Publication: HA 41-42 (1972): 23.


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537Grid Ref. 171670/132870Site Name: St. George St.Additional Name: Nablus RoadExcavators: Gideon Solimany ('96-'97); Gideon Solimany, Zubair Adawi, Amit Re'em; Gideon Solimany, Amit Re'emInstitution: IAAPermit Nos. A-2519/1996; A-2656/1997Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Cist tombs; large building-stone quarry; three rock-hewn burial caves; plastered rock-hewn cistern; natural cave; oil lamps.Publications: HA-ESI 109 (1999): 75*-76*; HA-ESI 110 (1999): 59*.

538Grid Ref. 171650/132860Site Name: Kikkar Piqqud Ha-MerkazAdditional Name: Al-Quma (east)Excavator: Shimon GibsonInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2516/1996Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, OttComponents: Ott industrial dump; rock-hewn Herodian burial cave.

539 Grid Ref. 173380/132840 Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavators: Varda Sussman, Joe Zias ('89)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Two adjacent rock-hewn burial caves; ossuaries, many decorated, two with Hebrew and Greek inscriptions.Remarks: Excavated in 1973 and 1989.Publications: Sussman 1982: Pl. 8; 1992; HA 47 (1973): 17; ESI 9 (1991): 54-55.

540Grid Ref. 174430/132830Site Name: Monastery of Theodorus and CyriacusExcavators: Amit Re'em, David Amit, Jon Seligman, Irina Zilberbod ('99-'00)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-3114/1999; A-3174/1999-01Major Periods: ByzOther Periods: EIs, Med, MamComponents: Large compound: monastery; hospice; church; stables; storerooms; bathhouse; oil press; complex water system; burial complex; mosaic pavement; quarry; stone vessel workshop.Remarks: Continuation of site no. 531.Publications: Amit et al. 2003; HA-ESI 112 (2000): 75*-78*.

541 Grid Ref. 173370/132800Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Gershon Edelstein ('73)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn Herodian burial cave.Publication: Kloner 1980a: 5 (No. 1-4).

542Grid Ref. 172200/132800Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavators: Gideon Avni ('89); Varda Sussman ('89)Institution: IDAMPermit Nos. A-1621/1989; A-1623/1989Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Two burial caves; 18 ossuaries, most of them decorated, one Hebrew inscription, one Greek inscription.Publication: ESI 9 (1991): 54-55.

543Grid Ref. 173870/132780Site Name: Augusta VictoriaExcavator: Kareem Sa'idInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3443/2001Components: Quarry.Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

544Grid Ref. 173310/132780Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Gideon Avni ('89)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; two ossuaries, one decorated; glass vessels.

545 Grid Ref. 173940/132770Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Joseph Gath ('76)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: RomComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave; four ossuaries; two stone coffins.Publication: HA 57-58 (1976): 32.

546 Grid Ref. 173320/132750 Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavators: Harley Stark, A. Richter, D. Arbeli and Amos Kloner ('87); Amit Re'em ('00)


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Institutions: IDAM; IAA Permit No. A-3186/2000Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn Herodian burial caves; ossuary.Remarks: Coordinates published in HA and Tübinger Atlas are 1738/1331.Publication: ESI 7-8 (1990): 90.

547Grid Ref. 173750/132700Site Name: Mt. ScopusExcavator: Gershon EdelsteinInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-416/1973Major Periods: RomComponents: Rom burial cave.Publication: ESI 15 (1996): 134.

548Grid Ref. 171950/132670Site Name: ‘Amr Ibn al-‘As St., Ministry of JusticeExcavator: Taufik DeadleInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-4089/2004 Major Periods: ByzOther Periods: Mam, OttComponents: Water cistern; rock-hewn cist tomb.Publication: HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).

549 Grid Ref. 171933/132665Site Name: The Third Wall, Ministry of JusticeExcavator: Deborah Alis Sklar-ParnasInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-4235/2004Major Periods: Rom, ByzOther Periods: EIsComponents: Rom road, pottery, coins and quarry; a later Byz road; EIs retaining walls.Publication: HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).

550 Grid Ref. 171900/132650Site Name: Salah ed-Din St., Ministry of JusticeExcavators: Zubair Adawi ('98); Zubair Adawi, Gideon Avni ('99)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-2900/1998; A-3130/1999Major Periods: Rom2, ByzComponents: Large burial field: 83 rock-hewn cist tombs, six burial caves; quarry; oil lamps; intact glass vessels; jewelry; jug-shaped lead vessels.Publications: HA 39 (1971): 22; HA-ESI 113 (2001): 75*-76*.

551Grid Ref. 171736/132632Site Name: Salah ed-Din St. – Anglican SchoolExcavator: Irina ZilberbodInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-4521/2005Major Periods: Rom2Other Periods: Hel?Components: Rom pottery; Hel/Rom figurine; Rom2 glass bottle. Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

552Grid Ref. 174000/132540Site Name: Mt. of OlivesExcavator: Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2702/1997Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2-ByzComponents: Two burial caves.Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 68*.

553Grid Ref. 171810/132510Site Name: The Third WallExcavator: Zubair AdawiInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3395/2001Major Periods: ByzComponents: Byz bath-house.Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online)

554 Grid Ref. 171650/132500Site Name: The Third WallAdditional Name: Nablus Road Excavators: Sarah Ben-Arieh and Ehud Netzer ('72, '74); Nurit Feig, Alexander Onn, Vassilios Tzaferis ('90); Rafa' Abu Raya ('91); Eli Shukrun ('91); David Amit, Vassilios Tzaferis ('91-'93); Rafa' Abu RayaInstitutions: IDAM; IAAPermit Nos. A-381/1972; G-31/1974; G-4/1990; G-28/1991; G-113/1991; G-2/1992; A-1930/1992; A-1967/1993; A-2133/1994Major Periods: Rom, Byz, EIs, MamOther Periods: IA2?Components: E-W wall segment ('The Third Wall'); towers; Rom pit tombs; Byz monastery; large building complex; tombs; burial complexes; Armenian monastery; building foundations and remains; conduits; pool; cistern; installations.Remarks: Sukenik and Mayer excavated in 1925-1927, Baramki in 1935.Publications: Ben-Arieh 1973, 1975; Ben-Arieh and Netzer 1974; Kloner 1986b; Feig 1993; Stone and Amit 1997; Tzaferis et al. 2000; HA 39 (1971): 22; HA 46 (1973): 13-14; ESI 10 (1992): 130-136; ESI 13 (1995):


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78-83; ESI 18 (1998): 84-87.

555 Grid Ref. 173080/132450Site Name: Gath ShmanimAdditional Name: Mt. of Olives (north)Excavators: Vassilios Tzaferis ('74); Amos Kloner ('75)Institution: IDAMPermit Nos. A-446/1973; A-480/1974Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, ByzComponents: Three adjacent rock-hewn burial caves; ossuaries, some ornamented; frescoes with scenes; lead coffin.Publications: Bagatti 1974; Kloner 1975; HA 53 (1975): 18-19.

556Grid Ref. 172805/132445Site Name: Nahal QidronExcavators: Gabriel Barkay, Yitzhak ZweigInstitution: IAAPermit No. G-68/2004Major Periods: Chal, EB, MB, IA, Per, Hel, Rom1, Byz, EIsOther Periods: Rom2, Cru, Mam, Ott, ModComponents: Temple Mount soil: pottery; bones; glass; coins; flint tools; ostraca; bullae; figurines; many other small finds.Remarks: The Sifting Project of soil from the Temple Mount. Publications: Barkay and Zweig 2006, 2007.

557 Grid Ref. 172450/132400Site Name: Karm esh Sheikh – Rockefeller MuseumExcavators: Sarah Ben-Arieh ('74); Emanuel Eisenberg ('75); Irina Zilberbod ('01); Jon Seligman ('02)Institutions: IDAM; IAAPermit Nos. A-554/1975; A-3540/2001; A-3575/2002Major Periods: Rom1, Rom, ByzOther Periods: IA2, Hel, MamComponents: Ancient cemetery: cist tombs and burial caves; Byz structure.Remarks: Excavated in the early 1930s by Baramki.Publications: HA 59-60 (1976): 32; HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

558Grid Ref. 172322/132362Site Name: Er-Rashidiya SchoolExcavator: Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2744/1997Major Periods: Rom1Other Periods: IA2Components: Quarry.Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 67*-68*.

559Grid Ref. 174300/132360Site Name: Mt. Scopus (east)Excavators: Jon Seligman, Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2499/1996Major Periods: Rom2, ByzComponents: Two cisterns; two adjoining dwelling caves; 31 Byz coins; cave remains nearby.Publication: HA-ESI 110 (1999): 59*-60*.

560 Grid Ref. 171880/132350Site Name: The Garden TombAdditional Names: Gordon's Calvary; Sultan Suleiman St.Excavator: Yehiel Zelinger ('05-'07)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-4549/2005; A-4873/2006; A-5222/2007Major Periods: IA2, ByzOther Periods: Hel, Rom1, EIs, Mam, OttComponents: Rock-hewn double-chambered burial cave; round structure; quarry; IA cylinder seal.Publications: Barkay et al. 1975: 75-76; Kloner 1982-1983: 38-39; 1986b: 128-129; Barkay 1984; HA 53 (1975): 21; HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online); HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

561Grid Ref. 172261/132278Site Name: Herod's GateExcavator: Amos KlonerInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-601/1976Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, ByzComponents: Ancient remains; Hasmonean coins; stucco; mosaics.Remarks: Bezetha Quarter; sounding outside the walls.Publication: HA 59-60 (1976): 33-34.

562 Grid Ref. 172380/132280 Site Name: Herod's GateExcavators: Gideon Avni, Yuval Baruch ('98); Boas Zissu, Yuval Baruch ('01); Rina Avner ('01-'02); Gideon Avni, Yuval Baruch ('04); Yuval Baruch, Giora Parnos ('04-'06); Yuval Baruch, Ahia Cohen-Tavor ('07)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-2877/1998; A-3558/2001; A-3523/2001; A-3574/2002; A-4145/2004; A-4467/2005; A-4772/2006; A-5122/2007Major Periods: Rom1, Byz, EIs, MedOther Periods: IA2, HelComponents: Rom1 structures; Byz, EIs and Cru fortifications; Mam structures.Remarks: Bezetha Quarter; excavated inside the walls. Excavated by Hamilton in 1937-1938.Publications: Baruch and Avni 2000, 2001; Baruch et al.


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2003, 2004, 2008; HA-ESI 113 (2001): 76*-79*; HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).

563 Grid Ref. 171750/132250 Site Name: Nablus Road (west)Excavators: Sarah Ben-Arieh, Ehud NetzerInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-736/1977Major Periods: Rom1Components: Foundations of Herodian circular structure; opus reticulatum style.Publications: Netzer and Ben-Arieh 1983; Broshi 1990.

564Grid Ref. 172800/132150Site Name: Mt. of OlivesExcavator: Zubair AdawaiInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3240/2000Major Periods: Rom2, Byz, MedComponents: Rom2 walls, quarry and paved surface; two Byz burial caves; Med building and two mosaic segments.Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

565Grid Ref. 171900/132120 Site Name: Damascus GateExcavators: Menahem Magen ('79-'84); Menahem Magen, David Ilan ('85); Irina Zilberbod ('04)Institutions: IDAM; IAAPermit Nos. A-814/1979; A-896/1980; A-1064/1981; A-1160/1982; A-1272/1984; A-1393/1985; A-4106/2004Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, CruOther Periods: Byz, EIs, Ayy, MamComponents: Rom gate; stairway; water cistern; towers; oil press remains; arches; Rom square; Cru remains: church, fortified gate; Ayy and Mam finds.Remarks: Trial excavation A-4106 revealed no ancient remains.Publications: M. Magen 1984a, 2000; HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

566Grid Ref. 181000/132100Site Name: Mishor AdummimExcavator: Yuval PelegInstitution: SOALicense No. L-749/1996-0Major Periods: Rom1, MamComponents: Cave; doorjambs; enclosed courtyard; basalt grinding stone.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 73*.

567Grid Ref. 174800/132100Site Name: Ras Abu SubeitanExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1061/2005-0Major Periods: [Byz, Med/Ott]Other Periods: [IA2/Per]Components: [Ruin; traces of walls; dwelling caves; cisterns; tesserae; ancient road]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Separation Barrier.

568Grid Ref. 172690/132050Site Name: Lions' GateExcavator: Menahem MagenInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-1066/1981Major Periods: Rom1, ByzOther Periods: Cru, Mam, OttComponents: Foundations of the city wall; drainage channel; sewer.

569Grid Ref. 171970/132050Site Name: Zedekiah's CaveExcavator: Yehiel Zelinger ('00-'03)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-3274/2000; A-3732/2002; A-3948/2003Major Periods: IA, Rom, Byz, EIs, MamComponents: Rock-hewn cavern used by past builders of Jerusalem for quarrying masonry.Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

570 Grid Ref. 172103/131984Site Name: Austrian Hospice Additional Name: Ha-Remakhim St.Excavator: Taufik Deadle ('03) Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-4017/2003; A-4018/2003Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Byz-UmaOther Periods: Mam Components: Room; mosaic floor; tesserae.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

571 Grid Ref. 171730/131950 Site Name: Damascus Gate Additional Name: Ha-Zanhanim St. Excavators: David Tarler, Alon De Groot, Giora SolarInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-811/1979 Major Periods: Rom2-Byz, Byz, CruComponents: City wall; fosse.Publications: Magen 2000; HA 69-71 (1979): 56-57.


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572 Grid Ref. 172000/131940Site Name: Hammam es-SultanExcavator: Sebastian S.Institution: University of Karlsruhe, GermanyPermit No. B-232/2001 Components: NDA

573 Grid Ref. 172750/131930 Site Name: Tomb of the Virgin MaryAdditional Name: Church of the AssumptionExcavators: Bellarmino Bagatti, Michele Piccirillo, Alberto Prodomo ('72); Jon Seligman ('98-'99)Institutions: Studium Biblicum Franciscanum; IAAPermit Nos. A-2863/1998; A-3139/1999Major Periods: Byz, Cru, OttMajor Periods: Rom, EIsComponents: Cruciform chapel-tomb; nearby: mosaic floors; drainage channels; rock cuttings; rock-hewn burial caves.Remarks: Many excavations and probes. Publications: Bagatti 1972, 1973; Bagatti et al. 1975.

574 Grid Ref. 173330/131910 Site Name: Mt. of Olives Excavators: Gershon Edelstein ('78); Vered Barzel ('03)Institution: IDAM Permit Nos. A-778/1978; A-3943/2003 Major Periods: Byz, CruComponents: Rectangular Byz church; apse; presbyterium; altar; mosaic floor; tombstone with Greek inscription; three marble columns.Remarks: Excavated in 1965; probed by Edelstein in the early 1970s.

575 Grid Ref. 172220/131880 Site Name: Western Wall TunnelExcavators: Aren Maeir ('93, '95); Jon Seligman ('98-'99); Dan Bahat ('00, '02-'03, '05)Institutions: IAA; BIUPermit Nos. A-1993/1993; A-2231/1995; A-2819/1998; A-3075/1999; G-29/2000; G-96/2002; G-47/2003; G-68/2005 Major Periods: Hel, Hel-Rom, Med (Cru, Ayy), OttOther Periods: IA2, Rom1, Byz, UmaComponents: Hel-Rom quarrying and construction; Med and Ott architecture; vaults; Hel ritual bath; Rom1 drainage channel; Rom-Uma installation; three-story Cru building with Ayy additions. Publications: Bahat 2000; Bahat and Solomon 2002, 2003.

576 Grid Ref. 171520/131860

Site Name: Morasha – New Gate Excavators: Alon Zehavi ('91-'92); Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah ('03)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-1822/1991; A-3825/2003 Major Periods: Ott Other Periods: Med Components: Aqueduct; walls; Med fortifications.Publications: ESI 13 (1995): 125; HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

577 Grid Ref. 172820/131850Site Name: Mt. of Olives Excavator: C. Shapiro ('73-'74)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Byz, CruComponents: Byz chapel; rock cuttings; Byz and Cru church (of a monastery?).Publication: HA 51-52 (1974): 25-26.

578 Grid Ref. 171830/131830 Site Name: Latin PatriarchateExcavator: Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3521/2001 Major Periods: EIs, Mam, OttOther Periods: IA, Rom1, Ayy, Cru, MedComponents: EIs, Mam and Ott floors and walls; IA, Rom1, Ayy, Cru and Med finds.Publication: HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).

579 Grid Ref. 172600/131820Site Name: Golden Gate – Ophel Road Excavators: James Fleming ('69); Eli Shukrun, Ronny Reich ('95, '97); Zubair Adawi ('07)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-2377/1995; A-2381/1995; A-2751/1997; A-5032/2007Major Periods: Hel, Rom, Byz, EIsComponents: Second Temple period residental quarter: structures; streets; workshops; stone vessels; coins; 30 Byz rock-hewn tombs, some with crosses and Greek inscriptions; Rom road; massive wall.Publications: Fleming 1983; Tsafrir 1984; Shukrun and Reich 1999; ESI 18 (1998): 87; ESI 19 (1999): 59*-60*.

580 Grid Ref. 178550/131800 Site Name: Kh. el-Murassas Additional Names: Ma‘ale Adummim; Martyrius MonasteryExcavators: Emanuel Damati ('79, '81); Uri Dinur, Yitzhak Magen ('82); Yitzhak Magen ('83-'84); Uri


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Dinur ('84)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-207/1979-0; L-265/1981-0; L-308/1982-0; L-323/1983-0; L-342/1984-0; L-367/1984-0; L-374/1984-0; L-937; L-1089/2006-0Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: EIs Components: Completely excavated Byz monastery, including church, tomb of Martyrius, refectory, bath-house, chapel, hospice and water system; extensive polychrome mosaics; EIs farmstead; numerous ceramic and other finds, including bronze jug and censer. Numerous ceramic and other finds, including bronze jug and censer.Remarks: L-937 - Excavated in 2002. Publications: Magen and Hizmi 1985; Bottini et al. 1990; Magen 1993a, 1995.

581 Grid Ref. 172715/131792 Site Name: Mt. of OlivesExcavator: Yuval Baruch Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3343/2000Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, Uma, Abb, Med, Mam, OttComponents: Temple Mount dump: architectural elements and numerous artifacts retrieved from dumps deposited by Waqf authorities.Remarks: Modern dump. Excavation range: 172705-172725/131774-131810. Publications: Bouchnik et al. 2004, 2006, 2007; Reich and Bar-Oz 2006; Bar-Oz et al. 2007; Baruch 2007a.

582 Grid Ref. 173280/131790 Site Name: Church of the Ascension Additional Name: Et-Tur; Mt. of Olives Excavators: Rafa' Abu Raya, Zubair AdawiInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3049/1999 Major Periods: Byz, CruComponents: Cru church, built on Byz foundations.Publication: HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).

583 Grid Ref. 171660/131780 Site Name: Christian QuarterExcavator: Mario Alliata Institution: Studium Biblicum FranciscanumPermit No. B-217/2000Components: NDA

584 Grid Ref. 171490/131780 Site Name: Zahal PlazaExcavator: Dan Bahat, Menashe Ben-Ari

Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDAMajor Periods: IA2, Rom, Cru, OttComponents: Cru fortifications and tower; wide fosse; aqueduct.Publication: Bahat and Ben-Ari 1972.

585 Grid Ref. 173270/131750 Site Name: Mt. of OlivesExcavator: Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-1857/1992Major Periods: ByzComponents: Water supply complex.Publication: ESI 14 (1995): 91-92.

586 Grid Ref. 171810/131740 Site Name: Holy SepulchreExcavators: Magen Broshi ('75); Gideon Avni, Jon Seligman ('97-'00)Institutions: IDAM; IAAPermit Nos. G-2/1975-01; A-2601/1997; A-2922/1998; A-3154/1999; A-3192/2000Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: IA2, Rom, CruComponents: Church; chapels; IA2 remains; Rom forum; Byz basilica; Cru structures.Publications: Biddle et al. 2000; Avni and Seligman 2003; HA-ESI 111 (2000): 69*-70*.

587 Grid Ref. 171450/131720 Site Name: St. George St., Old City WallAdditional Name: Mish'ol QorovExcavators: Boas Zissu, Shlomit Weksler-BdolahInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3524/2001 Major Periods: IA, Hel, Rom, Byz, EIs, Ayy, OttComponents: Ayy tower; Ott plastered floors and water cistern; drainage system. Publications: Weksler-Bdolah 2006; HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

588 Grid Ref. 173250/131700Site Name: Mt. of Olives ChurchAdditional Names: Eleona; Et-Tur; Monastery of Pater NosterExcavators: Jon Seligman, Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-2327/1995Major Periods: Byz, CruComponents: Byz and Cru basilical church; Monastery of Pater Noster (Byz and Cru remains) nearby.


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589 Grid Ref. 173000/131700Site Name: Church of Dominus Flevit Excavator: Bellarmino Bagatti Institution: Studium Biblicum FranciscanumPermit No. G-47/1978 Major Periods: [MB, LB, Rom, Byz]Components: [Ancient cemetery; small Byz church; mosaic floor; cisterns]; NDA on excavation. Remarks: Excavated by Bagatti and Milik in 1953-1954, and by Lemaire in 1954. Franciscan church built over the ancient Byz church.

590Grid Ref. 172280/131700Site Name: Western Wall Tunnel Additional Names: Wilson's Arch; The Giant CausewayExcavators: Meir Ben-Dov ('70); Menahem Magen ('79); Dan Bahat ('88'-89); Aren Maeir ('90-'92); Alexander Onn ('07)Institutions: IDAM; IAAPermit Nos. A-219/1970-01;A-808/1979; A-1532/1988; A-1581/1988; A-1616/1989; A-1692/1990; A-1756/1991; A-1849/1992; A-5124/2007Major Periods: Hel-Rom, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, Uma, Fat/Mam, Med, OttComponents: Hel-Rom quarrying and construction; Rom street, Wilson's Bridge and Arch (Rom2), rooms, ovens, structure; Byz and EIs "hidden passage"; Med and Ott architecture.Remarks: See also site no. 575.Publications: Ben-Dov et al. 1981: 52-54; 1983: 56-58; Ben-Dov 1982, 1985; Bahat 2000; Onn and Solomon 2007; Onn et al. 2008.

591Grid Ref. 172220/131700Site Name: Suq al-KattaninAdditional Name: Market of the Cotton MerchantsExcavators: Rina Avner, Taufik DeadleInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3845/2003 Major Periods: Cru?, MamComponents: Mam market; two public baths.

592 Grid Ref. 171700/131700Site Name: St. of the Greek MonasteryExcavator: Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-2411/1995-01 Major Periods: Rom, Byz, Uma, Mam, OttComponents: Monastery remains; lamps; pipe; two pools.Publication: HA-ESI 115 (2003): 50*-51*.

593 Grid Ref. 171500/131700 Site Name: Knights' Palace HotelExcavators: Jon Seligman ('96); Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah ('99) Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-2534/1996; A-3170/1999Major Periods: Byz, EIs, Cru, Ayy, OttComponents: Byz remains; EIs structural remains; Med city wall; square stone Ayy tower; Ott city wall.Publications: HA-ESI 109 (1999): 76*-77*; HA-ESI 113 (2001): 79*-80*.

594 Grid Ref. 171950/131650 Site Name: Crusader Market Additional Name: Shuq Ha-QazzavimExcavators: Shlomo Margalit; Gideon Avni ('96)Institutions: IDAM; IAAPermit Nos. A-2556/1996; A-692/1997 Major Periods: Rom2, Byz, CruComponents: Byz and Cru Cardo pavement; Med structures.Publication: HA-ESI 110 (1999): 60*-61*

595 Grid Ref. 171900/131650Site Name: Church of the RedeemerAdditional Name: St. Maria Latina Excavators: Ute Lux ('70-'71); Karel Vriezen ('72-'74)Institution: German Evangelical Institute for Archaeology, JerusalemPermit No. A-266/1970 Major Periods: IA2c?, Hel?, Rom1, Rom2/Byz, EIs (Abb, Fat), Cru, OttComponents: Quarry; terrace wall; mosaic floor; garden wall; cisterns.Publications: Lux 1972a, 1972b; Vriezen 1977, 1978, 1994; Schein 1981; HA 41-42 (1972): 19-20.

596 Grid Ref. 171820/131650 Site Name: Christian Quarter RoadExcavator: Shlomo Margalit Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-686/1977 Major Periods: Rom2Components: Late Rom street.Publications: Chen et al. 1978, 1979; Bahat 1984-1985: 52; HA 61-62 (1977): 32.

597 Grid Ref. 172000/131600Site Name: Ohel YizhaqExcavators: Rina Avner ('03); Haim Ya'acov Barbé, Taufik Deadle ('04-'05); Haim Ya'acov Barba ('07)Institution: IAA


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Permit Nos. A-3979/2003; A-4128/2004; A-4436/2004; A-5152/2007 Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz, EIs, Cru, Mam, OttComponents: Rom, Byz, EIs, Cru and Mam structures; Rom1 monumental staircase, coins; Rom2 building remains; Byz cardo; EIs floor, wall; Cru buildings; Mam public bath; Ott water reservoir.Publications: Barbé and Deadle 2006; HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

598 Grid Ref. 171840/131590 Site Name: Crusader Market, Muristan SquareExcavators: Amit Re'em ('99); Zubair Adawi ('04)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-3171/1999; A-4211/2004 Major Periods: CruComponents: NDA

599 Grid Ref. 171580/131590 Site Name: Jaffa St.Excavators: Aren Maier ('90); Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah ('02)Institution: IAAPermit No. A-3605/2002Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Byz, EIsComponents: Structures; fortifications; aqueduct.Publication: ESI 12 (1994): 61-63.

600 Grid Ref. 172139/131580 Site Name: Ha-Shalshelet St.Additional Names: Street of the Chain; Bab es-SilsilaExcavators: Rafa' Abu Raya ('90); Lilly Gershuny ('90); Rafa' Abu Raya ('91); Elena Kogan-Zehavi ('92-'93)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-1720/1990; A-1727/1990; A-1825/1991; A-1873/1992; A-1987/1993Major Periods: Rom, Rom1, Byz-EIsOther Periods: Mam, OttComponents: Rom paved street, repaired in Byz-EIs period; Mam pavement; Rom1 stairway (above Wilson's Arch), repaired in Byz-EIs and Uma periods; Ott walls and plastered water channel.Remarks: Grid reference is central point in the street.Publications: ESI 10 (1992): 134-136; ESI 16 (1997): 104-106.

601 Grid Ref. 172140/131569Site Name: Private House, Jewish QuarterExcavator: Ya'acov Billig Institution: IAA Permit No. A-5079/2007 Components: NDA

602Grid Ref. 172200/131563Site Name: Western Wall PlazaExcavators: Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah ('05); Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah, Alexander Onn ('06-'07)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-4604/2005; A-4710/2006; A-5002/2007 Major Periods: IA2, Rom, Rom1, Byz, MedComponents: Med structures; Rom2 and Byz streets; Rom1 building remains; IA2 elaborate structure, bullae, lamelekh seal impressions, zoomorphic figurines.Remarks: Khalidi LibraryPublications: Weksler-Bdolah et al. 2007, 2008.

603 Grid Ref. 172100/131550 Site Name: Hagay St.Additional Name: Tariq al-Wad Excavators: Amos Kloner, Dan Bahat ('76-'77)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: IA2c, Hel, Rom1, ByzOther Periods: Per Components: IA2c wall; Byz paved street.Publications: HA 63-63 (1977): 48; ESI 3 (1985): 57-59.

604 Grid Ref. 171630/131550 Site Name: Jaffa Gate Excavators: Haim Goldfus ('83) Ronny Reich, Eli Shukrun ('93)Institution: IDAM; IAAPermit No. A-1268/1984Major Periods: Byz, EIs, Ayy-Mam, Med, OttComponents: Ancient city wall.Publications: ESI 3 (1985): 53-55; ESI 14 (1995): 92-96.

605 Grid Ref. 172258/131527 Site Name: Mughrabi RampExcavator: Haim Ya'acov Barbé, Fanny VittoInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-5013/2007 Major Periods: Mam, OttComponents: Mam and Ott ramp, houses.

606 Grid Ref. 172300/131520 Site Name: Mughrabi Gate Excavator: Rafa' Abu Raya Institution: IAA Permit No. A-1976/1993 Major Periods: Rom1, Uma, MamComponents: Western Wall courses (Herodian); Uma drainage channel and paved street; Mam tomb.Remarks: Salvage excavation. Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 106-108.


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607 Grid Ref. 186800/131500 Site Name: Magharat Deir MukalikExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-218/1979-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: NDA

608 Grid Ref. 172000/131500 Site Name: Jewish Quarter Additional Names: Cardo Maximus; Broad Wall; Hasmonean Tower Excavators: Nahman Avigad ('69-'82); Nahman Avigad, Hillel Geva ('79-'81)Institutions: IES, HUJ, IDAMPermit Nos. C-130/1969; G-2/1971; G-35/1975; G-27/1976; G-39/1978; G-51/1979; G-39/1981Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1, Byz, Uma, Cru, Mam?Components: Rom and Byz street pavement (cardo maximus) (X-2 to X-7); Cru market hall (X-2 to X-4); IA2 and Hel city wall and towers (A, X-2, W); Herodian building with water installation, building with apse and mosaic floors (R); IA2 houses; Byz-Uma bathhouse (C); Hel, Rom1 and Cru/Mam building remains (A); Byz and later building remains (W).Remarks: Avigad's Areas: X-2 to X-7, R, C, A, W, V.Publications: Avigad 1970a, 1970b, 1972a, 1972b, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1983; Geva 2000b, 2003, 2006; HA 30 (1970): 1-2; HA 34-35 (1970): 16; HA 36 (1970): 13; HA 40 (1971): 18; HA 48-49 (1974): 65-68; HA 45 (1973): 20-22; HA 54-55 (1975): 17; HA 59-60 (1976): 29; HA 65-66 (1978): 31-35; ESI 1 (1984): 55-56.

609 Grid Ref. 171620/131500Site Name: The CitadelExcavators: Ruth Amiran, Avi Eitan ('68-'70); Hillel Geva, Rene Sivan ('78, '80); Rene Sivan ('82); Giora Solar ('83); Rene Sivan, Giora Solar ('88-'89)Institutions: IES, The Israel Museum Jerusalem; Museum of the History of Jerusalem; IDAMPermit Nos. C-125/1968; C-125/1969; G-24/1970; A-691/1977; G-14/1978; G-21/1980; A-1091/1982; A-1182/1982; A-1213/1983; A-1233/1983; G-55/1988; G-68/1988; G-15/1989Major Periods: Hel, Rom, EIs, Med, OttOther Periods: IA2Components: Hasmonean and Herodian fortifications and towers, rebuilt in EIs, Med periods, incorporated in the Ott citadel; Ayy and Ott remains.Publications: Avigad 1970a, 1970b, 1972a, 1972b, 1975, 1976, 1980, 1983; Geva 2000b, 2003, 2006; HA 30 (1969): 20-22; HA 33 (1970): 2-4; HA 36 (1970): 13-14; HA 76 (1981): 20-24; ESI 3 (1985): 47-48; HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

610 Grid Ref. 171600/131500 Site Name: AqueductExcavators: Amos Kloner, G. Koppel ('81)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Rom2 Components: Segment of the aqueduct from Mamilla Pool to Hezekiah's Pool. Remarks: Located in the area of Jaffa Gate; the rest of the aqueduct is west of the Green Line.Publication: HA 77 (1981): 24-25.

611 Grid Ref. 172289/131485Site Name: Western and Southern Wall of Temple Mt.Excavators: Benjamin Mazar ('68-'77); Ronny Reich and Ya'acov Billig ('94-'96); Yuval Baruch ('00); Haim Ya'acov Barbé, Dan Bahat ('04)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. C-113/1968; C-113/1969; G-1/1970; G-1/1971; G-2/1972; G-2/1973; G-26/1974; G-5/1975; G-26/1976; G-3/1977; A-2205/1994; A-3319/2000; A-4161/2004Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz, Uma, MedComponents: Robinson's Arch complex: Rom1 street, magazines, drainage system; Byz bath-house, houses; Uma palaces I-V; Med cemetery.Remarks: Permit A-2205 was used for a continuous excavation until 1996. Publications: B. Mazar 1969a: 1-24; 1969b, 1969c, 1971, 1972, 1975; Ben-Dov 1971, 1973, 1982: 121-133; 1985: 121-133; Ben-Dov et al. 1981: 40; 1983: 44; Billig and Reich 1998; Baruch and Reich 1999; Reich and Billig 2000a, 2000b, 2003; ESI 16 (1997): 108; ESI 18 (1998): 88-90; HA-ESI 114 (2002): 75*-76*.

612 Grid Ref. 172138/131467 Site Name: Jewish Quarter HouseExcavator: Rina AvnerInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-5145/2007 Components: NDARemarks: Excavated range: 172120-172156/131458-131477.

613 Grid Ref. 172190/131450 Site Name: Lower AqueductExcavator: Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2497/1996 Components: NDA

614 Grid Ref. 172150/131450


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Site Name: Jewish QuarterExcavator: Nahman Avigad ('71-'73)Institutions: IES, HUJPermit Nos. G-9/1972; G-3/1973 Major Periods: IA, IA2c, Hel, Rom1, ByzComponents: IA, IA2c settlement remains, tunnel, ostracon; Hel tomb; Rom1 buildings with mosaic floors, frescoes, stucco, ritual baths, street; Rom? drainage; Byz buildings with mosaic floors; late Isl remains.Remarks: Avigad's Areas: H, N, J, K, Q, E, F, F-3, F-4, F-5, F-6, L, B, M, G, P, P-1, P-3, U.Publications: Avigad 1972a, 1972b, 1976, 1980, 1983, 1975, 1989; Geva 2006; HA 38 (1971): 14; HA 40 (1971): 18; HA 45 (1973): 20-21; HA 48-49 (1974): 65-67; HA 54-55 (1975): 15-16.

615 Grid Ref. 172120/131440 Site Name: Burnt HouseExcavators: Nahman Avigad ('70); Hillel Geva ('02)Institutions: HUJ, IESPermit No. G-63/2002Major Periods: Rom1Components: Residence from the end of the Second Temple period; house remains sealed under the collapse of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 C.E.Remarks: Avigad's Area B. Publications: Avigad 1970a, 1972a, 1975, 1976: 12-13; 1980, 1983; Geva 2006; HA 34-35 (1970): 14-15; HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

616 Grid Ref. 172150/131430 Site Name: St. Maria AlemannorumExcavator: Asher Ovadia Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-152/1968-1 Major Periods: Cru Components: Cru monastery: church and halls; Cru street and architectural remains; pool; water cisterPublications: Ben-Dov 1982, 1985; Bahat 1993; Ben-Dov 1993; Ovadiah 1993; HA 30 (1969): 22-24.

617 Grid Ref. 171958/131425 Site Name: Private House, Jewish QuarterExcavator: Ya'acov Billig Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4923/2006 Components: NDA

618 Grid Ref. 173100/131420 Site Name: Moriah Observatory Excavator: Amir Re'em, Zubair 'AdawiInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3073/1999

Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Several burial caves; decorated ossuaries; Hebrew inscriptions.Remarks: Caves were documented, not excavated.Publication: Re'em et al. 2006.

619 Grid Ref. 172500/131420 Site Name: Ophel Additional Name: Double Gate; Triple GateExcavators: Benjamin Mazar ('70-'77); Dan Bahat ('84); Benjamin Mazar, Elat Mazar ('86-'87); Ronny Reich, Ya'acov Billig, Yuval Baruch ('97-'98); Ronny Reich, Yuval Baruch, Boas Zissu ('99); Ronny Reich, Yuval Baruch ('00)Institutions: IES, HUJ, IDAMPermit Nos. G-1/1970; G-1/1971; G-2/1972; G-2/1973; G-26/1974; G-5/1975; G-26/1976; G-3/1977; A-1337/1984; G-2/1986; G-31/1987; A-2597/1997; A-2854/1998; A-2996/1999; G-18/1999; A-3242/2000 Major Periods: IA2, Per, Hel, Rom, Byz, EIs (Uma, Abb, Fat)Other Periods: EB, MB, Cru, OttComponents: IA2 public buildings and possible gate; Rom1 monumental stairway; Byz Monastery of the Virgins, houses; EIs and later structures.Publications: B. Mazar 1971, 1972, 1975; Ben-Dov et al. 1981, 1983; Ben-Dov 1982, 1985; E. Mazar and B. Mazar 1989; E. Mazar 1995, 1999; HA-ESI 112 (2000): 80*-81*.

620 Grid Ref. 171990/131419 Site Name: Hurvah SynagogueExcavators: Hillel Geva, Oren Gutfeld ('03-'06); Hillel Geva ('04)Institution: HUJPermit Nos. B-276/2003; G-42/2004; B-286/2004; B-301/2005; G-66/2005; G-7/2006Major Periods: IA2, Rom, Byz, Mam, OttComponents: IA2 structural remains; Rom dwelling with ritual baths and a mosaic floor; Byz paved street; Mam and Ott structural remains. Publications: Geva 2000b, 2007; Geva and Gutfeld 2003, 2004; HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online); HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

621 Grid Ref. 171800/131400 Site Name: Christ ChurchExcavator: Magen Broshi ('72)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDAComponents: No finds.Remarks: Trial excavation in search of a Byz street, stopped prior to its potential discovery.


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Publication: HA 45 (1973): 23.

622 Grid Ref. 171650/131383Site Name: The Old CityExcavator: Amit Re'em ('00-'01) Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-3320/2000; A-3385/2001Components: NDA

623 Grid Ref. 172510/131360Site Name: City of DavidExcavator: Yuval BaruchInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3652/2002Components: NDA

624 Grid Ref. 172200/131350Site Name: Dung GateAdditional Name: Malchizedek St.Excavator: Gershon EdelsteinInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-717/1977Major Periods: Rom1, ByzOther Periods: EIs Components: Structures; water installations; conduits; ornamented mosaics; frescoes; plastered reservoirs; Fatimid inscription.Publications: HA 65-66 (1978): 39-40; ESI 15 (1996): 134.

625 Grid Ref. 172260/131340Site Name: Jewish QuarterAdditional Name: Dung GateExcavator: Meir Ben-Dov ('71, '75)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Rom, Byz, EIs, Cru, Mam, OttComponents: Cru tower; ancient wall; stone-paved Byz street; drainage channels; ritual baths; SE corner of the Nea Church.Publications: Shanks 1977: 15-22; Ben-Dov 1978, 1982: 336-341; 1985, 1987; Avigad 1980, 1983, 1993: 130; HA 54-55 (1975): 17-18.

626 Grid Ref. 171650/131340Site Name: The CitadelAdditional Name: Jaffa Gate (south)Excavator: Shimon Gibson ('82)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDA Components: Drainage channel running from the Old City outside the walls.

Publication: ESI 2 (1984): 52.

627 Grid Ref. 171650/131340Site Name: Jaffa Gate (south)Excavators: Magen Broshi ('76); Magen Broshi, Shimon Gibson ('82)Institution: IDAM Permit Nos. A-1156/1982; A-1189/1982Major Periods: IA2Components: Three rock-hewn burial caves.Publication: Broshi et al. 1983.

628 Grid Ref. 171650/131340 Site Name: Jaffa Gate (south) Excavator: Magen Broshi ('75-'78)Institution: IDAM Permit No. G-32/1975Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Rom2-Byz, Cru, Ayy, OttComponents: Hel tower and later Hel city wall (First Wall) with four towers. Publications: Broshi 1976, 1977: 11-13; HA 46 (1973): 14; HA 57-58 (1976): 28-29; HA 65-66 (1978): 35-36.

629 Grid Ref. 172250/131330Site Name: Dung GateAdditional Name: Cardo (east)Excavators: Ronny Reich, Ya'acov Billig ('94, '97); Daniel Weiss, Yuval Baruch ('98)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-2186/1994; A-2600/1997; A-2883/1998Major Periods: Rom, Byz, EIsComponents: Structures; Rom2-Byz Eastern Cardo; Uma Palace III western wing.Publications: Geva 2000b; Reich 2008; HA 65-66 (1978): 39-40; ESI 15 (1996): 134.

630 Grid Ref. 176200/131300Site Name: Ras el-‘EizariyaExcavator: NDA Institution: SOALicense No. L-1087/2006-0Major Periods: [IA2, Byz, Ott]Other Periods: [Hel, Rom]Components: [Tombs; caves; winepresses; traces of buildings; rock-cut winepress; pen]; NDA on excavation.Remarks: Separation Barrier.

631 Grid Ref. 172590/131300Site Name: Nahal QidronExcavator: Ronny ReichInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2208/1994


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Components: NDA

632 Grid Ref. 172200/131300 Site Name: Western and Southern Wall of Temple Mt.Excavator: Elat Mazar Institution: HUJPermit No. G-107/1994Components: NDA

633 Grid Ref. 171850/131300 Site Name: Armenian QuarterExcavator: Nahman Avigad ('72-'73, '78)Institutions: HUJ, IESPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: IA, Hel, Rom1, Byz, EIsComponents: IA remains, Rom1 and Byz cisterns (O); tomb (O-1); Rom1 ritual bath, vault and mosaics (O-2); Byz and EIs foundations (S); IA remains; Hel remains (Z).Remarks: Avigad's Areas in the Armenian Quarter: O, O-1, O-2, S and Z.Publications: Avigad 1980: 146; 1983: 146; Geva 2006; HA 45 (1973): 21; HA 48-49 (1974): 67.

634 Grid Ref. 171700/131300Site Name: St. Thomae AlemannorumExcavators: Dan Bahat, Ronny ReichInstitution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: CruComponents: Chruch: three apses, architectural remains.Publications: Bahat and Reich 1986; Bahat 1993.

635 Grid Ref. 171650/131300 Site Name: The Armenian GardenExcavators: Dan Bahat, Magen Broshi ('70-'71)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1, CruOther Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom2, Byz, EIsComponents: Herodian palace platform; Hasmonean city wall; Cru Palace and hewn cisterns.Remarks: Location of Herod's palace according to Josephus; palace of the Crusader Kings of Jerusalem.Publications: Bahat and Broshi 1972a, 1972b, 1975; HA 37 (1971): 20; HA 38 (1971): 14-15; HA 40 (1971): 19.

636 Grid Ref. 172378/131288 Site Name: City of David – Giv'ati Car ParkExcavators: Ronny Reich ('03); Ronny Reich, Eli Shukrun ('05); Doron Ben-Ami ('07)Institution: IAA

Permit Nos. A-3834/2003; A-5071/2007Major Periods: Rom, Byz, EIs, OttOther Periods: MB, IA2Components: IA remains; monumental Rom1 structure (Adiabene palace?); massive Byz structure; EIs domestic quarter (Jewish quarter?); late fills; gold coin hoard, jewelry (Byz).Publications: Ben-Ami and Chachnowetz 2007, 2008; HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online); HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

637 Grid Ref. 172640/131270Site Name: SilwanAdditional Names: Kefar Ha-Shilloah; Tomb of Pharaoh's DaughterExcavator: David UssishkinInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-194/1969Major Periods: IA2Other Periods: Hel, Rom1, ByzComponents: Forty-eight IA2 monuments and burial caves; IA2 monolithic rock-cut chamber ('Tomb of Pharaoh's Daughter'). Remarks: Ussishkin excavated tombs in the northern area of Silwan, see Ussishkin 1986 for detailed locations.Publication: Ussishkin 1986.

638 Grid Ref. 172433/131268 Site Name: City of David Visitors' Center Excavators: Dan Bahat ('98); Rina Avner ('02-'03); Elat Mazar ('04-'07)Institutions: IAA; HUJPermit Nos. G-58/1998; A-3677/2002; A-4046/2003; G-72/2004; G-72/2005; G-32/2006; G-78/2007Major Periods: Chal, EB, MB, LB, IA2, Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, OttComponents: MB rock-carved foundations; monumental structure (IA palace?) under Rom1 and Byz structures.Publications: Bahat 1998; E. Mazar 2006a, 2006b, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c, 2008a, 2008b; HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

639 Grid Ref. 173750/131260 Site Name: Mt. of Olives Additional Name: Wadi Qadum Excavator: Nurit Feig Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3792/2002 Major Periods: IA2Components: IA2 rock-hewn dwelling cave and structure. Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).


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640 Grid Ref. 172479/131258 Site Name: City of David - Area G Excavators: Kathleen M. Kenyon ('67); Yigal Shiloh ('78-'85)Institutions: British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem; HUJ, IES; BIUPermit Nos. R-1/1967; C-109/1967; G-15/1978; A-755/1978; G-52/1979; A-839/1979; G-34/1980; G-33/1981; G-6/1982; G-12/1983; G-25/1983; G-17/1984; G-8/1985Major Periods: Chal, EB, MB, LB, IA2, Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, OttComponents: Tell, the historical nucleus of ancient Jerusalem: houses and fortifications of the MB, IA, Per and Hel periods; stepped stone structure and fill (LB-IA2a); Burnt House and House of Bullae (IA2c); Hel glacis.Remarks: Excavations carried out since the 19th cent. Shiloh's Area G.Publications: Kenyon 1974; Shiloh 1979a, 1979b, 1981, 1984; Ariel 1990, 2000a, 2000b; De Groot and Ariel 1992; Ariel and De Groot 1996; Cahill and Tarler 2000; Steiner 2001; HA 67-68 (1978): 45; HA 73 (1980): 28-29; HA 74-75 (1980): 21-22; ESI 1 (1984): 50; ESI 2 (1984): 54-56; ESI 3 (1985): 50.

641 Grid Ref. 174090/131250Site Name: Et-TurAdditional Names: Mt. of Olives; El-'Eizariya (northwest)Excavator: Anette NagarInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-4586/2005Components: Quarry; terrace wall.Remarks: Separation Barrier. Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

642 Grid Ref. 172060/131200Site Name: Nea ChurchAdditional Name: New Church of the TheotokosExcavator: Nahman Avigad ('69-'78)Institutions: IES, HUJ, IDAMPermit Nos. G-2/1970; G-27/1974; G-4/1977Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1, Byz, EIs, Cru, Mam, AyyComponents: Byz basilica (church): walls, apse; cisterns (D, D-1, T-1 to T-3, T-5 to T-7); IA2c settlement remains, Rom1 building with ritual bath and mosaic floor; Byz and EIs building remains (T); Rom1 water basin, room with hypocaust and mosaic floor (T-1); IA2, Hel, Rom1 building remains, Byz street, Cru city wall with gate, Porta Nova (T-2); IA, Rom1, Byz remains, Ayy tower, gate, inscription (T-4).Remarks: Avigad's Areas D, D-1, T, T-1, T-2, T-4, T-7,

T-8, Y.Publications: Avigad 1970b, 1972a, 1975: 51; 1977, 1980, 1983, 1993; Geva 2006; HA 34-35 (1970): 16-17; HA 45 (1973): 20-22; HA 48-49 (1974): 65-68; HA 54-55 (1975): 17; HA 65-66 (1978): 31-35; ESI 1 (1984): 55-56.

643 Grid Ref. 172522/131175 Site Name: City of David – Gihon SpringExcavators: Ronny Reich, Eli Shukrun ('95, '97-'98, '00-'07); Eli Shukrun ('99)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-2236/1995; A-2599/1997; A-2833/1998; A-2997/1999; A-3230/2000; A-3376/2001; A-3423/2001; A-3590/2002; A-3788/2002; A-3835/2003; A-4077/2004; A-4359/2005; A-4709/2006; A-5082/2007Major Periods: MB, IA2, RomOther Periods: EB1 Components: MB and IA water system; MB towers; IA2 fills, houses, retaining walls; Rom fills.Remarks: Some permit numbers relate to excavations at points south of the spring in Kidron Valley. Publications: Reich and Shukrun 1998, 1999, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004a, 2006b, 2007b, 2007c; Shukrun and Reich 1998, 2000; ESI 18 (1998): 91-93; ESI 19 (1999): 60*-61*; HA-ESI 112 (2000): 82*-83*; HA-ESI 113 (2001): 81*-82*; HA-ESI 114 (2002): 77*-78*; HA-ESI 115 (2003): 51*-53*; HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

644 Grid Ref. 172488/131165 Site Name: City of David – 'Abbasi HouseAdditional Name: Ha-Tira HouseExcavator: Zvi GreenhutInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-4529/2005Major Periods: IA2, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, EIs, Mam, OttOther Periods: MB, HelComponents: Soil fills including stones and mixed ceramics; Ott rectangular water cistern.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

645 Grid Ref. 172318/131150 Site Name: City of David – Ancient DrainExcavators: Ronny Reich, Eli ShukrunInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-5029/2007Major Periods: Rom1Other Periods: ByzComponents: Built drain beneath paved street on E flank of Tyropaeon.

646 Grid Ref. 172050/131150


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Site Name: Ma‘ale Ha-ShalomAdditional Names: Sha'ar Ziyyon; Mt. Zion; GallicantuExcavators: Magen Broshi ('71-'72, '75); Benjamin Mazar ('74)Institution: IDAM Permit Nos. A-298/1971; A-345/1972; A-460/1974; A-517/1975 Major Periods: Rom, Byz, EIs, AyyComponents: Remains of the Upper City; tower bearing an Ayy inscription.Publication: Broshi 1976: 77-78.

647 Grid Ref. 172050/131150 Site Name: Ma'ale Ha-ShalomAdditional Names: Sha'ar Ziyyon; Mt. Zion; GallicantuExcavator: Yizhak Margovsky ('70-'71)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDA Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Byz, EIs, CruComponents: Structures; aqueducts; fortifications.Publications: Margovsky 1971; HA 36 (1970): 14; HA 37 (1971): 19-20; HA 38 (1971): 15-16.

648 Grid Ref. 171840/131140 Site Name: Zion GateExcavator: Yoram TsafrirInstitution: IDAMPermit No. A-467/1974 Components: NDA

649 Grid Ref. 171800/131120Site Name: Old City Wall Additional Names: Armenian Patriarchate St.; Zion GateExcavators: Yoram Tsafrir, Magen Broshi ('74); Jon Seligman ('96) Institution: IAAPermit No. A-2503/1996 Major Periods: Med (Cru, Mam)Other Periods: Rom1, OttComponents: Early Med tower and city wall, under the Ott Old City wall; Rom1 rock-cut installation (cistern or ritual bath).Publications: Broshi and Tsafrir 1977; Maeir 1990; ESI 20 (2000): 100*-101*.

650 Grid Ref. 171987/131105 Site Name: Mt. ZionExcavator: Shimon Gibson ('99-'00)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. G-142/1999; G-27/2000Components: NDA

651 Grid Ref. 198600/131100Site Name: Rujm el-Bahar Excavator: Pesach Bar-Adon ('77-'79)Institution: NDALicense Nos. L-159/1977-0; L-948/2002-0Major Periods: IA2, Hel, RomOther Periods: ByzComponents: Structure 12x25 m; anchor; doorposts; pillars; glass; metal objects. Remarks: Located on an island/peninsula in the Dead Sea. Publication: Bar-Adon 1989: 3-14 (Hebrew; English summary: 4*-5*).

652 Grid Ref. 171900/131100 Site Name: Mt. Zion Excavator: Magen Broshi ('74) Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Ayy Other Periods: Byz Components: Med (Ayy) gate-tower; monumental Arabic inscription; architectural elements.Remarks: Broshi excavated south of the city wall, Avigad excavated north of it (Area T-4).Publications: Broshi 1974, 1976: 77-78; 1977: 13-17; Broshi and Tsafrir 1977: 30; HA 53 (1975): 18.

653 Grid Ref. 173650/131080Site Name: Mt. of OlivesExcavator: Rafa' Abu Raya ('93) Institution: IAA Permit No. A-2114/1994 Major Periods: Rom1, ByzComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave; ossuary with Hebrew inscription.Publications: Abu Raya and Zissu 2005; ESI 16 (1997): 109-110.

654 Grid Ref. 172050/131080Site Name: HaRemahim and HaShahar Sts.Excavator: Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-1785/1991 Major Periods: Mam, OttOther Periods: Rom1, Byz, Ayy, CruComponents: Drainage channel running E-W; Ott pottery pipe; Med imports from south Italy and China; Med glass vessels; coins.Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 101.

655Grid Ref. 171972/131049


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Site Name: Mt. ZionExcavator: Yehiel ZelingerInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-5023/2007 Major Periods: ByzOther Periods: Rom1 Components: Fortification wall and towers (Eudocia's Wall).Publication: Zelinger 2003.

656 Grid Ref. 172390/131030Site Name: City of David – House of Qar'in FamilyExcavator: Zvi GreenhutInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-4224/2004 Major Periods: IA2, Rom1, Rom2?, Byz, OttComponents: Late Rom or Byz quarry; Ott pipe.Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

657 Grid Ref. 172265/131010 Site Name: Wadi el-Hilwa St.Excavator: Zubair Adawi Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4252/2004 Major Periods: Rom2, Byz, OttComponents: Byz structures; sewage channel; late Rom quarry; rock-hewn ritual baths.Publications: ESI 14 (1995): 96-97; HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).

658 Grid Ref. 191000/131000Site Name: ‘Aqabat al-JaberExcavator: Amin BarhoumInstitution: SOA License No. L-242/1980-0 Components: NDA

659 Grid Ref. 172900/131000Site Name: Ras el-‘AmudExcavators: Alla Nagorski ('06); Irina Zilberbod ('07)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-4983/2006; A-5258/2007Components: NDA

660Grid Ref. 172070/130980Site Name: Church of St. Peter in GallicantuExcavator: Rafa‘ Abu RayaInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-1975/1993Major Periods: Hel, RomComponents: Wall segments; rock-hewn pool; two mosaic floors; colored frescoes.

Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 110-112.

661 Grid Ref. 172413/130973 Site Name: City of David - Near Meyuhas HouseExcavators: Ya‘acov Billig ('92, '94); David Amit ('06)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-1886/1992; A-2204/1994; A-4844/2006 Major Periods: Rom2 Components: Quarry.Publications: Amit and Adler 2007; HA-ESI 110 (1999): 62*.

662 Grid Ref. 174000/130970 Site Name: Bethphage (south) Excavator: Stanislao Loffreda ('69) Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Rock-hewn burial cave.Publication: Loffreda 1969.

663 Grid Ref. 172330/130970Site Name: City of DavidExcavator: Yigal Shiloh ('78-'85) Institutions: HUJ, IESPermit Nos. G-15/1978; A-755/1978; G-52/1979; A-839/1979; G-34/1980; G-33/1981; G-6/1982; G-12/1983; G-25/1983; G-17/1984; G-8/1985 Major Periods: Chal, EB1, EB1/EB2, MB2a/MB2b, LB2a, LB2b, IA1, IA2a, IA2c, Per, Hel, Rom1, Byz, EIsComponents: Central part of ancient mound: Chal and EB1 pottery; EB1/2 buildings; MB city wall and building remains; LB2, IA1 and IA2a settlement remains; IA2 settlement remains and city wall; Per, Hel, Rom and Byz building remains and terraces; Siloam channel; Byz-Uma building.Remarks: Central point of Shiloh's Areas A, B, D, E, H and K.Publications: Shiloh 1979a, 1979b, 1981, 1984; Ariel 1990, 2000b; De Groot and Ariel 1992; Ariel and De Groot 1996; Cahill and Tarler 2000; HA 67-68 (1978): 43-44; HA 73 (1980): 25-29; HA 74-75 (1980): 21; ESI 1 (1984): 49-50; ESI 2 (1984): 52-56; ESI 3 (1985): 49-50; ESI 4 (1986): 52-54.

664Grid Ref. 174200/130950Site Name: El-‘EizariyaAdditional Name: Lazarus (Separation Barrier)Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOA License Nos. L-1027/2005-0; L-1105/2006-0Remarks: Three rock-hewn caves around a shared courtyard; cisterns inside.


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665 Grid Ref. 172000/130940Site Name: Church of St. Peter in GallicantuAdditional Name: Mt. ZionExcavators: Rina Avner ('92); Florentino Diez ('92-'00, '03)Institutions: IAA; Spanish Institute for Biblical Archeological StudiesPermit Nos. A-1871/1992; G-120/1992; G-90/1993; G-78/1994; G-105/1995; G-100/1996; G-107/1997; G-76/1998; G-59/1999; G-90/2000; G-31/2003Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1, Byz, EIsComponents: Rom1, Byz, EIs dwellings and cisterns; stucco; frescoes; mosaic pavements; rock-hewn ritual baths.Publications: Geva 2008; ESI 15 (1996): 77; ESI 16 (1997): 110-112; ESI 18 (1998): 93; ESI 19 (1999): 62*-63*; HA-ESI 110 (1999): 61*-62*; HA-ESI 112 (2000): 84*-85*.

666 Grid Ref. 172900/130900Site Name: Mt. of OlivesExcavator: Kareem Sa'id Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3426/2001 Major Periods: Byz Components: Byz building. Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

667 Grid Ref. 172251/130888Site Name: City of David -'Asor HouseExcavator: Zvi Greenhut ('05-'06)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-4453/2005; A-4796/2006Major Periods: Rom1Components: Second Temple period domestic quarter: house foundations and cellars, streets.Publications: Greenhut 2006; HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

668 Grid Ref. 174900/130850Site Name: El-'EizariyaAdditional Names: The Russian Church; BethanyExcavator: Sayf al-Din HaddadInstitution: SOALicense No. L-255/1980-0Major Periods: ByzComponents: Christian public building - church?

669Grid Ref. 172338/130838 Site Name: City of David – Siloam PoolAdditional Name: Birkat al-HamraExcavators: Ronny Reich, Eli Shukrun ('04-'07)Institution: IAA

Permit Nos. A-4192/2004; A-4347/2005; A-4720/2006; A-5029/2007; A-5300/2007Major Periods: Hel, RomOther Periods: IA2, ByzComponents: Ancient water system; the Siloam Pool; Hasmonean structural remains; ashlar walls; paved stepped street; IA2 remains.Publications: Reich and Shukrun 2004b, 2006a, 2007b, 2007d; Reich et al. 2007a, 2007b; ESI 15 (1996): 75-77.

670 Grid Ref. 172800/130800Site Name: Ras el-‘Amud Additional Name: Mt. of Evil Counsil Excavator: Ahia Cohen-TavorInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-5221/2007 Major Periods: EB, IA2Components: EB and IA2 tombs.

671 Grid Ref. 171900/130800Site Name: Mt. ZionExcavator: Bellarmino Bagatti ('69)Institution: Studium Biblicum FranciscanumPermit No. NDA Major Periods: Byz, Ayy?Components: Byz room with geometric mosaic floor and drainage; Ayy (?) tower. Publication: Bagatti 1970.

672 Grid Ref. 172350/130780Site Name: City of David (south) Excavators: Alon De Groot, Rafa' Abu RayaInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-1961/1993 Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Two wall segments, prob. related to the Siloam pool; road/street foundations; limestone weight; coins.Publication: ESI 15 (1996): 75-77.

673 Grid Ref. 172320/130760 Site Name: City of David Excavator: Joseph GathInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-562/1975Components: NDA

674 Grid Ref. 193330/130710Site Name: Cave of the ButtonAdditional Name: Cave A-1Excavators: Michel Itah, Yoni KamInstitution: SOA


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License No. L-598/1993-1Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Cave; niches; cloth; pottery; human bones and skull fragments.

675 Grid Ref. 177800/130700 Site Name: Ma'ale Adummim 03, Dwelling CaveAdditional Name: Kh. Abu HuweilanExcavator: Yuval Baruch Institution: SOA License No. L-665/1994-0 Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: MP Components: Dwelling cave; farmhouse; threshing-floor; cave-pens; Mousterian tools.Remarks: Salvage excavation by Uri Dinur.Publication: ESI 19 (1999): 107*-108*.

676 Grid Ref. 178250/130650 Site Name: Ma'ale AdummimExcavator: Ofer SionInstitution: SOALicense No. L-613/1993-0 Major Periods: IB Components: Tomb in a rock-cut cave; pottery lamp; three carnelian beads; skeletal remains.Publication: ESI 16 (1997): 141.

677 Grid Ref. 193270/130640Site Name: Cave of the GoatsAdditional Name: Cave A-2Excavators: Michel Itah, Yoni Kam / Yossi Levi, Anat GinsburgInstitution: SOA License No. L-636/1994-0 Components: Cave; no finds. Publication: Itah et al. 2002: 173.

678 Grid Ref. 172140/130610Site Name: Hinnom Valley Excavator: Boas ZissuInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-2978/1998 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Herodian burial complex; ossuaries; rectangular courtyard. Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 70*-71*.

679 Grid Ref. 172320/130590Site Name: Hinnom ValleyExcavator: Amit Re'emInstitution: IAA

Permit No. A-2802/1998Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; ornamented entrance.

680 Grid Ref. 172150/130560Site Name: AkeldamaAdditional Name: Hinnom Valley Excavator: Boas Zissu ('95)Institution: IAA Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1Components: Cave; well-hewn monumental façade; lintel modeled in relief; three ossuaries.Publication: ESI 18 (1998): 91.

681 Grid Ref. 177950/130550Site Name: Ma‘ale Adummim, Site 06Excavator: Yuval Baruch Institution: SOA License No. L-664/1994-0 Major Periods: IBComponents: IB burial caves.Remarks: MB tombs, according to SOA license list.Publication: Baruch 1997a.

682 Grid Ref. 172310/130550Site Name: Akeldama Additional Name: Ge Ben Hinnom; Hinnom ValleyExcavators: Gideon Avni, Zvi GreenhutInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-1669/1989Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, ByzComponents: Three rock-hewn burial caves; carved and painted architectural ornamantation; numerous decorated ossuaries, many bearing Greek inscriptions; large number of Rom and Byz lamps and glass vessels.Publications: Avni et al. 1992, 2000; Avni and Greenhut 1996; ESI 10 (1992): 136-140.

683 Grid Ref. 193370/130530Site Name: Cave of the RockAdditional Name: Cave A-6 Excavators: Michel Itah, Yoni KamInstitution: SOA License No. L-639/1994-0 Major Periods: Rom?Components: Cave; cloth; hides.Remarks: Previously excavated, perhaps by Patrich (Patrich and Arubas 1989b). Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Itah et al. 2002: 172.

684 Grid Ref. 171770/130530


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Site Name: Hinnom ValleyExcavator: Amit Re'emInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3287/2000 Major Periods: Rom1 Components: Rom1 burial cave.Publication: HA-ESI 115 (2003): 54*-55*.

685 Grid Ref. 193400/130500 Site Name: Cave of the Leather Additional Name: Cave A-3 Excavators: Michel Itah, Yoni KamInstitution: SOA License No. L-637/1994-0 Major Periods: RomComponents: Cave; large quantity of animal hides; bronze arrowhead.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors. Publication: Itah et al. 2002: 172-173.

686 Grid Ref. 182850/130500Site Name: Bir ez-Zara‘aExcavator: Yizhar HirschfeldInstitution: SOALicense No. L-358/1984-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Monastic complex; stone fence. Excavation: tesserae, roof tiles, marble fragments, building, cistern.Publication: ESI 3 (1985): 80-82.

687 Grid Ref. 178550/130400Site Name: Kh. Abu SuwwanaExcavator: Ofer SionInstitution: SOALicense No. L-484/1991-0 Major Periods: EIs, MedOther Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Village with several phases of occupation, 7th-13th cent. C.E.: house compounds, animal pens, mosque.Publications: Cohen-Finkelstein 1997; Sion 1997d; ESI 13 (1995): 66-68.

688 Grid Ref. 171780/130400 Site Name: Abu TorAdditional Name: Giv‘at HananyaExcavators: Boas Zissu, Amir GanorInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-2515/1996 Major Periods: Hel, RomComponents: Three caves, part of a Hasmonean cemetery.

Publication: ESI 19 (1999): 61*-62*.

689 Grid Ref. 172500/130350 Site Name: ‘Ein el-LauzaExcavator: Yuval BaruchInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3177/1999 Major Periods: MB2a Components: MB2a tomb.

690 Grid Ref. 172460/130280Site Name: ‘Ein el-Lauza Excavator: Zubair Adawi Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3824/2003 Major Periods: IA2, RomComponents: Two IA2 burial caves; one Rom burial cave.Publications: HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online); HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

691 Grid Ref. 193250/130250Site Name: Cave of the CordsAdditional Name: Cave A-4Excavators: Michel Itah, Yoni KamInstitution: SOA License No. L-616/1993-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Cave; large quantity of textiles; cordage; Byz coin; pendant; lance head.Publication: Itah et al. 2002: 173.

692 Grid Ref. 177450/130250 Site Name: El-KhirbeExcavator: Hanania Hizmi ('95, '98)Institution: SOA License No. L-732/1995-0Major Periods: Chal/EB, IA1, IA2Other Periods: Per?, ByzComponents: Traces of two buildings; IA2 fortress; IA1 settlement; stone fenced-in area; cisterns; paved threshing-floors; Chal/EB flint tools. Publications: Hizmi 2002, 2004a.

693 Grid Ref. 172440/130170Site Name: ‘En Rogel – Abu Tur Excavator: Amit Re'em Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3284/2000 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Byz burial cave.Publication: HA-ESI 115 (2003): 54*-55*.


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694 Grid Ref. 172440/130160Site Name: ‘En Rogel – Abu TurExcavator: Amit Re'emInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3284/2000 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Byz burial cave.Publication: HA-ESI 115 (2003): 54*-55*.

695 Grid Ref. 172210/130160 Site Name: Deir Abu TurExcavator: Amos Kloner ('74) Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDA Components: Large semi-circular depression in valley.Publication: HA 50 (1974): 15.

696 Grid Ref. 193800/130150 Site Name: Cave of the Balsam Oil JugletAdditional Names: Cave A-7; Cave 13 Excavators: Joseph Patrich, Benny Arubas ('88); Michel Itah, Yoni Kam, Ronny Ben-Haim ('94)Institution: SOA License No. L-640/1994-0 Major Periods: Chal, IA2, Rom1, EIs, MedComponents: Cave; Herodian oil juglet; textiles; olive pits; shells; ropes; leather; baskets; three lamps; pruta coin (Great Revolt).Remarks: Excavated in 1988, referred to as Cave 13/Cave Q3. Excavated by surveyors in 1994.Publications: Patrich and Arubas 1989a; Itah et al. 2002: 171-172; ESI 13 (1995): 64.

697 Grid Ref. 174000/130000 Site Name: Et-Tur Excavator: Yoni Mizrachi Institution: IAA Permit No. A-4053/2003Components: NDA

698 Grid Ref. 172200/129900 Site Name: Lower Aqueduct Additional Name: East Talpiyot Excavator: Ya'acov Billig Institution: IAA Permit No. A-1896/1992 Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Byz, OttComponents: The Armon Hanaziv Tunnel segment of the lower aqueduct to Jerusalem.Remarks: Probes and salvage excavations of segments of the aqueduct.Publication: ESI 15 (1996): 78-79.

699 Grid Ref. 171770/129670 Site Name: Ya‘ar Ha-ShalomAdditional Name: Nahal AzalExcavator: Zvi GreenhutInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-1932/1992 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn burial caves.Publication: ESI 15 (1996):134.

700 Grid Ref. 193600/129600Site Name: Caves A and B Excavators: Michel Itah, Yoni KamInstitution: SOA License No. L-598/1993-0Components: NDA

701 Grid Ref. 193500/129600 Site Name: Cave of the PillarExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA (Not SOA)License Nos. L-764/1997-0; L-792/1998-0Components: NDA

702 Grid Ref. 172180/129590Site Name: Nahal AzalExcavator: Amir GanorInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3559/2001 Components: Four rock-hewn burial caves.

703 Grid Ref. 171730/129570 Site Name: Caiaphas TombAdditional Names: Nahal Azal; Ya'ar Ha-ShalomZvi Greenhut Institution: IAA Permit No. A-1748/1990 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two rock-hewn burial caves; 12 ossuaries, some ornamented; inscribed names: Yehosef bar Kaifa, Kaifa, Shalom, Shem, Miriam barat Shim'on; Agrippa I coin inside woman's skull.Publications: Greenhut 1992a, 1992b; ESI 10 (1992): 140-141.

704Grid Ref. 173210/129530Site Name: Deir SannaAdditional Name: Jebel el-MukabbirExcavator: Kareem Sa'id Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3428/2001


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Major Periods: Byz Components: Wall; mosaic floor of large tesserae; channels; rock-hewn water cistern.Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

705 Grid Ref. 193650/129500Site Name: Cave 24 in QumranExcavator: Joseph Patrich ('97) Institution: HUJ License Nos. L-767/1997-0; L-805/1998-0Major Periods: PPNB, Rom1, Rom2Components: Flint tools; obsidian PPNB arrowhead; Rom lamp; Nabatean vessel; textiles.Remarks: L-767 - Excavated with Avi Gopher?Publication: Patrich 1994b: 90.

706 Grid Ref. 177150/129500Site Name: Kh. RaghabiniExcavators: Hanania Hizmi, Ibrahim Shrukh ('96)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-708/1995-0; L-750/1996-0Components: NDA

707 Grid Ref. 193390/129490Site Name: Cave 1 and Cave 2Excavators: Vendyl Jones ('78); Joseph Patrich ('86)Institution: Judaic Christian Institute; HUJLicense Nos. L-399/1986-0; L-405/1986-0Components: No finds.Remarks: L-399 was also used for Qumran Cave Q3 excavations; L-405 was also used for Cave of the Twins excavations.Publication: Itah et al. 2002: 171.

708 Grid Ref. 193810/129350Site Name: Cave of John Additional Name: Cave A-5Excavators: Michel Itah, Yoni KamInstitution: SOA License No. L-638/1994-0Components: Rock shelter and chamber; modern finds of a hermit.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Itah et al. 2002: 173-174.

709 Grid Ref. 193700/129300Site Name: Cave of the Twins Additional Names: Me'arat ha-Te'omot; Wadi Mazin, CaveExcavators: Pesach Bar-Adon ('76, '82-'83); Shimon Riklin (92)Institutions: HUJ; SOA

License Nos. L-38/1971-0; L-142/1976-0; L-292/1982-0; L-316/1983-0; L-405/1986-0; L-528/1992-0 Major Periods: Chal-EB, Rom, EIsComponents: Pottery; glass. Remarks: L-38 was also issued to Kh. Muqaddam.Publication: Bar-Adon 1989: 5*; 15-17.

710 Grid Ref. 172150/129250Site Name: East Talpiyot Additional Name: Ramat TalpiyotExcavator: Amit Re'emInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-2796/1998Components: Rock-hewn burial cave, fronted by a courtyard; more burial caves nearby.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 85*.

711 Grid Ref. 193400/129200Site Name: Four CavesExcavators: Yuval Baruch, Gabriel Mazor, Debora SandhausInstitution: SOA License No. L-589/1993-2 Components: Non-diagnostic pottery; animal bone.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Baruch et al. 2002: 177-178.

712 Grid Ref. 173180/129150 Site Name: Nahal Qidron Excavator: Ya'akov Meshorer ('68)Institution: IDAMPermit No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Three burial caves; ossuaries; Pontius Pilate coin.Publication: HA 27 (1968): 21.

713 Grid Ref. 172800/129100Site Name: Jebel MukabbirExcavator: Vassilios Tzaferis ('71)Institution: IDAM Permit No. NDAComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave fronted by a courtyard.Publication: Kloner 1980a: 75, (No. 12-25).

714 Grid Ref. 172200/129100Site Name: East Talpiyot, AqueductAdditional Name: Ramat TalpiyotExcavator: Ya'acov BilligInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3403/2001


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Major Periods: HelOther Periods: Rom, Byz/EIsComponents: Segment of the lower aqueduct; cistern.Publication: HA-ESI 114 (2002): 116*.

715 Grid Ref. 193500/129000Site Name: Cave and Passage B-6 Excavator: Yuval BaruchInstitution: SOALicense No. L-644/1994-0 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Cave; fenced courtyard; hearths; organic material.Publication: Baruch et al. 2002: 178.

716 Grid Ref. 173200/129000Site Name: Armon Ha-NazivExcavator: Anette NagarInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-4470/2005 Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1, Byz, MamComponents: Two winepresses; stone quarry.Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

717 Grid Ref. 172340/129000Site Name: East TalpiyotAdditional Name: Armon Ha-Naziv Promenade Excavator: Gideon SolimanyInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3227/2000 Major Periods: IA2, Rom1Components: IA2 and Rom1 Building.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

718 Grid Ref. 172610/128950 Site Name: High Commissioner's ResidenceAdditional Name: East Talpiyot Excavator: Anette Nagar Institution: IAA Permit No. A-5167/2007Components: NDA

719 Grid Ref. 174400/128900Site Name: Nahal QidronExcavator: Ofer SionInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-4148/2004Major Periods: MB, IAComponents: Isolated MB structure.

720 Grid Ref. 173150/128850

Site Name: Nof ZionAdditional Names: East Talpiyot; 'Arab es-SawahraExcavators: Zubair Adawi ('06-'07); Irina Zilberbod ('06)Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-4732/2006; A-4890/2006; A-5259/2007 Components: NDA

721 Grid Ref. 172140/128830Site Name: East Talpiyot Excavators: Orna Hess, Joe ZiasInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-900/1980Major Periods: Rom1Components: Burial cave.Publication: HA 76 (1981): 25.

722 Grid Ref. 187500/128800 Site Name: En-Nabi Musa Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-996/2004-0 Components: NDA

723 Grid Ref. 172500/128800Site Name: Lower AqueductAdditional Name: East Talpiyot Excavator: Ya'acov Billig ('90-'91)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-1749/1990; A-1773/1991 Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Byz, OttComponents: The lower aqueduct to the Temple compound.Remarks: Probes and salvage excavations of segments of the aqueduct.Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 83-85.

724 Grid Ref. 172400/128800Site Name: East TalpiyotExcavator: Joseph Gath Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-938/1980Major Periods: Rom1Components: Well-hewn burial cave; decorated gable; ten ossuaries of which six are inscribed, names include Yeshua' bar Yehosef, Mariamne; nearby: another cave; plastered rock-hewn installation.Remarks: "Jesus Familiy Tomb".Publications: Kloner 1996; HA 76 (1981): 24-25.

725 Grid Ref. 172400/128800Site Name: East TalpiyotExcavator: Amos Kloner ('81)


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Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-1050/1981 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; seven ossuaries, some painted, incised or inscribed in Greek.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 51-52.

726 Grid Ref. 193450/128750Site Name: Cave B-11 Excavator: Yehiel Zelinger Institution: SOA License No. L-660/1994-0 Major Periods: PN/Chal, Rom1Components: Natural cave; stone fence (ancient); Wadi Rabah pottery.Publication: Baruch et al. 2002: 178-179.

727 Grid Ref. 193400/128700 Site Name: Cave No. XI/14Excavator: Yuval Baruch Institution: SOA License No. L-641/1994-0Components: Cave; no finds. Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Baruch et al. 2002: 179.

728 Grid Ref. 193400/128700Site Name: Cave B-14 Excavators: Yuval Baruch, Gabriel Mazor, Debora SandhausInstitution: SOA License No. L-589/1993-2 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Cave; pottery; modern finds.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Baruch et al. 2002: 179.

729 Grid Ref. 172890/128700Site Name: East TalpiyotExcavator: Fanny VittoInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-402/1973 Components: Rock-hewn burial cave.Remarks: Spot Height 795.4.Publication: HA 46 (1973): 15.

730 Grid Ref. 193480/128680 Site Name: Cave B-15 Excavator: Yuval Baruch Institution: SOA License No. L-641/1994-0 Major Periods: EB, IA2, Rom1

Components: Cave; pottery.Publication: Baruch et al. 2002: 179.

731 Grid Ref. 193450/128600Site Name: Cave B-17Excavator: Yuval Baruch Institution: SOA License No. L-643/1994-0 Components: NDARemarks: Cave in Qumran. Not found in "Operation Scroll" survey, although it appears to be part of it.

732 Grid Ref. 174700/128600 Site Name: ‘Arab el-SawahraAdditional Name: Nahal QidronExcavator: Haim Ya'acov Barbé, Yehiel ZelingerInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3994/2003Major Periods: IA2, ByzComponents: Monastery: courtyards, industrial installations, church with polychrome mosaics, subterranean tomb complexes.Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

733 Grid Ref. 172120/128520Site Name: East TalpiyotExcavator: Joseph Gath Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-523/1975 Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; bronze objects, including a kohl stick.Publication: Kloner and Gat 1982.

734 Grid Ref. 193450/128510Site Name: Cave B-35a Excavator: Yuval Baruch ('93-'94)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-605/1993-0; L-642/1994-0Major Periods: RomComponents: Cave; pottery; textile; cordage.Publication: Baruch et al. 2002: 180.

735 Grid Ref. 171900/128510Site Name: East TalpiyotExcavator: Joseph Gath Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-1052/1981Major Periods: IA2, Rom1, ByzComponents: Cairn; structure; installations; Byz structure surrounded by a stone fence; winepress; cistern.


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Remarks: Spot Height 772.6. Publication: HA 76 (1981): 25-26.

736 Grid Ref. 193590/128450Site Name: Qumran PlateauExcavator: Randall Price ('02)Institution: Trinity Southwest University, New MexicoLicense Nos. L-943/2002-0; L-1004/2004-0; L-1029/2005-0; L-1085/2006-0 Major Periods: Rom Components: Grinding stone; bones; pottery; tabun.Remarks: South of the 1994 "Operation Scroll" excavations and north of Magen's excavation of the western edge of the plateau. Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

737 Grid Ref. 172000/128400 Site Name: East TalpiyotExcavator: Joseph Gath Institution: IDAM Permit No. A-1102/1982Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Rom2, ByzOther Periods: IA2Components: Complex of conduits, pits and plastered installations around a cistern; rock-hewn square pool; another cistern; mosaic floors; winepress.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 51-52.

738 Grid Ref. 171910/128390Site Name: East TalpiyotExcavators: Joseph Gath, Amos KlonerInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-995/1980Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; at least 22 ossuaries, many ornamented and inscribed in Hebrew and Greek; bronze kohl stick.Remarks: Also excavated in 1981-1982. Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 51-52.

739 Grid Ref. 193350/128380Site Name: CaveExcavator: Gabriel Mazor Institution: SOA License No. L-606/1993-0Major Periods: Rom1, MamComponents: Natural cave; hearth; organic material; animal bones.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publication: Baruch et al. 2002: 180-181.

740 Grid Ref. 172030/128360

Site Name: East TalpiyotExcavator: Joseph GathInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-613/1976Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rock-hewn burial cave; two rock-hewn shaft tombs. Publication: Kloner and Gat 1982 (Cave II).

741 Grid Ref. 172270/128210Site Name: East TalpiyotExcavator: Gershon EdelsteinInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-625/1976 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Three rock-hewn burial caves; tunnel - part of an underground hiding complex; three piriform juglets; two alabaster juglets; two glass juglets.Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 110*.

742 Grid Ref. 169010/128110 Site Name: Beit SafafaExcavator: Nurit Feig Institution: IAA Permit No. A-1931/1992 Major Periods: IA2, ByzOther Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Large IA2 winepress and rock-cut installations, with intact bowls, stamped lamelekh handle, 24-sheqel weight, horse figurine; Byz farmhouse with pottery, glass, coins.Publications: Feig 1996: 6-7; Feig 2003; Kletter 2003; ESI 14 (1995): 99-102.

743 Grid Ref. 168550/128050 Site Name: Beit Safafa (west)Excavators: Boas Zissu, Haim MoyalInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-2429/1996Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Cemetery: dozens of rock-cut tombs; ossuary; iron nails; wood pieces; glass bottles and bracelet; rock-hewn cistern; human skeletal remains.Remarks: Tombs may reflect Essene tradition; 41 of 50 tombs excavated. Publications: Zissu 1996, 1998; ESI 18 (1998): 94-95.

744 Grid Ref. 172000/128000 Site Name: El-MukabbarExcavator: 'Azmi Halil Institution: SOA License No. L-8/1968-1Components: NDA


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745 Grid Ref. 172250/127930 Site Name: Armon Ha-NazivAdditional Names: East Talpiyot; Ras 'AtrashExcavators: Joseph Gath ('79); Zubair Adawi ('02)Institutions: IDAM; IAA Permit Nos. A-852/1979; A-3656/2002 Major Periods: Rom2, ByzComponents: Byz oil press in a rock-hewn rectangular cave; glass vessels; Byz ornamented Terra Sigillata bowl.Publications: Edelstein and Gath 1980; Gath 1980; HA 72 (1979): 29-30.

746 Grid Ref. 184540/127910Site Name: Kh. ez-ZaraniqExcavator: Joseph Patrich ('83-'84) Institution: HUJ License Nos. L-325/1983-0; L-352/1984-0Major Periods: ByzComponents: Rectangular anchorite cell - belongs to the Laura of Jeremias (Cell 1).Publications: Patrich 1989a: 92-101; 1990.

747 Grid Ref. 166890/127750Site Name: ‘En Ya‘elAdditional Names: 'Ain Yalu; ‘Emeq Refa'imExcavators: Gershon Edelstein ('82, '84, '86-'88); Gershon Edelstein, Harley Stark ('91); Shimon Gibson; Rafa‘ Abu Raya, Miguel Weisman ('94); Miguel Weisman ('94); Rina Avner ('02)Institutions: IDAM; IAAPermit Nos. A-1131/1982; A-1141/1982; A-1267/1984-01; A-1376/1985; A-1441/1986; A-1480/1987; A-1487/1987; A-1526/1988-01; A-1568/1988; G-77/1991; A-2143/1994; A-2170/1994; A-3654/2002 Major Periods: Hel, RomOther Periods: IA2, Byz, EIs, MedComponents: Rom villa; agricultural complex; decorative mosaic floors; architectural elements; baths; structures; oil press; tunnel; irrigation system; agricultural terraces.Remarks: Excavation, restoration and conservation works.Publications: Gibson and Edelstein 1985: 139-143; Edelstein 1993; ESI 3 (1985): 52; ESI 5 (1987): 30-33; ESI 7-8 (1990): 54-57; HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

748 Grid Ref. 193650/127650Site Name: Kh. Qumran Excavators: Yigael Yadin, Joseph Patrich ('84, '88); Yigael Yadin, Joseph Patrich / Joseph Patrich, Benny Arubas ('90); Yehiel Zelinger ('92); Amir Drori, Yitzhak Magen ('93); Yuval Peleg ('96); Yitzhak Magen, Yuval

Peleg ('97); Baruch Safrai ('98)Institutions: HUJ; SOA; HAILicense Nos. L-338/1984-0; L-353/1984-0; L-443/1988-0; L-447/1988-0; L-474/1990-0; L-539/1992-0; L-590/1993-0; L-748/1996-0; L-758/1997-0; L-788/1998-0; L-837/1999-0; L-865/1999-0; L-922/2001-0; L-933/2001-0; L-935/2001-0; L-942/2002-0; L-975/2003-0; L-990/2003-0; L-9Major Periods: IA2, Hel, RomOther Periods: PPNB, Chal, Byz, EIsComponents: IA finds: structures; lamelekh seal impressions; ostracon with Hebrew inscription; pottery vessels; Hel and Rom finds: structures; pools; ritual baths; Hel and Rom coins; cemetery with about 1100 burials; sixth and seventh cent. caves.Remarks: L-353 = L-338; In SOA license list, L-353 was issued to "Judean Desert - Caves" (Survey); L-443 and L-447 – issued also for Qumran caves. Some caves were excavated by École Biblique; L-837 was issued to another site: Mizpeh Jericho, 1869/1371.Publications: de Vaux 1973; Patrich and Arubas 1989a, 1989b; Eshel and Greenhut 1993; Humbert and Chambon 1994; Jones 1995; Schiffman et al. 2000; Rapuano 2001; Eshel et al. 2002; Magness 2002, 2007; Eshel and Broshi 2003; Humbert and Gunneweg 2003; Hirschfeld 2004a; Schultz 2006; Magen and Peleg 2007; Stacy 2007; ESI 13 (1995): 61-64; ESI 18 (1998): 84; ESI 20 (2000): 134*.

749 Grid Ref. 193550/127650 Site Name: Cave Q-5Excavator: Hanania Hizmi Institution: SOA License No. L-476/1990-0Components: NDA

750 Grid Ref. 195500/127600Site Name: Cave Q-3Excavator: Vendyl Jones ('78) Institution: NDALicense No. L-399/1986-0 Components: NDA

751 Grid Ref. 193050/127600Site Name: Cave B-61Excavators: Fawzi Ibrahim, Nadav HameiriInstitution: SOALicense No. L-647/1994-0Major Periods: Hel, Byz, MamComponents: Natural cave; pottery; olive pits; textile; cord; worked leather.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors. Excavated in the past, prob. by de Vaux.Publication: Ibrahim and Hameiri 2002.


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752 Grid Ref. 171700/127600 Site Name: Sur Bahir – Railway Road Additional Name: East Talpiyot (southwest)Excavators: Natalia Naomi May ('94); Gideon Solimany ('01)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-2214/1994; A-3505/2001 Major Periods: HelComponents: Burial caves; cisterns; ritual bath; winepress; oil press.Publication: HA-ESI 113 (2001): 92*-94*.

753 Grid Ref. 165980/127570 Site Name: El-Hanniya Additional Names: Ruus el-Hanniya; WalajaExcavator: Yehuda DaganInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-5004/2007 Major Periods: OttComponents: Three watch-booths; rock-hewn cistern and installations; Ott limekiln; building remains.

754 Grid Ref. 193650/127550Site Name: Cave Q-9 Excavator: Joseph Patrich Institution: HAI License No. L-481/1990-0 Major Periods: Rom Components: Cave; Rom pottery. Remarks: ESI coordinates: 1935/1310. Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 64.

755Grid Ref. 193450/127550Site Name: Cave Q-4Excavators: Hanania Hizmi, Aubrey RichardsonInstitution: SOALicense No. L-449/1989-0Components: NDA

756 Grid Ref. 193500/127500 Site Name: Qumran, CavesExcavators: Hanan Eshel, Magen Broshi ('96)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-734; L-735/1996-0; L-736/1996-0Major Periods: Rom1Components: Several caves; pottery; coins; nails.Remarks: Area north of Kh. Qumran.Publication: Broshi and Eshel 1999.

757 Grid Ref. 169610/127500 Site Name: Kh. Tabaliya (northwest)

Additional Name: Giv'at Ha-Matos Excavator: Daniel Weiss Institution: IAA Permit No. A-2762/1997 Components: Rock-hewn upper aqueduct segment.Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 105*.

758 Grid Ref. 192880/127490Site Name: Cave B-49Excavator: Fawzi Ibrahim Institution: SOALicense No. L-610/1993-0Major Periods: IA, Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: Cave; pottery; textiles; cord; leather.Remarks: Excavated in the past, prob. by de Vaux. Excavated by surveyor.Publication: Ibrahim 2002a.

759 Grid Ref. 190117/127416 Site Name: Cave B-52Excavators: Rudolf Cohen, Yigal YisraeliInstitution: SOA License No. L-608/1993-0 Major Periods: RomComponents: Cave; pottery; animal bonesRemarks: Excavated in the past, prob. by de Vaux. Publication: Cohen and Yisrael 2002.

760 Grid Ref. 190117/127416 Site Name: Rock Shelter B-53Excavators: Rudolf Cohen, Yigal YisraeliInstitution: SOA License No. L-608/1993-0Components: Rock shelter; animal bones; charcoal.Publication: Cohen and Yisrael 2002.

761 Grid Ref. 173230/127350 Site Name: Kh. Umm LeisunExcavators: Jon Seligman, Rafa' Abu Raya ('96); Jon Seligman ('02); Ofer Sion ('03); Jon Seligman, Taufik Deadle ('03-'04)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-2567/1996; A-3700/2002; A-4060/2003; A-4062/2003; A-4098/2004Major Periods: IA2, Rom, Byz, EIs, Mam, OttComponents: Church: mosaic-paved floors; roof tiles; marble; rock cuttings; cisterns; caves; cupmarks; rock-hewn pressing installation; ancient road.Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 72*.

762 Grid Ref. 169720/127270 Site Name: Et-Tabalieh


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Additional Names: Giv'at Ha-Matos; Spot Height 813.2Excavators: Elena Kogan-Zehavi ('91); Ya'acov Billig ('92)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. G-112/1991; A-1879/1992 Major Periods: Rom, ByzOther Periods: IA, MamComponents: Circular structure with Anchorite burial; Rom tombs, structures; Byz structures, quarry, limekiln.Publications: Kogan-Zehavi 1998, 2000, 2003; ESI 13 (1995): 85-89.

763 Grid Ref. 191250/127250Site Name: Cave B-53 Excavators: Rudolf Cohen, Yigal YisraeliInstitution: SOA License No. L-608/1993-0Major Periods: PPN, PN, Rom1, EIsOther Periods: EB Components: Cave with two pillars; pottery; Byblos arrowheads; mat; ropes.Publication: Cohen and Yisrael 2002.

764 Grid Ref. 167250/127150 Site Name: GilloExcavator: Amos KlonerInstitution: IDAM Permit No. A-1022/1981Major Periods: Hel, RomComponents: Rock-hewn burial cave: skeletal remains, pottery vessels - Hasmonean and Herodian.Publication: ESI 1 (1984): 52.

765 Grid Ref. 171700/127050 Site Name: Lower Aqueduct Excavator: Zubair Adawi Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3487/2001Components: Lower aqueduct segment.Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

766 Grid Ref. 171490/126990 Site Name: Lower Aqueduct Additional Name: Sur Bahir Excavator: Yonatan Nadelman ('97-'98)Institution: IAA Permit Nos. A-2616/1997; A-2862/1998Components: Lower aqueduct segments.

767 Grid Ref. 170245/126945Site Name: The Kathisma ChurchAdditional Names: Mar Elias; Giv'at Ha-Arba'aExcavators: Rina Avner ('92, '97, '00); Rina Avner, Irena

Giakoumaki ('99)Institutions: IAA, University of AthensPermit Nos. A-1895/1992; A-2753/1997; G-140/1999; A-3276/2000 Major Periods: Byz, EIsComponents: Octagonal church; mosaic floors; coins; later converted into a mosque.Publications: Avner 2008; ESI 13 (1995): 89-92; ESI 20 (2000): 101*-103*; HA-ESI 113 (2001): 89*-92*; HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

768 Grid Ref. 192920/126900 Site Name: Cave B-56 Additional Name: Cave of the Ibex Excavator: Fawzi Ibrahim Institution: SOA License No. L-658/1994-0Major Periods: Nat, IA, HelComponents: Cave; pottery; Natufian flint lunate; glass; cloth; ropes.Remarks: Traces of illicit digging. Excavated by surveyor.Publication: Ibrahim 2002b

769 Grid Ref. 167100/126900Site Name: Gillo Excavator: Shlomit Weksler-BdolahInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-1954/1993 Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom, Byz, EIs, Mam, Cru, OttComponents: Ancient installations; wall segments; caves; several winepresses; plastered pool; quarries; Ott pipes; Hel, Rom, Mam, Cru and Ott coins.Publication: Weksler-Bdolah 1998.

770 Grid Ref. 170700/126850 Site Name: Mar Elias Additional Name: Mar Ilyas Monastery Excavator: Daniel Weiss Institution: IAAPermit No. A-3185/2000Major Periods: Rom, OttComponents: Segment of lower aqueduct to Jerusalem.Publication: HA-ESI 114 (2002): 116*-117*.

771 Grid Ref. 170760/126620Site Name: Giv‘at Homa Additional Name: Giv'at Ha-Arba'a (east)Excavator: Natalia Naomi May ('95) Institution: IAA Permit No. NDA Major Periods: IA2, Rom, ByzComponents: Structures; rectangular pillar house; small


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plastered rock-hewn winepress; square structure; glass vessels; metal objects.Publication: ESI 19 (1999): 65*-66*.

772 Grid Ref. 167810/126470Site Name: Gillo Additional Name: H. Bet ArzaExcavator: Amihai Mazar ('78-'84)Institution: IDAM Permit Nos. A-753/1978; A-818/1979; A-1003/1980; A-1274/1984Major Periods: IA1, Rom, Byz, MedOther Periods: IA2c, Rom1/Rom2, OttComponents: Excavated IA1 enclosure: houses, courtyards, boundary wall; massive tower; IA2 square tower; Byz or Med building remains; limekiln; burial caves; two ritual baths.Publications: A. Mazar 1981a, 1990; HA 65-66 (1978): 40-41; HA 74-75 (1980): 23-24; HA-ESI 111 (2000): 67*.

773 Grid Ref. 171800/126400 Site Name: Kh. Umm TubaAdditional Name: Metopa Excavators: Anna Eirich-Rose ('05); Emanuel Eisenberg ('06); Zubair Adawi ('06-'07Institution: IAAPermit Nos. A-4759/2006; A-4933/2006; A-5126/2007 Major Periods: IA2 [Rom, Byz, EIs, Med]Components: [Village with Byz structural remains; possible monastery]; excavations of winepress and of IA2 fort to west of village (Eisenberg '06).Publications: Eirich-Rose 2007; HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

774 Grid Ref. 168780/126400 Site Name: Sheluhat Refa'im Excavator: Fanny Vitto Institution: IAA Permit No. A-2095/1994 Major Periods: Hel/RomComponents: Rock-hewn winepress; agricultural terrace wall; burial cave; modern cistern.Publication: ESI 15 (1996): 131.

775 Grid Ref. 162800/126400 Site Name: Kh. el-YahudiyaAdditional Names: Battir; Betar Excavators: Ze'ev Yeivin ('75); David Ussishkin ('84)Institutions: SOA; TAU License Nos. L-114/1975-0; L-356/1984-0; L-892/2000-0; L-1060/2005-0; L-1062/2005-0; L-1124/2007-0 Major Periods: RomOther Periods: MB, IA1, IA2, Per, Hel

Components: Tell; MB structures; IA (?) fortress; Rom1 structures; fortifications; siege system; Rom camp; arrowheads; sling-stones.Remarks: Large scale excavations 2006-2007 by SOA - Y. Magen (?). Publications: Ussishkin 1992, 1993; Singer 1993.

776 Grid Ref. 193300/126300 Site Name: The Springs Area: Qumran and FeshkhaExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDA License Nos. L-679/1994-0; L-693/1994-0Components: NDARemarks: Location is exactly between Qumran and Feshkha, therefore the licenses were probably issued for those two sites or for sites in this area, and not necessarily for this exact location.

777 Grid Ref. 164350/126250Site Name: Kh. Abu ShawanAdditional Name: Walaja – Bethlehem Bypass RoadExcavator: Yuval Baruch Institution: SOA License No. L-718/1995-0Major Periods: EB3, IA2Other Periods: Per, Rom1, Rom2, MedComponents: Fortified tell at southern part of the site; EB3 fortification; cisterns; caves; IA2 farmstead; rock-cut winepress; columbarium; burial caves.Remarks: Spot Height 797.Publications: Baruch 2007b; HA-ESI 113 (2001): 95*-97*.

778 Grid Ref. 172200/126200Site Name: Umm Tuba Additional Names: Wadi Derajeh; Nahal Deragot Excavator: Edna Ayash Institution: IAAPermit No. A-4797/2006Major Periods: IA2Components: IA2 dwelling cave.

779 Grid Ref. 169000/126000 Site Name: Deir Tantur Additional Name: Bet Lehem (north)Excavator: Irina ZilberbodInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3868/2003Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1Components: Buildings; installations; Hel and Rom1 columbarium cave; watch booth; storage cave.Remarks: Excavated due to construction of the separation wall.


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Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

780 Grid Ref. 171050/125900Site Name: Giv‘at HomaAdditional Name: Spot Height 774 Excavator: Natalia Naomi MayInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-2319/1995Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: IA2 Components: Byz monastery: chapel; rooms; courtyard; mosaic pavements; rock-hewn circular cistern; rock-hewn winepress.Remarks: Excavated in 1952 by V. Corbo.Publication: ESI 19 (1999): 65*-66*.

781 Grid Ref. 184200/125800Site Name: Monastery of the CaveAdditional Names: Bir el Qattar; Coenobium and Laura of St. SabasExcavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJLicense No. L-331/1983-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: 'Monastery of the Cave' (Spelaion) complex built on three levels; gardens in wadi; related remains - a structure, paths, aqueducts and reservoirs, stone fences, quarries and limekilns nearby.Publications: Meshel 1984a; Patrich 1990-1993, 1991.

782 Grid Ref. 168120/125750Site Name: GilloExcavator: Ofer SionInstitution: IAAPermit No. A-3678/2002Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Columbarium cave; farming terraces; nearby: agricultural installations, quarries and burial caves.Publication: HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).

783Grid Ref. 165750/125750Site Name: Har Gillo (west)Excavators: Yuval Peleg, Yaron FellerInstitution: SOA License No. L-802/1998-0Major Periods: IA2, EIsComponents: Burial cave.Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004) (Online).

784 Grid Ref. 171140/125666 Site Name: Giv‘at Homa

Excavator: Keren Ben-Or Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3882/2003 Components: Rock-hewn winepress.Publication: HA-ESI 120 (2008) (Online).

785 Grid Ref. 168400/125620Site Name: GilloExcavator: Irina ZilberbodInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3776/2002Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rom1 burial cave; winepress.Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online)

786 Grid Ref. 168670/125580Site Name: Kh. el-KhamisExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-953/2002-0Major Periods: Rom2, ByzComponents: Foundations; caves; cisterns; rock-hewn winepresses; tesserae; Rom burial cave with decorated stone door.

787 Grid Ref. 184780/125560 Site Name: Nahal SekhakhaExcavator: Oren Gutfeld ('00-'05)Institutions: SOA; HUJ License Nos. L-891/2000-0; L-918/2001-0; L-955/2002-0; L-976/2003-0; L-1006/2004-0; L-1032/2005-0; L-1072/2005-0; L-1113/2007-0Major Periods: IA2, RomComponents: Diagonal stepped shaft and tunnel of unknown purpose.Publication: Gutfeld 2008: 1788.

788 Grid Ref. 192500/125500 Site Name: Cave C-7Excavators: Nir Tal, Gershon OronInstitution: SOA License No. L-614/1993-0Major Periods: PPNB, PN, Chal, EB1, IA, Hel, Rom1, Byz, EIsComponents: Cave; terrace; niche; two flint spearheads; fan scraper; pottery; rope; braid; knife; two coins.Remarks: Excavated by surveyors.Publications: Tal and Oron 2002: 188-189; Tal et al. 2002.

789 Grid Ref. 168500/125500 Site Name: Kh. el-Khamis


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Excavator: Irina ZilberbodInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-4154/2004 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Masonry; tesserae; Byz pottery, coin.Remarks: Excavated range: 168-169/125-126.Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).

790 Grid Ref. 169950/125450Site Name: Deir Tantur (Lower Aqueduct)Excavator: Ofer SionInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-3745/2002Major Periods: Rom1, OttComponents: Lower Rom aqueduct; Ott pipe.Publication: HA-ESI 118 (2006) (Online).

791 Grid Ref. 169000/125370Site Name: Jerusalem – Bethlehem RoadExcavator: Amit Re'em Institution: IAA Permit No. A-3636/2002 Components: Ancient road.

792 Grid Ref. 184700/125140Site Name: Hyrcania Additional Names: Kh. Mird; Qastelium; Spot Height 248Excavators: Ze'ev Meshel ('73, '85); Joseph Feldman ('76)Institutions: TAU; SOALicense Nos. L-77/1973-0; L-133/1976-0; L-387/1985-0; L-889/2000-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, ByzComponents: Hasmonean fortress; ca. 20 cisterns and reservoirs; aqueduct; Herodian cemetery; Byz monastery of Castellion on its ruins; Oval Byz burial cave; remains of circumvallation with watchtowers.Remarks: L-77 - Same license for Kyprus excavations; L-133 - trial excavation, water supply system; L-387 - Same license for Qarn Sartaba?Publications: Ilan 1971: 158-175; Feldman 1974; Naveh 1974: Pl. XV:8; Meshel 1984a; Patrich 1989a: 113-120; 1989b; Garbrecht and Peleg 1994.

793 Grid Ref. 169250/125050Site Name: Bethlehem, AqueductExcavators: Uri Dinur, Zion Shabbatai, Shmuel Tsfania, A. Salah; Mikel Dadon ('90); Yuval Peleg, Ibrahim Shrukh ('98)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-471/1990-0; L-801/1998-0Major Periods: Rom Other Periods: Ott Components: Upper and lower aqueducts to Jerusalem.

Remarks: Also excavated by Bagatti and Alliata, for the Franciscan Fathers.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 89*.

794 Grid Ref. 171250/124950 Site Name: Kh. Umm el-'AsafirAdditional Names: Jebel ed Dikk; Umm el-'AsfiExcavator: Shahar Batz Institution: SOA License No. L-956/2002-0 Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, ByzOther Periods: [IA2c, EIs]Components: [Church; roof tiles; many tesserae; lintel; foundations of ancient walls; rock cuttings; rock-hewn winepress nearby]; Rom1 ritual bath; Rom2 bath-house; caves; Byz podium.Publication: Batz 2003b.

795 Grid Ref. 192900/124900Site Name: ‘Ein FeshkhaExcavator: Yizhar Hirschfeld ('01)Institution: HUJ License Nos. L-919/2001-0; L-920/2001-0Major Periods: IA2, Rom1Components: Rom1 main building; industrial complex and square enclosure (villa rustica); IA2 tower.Remarks: Excavated by de Vaux in '56 and '58.Publication: Hirschfeld 2004b (final report).

796 Grid Ref. 168000/124900Site Name: Kh. en-Najjar (Beit Jala)Excavators: Hanania Hizmi, Zion Shabtai ('88)Institution: SOA License No. NDAComponents: Oil press; ritual bath. Publication: Hizmi and Shabtai 1997a.

797 Grid Ref. 187100/124800Site Name: Kh. es-Samara Additional Name: Kh. Karm Abu et-TabaqExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-75/1972-0 Components: NDA

798 Grid Ref. 170200/124600Site Name: Jebel Butros Additional Name: BethlehemExcavator: Yuval Baruch, Ibrahim ShrukhInstitution: IAA Permit No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1, Byz, Med


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Components: Agricultural terraces; several watchtowers; cisterns; caves; cuttings in the bedrock; winepress; burial cave.Publication: HA-ESI 111 (2000): 74*-75*.

799Grid Ref. 161600/124600 Site Name: Betar Forest Excavator: Yuval BaruchInstitution: SOALicense No. L-710/1995-0 Major Periods: IA2, Per, HelComponents: Four fieldtowers.Publication: ESI 20 (2000): 104*.

800 Grid Ref. 161600/124100Site Name: Kh. JarishExcavator: David AmitInstitution: SOALicense No. L-461/1990-0 Major Periods: IA(2), PerOther Periods: Rom Components: Late IA village; perimeter wall; 12 structures; cistern; three IA2 farmsteads nearby.Publications: ESI 9 (1991): 157-158; ESI 10 (1992): 147-148.

801 Grid Ref. 193430/123910 Site Name: Scroll Cave (B35b)Additional Name: "Scroll Cave" Q2Excavator: Gabriel Mazor Institution: SOALicense No. L-606/1993-0 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Large cave; niches; pottery; organic material.Remarks: Another cave called Q2 is located at 19325/12875 (IAA no. 6219/0).Publication: Baruch et al. 2002: 180-181.

802 Grid Ref. 171900/123900Site Name: Shepherds' FieldAdditional Names: Siyar el-Ghanam; Beit SahurExcavator: Vassilios TzaferisInstitutions: Greek Patriarchate, SOALicense No. L-71/1972-0Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: EIs, MedComponents: Byz church and monastery; mosaic floor; the "Shepherds Cave", with mosaic floors; chapel; cemetery; Byz basilica.Remarks: Located inside the Palestinian village Beit Sahur.Publications: Tzaferis 1973a, 1973b, 1975: 49-50; 1993;

HA 44 (1972): 24-25.

803 Grid Ref. 160400/123800Site Name: Kh. KhamaseAdditional Name: Hadar Betar Excavator: David Amit Institution: SOA License No. L-460/1990-0 Major Periods: Cru-Mam, OttComponents: Many structures; fences; caves; cisterns; Ott village. Publication: ESI 10 (1992): 148-149.

804 Grid Ref. 165800/123600Site Name: Tunnel Road (south)Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1064/2005-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

805Grid Ref. 169800/123500 Site Name: BethlehemExcavators: Uri Dinur, Zion Shabbatai, Shmuel Tsfania, A. Salah; Yehiel Zelinger ('93)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-556/1993-0; L-565/1993-0; L-712/1995-0 Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz, Med [IA2]Other Periods: [Chal, EB, IA1, Per, Hel, Ott]Components: [Agricultural terraces; several watchtowers; cisterns; dwelling and burial caves; winepress]; upper aqueduct to Jerusalem (excavated by Dadon and Zelinger); "David's Wells": Byz tomb, Med Structures (excavated by Bagatti).Remarks: Also excavated by Bagatti and Alliata, for the Franciscan Fathers. Publications: Bagatti and Alliata 1980; Dadon and Zelinger 1997; ESI 5 (1987): 15-16.

806 Grid Ref. 164720/123500Site Name: el-Khadr (Road 60)Additional Names: Rujm Khadr; Highway 60 Solomon's pools bypassExcavators: Ibrahim Abu-Ammar, Yuval Baruch ('94)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-673/1994-0; L-689/1994-0Major Periods: Per, Rom1, Rom2Other Periods: HelComponents: Cairn; burial cave; cisterns; winepresses; quarries and many burial caves around; rectangular enclosure, prob. the Rom campRemarks: St. George church.


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807 Grid Ref. 171700/123400Site Name: Beit SahurExcavators: Zion Shavit ('84); Uri Dinur ('86); Ibrahim Abu-Ammar, Ayal Aronshtam ('96)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-376/1984-0; L-407/1986-0; L-751/1996-0 Major Periods: Chal, EB1Other Periods: MB2b Components: Site; settlement and burial caves; MB2b burial cave. Remarks: Previously excavated by Hennessy (salvage excavations); MB cave was discovered in 1970, but not excavated.Publication: HA 34-35 (1970): 12.

808Grid Ref. 159300/123300Site Name: Wadi f*ckinExcavator: Shahar BatzInstitution: SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: RomComponents: Burial cave; forecourt; bone repository; kokh; three ossuaries.Publication: HA-ESI 117 (2005) (Online).

809 Grid Ref. 166500/123200Site Name: Kh. KabarAdditional Names: Beit Jala; Khallat Abu SeifExcavators: Ibrahim Abu-Ammar, Yuval Baruch ('94); Yuval Baruch, Ibrahim Shrukh ('94-'95)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-674/1994-0; L-694/1994-0; L-698/1995-0Major Periods: Per, Rom1, Rom2, ByzComponents: Rom fortress 50x80 m; Byz structure 12x30 m; Per structure; two rock-cut looted tombs; sherds with Aramaic letters; glass seal; installations; tombs.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-694 was issued to en-Nebi Samwil.Publications: Baruch 2006a (final publication); ESI 16 (1997): 113; HA-ESI 113 (2001): 97*.

810 Grid Ref. 186000/123100 Site Name: Karm el-'Ajaz – Maghar et-TabqaExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-123/1975-0 Components: NDA

811 Grid Ref. 161000/123000Site Name: Betar ‘Illit (west)

Excavators: Yuval Peleg, Yaron Feller ('98)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-809/1998-0; L-939/2002-0Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1Components: Thirteen field towers; animal pens; winepresses.Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004): 52*-54*.

812 Grid Ref. 160800/123000Site Name: Kh. Sabur Excavator: NDA Institution: SOALicense No. L-1053/2005-0Components: NDA

813 Grid Ref. 172820/122800Site Name: Cave Additional Names: Beit Sahur; Shepherds' Field; ShedmaExcavator: Shahar Batz Institution: SOA License No. L-951/2002-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Byz burial cave.Remarks: According to SOA license list, this license belongs to a site called Shedma, located at 1773/1235.Publication: Batz 2003c.

814 Grid Ref. 171300/122200 Site Name: Kh. Beit Bassa Additional Names: Kh. el-Bedd; Bir Beit BassaExcavators: Yuval Baruch, Ibrahim SrukhInstitution: SOA License No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1 [Hel, Byz, Mam]Components: [Structural remains; cisterns; winepresses; aqueducts; other carved installations]; Rom1 burial cave and ritual bath excavated.Publication: ESI 18 (1998): 98.

815 Grid Ref. 165825/122025Site Name: ‘Ein es-SalahExcavators: Binyamin Frankel, Zvi ShamirInstitution: SOA License No. L-233/1979-0 Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Pottery by concentration of milestones.

816Grid Ref. 172000/122000Site Name: Beit Sahur - Shedma CampExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA


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License No. L-83/1973-0Components: NDA

817 Grid Ref. 191800/121800Site Name: Cave C-5 Excavator: Yehiel ZelingerInstitution: SOA License No. L-661/1994-0Components: Cave; animal pen; non-diagnostic pottery; modern finds.Remarks: Cave in Qumran.Publication: Tal and Oron 2002: 190, 192.

818Grid Ref. 166500/121500Site Name: El-‘Atan Additional Name: ‘Ein el-‘AtanExcavator: Mikel Dadon Institution: SOA License No. L-462/1990-0Major Periods: RomComponents: Burial cave dated to first cent. B.C.E. - first cent. C.E.; ossuaries.Remarks: Coordinates according to ESI and 'Atiqot: 1671/1232.Publications: Dadon 1997c; ESI 9 (1991): 156-157.

819 Grid Ref. 165400/121400Site Name: Kh. el-‘Aliya Excavators: Mikel Dadon ('91); Yuval Peleg ('99)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-511/1991-0; L-711/1995-0; L-827/1998-0; L-845/1999-0; L-862/1999-0Major Periods: Hel-Rom1, Rom2, ByzComponents: Six burial caves - part of the cemetery of Kh. 'Alya; oil lamps; ossuary fragments; glass vessels; beads; coins. Remarks: L-862 - Salvage excavation of burial caves.Publication: Peleg 2003.

820Grid Ref. 192000/121100Site Name: Qasr el-Yahud Additional Names: Wadi Mazin; Kh. Mazin; Qasr er-Rab'iExcavators: Pesach Bar-Adon ('71, '74, '76); Hanania Hizmi ('96)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-753/1996-0; L-944/2002-0Major Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: Fortress 28x42 m; lintels; two plastered water cisterns; wood; decorated plaster; coins (Yannai, Great Revolt); cave in Wadi Mazin.Publications: Bar-Adon 1989: 18-29 (Hebrew; English summary: 5*).

821Grid Ref. 165700/120900Site Name: Efrat – Giv‘at Ha-TamarExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-859/1999-0Components: NDA

822 Grid Ref. 190900/120500Site Name: Kidron Site (south)Additional Name: Nahal Kidron Excavator: Uzi Dahari Institution: SOA License No. L-593/1993-0 Major Periods: Rom1Other Periods: PPN/PN, Byz, UmaComponents: Seventeen cells and structures scattered across four terraces; stone walls; pottery; many coins (Great Revolt, Rom, Byz); courtyards; hearth; flint tools.Remarks: Excavated by surveyor.Publication: Dahari 2002: 209-214.

823Grid Ref. 175700/120200Site Name: El-Ma'asia: West FortExcavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJ License No. NDA Major Periods: RomComponents: Fort.Remarks: Upper Nahal Deragot; trial excavation, October 1984, during the caves survey in the area.Publication: ESI 4 (1986): 62-63.

824 Grid Ref. 175900/120000Site Name: El-Ma'asia: East FortExcavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJ License No. NDA Major Periods: RomComponents: Fort.Remarks: Upper Nahal Deragot; trial excavation, October 1984, during the caves survey in the area.Publication: ESI 4 (1986): 62-63.

825 Grid Ref. 174800/120000Site Name: El-Ma'asia CaveExcavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJ License No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel, RomComponents: Cave; Rom pottery, lamp; wooden comb; olive pits; basket handles; mats; glass; uninscribed parchment; textiles; bronze vessels; jewel box; Yannai


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coins; baby's leather sandal; many human bones; water cistern; limekiln.Remarks: Upper Nahal Deragot; trial excavation, October 1984, during the caves survey in the area.Publications: Patrich 1986; ESI 4 (1986): 62-63.

826 Grid Ref. 155150/119950 Site Name: Shuqfan es-SusAdditional Name: El-Jab'a - Bypass (Separation Barrier)Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1077/2006-0Components: Karstic cave.

827Grid Ref. 161500/119750Site Name: Kh. Beit Zakariya Additional Names: Rosh Zurim; En-Nabi ZakariyaExcavators: Yuval Peleg, Yaron Feller ('98-'99)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-813/1998-0; L-836/1999-0Major Periods: Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, MamOther Periods: IA2c, Med, (Ott)Components: Three Rom1 rock-cut burial caves (excavated); church: columns, capitals, chancel screen; oil press?; modern mosque on church remains; limekiln.Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004): 56*.

828 Grid Ref. 190600/119650 Site Name: Amnon's CaveExcavator: Ya'acov SharvitInstitution: SOA License No. L-645/1994-0 Major Periods: ChalOther Periods: Rom, Byz, EIsComponents: Cave; pottery; mat; olive pits.Publication: Dahari 2002: 214-215.

829 Grid Ref. 159680/119600Site Name: Kh. JamjumExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA (Not SOA)License No. L-1030/2005-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, ByzOther Periods: Rom2, MedComponents: Fortress (?); built enclosure 50x50 m; cisterns; caves.

830 Grid Ref. 158500/119450Site Name: Kh. Abu et-TuweinExcavators: Amihai Mazar, Zecharia Kallai ('74); Amihai Mazar ('75)Institution: HUJ

License Nos. L-102/1974-0; L-121/1975-0Major Periods: IA2Components: IA2b fortress and dwelling structures.Publications: A. Mazar 1974, 1981b; HA 51-52 (1974): 26-27; HA 56 (1975): 32.

831Grid Ref. 172900/119300Site Name: Herodium Additional Names: The Palace-Fortress; Herodion; Har Hordos; Kh. Firdaus; Kh. Jebel FureidisExcavators: Gideon Foerster ('68-'69); Ehud Netzer ('73-'75)Institutions: National Parks Authority; HUJLicense Nos. L-9/1968-0; L-120/1975-0 Major Periods: Rom1Components: Peristyle court; entrance corridor; cisterns; tunnels. Remarks: Previously excavated by Corbo in the 1950s and in 1962-1967.Publications: Foerster 1969, 1970, 1993; Netzer 1976-1977; Netzer and Arazi 1985; HA 28-29 (1969): 36; HA 30 (1969): 27-28; HA 54-55 (1975): 25-26.

832 Grid Ref. 162850/119200Site Name: Alon ShevutAdditional Names: Kh. el-Habun; Jebel el-HabunExcavator: David AmitInstitution: SOALicense No. L-480/1990-0 Major Periods: IA1, Rom, Byz, Med, OttComponents: IA structure; Rom1 ritual bath; glass vessels. Remarks: License was also issued to a site "Between Alon Shevut and El'azar" (1635/1185).Publications: Amit 1999; ESI 14 (1995): 111-112; ESI 20 (2000): 115*-117*.

833 Grid Ref. 173000/119100 Site Name: Lower Herodium Additional Names: Herodion; Har Hordos; Kh. Firdaus; Kh. Jebel FureidisExcavators: Ze'ev Yeivin, Ehud Netzer ('72); Ehud Netzer ('73-'07)Institutions: HUJ; SOALicense Nos. L-65/1972-0; L-143/1976-0; L-182/1978-0; L-222/1979-0; L-251/1980-0; L-310/1982-0; L-326/1983-0; L-386/1985-0; L-582/1993-0; L-755/1997-0; L-785/1998-0; L-834/1999-0; L-904/2000-0; L-1057/2005-0; L-1071/2005-0; L-1109/2007-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: Rom1 palace extension and royal mausoleum (?): large pool and gardens; palace service structure and storerooms; large bath with mosaics and

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frescoes; palaestra; monumental structure; possible tomb of Herod; Byz three churches with mosaics and inscriptions; additional structures; winepress; street.Publications: Netzer 1981, 1993, 1996b, 1999a, 2001b, 2001-2002, 2006, 2008; Netzer et al. 1993, 2000, 2001, 2005; Stiebel 2003; HA 45 (1973): 27-28; HA 48-49 (1974): 70-71; HA 67-68 (1978): 50; ESI 1 (1984): 40-42; ESI 2 (1984): 47-49; ESI 5 (1987): 49-50.

834 Grid Ref. 163800/118900Site Name: El‘azarAdditional Names: fa*ghur; El-Qatt; ZakandahExcavators: Ilan Sharon ('80); David Amit ('89)Institution: SOA License No. L-237/1980-0Major Periods: IB, MB, IA2Other Periods: IA1, Per, Hel, Byz, Rom1, Med, (Ott)Components: Shaft tombs (excavated by Sharon); large IA2 farmhouse (excavated by Amit), winepress.Remarks: IA2 farmstead is located at 1641/1187.Publication: ESI 9 (1991): 158-159, 159-160.

835Grid Ref. 160250/118700 Site Name: Kh. el-HubeilaAdditional Name: Masu'ot YitzhakExcavator: NDA Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-910/2000-0; L-924/2001-0Major Periods: IA2c, ByzOther Periods: IA2b, Per, Hel, OttComponents: Church.

836 Grid Ref. 190306/118512Site Name: The Cave of the CoinAdditional Names: Cave 750; Cave XIV/18Excavator: Pesach Bar-Adon ('70, '76)Institution: NDALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel, Rom1, ByzOther Periods: EB1/EB2Components: Cave or rock shelter; coin; pottery; olive and date pits; ropes; textiles.Remarks: Found by Bar-Adon in 1970. Publications: Bar-Adon 1989: 30-32 (Hebrew; English summary: 6*).

837 Grid Ref. 163500/118500Site Name: Near El‘azarExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDA; SOALicense Nos. L-448/1989-0; L-906/2000-0Components: Ritual bath.

838 Grid Ref. 159500/118500Site Name: Bat ‘AyinExcavator: Yuval Baruch Institution: SOA License No. L-531/1992-0Major Periods: Rom, ByzComponents: Burial caves; winepress.Remarks: ESI coordinates: 1605/1181.Publication: ESI 15 (1996): 90-92.

839 Grid Ref. 160100/118200 Site Name: H. Heilel Excavator: David Amit Institution: SOA License No. L-467/1990-0Major Periods: Rom, ByzOther Periods: IA2, PerComponents: Rom1 farmstead; Bar Kokhba coin; Byz winepress; IA caves nearby (not excavated).Publication: ESI 10 (1992): 150-151.

840 Grid Ref. 162500/118150Site Name: Kh. Beit Sawir Excavator: Yuval Peleg Institution: SOA License No. L-819/1998-0 Major Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Columbarium; winepress; ritual bath.Publication: Peleg 2005.

841 Grid Ref. 151300/118000Site Name: Kh. SurExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1047/2005-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

842 Grid Ref. 164100/117450 Site Name: Efrata Additional Name: Rujm es-SabitExcavators: Rivka Gonen, Trude Dothan ('79); David Amit, Zion Shavit ('89)Institutions: SOA; HUJLicense Nos. L-216/1979-0; L-452/1989-0; L-1033/2005-0Major Periods: IB, MB2a/MB2b/MB2c, IA1Other Periods: IA2/Per, Byz, OttComponents: MB tumulus concealing IB structure on summit; long walls; 27 shaft tombs on S slope, of which 15 were excavated; IB and MB2a-b pottery, scarabs, pins, dagger; two MB burial caves excavated in 1989


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(16425/11785).Remarks: Location relates to L-216/1979-0; Grid ref. for L-1033/2005-0: 1651/1171.Publications: Gonen 1981, 2001.

843Grid Ref. 150400/117300Site Name: Kh. MadhkurExcavator: NDA Institution: SOALicense No. L-1023/2005-0Components: NDA Remarks: Separation Barrier.

844 Grid Ref. 173300/117250Site Name: Noqdim Excavator: Yuval Peleg ('98)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-817/1998-0; L-1118/2007-0Major Periods: IA2 Other Periods: Hel, Rom1Components: Four buildings; water cistern; cave.Remarks: Salvage excavations in 1998 and 1999. Publication: Peleg 2004a.

845 Grid Ref. 190200/117200Site Name: Rujm esh-ShajraExcavator: Pesach Bar-Adon ('72)Institution: NDA License No. NDAMajor Periods: IAOther Periods: RomComponents: Rectangular fort.Publication: Bar-Adon 1989: 86 (Hebrew; English summary: 8*).

846 Grid Ref. 172600/117200 Site Name: Kh. KhureitunExcavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld ('89); Philips ('99)Institution: HUJ License Nos. L-456/1989-0; L-841/1999-0Major Periods: Byz, IslComponents: Monastery; monks' cells; garden; reservoir; towers; cisterns; dwelling units; Cave of Chariton (See 'Magharat Khureitun' below, no. 849).Remarks: Trial excavations were conducted in 1981 by Har Gillo Field School.Publications: Bagatti 1971; Hirschfeld 1992, 1993b, 2000, 2002; ESI 10 (1992): 36-37.

847 Grid Ref. 165530/117200 Site Name: Umm SalamuneAdditional Name: Dahr Umm Salamuna

Excavator: David Davis Institution: SOA License No. L-192/1978-0Major Periods: Rom2Other Periods: IA2c, PerComponents: Complex winepress; small site; Sheikh's tomb.

848 Grid Ref. 161900/117050Site Name: Deir Sha‘ar Additional Names: The Russian Mountain'; Etzion DivisionExcavator: Yuval Peleg Institution: SOALicense No. L-772/1997-0Major Periods: IA2, Byz Other Periods: [Per, Hel, Rom1]Components: Burial cave, kokh; Byz church; Russian monastery (Deir Sha'ar).Remarks: Salvage excavation.Publications: Ben-Shalom 1986; HA-ESI 112 (2000): 103*-104*.

849 Grid Ref. 172450/116850Site Name: Magharat KhureitunAdditional Name: The "Hanging Cave" of CharitonExcavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJLicense No. L-373/1984-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Series of caves, niches, hewn clefts and cisterns, arranged in three levels; chapel, inscriptions; crosses.Publication: HA 43 (1972): 17.

850 Grid Ref. 163700/116800Site Name: Kh. Bureikut Additional Name: Migdal OzExcavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Yoram Tsafrir ('76); Rachel Hachlili ('80)Institutions: SOA; HUJLicense Nos. L-141/1976-0; L-256/1980-0; L-932/2001-0Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: MB2a, MB2b, Per, Rom1, EIs, MamComponents: Byz church with narthex, atrium, two towers, columns, mosaic floor, crypt, lamps; hiding system; heaps of stones (structures?); building; settlement.Publications: Tsafrir and Hirschfeld 1976, 1978, 1979, 1993; Ben-Shalom 1983; HA 59-60 (1976): 35-36; HA 69-71 (1979): 60.

851Grid Ref. 164500/116500


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Site Name: Migdal OzExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-833/1999-0; L-952/2002-0Components: NDA

852 Grid Ref. 163070/116050Site Name: Kh. Umm et-Tala‘Excavator: Avi Ofer Institutions: SOA, TAULicense No. L-329/1983-0Major Periods: Per Rom, ByzOther Periods: IA1, Med/OttComponents: Per fortress (Rom stronghold?); massive wall (3 m wide, 3 m high); two towers; carved cisterns; agricultural terrace.Publication: ESI 3 (1985): 104.

853 Grid Ref. 170100/115600 Site Name: Kh. Teku‘a Excavators: Martin Heicksen ('68); John J. Davis ('70); Sayf al-Din Haddad ('81) Institutions: Near Eastern Archaeological Society; SOALicense Nos. L-27/1970-0; L-48/1971-0; L-274/1981-0; L-715/1995-0Major Periods: IA2, Byz [Hel]Other Periods: [IA2b, Per, Rom1, Rom2, Med (Cru-Mam)]Components: Tell; excavations in Byz church, houses ('68); five IA2 tombs ('68-'70).Remarks: Biblical Tekoa. Publications: Davis 1974; Escobar 1976; Herr 1986.

854 Grid Ref. 158800/115600 Site Name: Kh. Judur Additional Name: Tell Judur Excavators: 'Ali Abu-Argub ('74, '79); Trude Dothan ('79); Zion Shavit, Ilan Sharon ('79)Institutions: HUJ; SOA License Nos. L-99/1974-0; L-209/1979-0; L-224/1979-0; L-234/1979-0Major Periods: LB2 [IA1, IA2c, Per]Other Periods: [MB2b, MB2c, IA2a, IA2b, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, Byz, Med, Ott]Components: [Tell; terraces; cave; winepress and tesserae]; LB2 burial caves: bronze sword, trident, spear and arrowheads, tray, alabaster, imported pottery; cisterns; fortification wall; ancient road.Publications: Ben-Arieh 1981; HA 53 (1975): 25-26.

855 Grid Ref. 151800/115300 Site Name: Kh. ‘Ein DavExcavator: Yuval Baruch ('92)

Institution: SOA License Nos. L-533/1992-0; L-870/1999-0Components: NDA

856Grid Ref. 175000/115100Site Name: Khiam TerraceAdditional Name: El-Khiam Excavator: NDA Institution: NDA License No. L-400/1986-0 Major Periods: UP – PPNBComponents: Lengthy sequence of industries, from UP to PPNB; terrace.Remarks: Excavated in 1933 by Neuville, and again in 1962 by Echegaray (1964, 1966, 1978).

857Grid Ref. 189000/114700Site Name: ‘Ein el-GhuweirAdditional Names: Southern Area: 'Ein el-Turaba; Northern Area: 'Ein GhazalExcavator: Pesach Bar-Adon ('68-'70, '75-'76)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-10/1968-0; L-25/1970-0 Major Periods: IA2, Rom1Other Periods: HelComponents: Rectangular structure 8x11 m with four small rooms; courtyard; plastered surface and floors; Herodian coins; cemetery nearby. Publications: Bar-Adon 1971, 1989: 33-40 (Hebrew; English summary: 6*).

858 Grid Ref. 160900/114300Site Name: Kh. Kufin Additional Name: Beit UmmarExcavator: 'Ali Abu-'ArgubInstitution: SOALicense No. L-100/1974-0Major Periods: [EB1, IB, MB2a/MB2b/MB2c, Per, Rom1, Byz]Other Periods: [IA2?, Hel, Rom2, Med (Cru-Mam), Ott]Components: [Sheikh's tomb; large cemetery (excavated); ancient well; Byz church; complete pottery vessels; cave with a few rooms, EB1 pottery, probably for dwelling, possibly burial]; NDA on excavation.

859Grid Ref. 170740/114250Site Name: Kh. el-Minya Additional Name: Spot Height 795Excavators: Amin Barhoum ('73); Muhammad Rajabi ('73)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-82/1973-0; L-91/1973-1Major Periods: [IB, IA2b-IA2c, Rom, Byz]Components: [Rock-hewn installations; winepresses;


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cisterns; tesserae; pool; farmhouse; tumuli]; NDA on excavation.

860 Grid Ref. 164050/114250Site Name: ‘Ein el-‘ArubExcavators: Ya'akov Meshorer ('68); Yoram Tsafrir ('73)Institutions: SOA, HUJLicense Nos. L-7/1968-2; L-86/1973-0Major Periods: IA2, Per, Rom, OttComponents: IA, Per and Rom tombs; five rock-hewn burial caves were excavated; many intact pottery vessels; bones; lamps; silver earring; bird figurine; zoomorphic vessel.Remarks: License no. is L-7/1968-2 according to SOA license list, and L-7/1968-1 according to IAA database.Publications: Stern 1971; Yezerski 1997; HA 27 (1968): 19-20; HA 48-49 (1974): 72.

861Grid Ref. 152100/114200 Site Name: Kh. HattaExcavator: Amin BarhoumInstitution: SOA License No. L-7/1968-1Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz, MedComponents: Labyrinth of caves; bell-shaped water cistern.Remarks: License no. is L-7/1968-1 according to SOA license list, and L-7/1968-0 according to IAA database.Publication: HA 28-29 (1969): 34-35.

862Grid Ref. 161040/113880Site Name: Beit UmmarExcavators: Zion Shabtai, Hanania HizmiInstitution: SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom2-ByzComponents: Rock-cut installation dated to third-fourth cent. C.E.Publications: Hizmi and Shabtai 1997b; HA 53 (1975): 26; ESI 9 (1991): 65.

863 Grid Ref. 187475/113550 Site Name: Mizpeh Shalem, Essene Cemetery (north)Additional Name: Nahal SamarExcavators: Hanan Eshel, Zvi GreenhutInstitution: SOALicense No. L-469/1990-0Major Periods: RomComponents: Essene cemetery (northern).

864Grid Ref. 150350/113480Site Name: Kh. Qeila

Excavator: 'Ali Abu-ArgubInstitution: SOA License No. L-118/1975-0 Major Periods: [MB2a, MB2b, LB, IA1-2, Per, Rom, Byz, Cru-Mam]Components: [Fortified town with rampart or glacis; fortification wall; structures; gate; tombs nearby]; NDA on excavation.

865 Grid Ref. 159700/112900Site Name: Karme Zur Excavators: Yuval Peleg, Yaron Feller, Ibrahim ShrukhInstitution: SOA License No. L-760/1997-0Major Periods: Rom1Components: Two buildings; two built winepresses; stone pen; cupmark; pruta coin.Remarks: Salvage excavation. Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004): 61*-62*.

866Grid Ref. 147900/112800Site Name: Kh. KharufExcavator: Shahar BatzInstitution: SOALicense No. NDA Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, MamComponents: Rom1 burial cave; columbarium; water cistern; Hel-Mam pottery.Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004): 60*-61*.

867 Grid Ref. 172100/112300Site Name: Kh. et-Tina Additional Name: Ruin of the FigExcavator: Yizhar Hirschfeld Institution: SOA License No. L-357/1984-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Byz monastery: complex is arranged around an inner courtyard, including a church, impressive tower, dwelling cells, store-rooms and reservoir.

868 Grid Ref. 168350/112150Site Name: Hebron – ‘Ein Gedi RoadExcavator: David AmitInstitution: SOA License No. NDAMajor Periods: IA, ByzComponents: Square tower; a row of rooms and oval stone fence; ancient road.Publication: ESI 9 (1991): 161-162.


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869 Grid Ref. 163500/111500Site Name: Nahli'el Excavator: NDA Institution: SOALicense No. L-816/1998-0Components: NDA

870 Grid Ref. 185000/111200 Site Name: Muraba'at, CaveExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-663/1994-0Components: NDA

871Grid Ref. 185700/110700 Site Name: Wadi Muraba‘at Excavator: Pesach Bar-Adon Institution: NDA License No. NDAMajor Periods: Hel, Rom, ByzComponents: Several structures; plastered water cistern; pottery. Publication: Bar-Adon 1989: 88 (Hebrew; English summary: 8*).

872 Grid Ref. 187680/110200 Site Name: Mizpe Shalem Excavator: Pesach Bar-Adon ('72, '74-'75)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-70/1972-0; L-272/1981-0Major Periods: EB1, EB2Other Periods: Hel, RomComponents: Elongated site with firing areas, a stone platform, and a silo (?); wall; fragments of copper tools; bead; tiny votive vessels (one intact); hundreds of flint tools, mostly fan scrapers.Publication: Bar-Adon 1989: 50-82 (Hebrew; English summary: 7*-8*).

873 Grid Ref. 163700/110100Site Name: Si‘ir Excavator: Sayf al-Din Haddad Institution: SOALicense No. L-183/1978-0Major Periods: IA2 [Chal, EB1, Byz, Med, Ott]Other Periods: [IB, Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2]Components: [Dwelling caves; terraces; fences; cisterns; irregular winepress; dwelling caves similar to Chal Be'er Sheva]; two IA tombs excavated.Publications: Yezerski 2004a; HA 67-68 (1978): 76.

874 Grid Ref. 145300/109700Site Name: Beit ‘Elem – DuwweirAdditional Name: Kh. Beit 'AlamExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-1021/2004-0Components: Rock-hewn cave - initially a quarry, later for dwelling.Remarks: Separation Barrier.

875 Grid Ref. 151650/109650Site Name: Kh. DuqisExcavator: Binyamin FrankelInstitution: SOA License No. L-244/1980-0Components: NDA

876 Grid Ref. 160300/109500Site Name: Halhul Additional Name: ‘Aqd el-Qin Excavator: 'Abd el-Aziz ArjubInstitution: SOA License No. L-81/1973-0Major Periods: [IA2a, IA2b, Per, Hel (Rom), Byz, Ott]Other Periods: [IA1, IA2c, Med]Components: [Pottery; well (Bir ed-Dilbe); carved installation]; NDA on excavation.

877Grid Ref. 166450/109200 Site Name: Rujm el-Qasr Excavator: Yizhar HirschfeldInstitution: SOA License No. L-1070/2005-0Major Periods: Byz Other Periods: IA2, Per, Hel, OttComponents: Byz stronghold (Kochavi: Rom fortress) preserved up to ceiling (excavated); another structure (farmstead?).Publication: Hirschfeld 1979a.

878 Grid Ref. 162250/109100Site Name: Kh. Duwweir Additional Name: Kh. ed-Dawwara (south)Excavator: Ibrahim Sharukh ('95-'96)Institution: SOA License No. L-724/1995-0 Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz, EIsOther Periods: HelComponents: A few structures, some well preserved; stone vessels; glass; coins; water supply system; ritual baths; refuge cave; fortified farmstead; Byz monastery.Publication: Batz and Sharukh 2008.


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879 Grid Ref. 164200/108450Site Name: Qasr Khalife Excavator: 'Abd el-Aziz Arjub ('96)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-726/1995-0; L-743/1996-0Major Periods: (Rom), ByzComponents: Byz fort/stronghold 8x8 m inside bigger courtyard (30x30 m); additional structure; its entrance with jambs and lintels.Publication: Hirschfeld 1979a: Site 7.

880 Grid Ref. 163600/108300Site Name: Kh. Ras et-TawilAdditional Name: Tor Abu 'AliExcavators: Zaydan Wahid, Muhammad RajabiInstitution: SOALicense No. L-92/1974-1Major Periods: IA2Other Periods: [IA1, Per, Hel, (Rom), Byz]Components: [Very large tell; caves; burial caves; cisterns]; IA2 cave excavated.Publications: Yezerski 2004b; HA 50 (1974): 17.

881 Grid Ref. 163250/107970Site Name: Ras Jirjis Excavator: Yizhar HirschfeldInstitution: SOALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: ByzComponents: Byz stronghold or fort: courtyard 9x12 m, tower 7x9 m; another stronghold 7x7 m; Byz farmhouse.Publication: Hirschfeld 1979a.

882Grid Ref. 162100/107800Site Name: Kh. Beit 'AnunAdditional Name: Beth 'AnothExcavators: Zion Shavit, 'Abd el-Aziz Arjub ('86); Yitzhak Magen, Muhammad Abu-Sakur ('93); Yitzhak Magen ('97)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-412/1986-0; L-577/1993-0; L-771/1997-0 Major Periods: EB1, IA2b/IA2c, Per, Hel, Rom1, Byz, Med, OttOther Periods: Chal, Rom2Components: Settlement; two churches; white mosaic floor; Rom1 cemetery, inscribed ossuaries (1630/1080).Publications: Magen 1990a, 2001a.

883 Grid Ref. 163030/107700 Site Name: Ras Abu RishExcavator: Yuval Baruch

Institution: SOA License No. L-544/1992-0 Major Periods: ByzOther Periods: MB2b/MB2c, MedComponents: Church; large water cistern; Byz road stronghold; Large multiroomed structure; mosaic inscription.Remarks: Also excavated at 16270/10759.Publications: Hirschfeld 1979a: Site 9; Magen and Baruch 1997a, 1997b; Tzaferis 1997.

884 Grid Ref. 185300/107600 Site Name: Cave A-1Additional Name: Cave in Nahal HazazonExcavators: Dov Nahlieli, Yesh'ayahu LenderInstitution: SOA License No. L-657/1994-0 Major Periods: RomComponents: Cave; two Rom coins; sword; pottery; animal bones.

885 Grid Ref. 159020/107400Site Name: Kh. ed-DuhdahAdditional Name: Ramat el-'AmlaExcavators: Sayf al-Din Haddad ('79); David Amit ('89)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-202/1979-0; L-451/1989-0Major Periods: Per, Hel, ByzOther Periods: Med, OttComponents: Small site; central structure; tanner's inscription (rock-cut Greek inscription, 527 C.E.).Publication: ESI 9 (1991): 162-163.

886Grid Ref. 165250/107250Site Name: Qiryat Arba‘ (north) Additional Name: Hebron; Qiryat Arba', Industrial Zone (north)Excavators: Yuval Peleg, Yaron FellerInstitution: SOALicense No. L-808/1998-0 Major Periods: Chal, MamComponents: Two natural caves; pottery; wall.Remarks: Trial excavation.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 104*.

887 Grid Ref. 154150/107250Site Name: Kh. et-TaiyibaExcavator: Yitzhak Magen, Zion ShavitInstitution: SOALicense No. L-246/1980-0Components: NDA


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888Grid Ref. 160300/107200Site Name: MamreAdditional Names: Mambre; Beit Khalil er-Rahman; Ramat el-Khali Excavators: Sayf al-Din Haddad ('77); 'Abd el-Aziz Arjub ('84-'85)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-162/1977-0; L-370/1984-0; L-379/1985-0Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz, CruOther Periods: IA2c, HelComponents: Large Rom enclosure; Byz church; Cru church.Remarks: Previously excavated by Mader in 1926-1928.Publications: Magen 1991, 2003.

889 Grid Ref. 162000/106800Site Name: Qiryat Arba‘ – Area 26 Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-855/1999-0 Components: NDA

890 Grid Ref. 171600/106700Site Name: ‘Ein DaratExcavator: Avi Gopher ('93-'96) Institution: TAU License Nos. L-580/1993-0; L-682/1994-0; L-721/1995-0; L-737/1996-0Major Periods: PPN Components: Neolithic site.Publications: Gopher 1995, 1996b.

891 Grid Ref. 158900/106350Site Name: Kh. en-Nasara Excavator: ‘Ali Abu-ArgubInstitution: SOALicense No. L-101/1974-0Major Periods: Byz, Med (Mam), OttOther Periods: IA2c, EIsComponents: Structural remains; cisterns; caves; Mam and Ott building remains.Publication: HA-ESI 113 (2001): 131*.

892Grid Ref. 161900/106000Site Name: Qiryat Arba' (west)Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1019/2004-0Components: NDA

893Grid Ref. 161700/105670

Site Name: Giv‘at Harsina Additional Names: Kh. ed-Deir; Hebron Excavator: Yuval Baruch Institution: SOA License No. L-534/1992-0Major Periods: Rom, Byz, MedComponents: Enclosure 34x34 m, inside it a tower 8x8 m; coins; tumulus; large courtyard.Publications: Baruch 1997d; ESI 14 (1995): 121-122.

894 Grid Ref. 162400/105600 Site Name: Qiryat Arba' - Savyonei MamreExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-854/1999-0Components: NDA

895 Grid Ref. 161750/105500Site Name: Qiryat Arba‘ Additional Names: Giv'at Harsina; HebronExcavators: Shahar Batz, Yuval PelegInstitution: SOA License No. L-899/2000-0Major Periods: Rom1, ByzComponents: Burial cave; courtyard; three engraved crosses; three hewn kokhim, pottery.Publication: HA-ESI 114 (2002): 90*-91*.

896 Grid Ref. 146550/105300 Site Name: Kh. Qusatin Additional Names: Kh. Ausatein; Kh. AusatExcavators: 'Azmi Halil, Mustafa Qara'inInstitution: SOA License No. L-91/1973-0 Major Periods: [Rom, Byz]Other Periods: [Hel, Ott]Components: [Buildings; rock cuttings, installations; cisterns; caves (some for burial); ancient paved road; stone clearance heaps]; NDA on excavation.

897 Grid Ref. 186530/104950Site Name: The Caves of the SpearExcavators: Hanan Eshel, Roi PoratInstitution: BIU, the Israel Cave Research CenterLicense No. L-1011/2004-0Major Periods: Chal, Hel, Rom1, Rom2Components: Complex of five Bar Kokhba refuge caves; coins; two arrowheads; ring key; hook; iron spear; oil lamp; glass vessels; Chal flint adze, pottery and wooden handle.Publications: Porat and Eshel 2002, 2003; Porat et al. 2004.


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898 Grid Ref. 146400/104450 Site Name: Kh. el-Qom Additional Name: Kh. er-Rasm Excavators: William G. Dever ('68); John S. Holladay ('71)Institutions: HUC, University of TorontoLicense Nos. L-6/1968-0; L-43/1971-0Major Periods: EB1-3, IB, IA2, Hel, Byz, OttOther Periods: Chal, Rom, MamComponents: Tell; fosse; cisterns; caves; ancient building stones in secondary use; IA2 casemate wall; gate flanked by two pillars; structure; silo; dozens of IA tombs, some with Hebrew inscriptions; agricultural installations; three burial caves (EB3?); agricultural terraces; IB cemetery; tumuli.Remarks: Excavations (on the tell and in the surrounding area): William G. Dever (1967; the burial caves) and by J.S. Holladay (1970-1971; several other areas). Salvage excavations conducted in some of IA tombs.Publications: Dever 1969-1970, 1971c; Holladay 1971a, 1971b; Geraty 1975; HA 25 (1968): 26-28; HA 28-29 (1969): 36-38; HA 39 (1971): 24-25.

899Grid Ref. 186000/104000Site Name: Harasim CaveExcavator: NDA Institution: NDA (Not SOA)License No. L-1012/2004-0Components: NDA

900 Grid Ref. 174000/103900 Site Name: Kh. ed-DeirExcavators: Yizhar Hirschfeld, Rivka Birger ('83); Yizhar Hirschfeld ('81-'87)Institution: SOA, HUJLicense No. L-321/1983-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Well preserved Byz monastery: large church; chapels; communal buildings; water supply system; agricultural terraces.Publications: Hirschfeld 1993a, 1999; ESI 1 (1984): 21-22.

901 Grid Ref. 160900/103800Site Name: Jebel Nimra Additional Names: Kh. Hebron; Kh. NimraExcavators: Hanania Hizmi, Zion Shavit ('87); Hanania Hizmi ('91)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-439/1987-0; L-510/1991-0; L-683/1994-0 Major Periods: Per Other Periods: Rom1Components: Massive structure with two Per phases;

pottery; Achaemenian seal; silver coin; basalt altar; rhyton.Publications: Hizmi and Shabtai 1994; Shamir 1997.

902 Grid Ref. 162250/103700Site Name: Qiryat Arba‘ (south)Additional Names: Hebron; Qiryat Arba', Industrial Zone (south)Excavators: Yuval Peleg, Ibrahim ShrukhInstitution: SOA License No. L-797/1998-0Major Periods: MB2bComponents: Building (farmhouse); two tombs; pottery; cupmark; human bones; intact MB2b jug.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 105*.

903 Grid Ref. 160200/103600Site Name: Hebron – The City Additional Name: El-KhalilExcavator: Ze'ev Yeivin Institution: SOA License No. L-11/1969-0Major Periods: Rom1, ByzOther Periods: Hel, Rom2, Med, OttComponents: Settlement of Hel period onwards.

904Grid Ref. 159700/103600 Site Name: Er-Rumeida Additional Names: Hebron; Tell RumeidehExcavators: Avi Ofer ('84); Moshe Kochavi, Avi Ofer ('85-'87); Yuval Peleg ('98); Emanuel Eisenberg, Alla Nagorski ('99)Institutions: TAU; SOALicense Nos. L-369/1984-0; L-383/1985-0; L-415/1986-0; L-436/1987-0; L-810/1998-0; L-850/1999-0 Major Periods: EB3, MB2b-c, IA1, IA2b, IA2c, ByzOther Periods: EB1, MB2a, LB1, LB2a/LB2b, IA2a, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, EIs, Med, OttComponents: Tell: EB3 fortifications, two phases of settlement; MB wall and tower, building with animal bones and cuneiform tablet; XII Dynasty bulla; building with scarabs, silver jewelry; IA1 silo; IA1-2a settlement; IA2b house; lamelekh jars; Hel-Rom1 house; Rom2 winepress; Byz-Cru structure (el-'Arba'in) on summit; LB tomb nearby.Remarks: Previously excavated by Hammond.Publications: Anbar and Na'aman 1986-1987; Ofer 1989; Peleg and Eisenstadt 2004; HA 25 (1968): 26-28; ESI 3 (1985): 94-95; ESI 5 (1987): 92-93; ESI 6 (1988): 92-93; HA-ESI 114 (2002): 90*-92*, 117*.

905Grid Ref. 146680/103600Site Name: Kh. el-Muraq


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Additional Name: Hilkiah's PalaceExcavator: Emanuel Damati ('69, '78, '80-'81)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-21/1969-0; L-193/1978-0; L-250/1980-0; L-273/1981-0Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Rom2 [Byz, EIs]Other Periods: [Mam, Ott]Components: Late Hel to Rom1 fortified palace: central courtyard, arches, columns on stylobate, bases; large plastered cisterns, marble tablet with cross and wreath decoration, Greek inscription, stucco, sundial; bathhouse; tower; many architectural elements; stone and pottery vessels; drainage system.Remarks: Salvage excavations.Publications: Damati 1977, 1982, 2008; Tepper and Shahar 1987; HA 33 (1970): 5-6, 67-68; HA 67-68 (1978): 51-52.

906 Grid Ref. 146680/103600Site Name: Kh. es-Simieh Additional Name: Kh. es-SumayehExcavator: 'Ali Abu-Argub Institution: SOA License No. NDA Major Periods: [Hel, Byz, EIs]Other Periods: [IA2, Rom, Rom2, Mam, Ott]Components: Palestinian village; khan; other remains.Remarks: Salvage excavations. Publication: HA 31-32 (1969): 30.

907Grid Ref. 187600/103500Site Name: Mizpe QedemExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDA (Not SOA)License No. L-1058/2005-0Components: NDA

908 Grid Ref. 146240/103150Site Name: Jebel el-Qa'aqir Additional Name: Rasm Qa'qir Excavator: William G. Dever ('67-'68, '71)Institution: NDA License No. NDA Major Periods: IB Other Periods: IA2, Hel, Rom1, Byz, OttComponents: Eight rock-cut cemeteries; cairns surrounded by stone walls; IB dwelling caves; settlement remains; 1,900 pottery vessels in one cave; potter's kiln; rock-hewn installations.Publications: Dever 1969, 1971a, 1972a, 1981; Gitin 1975; Smith 1982; HA 25 (1968): 26-28; HA 39 (1971): 26.

909 Grid Ref. 145040/101970

Site Name: Kh. Beit ‘AwwaExcavators: Jibril Srur ('69); Shmuel Tsfania, Zion Shavit ('85)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-23/1969-0; L-378/1985-0Major Periods: Rom1, Rom2, Byz [Hel, EIs, Ott]Other Periods: [Per, Mam]Components: [Palestinian village; church; Sheikh's tomb (Esh Sheikh Dawud); rock-hewn caves; winepresses; cisterns; quarries]; burial cave excavated in 1969.Publication: HA 34-35 (1970): 12.

910 Grid Ref. 144700/101800Site Name: Kh. Beit ‘AwwaExcavators: Nir-Shimshon Paran, Emil AladjemInstitution: IAA Permit No. A-4265/2004Major Periods: IB, Rom2, Rom-ByzComponents: Twenty-three installations and rock-cuttings; cave.Publication: HA-ESI 119 (2007) (Online).Remarks: Separation Barrier.

911Grid Ref. 157000/101700 Site Name: Ras el-JoraExcavator: Sayf al-Din HaddadInstitution: SOALicense No. L-380/1985-0 Components: NDA

912Grid Ref. 152600/101600Site Name: DuraExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-318/1983-1Major Periods: [IA2b, IA2c, Hel]Other Periods: [MB2b/MB2c, LB1, IA2a, Per, Rom1, Byz, EIs, Med (Mam), Ott]Components: [Palestinian village on tell; burial caves with square openings; well; two Rhodian seal impressions]; NDA on excavation.

913 Grid Ref. 162600/101400Site Name: Pene Hever Additional Name: Bani Na'imExcavator: Mikel Dadon Institution: SOALicense No. L-496/1991-0 Major Periods: ByzComponents: Fifth-sixth cent. C.E. rock-cut cave and ritual bath.Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 126.


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914Grid Ref. 185000/101000Site Name: Kh. MuqaddamExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-38/1971-0Components: NDARemarks: The same license was issued to Cave of the Twins.

915Grid Ref. 144750/100750Site Name: Sheqef-Negohot RoadExcavators: Yuval Peleg, Yaron FellerInstitution: SOALicense No. L-828/1998-0Major Periods: Byz Components: Hewn cave; winepress.Remarks: Salvage excavation. According to SOA license list, L-828 was issued for Sheqef, Beit Awwa.Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004): 75*-76*.

916 Grid Ref. 165050/100700Site Name: En-Nabi Yaqin Additional Name: Kh. YaqimExcavators: Yuval Peleg, Ibrahim ShrukhInstitution: SOALicense No. L-830/1998-0Major Periods: Byz [IA, Med, Ott]Other Periods: [Chal/EB1]Components: [Sheikh's tomb - Maqam with a dome built over a burial cave]; empty burial cave excavated.Remarks: Salvage excavation.Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004): 75*.

917Grid Ref. 164500/100500Site Name: Kh. Bani Dar Additional Names: Kh. Yukin; Kh. Yaqin Excavators: Yehiel Zelinger, Nir TalInstitution: SOALicense No. L-572/1993-0 Major Periods: [IA2b, IA2c, Byz]Other Periods: [Chal, EB3, MB2a/MB2b/MB2c, IA2a, Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, Med, Ott]Components: [Very large tell; fortification; walls; caves; cupmarks]; NDA on excavation.

918 Grid Ref. 167900/100100Site Name: Kh. el-Qasr Excavators: Amos Kloner, Yizhar Hirschfeld; Yitzhak Magen, Benjamin Har-Even, Ibrahim Sharukh ('99-'00)Institution: SOA License No. L-863/1999-0 Major Periods: Rom, Byz, EIs

Other Periods: Mam Components: Rom ritual bath; Byz fortress 11x11 m: square tower with a stone glacis; courtyard surrounded by rooms of coenobium monastery; mosaic floor; later oil press.Publications: Kloner and Hirschfeld 1987; Barouch 1997b: 128-129; Magen et al. 2008; HA 38 (1971): 22-23.

919 Grid Ref. 164100/099500 Site Name: Kh. Muneizil Additional Name: Kh. Tal'at ManhutehExcavators: Sayf al-Din Haddad ('76); Yizhar Hirschfeld ('77) Institution: SOA License Nos. L-150/1976-0; L-167/1977-0Major Periods: IA2b/IA2c, Hel, Rom1/Rom2, Byz, (Med), OttComponents: Modern structures; terraces.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-167 was issued for: Teko'a - Zif, Rujm el-Qasr, Muneizil.

920 Grid Ref. 146000/099300Site Name: Kh. TawasExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-879/1999-0Major Periods: [Rom2, Byz, Med (Mam)]Other Periods: [IA2, EIs, Ott]Components: [Church of basilica type with apse, building blocks, columns, capitals; other structures; burial caves with dromos; cisterns]; NDA on excavation.

921Grid Ref. 161800/098700Site Name: Tell ZifAdditional Names: Trig. Point 843; Kh. ZifExcavators: 'Abd el Rahim Hamran, Ofer SionInstitution: SOA License No. L-551/1992-0 Major Periods: Rom Other Periods: ByzComponents: Rom settlement; inscribed ossuary; tombs; glass; ossuaries.Remarks: Salvage excavation in 1993, tombs north of Tell Zif.Publications: Baruch 1997c; Kapitaikin 1997.

922 Grid Ref. 162700/098650Site Name: NoneExcavators: 'Abd el Rahim Hamran, Ofer SionInstitution: SOALicense No. L-551/1992-0Major Periods: Rom Components: Three winepresses; three caves.


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Remarks: Salvage excavation in 1993, tombs north of Tell Zif.Publications: Baruch 1997c; Kapitaikin 1997.

923Grid Ref. 155400/098200Site Name: QasraExcavator: NDA Institution: NDALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom1Components: Two burial caves; drainage tunnel leading to a cistern, winepress and cupmarks.

924 Grid Ref. 183350/097450Site Name: "Le'nahem Avdi" CaveAdditional Names: Cave 349; Nahal 'Arugot; Wadi 'AreijehExcavator: Pesach Bar-AdonInstitution: NDALicense No. NDAMajor Periods: Chal, IA2, Rom2Components: Cave; seal impression: "Le'nahem Avdi"; Chal, IA2 and Rom2 pottery; glass; ropes; olives and dates; bronze ring; iron needle.Publications: Porat et al. 2006; Stiebel 2006.

925 Grid Ref. 184200/097000 Site Name: Kh. SamraExcavator: Pesach Bar-Adon ('68)Institution: IDAM License No. NDAMajor Periods: Rom-Byz, ByzComponents: Settlement with 12 structures: kilns, staircases; four complete oil lamps.Remarks: Prob. used by monks or anchorites.Publications: Bar-Adon 1989: 83-85; 8*; HA 27 (1968): 18.

926 Grid Ref. 153200/096700Site Name: Kh. BismExcavator: ‘Ali Abu-ArgubInstitution: SOALicense No. L-130/1975-0Major Periods: [IA2a, IA2b, IA2c, Hel, Rom1, Byz]Other Periods: [Per, Rom2, Med, Ott]Components: [Large structure - church?; pink marble columns; caves; cisterns; loculus tombs; arcosolium tombs; many vessels, esp. Hel and Rom1 glass vessels (seen by Kochavi)]; NDA on excavation.

927Grid Ref. 170400/096100Site Name: Me‘arat Sel‘a Additional Names: Nahal Hever; Rock Cave; Quneitra

Excavators: Hanan Eshel, David AmitInstitution: SOA/IAALicense No. L-513/1991-0Major Periods: RomComponents: Karstic cave occupied during the Bar Kokhba Revolt.Publication: ESI 13 (1995): 107-108.

928 Grid Ref. 149860/096000 Site Name: Kh. el-HadabExcavator: Jibril SrurInstitution: SOALicense No. L-33/1970-0Major Periods: PPNA, PPNB, Rom2/Byz, Med/OttComponents: Village; rock-cut caves; water cisterns; many PPN flint tools and animal horn.Publication: HA 37 (1971): 24.

929 Grid Ref. 157600/095900 Site Name: Rujm ed-DeirAdditional Name: Spot Height 758 Excavator: David Amit Institution: SOALicense No. NDA Major Periods: Hel, Rom1, Rom2, ByzComponents: Small stronghold at the corner of a 30x30 m courtyard; fortification; ritual bath (late Rom/Byz).Publication: ESI 9 (1991): 165-166.

930Grid Ref. 162200/095400Site Name: Kh. Khureise Additional Name: Umm et-TiranExcavator: ‘Abd el-Aziz Arjub Institution: SOA License No. L-360/1984-0Major Periods: Rom2, ByzOther Periods: [Med/Ott]Components: [Church; cisterns; caves]; burial caves excavated.

931Grid Ref. 149100/095100Site Name: Har Hebron, Ancient RoadExcavator: Yuval BaruchInstitution: SOA License No. NDA Major Periods: Rom, ByzOther Periods: EB – MedComponents: Ancient road; large fieldstones; three round milestones; water cistern; two troughs.Publication: HA-ESI 113 (2001): 126*-127*.

932Grid Ref. 158400/094900


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Site Name: YattaExcavators: David Amit; Yuval Baruch, Yitzhak Magen ('93)Institution: SOA License No. L-578/1993-0Major Periods: IA2c, Byz, OttOther Periods: Chal, EB1-EB3, IB, MB2b/MB2c, IA2b, Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, EIs, Med (Mam)Components: Village; buildings; architectural elements, wall; remains of a large building; two menorot carved on rocks; Byz public building.Publications: Baruch 2000; ESI 5 (1987): 111-112; ESI 6 (1988): 113; ESI 9 (1991): 165-166; HA-ESI 114 (2002): 95*-96*.

933Grid Ref. 163600/094500Site Name: Kh. Khallat el-MeiyaExcavator: David Amit Institution: SOA License No. NDA Major Periods: IA2b/IA2c, Byz, Med, OttComponents: Structure; Greek inscription.Publication: ESI 9 (1991): 174.

934 Grid Ref. 155300/094400Site Name: Maqam el-KhadrExcavator: Amin BarhoumInstitution: SOALicense No. L-20/1969-0 Major Periods: Byz, ModComponents: Sheikh's tomb, maybe on an ancient structure; large stone basin.Publication: HA 33 (1970): 6.

935 Grid Ref. 153500/094400Site Name: OtnielExcavators: Yuval Baruch ('92); Yuval Peleg, Yaron Feller ('97-'98)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-552/1992-0; L-780/1997-0; L-783/1998-0Major Periods: LB, Hel, Rom1Other Periods: EB, MB, Byz-EIsComponents: Rom1 farmhouse and a burial cave (mainly LB); field towers; water cisterns; various agricultural installations.Publication: Peleg 2004b.

936 Grid Ref. 151000/094000Site Name: Abu el-'AsjahAdditional Name: Kh. Rabud (northwest)Excavator: Jibril SrurInstitution: SOA License No. L-69/1972-0

Major Periods: [EB1, LB1/LB2/LB3]Components: [Many burial caves; sets of oval cupmarks]; NDA on excavation.

937 Grid Ref. 151500/093400 Site Name: Kh. RabudAdditional Name: H. Dvir Excavators: Moshe Kochavi ('68-'69); Jibril Srur ('71); 'Abd el-Aziz Arjub ('73)Institution: TAU; SOA License Nos. L-1/1968-0; L-16/1969-0; L-54/1971-0; L-85/1973-0; L-248/1980-0Major Periods: EB1, MB2a/MB2b/MB2c, LB2a/LB2b, IA2c, Rom1, Byz, Med, OttOther Periods: Chal, (EB2), EB3, IA1, IA2a, IA2b, Per, Hel, Rom2Components: Tell; stronghold 9x9 m; fortification; structural remains; city gate?; dozens of oval/rectangular cupmarks; cisterns; many burial caves (MB?); watchtowers.Remarks: L-248 was also issued to Kh. el-Hamam.Publications: Kochavi 1974 (final report); HA 40 (1972): 24.

938 Grid Ref. 157800/093200Site Name: Kh. el-‘Uzeiz Additional Names: Kh. 'Aziz; Kh. Kafr 'UzeizExcavator: David Amit Institution: SOA License No. NDA Major Periods: Rom1 [Rom2, Byz]Other Periods: [Hel] Components: [Two churches (or possible synagogue); burial caves]; Rom1 burial cave excavated.Publication: ESI 9 (1991): 165-166.

939Grid Ref. 167520/092800Site Name: Kh. el-Karmil Additional Name: Kh. el-Kirmil Excavator: Shahar Batz Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-934/2001-0; L-936/2001-0Components: Tumuli; installations. Publication: Batz 2007: 17-18.

940 Grid Ref. 163350/092200Site Name: Karmil – Ma'on RoadExcavator: Zion Shavit Institution: SOALicense No. L-519/1992-0 Major Periods: Rom Components: Rom burial cave; sarcophagus; lamps.Publications: Baruch 1997b; ESI 13 (1995): 109.


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941 Grid Ref. 162900/092000Site Name: Kh. el-Karmil Additional Name: Kh. el-Kirmil Excavator: William G. DeverInstitution: Albright InstituteLicense No. L-80/1973-0 Major Periods: IB Other Periods: MB2a, MB2b/MB2c, ByzComponents: Large cemetery, at least 400 shaft-tombs.Publication: Dever 1975a.

942Grid Ref. 153200/091500Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-878/1999-0Components: NDA

943Grid Ref. 162800/090800Site Name: Kh. Ma'inAdditional Names: H. Ma'on; Tell Ma'inExcavators: Zvi Ilan, David Amit ('87-'88)Institution: SOA License Nos. L-427/1987-0; L-444/1988-0Major Periods: IA2b, IA2c, ByzOther Periods: EB1, IA2a, Per, Hel, Rom1, Rom2, Med, OttComponents: Byz stronghold, synagogue (fourth-seventh cent. C.E.); lamelekh seal impression; structures; dromos caves; columbarium.Publications: Hirschfeld 1979a (stronghold); Amit and Ilan 1990; Amit 2003; ESI 7-8 (1990): 123-125 (synagogue).

944 Grid Ref. 159800/090500Site Name: Kh. SusyeExcavators: Shmaria Gutman ('70); Shmaria Gutman, Ze'ev Yeivin ('71, '87); Yizhar Hirschfeld ('78); Ze'ev Yeivin, Avraham Negev ('84-'86); Yehuda Govrin ('92); Yuval Baruch ('98-'99, NDA)Institutions: HUJ; SOALicense Nos. L-30/1970-0; L-39/1971-0; L-189/1978-0; L-363/1984-0; L-382/1985-0; L-409/1986-0; L-428/1987-0; L-512/1991-0; L-538/1992-0; L-812/1998-0; L-820/1998-0; L-832/1999-0; NDAMajor Periods: Byz, Med, OttOther Periods: IA2c, Rom1, Rom2Components: Synagogue, reused as mosque; houses; caves; cisterns; ritual baths; decorated building blocks, parts of Syrian pediment; square tower.Remarks: According to SOA license list, L-512 was also issued to Magharat Abu Shinja, L-820 and L-832 were not issued to the SOA, but to a different institute.

Publications: Barag 1972; Gutman et al. 1972; Yeivin 1974b, 1993a; Hirschfeld 1984b; Negev 1985; Baruch 2005, 2006b; HA 36 (1970): 17; HA 38 (1971): 21-22; HA 39 (1971): 23-24; HA 40 (1971): 24-25; ESI 3 (1985): 101-102; ESI 20 (2000): 121*-122*.

945 Grid Ref. 153200/090500Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-877/1999-0Components: NDA

946 Grid Ref. 152800/089700Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-876/1999-0Components: NDA

947 Grid Ref. 156450/089650Site Name: Eshtemoa‘Additional Name: es-Samu'Excavators: Ibrahim Ghasuli ('68); Ze'ev Yeivin ('70)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-1/1968-1; L-32/1970-0; L-164/1977-1Major Periods: IA2b/IA2c, IA2a, Byz, EIs, OttOther Periods: Chal, EB1, IA1, IA2a, Rom1, Rom2, MedComponents: Synagogue, reused as mosque; many architectural elements in secondary use inside modern village; IA2a silver hoard.Publications: Yeivin 1971b, 1990, 2004; Zissu 2002, 2006; Amit 2003; HA 33 (1970): 7-8; HA 34-35 (1970): 12; HA 36 (1970): 16; HA 37 (1971): 24.

948 Grid Ref. 160600/089400Site Name: Rujm el-Hamiri Additional Name: Rujm el-HamraExcavators: Yuval Baruch ('93); Hamed Zaid Musa ('94)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-563/1993-0; L-687/1994-0Major Periods: IA2b/IA2c, Hel, Rom1, ByzOther Periods: Chal, Rom2, MedComponents: Rom casemate fortress 43x29 m: large tower and rooms around a rectangular courtyard; Byz fort or stronghold 11x9 m; glacis; nearby: burial cave with dromos and quarry; walls; water cisterns; small caves; lamps; coins; stone vessels; ostracon with Hebrew inscription.Publications: Barouch 1995, 1997b: 130-132.


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949Grid Ref. 143450/089300 Site Name: Rujm el-QasrAdditional Name: Qasr 'Unab el-KabirExcavators: Yuval Peleg, Ibrahim ShrukhInstitution: SOA License No. L-765/1997-0 Major Periods: MB, IA2, ByzOther Periods: [Med, Ott]Components: [Structure; secondary use as a mosque]; two burial caves.Publication: HA-ESI 112 (2000): 138*-139*.

950 Grid Ref. 143100/089200Site Name: Kh. ‘Unab el-KabirExcavator: Ibrahim Shrukh ('97) Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-778/1997-0; L-784/1998-0 Major Periods: ByzOther Periods: Chal, EB1, IB, MB2a, MB2b/MB2c, LB1, IA2b, IA2c, (Hel), Rom1, Rom2, Med, OttComponents: Byz church 20x20 m: apse, narthex, atrium, basin with a cross; polychrome mosaics; burial caves, many with shaft entrance; cisterns; secondary use as a mosque (Qasr 'Unab el-Kabir).Remarks: Publication for Byz church and mosaics.Publication: Magen et al. 2003.

951 Grid Ref. 151500/088800Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-875/1999-0Components: NDA

952Grid Ref. 141800/088800Site Name: Tene – Eshkolot RoadExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOA License No. L-831/1998-0Components: NDA

953Grid Ref. 142600/088250Site Name: Kh. ‘Useila Additional Name: Rujm Grida Excavators: Yuval Peleg, Ibrahim ShrukhInstitution: SOA License No. L-774/1997-0Components: NDA

954 Grid Ref. 151850/088200Site Name: Shim'a (south)

Excavators: Yuval Peleg, Yaron FellerInstitution: SOA License No. L-800/1998-0Major Periods: Byz, EIs, MamComponents: Field tower; winepress; two cave dwellings; water cistern; threshold; cupmarks.Remarks: Salvage excavation.Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004): 62*-63*.

955 Grid Ref. 150400/088200Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-874/1999-0Components: NDA

956 Grid Ref. 150400/087800Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-873/1999-0 Components: NDA

957Grid Ref. 144562/087079Site Name: Tene-Omarim QuarryExcavator: Shahar BatzInstitution: SOALicense No. L-973/2003-0 Major Periods: IA2bOther Periods: Hel, ByzComponents: IA2 farmhouse: rectangular structure, dwelling cave; tumuli.Publications: Batz 2006a, 2007: 20-21.

958Grid Ref. 144500/087000Site Name: Tene-OmarimExcavator: NDA Institution: SOA License No. L-884/1999-0Components: NDA

959Grid Ref. 143650/086800Site Name: Kh. Umm Deimine Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1003/2004-0Major Periods: [IA2a/IA2b/IA2c, (Rom2), Byz]Other Periods: [Med/Ott]Components: [Rom/Byz 'Villa' (?); architectural elements; colorful mosaic fragments; cistern; winepress; caves; lintel decorated with rosettes; Pseudo-Terra-Sigillata ware]; NDA on excavation.


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960 Grid Ref. 150500/086500Site Name: Shim‘a, Industrial ZoneExcavators: Yuval Peleg, Yaron FellerInstitution: SOA License No. L-789/1998-0Major Periods: IA2, MamComponents: Four field towers; animal pen; two rock-cut winepresses; natural cave (prob. for dwelling).Publication: HA-ESI 116 (2004): 63*-64*.

961Grid Ref. 149600/086500Site Name: Kh. Zanuta Excavator: NDA Institution: SOA License Nos. L-872/1999-0; L-1010/2004-0Major Periods: [IA2b/IA2c, Byz, Med, Ott]Other Periods: [Hel, Rom]Components: [Two well preserved structures; bossed stones; loopholes; vaults; public structure (church or synagogue?); caves]; NDA on excavation.

962 Grid Ref. 140500/086500Site Name: Route 60, SansannaExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1042/2005-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

963Grid Ref. 152200/086200Site Name: Wadi Samu‘aExcavator: Shahar Batz ('00-'03)Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-911/2000-0; L-938/2002-0; L-987/2003-0Major Periods: Rom1Components: Rom fortress with a square tower, courtyard surrounded by rooms, moat, caves, small winepress; ancient road.Remarks: According to SOA's documentation, L-911 excavation was not carried out, according to the publication - it was.Publication: Barouch 1997b: 129.

964Grid Ref. 142500/085900Site Name: Deir el-Ghawi Excavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-330/1983-0 Components: NDA

965Grid Ref. 147700/085800

Site Name: Khallat Umm SiraExcavator: Ayal AronshtamInstitution: SOALicense No. L-871/1999-0Major Periods: IA2b, Rom1, Rom2, ByzComponents: Three enclosures, maybe Rom-Byz camps; stone fence; caves; cistern; doorways; lintels; double wall (as casemate); IA2b farmhouse.Publication: Batz 2006a.

966 Grid Ref. 140750/085650 Site Name: SansannaExcavators: Gunnar Lehman ('91/'92); Yuval Peleg, Yaron Feller ('98); Shahar Batz ('03)Institutions: German Protestant Institute of Archaeology; SOALicense Nos. L-518; L-829/1998-0; L-984/2003-0Major Periods: IA2, IA2/Per, Byz, Med, Mam, ModComponents: Building; two rock-cut winepresses; cisterns; habitation caves; IA2b farmhouses; agricultural installations; threshing-floors; tumuli.Remarks: Part of "Survey in the Horvat Sansanna Area", ESI 14 (1995): 125; Batz' coordinates: 140665/086066.Publications: Batz 2006a, 2007: 22-25; ESI 14 (1994): 125; HA-ESI 116 (2004): 65*.

967Grid Ref. 155500/085500Site Name: Route 60, Mezadot YehudaExcavator: Shahar Batz Institution: SOALicense Nos. L-1037/2005-0; L-1066/2005-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.Publication: Batz 2006b.

968 Grid Ref. 151970/085350Site Name: NoneExcavator: Shahar BatzInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1037/2005-0Major Periods: IA2, Rom, ByzComponents: Ancient road; installations; water cistern; columbarium tower; burial cave; nine cairns.Remarks: Salvage excavation (Separation Barrier).Publication: Batz 2006b.

969 Grid Ref. 159880/085300 Site Name: Mezadot Yehuda B Excavator: Shahar Batz Institution: SOA License No. L-927/2001-0Major Periods: IB?, IA2, Per, Rom1, Byz


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Components: Two cairns; two field towers; dwelling cave; Rom farmstead; cistern; stone 'measuring cups'.Remarks: Salvage excavations - site discovered during preparations for construction.Publications: Batz 2006a, 2007: 18-20; HA-ESI 115 (2003): 61*-63*.

970Grid Ref. 160500/085000Site Name: Mezadot Yehuda AExcavator: Shahar Batz Institution: SOA License No. L-912/2000-0 Components: Three cairns; building remains.Remarks: Salvage excavations. According to SOA license list, coordinates are 1607/0856.Publications: Batz 2006a, 2007: 18-20; HA-ESI 115 (2003): 61*.

Excavated Sites, Unknown Location

1 Site Name: Cave in Qumran Excavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJ License No. L-680/1994-0 Components: NDA

2 Site Name: Kh. ed-Duweir? Duwwar? Excavator: Ibrahim ShrukhInstitution: SOALicense No. L-742/1996-0 Components: NDARemarks: There are four surveyed sites called ed-Duweir (and another ed-Duwwar), it is not possible to determine which one was excavated.

3 Site Name: Ofarim Excavator: Shimon Riklin Institution: SOALicense No. L-488/1991-0Components: NDA

4 Site Name: Upper Wadi Mukalik, CaveExcavator: Hanan EshelInstitution: SOALicense No. L-468/1990-0Components: NDA

5 Site Name: Hyrcania Valley – Tumulus

Excavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJLicense No. L-351/1984-0 Components: Cairn.

6Site Name: Qidron, CavesExcavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJLicense No. L-354/1984-0Components: NDA

7Site Name: Wadi Makkuk – Cave 1Excavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJLicense No. L-426/1987-0Components: NDA

8 Site Name: Wadi MakkukExcavator: Joseph PatrichInstitution: HUJLicense No. L-435/1987-0Components: NDA

9 Site Name: NoneExcavator: ‘Azmi HalilInstitution: SOALicense No. L-2/1968-1Components: NDA

10 Site Name: Shechem - Kurum 'AsurExcavator: Ibrahim al-FaniInstitution: SOALicense No. L-211/1979-0Components: NDA

11Site Name: Sebastiya, Mas'udaExcavator: Ibrahim al-FaniInstitution: SOALicense No. L-8/1968-0Components: NDA

12Site Name: Sikh Rammun Excavator: Amin BarhoumInstitution: SOALicense No. L-9/1968-1Components: NDA

13 Site Name: Kh. Samra (300 m north)Excavator: Amos Frumkin, Tsvika Tsuk


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Institution: NDALicense No. L-282/1981-0Components: NDA

15 Site Name: Kh. Mit'ayash Additional Names: El-Majid; Shumeiriya el-Majid (Separation Barrier)Excavator: Shahar BatzInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1015/2004-0Components: NDARemarks: Located in the area of 1455/0988.Publication: Batz 2006a.

16Site Name: Es-Sikka – Giv'at ShofaritExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1013/2004-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier; prob. close to Giv'at Shofarit at 14480/10525.

17Site Name: El-‘Aqbeh – ReihanExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-960/2002-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

18Site Name: Alfei Menashe (south)Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-966/2003-0 Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

19Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-709/1995-0Components: NDARemarks: Location provided by the SOA is wrong: 1250/1602.

20 Site Name: Kh. DasraExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-998/2004-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

21Site Name: Ni‘lin – El-MidyaExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-993/2004-0 Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

22Site Name: Salem – Rummaneh (west)Excavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-957/2002-0 Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

23Site Name: Sal'it – FalamiyaExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-962/2002-0 Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier; near Qarne Shomron?

24Site Name: Rantis – BadrasExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-988/2003-0 Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

25Site Name: Rantis – Nahal ShilohExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1018/2004-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier; maybe this site is located at 1510/1570.

26Site Name: Upper Wadi MakkukExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-459Components: NDA

27Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-923/2001-0 Components: NDA

28Site Name: None


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Excavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-940/2002-0 Components: NDA

29Site Name: NoneExcavator: NDAInstitution: NDALicense No. L-968/2003-0 Components: NDA

30Site Name: Mahane Giv'onExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1120/2007-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

31Site Name: Bir NabalaExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1122/2007-0

Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

32Site Name: Mughar el-‘AtiyExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1127/2007-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

33Site Name: JariyutExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1128/2007-0Components: NDARemarks: Separation Barrier.

34Site Name: Kh. el-‘AwjaExcavator: NDAInstitution: SOALicense No. L-1130/2007-0Components: NDA


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Map 1. West Bank, northern sector.


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Map 1 (cont.).

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Map 2. West Bank, central sector (for detailed map of Jerusalem area, see overleaf).

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Map 2 (cont.).

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Map 2, detail. Greater Jerusalem.


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Map 2, detail. The Historic Basin of Jerusalem.


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Map 3. West bank, southern sector.


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Map 3 (cont.).


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Abbreviations AASOR Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research.‘Atiqot ‘Atiqot – Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities, English Series (until 1990; thereafter, bilingual).‘Atiqot (HS) ‘Atiqot – Journal of the Israel Department of Antiquities, Hebrew Series.BA Biblical Archaeologist.BAIAS Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society.BAR Biblical Archaeology Review.BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.CDSAJ City of David Studies of Ancient Jerusalem.CNJD 2 L. Wexler (ed.), Surveys and Excavations of Caves in the Northern Judean Desert (CNJD) – 1993, Part 2 (‘Atiqot 41).

Jerusalem 2002.DSD Dead Sea Discoveries.EI Eretz-Israel.ESI Excavations and Surveys in Israel.FDLI The Frontier and the Desert in the Land of Israel (Hebrew). HA Hadashot Arkheologiyot (Hebrew).HA-ESI Hadashot Arkheologiyot; Excavations and Surveys in Israel (online edition: Israel Exploration Journal. JSRS Judea and Samaria Research Studies.LA Liber Annuus.MH Mitekufat Haeven: Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society.NEAEHL E. Stern and A. Lewinson-Gilboa (eds.), New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. Jerusalem 1993.NEAEHL E. Stern, H. Geva and A. Paris (eds.), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations (Sup) in the Holy Land: Supplementary Volume. Jerusalem 2008.NSJ New Studies on Jerusalem.NSAJR New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and Its Region.PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly.RB Revue Biblique.ZDPV Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins.

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Site Name Map/Site No.

“Abba” Burial Cave, The 2/485Abu el-‘Asjah 3/936Abu ed-Dinein, Kh. 2/250Abu Khurs, Tell 2/333Abu Lahm, Kh. 2/379Abu Musarrah, Kh. 2/393Abu Shawan, Kh. 3/777Abu Suwwana, Kh. 2/687Abu Tor 2/688Abu et-Tuwein, Kh. 3/830Abu ‘Ubeida, Kh. 1/86Adam (east) 2/355‘Adas, Kh. el- 2/359‘Adasa, Kh. 2/395‘Ai 2/252‘Ajja 1/35Akeldama 2/680, 682‘Alawina, Kh. 2/459‘Ali, Kh. 2/189‘Aliya, Kh. el- 3/819‘Almit, Kh. 2/408‘Ammuriyye, Kh. 2/167Alon Shevut 3/832Amnon's Cave 3/828‘Amr Ibn al-‘As St., Ministry of Justice 2/548‘Anatoth 2/456Anchorite Cell 2/269 Ancient Road in Samaria 2/226‘Anza 1/36‘Aqabat al-Jaber 2/658‘Aqraba 2/131‘Aqrabaniya, Kh. el- 1/72Aqueduct 2/610‘Arab el-Sawahra 2/732‘Araq ed-Deir 2/520Ariel 2/145Aristoboliya 1/33Armenian Garden, The 2/635Armenian Quarter 2/633Armon Ha-Naziv 2/716, 745‘Askar 1/81‘Askar, Kh. 1/87‘Atan, el- 3/818‘Atarot 2/332‘Atarot Airport (east) 2/341Augusta Victoria 2/543Austrian Hospice 2/570Avi'or Cave 2/327

Site Name Map/Site No.

‘Awja et-Tahta, Kh. el- 2/233‘Azzun - ‘Atma 2/134

Ba'al Hazor (Kokhav Ha-Shakhar bypass) 2/223Babariyye, Kh. el- 1/60Badd ‘Isa, Kh. 2/247Balata – Ancient Shechem 1/93Balata, Burial Caves 1/89Bani Dar, Kh. 3/917Bardala 1/29Bat ‘Ayin 3/838Bedhat esh-Sha‘ab 1/119Bal‘ame, Kh. 1/21Beit ‘Anun, Kh. 3/882Beit ‘Awwa, Kh. 3/909, 910Beit Bassa, Kh. 3/814Beit ‘Elem – Duwweir 3/874Beit Hanina – Quarry 2/386Beit Iba 1/77Beit Safafa 2/742Beit Safafa (west) 2/743Beit Sahur 3/807Beit Sahur - Shedma Camp 3/816Beit Sawir, Kh. 3/840Beit Sila, Kh. 2/315Beit Sira 2/280Beit Ummar 3/862Beit ‘Ur et-Tahta 2/276Beit Zakariya, Kh. 3/827Beituniya 2/304Bet Arye 2/190Bet Arye – Ofarim 2/197Bet Qiq, H. 2/454Betar Forest 3/799Betar ‘Illit (west) 3/811Bethel 2/249Bethlehem 3/805Bethlehem, Aqueduct 3/793Bethphage (south) 2/662Beyadat, Kh. el- /229Bir ed-Dawali, Kh. 2/297Bir el-‘Iraq, Kh. 2/300Bir ez-Zara‘a 2/686Bir Zeit, Kh. 2/225Bira, el- 2/258Birkeh, el- 1/26Bism, Kh. 3/926Bruchin 2/156



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Site Name Map/Site No.

Bull Site 1/28Burak, Kh. el- 2/143Bureikut, Kh. 3/850Burj, Kh. el- [A] 2/246Burj, Kh. el- [B] 2/410, 411, 419Burnt House 2/615Burqa 1/49Bustane Hefez Industrial Zone 1/61

Caiaphas Tomb 2/703Cave [unnamed] 2/279, 322, 739; 3/813Cave/Niche No. 1 2/293Cave 1 and Cave 2 2/707Cave 24 in Qumran 2/705Cave A-1 3/884Cave Complex, A 2/220Cave and Passage B-6 2/715Cave B-11 2/726Cave B-14 2/728Cave B-15 2/730Cave B-17 2/731Cave B-35a 2/734Cave B-49 2/758Cave B-52 2/759Cave B-53 2/763Cave B-56 2/768Cave B-61 2/751Cave C-5 3/817Cave C-7 3/788Cave in Jebel Quruntul 2/242, 287Cave in Kafr Qalil 1/102Cave IV/1 2/282Cave No. 13 2/303Cave No. 2 2/305Cave No. 20 2/306, 319Cave No. 38 2/302Cave No. 8 2/314Cave No. II/16 2/263Cave No. II/3 2/275Cave No. III/8 2/268Cave No. IX/14 2/353Cave No. V/49 2/298Cave No. XI/14 2/727Cave of John 2/708Cave of the Balsam Oil Juglet 2/696Cave of the Button 2/674Cave of the Chimneys 2/325Cave of the Church 2/277Cave of the Coin, The 3/836Cave of the Cords 2/691Cave of the Crescent 2/286Cave of the Drachmas 2/285Cave of the Goats 2/677Cave of the Lamp 2/284, 290Cave of the Leather 2/685

Site Name Map/Site No.

Cave of the Long Tail Bats 2/270Cave of the Niche 2/310Cave of the Pillar [A] 2/292Cave of the Pillar [B] 2/701Cave of the Pruta 2/329Cave of the Rock 2/683Cave of the Sack 2/324Cave of the Steps 2/295Cave of the Terrace 2/294Cave of the Twins 2/709Cave of the Warrior 2/267Cave Q-3 2/750Cave Q-4 2/755Cave Q-5 2/749Cave Q-9 2/754Cave with the Masonry Wall 2/291Cave Y-10 2/337Cave Y-11 2/338Caves A and B 2/700Caves of the Spear, The 3/897Cavity 2/321Center of Jericho 2/349Center of Nablus, block 24013, plot 51 1/91Christ Church 2/621Christian Quarter 2/583Christian Quarter Road 2/596Church of Dominus Flevit 2/589Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu 2/660, 665Church of the Ascension 2/582Church of the Redeemer 2/595Citadel, The 2/609, 626City of David 2/623, 663, 673City of David – ‘Abbasi House 2/644City of David – Ancient Drain 2/645City of David – Area G 2/640City of David – ‘Asor House 2/667City of David – Gihon Spring 2/643City of David – Giv‘ati Car Park 2/636City of David – House of Qar'in Family 2/656City of David – Near Meyuhas House 2/661City of David – Siloam Pool 2/669City of David (south) 2/672City of David Visitors' Center 2/638Complex of Subterranean Cavities No. III/11 2/266Cross-Samaria Highway (east) 2/158Crusader Market 2/594Crusader Market, Muristan Square 2/598

Damascus Gate 2/565, 571Dar ‘Asi, Kh. 2/350Dar ed-Darb 2/133Dar Jerir 2/227


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Site Name Map/Site No.

Dasrah, Kh. 2/211Dawwara, Kh. ed- 2/339Deir, Kh. ed- 3/900Deir Abu Da'if 1/20Deir Abu Tur 2/695Deir el-‘Arabi, Kh. 2/202Deir Daqle, Kh. 2/178Deir Dibwan 2/256Deir el-Ghawi 3/964Deir Ghazali 2/430Deir Hajla 2/426Deir el- Hatab 1/88Deir Qal‘a 2/169Deir Sam'an, Kh. 2/164Deir Sanna 2/704Deir Sha‘ar 3/848Deir es-Sidd, Kh. 2/455Deir Tantur 3/779Deir Tantur (Lower Aqueduct) 3/790Dhahr Mirzbaneh 2/209Dhra‘, Kh. edh- 1/97Diab, Kh. ed- 2/366Duhdah, Kh. ed- 3/885Duma 2/172Dung Gate 2/624, 629Duqis, Kh. 3/875Dura 3/912Duwwar, Kh. ed- 2/192Duwweir, Kh. 3/878

E.P. -167 2/160E.P. 914 2/245East Talpiyot 2/710, 717, 721, 724, 725, 729, 733, 735, 737-8, 740-1East Talpiyot, Aqueduct 2/714Efrat – Giv‘at Ha-Tamar 3/821Efrata 3/842‘Ein el-‘Arub 3/860‘Ein D‘arat 3/890‘Ein Dav, Kh. 3/855‘Ein Feshkha 3/795‘Ein el-Ghuweir 3/857‘Ein Hogla 2/401‘Ein el-Lauza 2/689, 690‘Ein Qibliya 1/67‘Ein er-Rashash 2/191‘Ein es-Salah 3/815‘Ein Samiya 2/217‘Ein Siniya 2/222‘Ein es-Sukhun 2/157‘Eizariya, el- 2/664, 668El‘azar 3/834El‘azar, Near 3/837Elkana 2/138

Site Name Map/Site No.

Emmaus 2/373‘En Rogel - Abu Tur 2/693-4‘En Ya‘el 2/747‘Enav (east) 1/56‘Eqed 2/375Eshtemoa‘ 3/947

Farm 61 1/5Fasa‘el - Roman Camp 2/176Fasa‘el 1 2/180Fasa‘el Area 2/181Fasayil, Kh. 2/184, 195Faza‘el (east) 2/186Firasin, Kh. 1/24Fort 168 2/144Four Caves 2/711French Hill 2/466, 469, 470-2, 474-81, 483-4, 495 Ful, Tell el- 2/406, 413-4, 416-8, 422-5

Gan Shulamit 2/511-12Garden Tomb, The 2/560Gath Shmanim 2/555Ge Ben Hinnom 2/678-9, 684Gharabneh, Kh. 2/155Ghars, el- 1/120Ghirur, Kh. el- 1/94Ghureitis, Kh. 2/234Gibeah of Benjamin 2/362Gibeon 2/364Gilgal 2/216Gillo 2/764, 769, 772, 782, 785Gitit, Quarry 2/141Giv‘at Ha-Mivtar 2/487-93, 496-7, 499-503Giv‘at Harsina 3/893Giv‘at Ha-Tahmoshet 2/506Giv‘at Homa 3/771, 780, 784Giv‘at Shapira 2/457Giv‘at Shappira 2/467, 486Giv‘at Shappira – Bar Kochva St. 2/498Giv‘at Ze'ev 2/345, 348Golden Gate – Ophel Road 2/579Good Samaritan, The 2/407Good Samaritan (north), The 2/436Good Samaritan, Fortress, The 2/435

Hablata, Kh. 2/205Hadab, Kh. el- 3/928Hagay St. 2/603Haiyan, Kh. 2/259Halamish 2/206Halas, Kh. 1/113Halhul 3/876


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Site Name Map/Site No.

Hamad, Kh. 2/153Hamam, Kh. el- 1/27Hammam es-Sultan 2/572Hamme, Tell el- 1/31Handoma, Kh. 2/522Hanniya, el- 2/753Har Adar 2/389Har Berakha 1/104Har Gillo (west) 3/783Har Hebron, Ancient Road 3/931Har Hemed 1/79Hara el-Fauqa, Kh. el- 2/320Harabat ‘Audeh, Kh. 2/505Harasim Cave 3/899Hasmonean Cave, The 2/283Hatslav, Kh. 2/170Hatta, Kh. 3/861Hawanit, Kh. 2/397, 399, 400, 404Hebron – ‘Ein Gedi Road 3/868Hebron – The City 3/903Heilel, H. 3/839Heiya, Kh. 1/114Hemdat 1/66Hermesh (north) 1/23Hermits' Cells in Wadi Murrar 2/528Herodium 3/831Herodium, Lower 3/833Herod's Gate 2/561-2Hiba, Kh. 2/356High Commissioner's Reseidence 3/718Hinnanit 1/13Hizma 2/376Holy Sepulchre 2/586Hubeila, Kh. el- 3/835Hulu, Kh. Tell el- 1/43Huriya, Kh. 2/257Hurvah Synagogue 2/620Hyrcania 3/792

Ibziq, Kh. 1/32Immanu'el 1/116-7Imwas 2/369Irtah, Kh. 1/52‘Isawiya 2/465Itamar (east) 2/125

Jaba‘ 1/44Jaffa Gate 2/604Jaffa Gate (south) 2/627-8Jaffa St. 2/599Jamjum, Kh. 3/829Jamma‘in, Kh. 1/115Jarish, Kh. 3/800Jayyus - Qalqilya 1/100Jebel Butros 3/798

Site Name Map/Site No.

Jebel edh-Dhib 2/163Jebel Mukabbir 2/713Jebel Nimra 3/901Jebel el-Qa‘aqir 3/908Jenin, Tell 1/19Jericho Bypass Road 2/403Jericho, Cemetery 2/343Jericho, Jordan District 2/340Jerusalem – Bethlehem Road 3/791Jerusalem (north) 2/346Jewish Quarter 2/608, 614, 625Jewish Quarter House 2/612Jewish Quarter, Private House 2/601, 617Jib‘it, Kh. 2/194Jifna 2/228Judeida, Kh. 2/335Judur, Kh. 3/854Jufeir, Kh. el- 2/342Jurn, Tell el- 2/317

Kabar, Kh. 3/809Kafr ‘Aqab 2/313Kafr Murr, Kh. 2/240Kafr Qallil 1/103Kafrur, Kh. 1/101Ka‘kul, Kh. 2/442, 445, 447Karm el-‘Ajaz - Maghar et-Tabqa 3/810Karm esh Sheikh – Rockefeller Museum 2/557Karme Zur 3/865 Karmil, Kh. el- 3/939, 941Karmil – Ma‘on Road 3/940Kaspah 2/150Kathisma Church, The 2/767Kefr Laqif Area, The 1/108Kefr Sur Area, The 2/73Khadr (Road 60), el- 3/806Khallat ed-Dinnabiya 2/274Khallat el-Meiya, Kh. 3/933Khallat Umm Sira 3/965Khamase, Kh. 3/803Khamis, Kh. el- 3/786, 789Kharuf, Kh. 3/866Kheibar, Kh. 1/37Khiam Terrace 3/856Khirbe, el- [A] 1/65Khirbe, el- [B] 2/692Khudriya, Kh. el- 2/254Khureise, Kh. 3/930Khureitun, Kh. 3/846Kidron Site (south) 3/822Kifl Harith 2/139Kikkar Piqqud Ha-Merkaz 2/538Kilya, Kh. el- 2/244Klia 2/175Knights' Palace Hotel 2/593


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Site Name Map/Site No.

Kufin, Kh. 3/858Kureikur, Kh. 2/251Kurqush, Kh. 2/151Kurum, Ramot, Kh. el- 2/415Kuz A, Kh. el- 1/78Kypros 2/365

Latatin, Kh. el- 2/334Latin Patriarchate 2/578Latrun 2/385Lauza, Kh. el- 2/439"Le'nahem Avdi" Cave 3/924Lions' Gate 2/568Lower Aqueduct 2/613, 698, 723, 765-6,

Ma‘ale Adummim 2/676Ma‘ale Adummim 03, Dwelling Cave 2/675Ma‘ale Adummim, Site 06 2/681Ma'ale Efrayim 2/162Ma'ale Mikhmash 2/307Ma‘ale Ha-Shalom 2/646-7Ma‘alot Daphna 2/510Ma‘alot Daphna (east) 2/518Ma‘asia Cave, el- 3/825Ma‘asia: East Fort, el- 3/824Ma‘asia: West Fort, el- 3/823Madhkur, Kh. 3/843Madraj, el- 1/51Magharat Abu Shinja 2/212Magharat Deir Mukalik 2/607Magharat Khureitun 3/849Mahalhala, Kh. 2/165Mahane Horon 1/107Mahma, Kh. el- 2/309Ma‘in, Kh. 3/943Makhna et-Tahta, Kh. 1/111Makhruq, el- 2/132Makkuk Cave 2/272Mamre 3/888Maqam el-Khadr 3/934Maqatir, Kh. el- 2/253Maqta'at Karkis (east) 2/377Mar Elias 3/770Marjame, Kh. 2/213Masani, Kh. el- 2/453Maskiyot 1/47Mattityahu (north) 2/239Mattityahu (northeast) 2/235Mazar, Tell el- 2/127Mazari, Kh. el- 2/232Me‘arat Sel'a 3/927Mefjer, Cave No. 1, el- 2/323Megharat el-Jai 2/363Meiyita, Kh. 2/301

Site Name Map/Site No.

Mevo Shiloh 2/198Mezadot Yehuda A 3/970Mezadot Yehuda B 3/969Midya, el- 2/241Migdal Oz 3/851Migron 2/296Mikhmas 2/311Minya, Kh. el- 3/859Mishor Adummim 2/566Misiliya 1/30Mizpe Qedem 3/907Mizpe Shalem 3/872Mizpeh Jericho 2/402Mizpeh Shalem, Essene Cemetery (north) 3/863Monastery of the Cave 3/781Monastery of Theodorus and Cyriacus 2/540Morasha - New Gate 2/576Moriah Observatory 2/618Mt. Ebal 1/74Mt. Gerizim 1/99Mt. of Olives 2/552, 564, 574, 577, 581, 585, 639, 653, 666Mt. of Olives Church 2/588Mt. Scopus 2/514-6, 521, 523-5, 527, 529-30, 532-5, 539, 541-2, 544-7Mt. Scopus (east) 2/507, 509, 531, 559Mt. Zion 2/650, 652, 655, 671Mugheifir, Tell 2/370Mughrabi Gate 2/606Mughrabi Ramp 2/605Mukabbar, el- 2/744Muneizil, Kh. 3/919Muntar esh-Shaqq 1/39Muntar Mufye 1/69Muqaddam, Kh. 3/914Muqeisime, Kh. 1/70Muraba‘at, Cave 3/870Muraq, Kh. el- 3/905Murassas, Kh. el- 2/580Murran, Kh. el- 2/441

Na‘aran 2/273Nabi Musa, en- 2/722Nabi Samwil, en- 2/382Nabi Yaqin , en- 3/916Nablus 1/85Nablus Road (west) 2/563Nablus, Amphitheater 1/84Nablus, Hippodrome 1/83


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (182)


Site Name Map/Site No.

Nahal ‘Atarot 2/390Nahal Azal 2/702Nahal Ha-Egoz 2/526Nahal Mikhmas 2/351Nahal Og 2/473Nahal Qanah Cave 2/129Nahal Qidron 2/556, 631, 712, 719Nahal Ramot 2/443, 449Nahal Sekhakha 3/787Nahal Zimri 2/412Nahli'el 3/869Najjar, Kh. en- 2/137Najjar (Beit Jala), Kh. en- 3/796Najmat el-Hadali, Kh. 2/261Nasara, Kh. en- 3/891Nea Church 2/642Neapolis, Theater 1/90Netiv ha-Gedud 2/218Neve Ya‘aqov 2/368Neve Ya‘aqov (east) 2/371Neve Ya‘aqov (west) 2/374Niche No. III/10 2/265Niche No. III/9 2/264Nijm, Kh. 2/398Nisieh, Kh. 2/271Nizzanit Cave 2/278Nof Zion 2/720Nofim 2/123Noqdim 3/844Nuseiba Neighborhood 2/381, 391Nusib ‘Uweishira 2/354

‘Ofarim 2/201, 203Ohel Yizhaq 2/597Oil Press 1/50Old City, The 2/622Old City Wall 2/649Ophel 2/619Otniel 3/935

Pedu'el (east) 2/166Pene Hever 3/913Pisgat Ze'ev 2/380, 383, 396

Qa‘adeh, el- 1/46Qaffin [A] 1/22Qaffin [B] 2/254Qal'at Musa 2/387Qarawat Bani Hasan 2/130Qarawat Bani Zeid 2/177Qarn Sartaba 2/147Qarne Shomron 1/112Qasr, el- 2/243Qasr, Kh. el- 3/918Qasr Abu Jelaia 2/136

Site Name Map/Site No.

Qasr 'Ali 2/464Qasr Haramiyyeh 1/110Qasr Khalife 3/879Qasr el-Lejjah 1/12Qasr el-Yahud 3/820Qasr Zuweina 2/149Qasra 3/923Qedumim 1/76, 92Qeila, Kh. 3/864Qiryat Arba‘ 3/895Qiryat Arba‘ – Area 26 3/889Qiryat Arba‘ – Savyonei Mamre 3/894Qiryat Arba‘ (north) 3/886Qiryat Arba‘ (south) 3/902Qiryat Arba‘ (west) 3/892Qom, Kh. el- 3/898Qubur Bani Israil 2/378Qumran, Kh. 2/748Qumran Plateau 2/736Qumran, Caves 2/756Qusatin, Kh. 3/896

Rabud, Kh. 3/937Raddana, Kh. 2/255Rafidiyye 1/82Raghabini, Kh. 2/706Ram, er- 2/352, 358Ramallah Road 2/428Ramallah, Ma‘ale Levona 2/174Ramat Polin 2/420, 431, 433Ramat Shlomo 2/460Ramot A 2/448Ramot Allon 2/440Ramot Eshkol 2/501, 508Ramot Forest 2/458, 463, 468Ramot Polin 2/437Ras, er- 2/451Ras, Tell er- 1/121Ras Area, The er- 1/68Ras Abu Ma‘aruf, Kh. 2/427, 429Ras Abu Rish 3/883Ras Abu Subeitan 2/567Ras ‘Amar 2/421Ras el-‘Amud 2/659Ras el-‘Amud 2/670Ras el-‘Eizariya 2/630Ras Jirjis 3/881Ras el-Jora 3/911Ras el-Kharruba 2/462Ras el-Lubbeid 1/57Ras Makabb es-Samn 2/450Ras et-Tawil 2/384Ras et-Tawil, Kh. [A] 2/392Ras et-Tawil, Kh. [B] 3/880Ras et-Tawil (east), Kh. 2/388Rashidiya School, er- 2/558


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (183)


Site Name Map/Site No.

Rehan – Towers 1/18Rehan Farm 1/17Remahim and HaShahar Sts., Ha- 2/654Rock Shelter B-53 2/760Rock Shelter IV/2 2/281Rotem 1/40Route 60, Mezadot Yehuda 3/967Route 60, Sansanna 3/962Rujeib 1/105Rujm Abu Khashaba 2/331Rujm Abu Muheir 2/171Rujm el-Bahar 2/651Rujm ed-Deir 3/929Rujm el-Hamiri 3/948Rujm el-Qasr [A] 3/877Rujm el-Qasr [B] 3/949Rujm el-Sia' 2/146Rujm esh-Shajra 3/845Rumeida, er- 3/904Rushaniye, Kh. 2/210

Sabastiya 1/59Sabur, Kh. 3/812Salah ed Din St. – Anglican School 2/551Salah ed Din St., Ministry of Justice 2/550Salibiya I 2/208Salim (Shechem) 1/95Samara, Kh. 1/58Samara, Kh. es- 3/797Samarat, Tell es- 2/336Samiyye, Kh. 2/215Samra, Kh. 3/925Sansanna 3/966Sawiya, Kh. es- 2/152Scroll Cave (B35b) 3/801Sejerah Area, The Hirbet 2/154Shabtin, Kh. 2/224Shajara, Kh. esh- (Separation Barrier) 2/148Shalshelet St., Ha- 2/600Shaqed 1/16Shaqed – Shahaq Industrial Zone 1/14Shaqed (west) 1/15Sheikh Dhiab, Tell esh- 2/185Sheikh ‘Ubeid, Esh- 2/372Sheluhat Refa'im 3/774Shepherds' Field 3/802Sheqef-Negohot Road 3/915Shi‘b Siyaj 2/347Shihada, Kh. 2/126Shilha, H. 2/344Shiloh, Tell 2/173Shiloh Industrial Zone 2/188Shiloh, Jami‘ es-Sittin 2/179Shim'a (south) 3/954Shim‘a, Industrial Zone 3/960

Site Name Map/Site No.

Shu‘fat 2/444Shu‘fat Ridge 2/446, 452Shuqba Cave, The 2/219Shuqfan el-‘Azvat 2/238Shuqfan es-Sus 3/826Shuweikat er-Ras, Kh. 1/41Sib Road, Kh. 1/42Sickle Cave, The 2/260Si‘ir 3/873Silwan 2/637Simieh, Kh. es- 3/906Sir 1/34Sirisye, Kh. 2/142Spies' Cave 2/326Spot Height 289 m 2/236Spring Cave, The 2/289Springs Area: Qumran and Feshkha, The 3/776St. Euthymius Monastery 2/519St. George St. 2/537St. George St., Old City Wall 2/587St. Maria Alemannorum 2/616St. Thomae Alemannorum 2/634Street of the Greek Monastery 2/592Sufan, Tell 1/80Sultan, Tell es- 2/328Suq al-Kattanin 2/591Sur, Kh. 3/841Sur Bahir – Railway Road 2/752Susye, Kh. 3/944Suwede, Kh. es- 1/53Suweika, Kh. 2/299Suwwanet eth-Thaniya 2/308

Ta‘anakh, Tell 1/3Tabalieh, et- 2/762Tabaliya (northwest), Kh. 2/757Tahunat el-Hawa 2/316Taiybeh, Kh. et- 1/4Taiyiba, et- 2/231Taiyiba, Kh. et- 3/887Talluze 1/62Tananir 1/96Tappuah 2/140Tawas, Kh. 3/920Teku‘a, Kh. 3/853Teliliya, H. 2/438Teliliya (southeast), H. 2/461Tene-Eshkolot Road 3/952Tene-Omarim 3/958Tene-Omarim Quarry 3/957Terrace of the Cave of the Sandal 2/330Third Wall, The 2/553-4Third Wall, Ministry of Justice 2/549


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (184)


Site Name Map/Site No.

Tibne, Kh. 2/204Ti‘innik 1/3Tina, Kh. et- 3/867Tinat, Kh. et- 2/361Tira, Kh. et- 1/118Tomb of the Kings 2/536Tomb of the Virgin Mary 2/573Tomer 2/200Trig. Point S-330 2/196Tubas 1/45Tulkarm 1/48Tulul Abu el-‘Alaiq 2/357Tunnel Road (south) 3/804Tur, et- 2/641, 697Two Caves 2/318

Umm el-‘Asafir, Kh. 3/794Umm Deimine, Kh. 3/959Umm Leisun, Kh. 2/761Umm er-Rehan, Kh. 1/8Umm Salamune 3/847Umm et-Tala‘, Kh. 3/852Umm Tuba 3/778Umm Tuba, Kh. 3/773Umm Zaqum 2/237‘Unab el-Kabir, Kh. 3/950‘Urqan er-Rub IIa 2/161‘Useila, Kh. 3/953‘Uzeiz, Kh. el- 3/938

Vered Jericho 2/432

Wadi Abu Kharrub 2/517Wadi el-‘Aris 1/75Wadi Fasayil 2/182-3, 187, 193, 199Wadi f*ckin 3/808Wadi Haramiyye 1/122Wadi el-Hilwa St. 2/657Wadi Jariyut 2/288Wadi el-Khafi 2/394Wadi el-Khalaf 2/434Wadi el-Mujali 2/405Wadi Muraba'at 3/871Wadi Murrar, ‘Ein Abu Mahmud Caves 2/513Wadi el-Nimr 1/55Wadi Salim 2/494Wadi Samu‘a 3/963Wadi es-Sumeily 1/38, 54Wady Dar el-Jerir 2/248Water Line -‘Ein Samiya 2/214

Site Name Map/Site No.

Western and Southern Wall of Temple Mt. 2/611, 632Western Samaria 2/135Western Wall Plaza 2/602Western Wall Tunnel 2/575, 590

Ya‘ar Ha-Shalom 2/699Yabrud 2/221Yafit (north) 2/159Yafit 3 2/168Yahudiya, Kh. el- 3/775Yalu 2/367Yaqir 2/126Yaqir (south) 2/128Yarka, el- 2/207Yatta 3/932Yitav 2/230

Zahal Plaza 2/584Zameret Ha-Bira 2/482Zanuta, Kh. 3/961Zaqzuq Farm 1/11Zaraniq, Kh. ez- 2/746Zawata 1/71Zedekiah's Cave 2/569Zeit, Kh. ez- 2/312Zif, Tell 3/921Zimri, H. 2/409Zion Gate 2/648Zofar, Tell 1/106Zubube (west) 1/2Zufin 1/98

- 1/6- 1/7- 1/9- 1/10- 1/63- 1/64- 1/109- 2/262- 2/360- 2/504- 3/922- 3/942- 3/945- 3/946- 3/951- 3/955- 3/956- 3/968


IN THE WEST BANK 1967–2007Introduction 3 Israeli Archaeology in the West Bank 3 Note on Palestinian Archaeology in the West Bank 7 Israeli Archaeology in East Jerusalem 8 Conclusion - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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